How I made the Smooth Circle or smooth cylinder in Tinkercad

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could I run JT here a little while ago I was chatting on Twitter about the smoothness or lack of smoothness within Tinkercad primitives by that I mean cylinders spheres that sort of stuff the problem is that when you draw a cylinder expand it out values 90 by 90 you can see some obvious flat spots now being a primitive object within the environment we have some controls we can increase the number of sides decrease the number of sides let me wake it right up for now although it looks smooth the closer you get the more obvious is it is that it isn't smooth this will export on your STL this will print on your printer this is no good alright so what to do well let me hide that object how to think about it and I thought well if the limitation is within Tinkercad then obviously if I import a file that I've made super smooth everything's going to work nicely here's my hundred millimeter circle that I created in Illustrator exported as SVG it's just a keyline circle when our import here now I get a completely smooth circle oh I can already see that it isn't okay well that was my brilliant idea gone delete let's bring back the original okay so let's assume for a moment that this was 60 degrees 60 sides now 60 is a nice round number when it comes to circles because six of those fit evenly into 360 degrees so what if I could reduce the overall flatness number of sides by OOP locating and rotating this object duplicate change color so I can see obviously what I'm about to do now from here if I rotate it at 6 degrees it's it's exactly where it was if I rotate it at perhaps 3 degrees that's hard the amount of flat spots on flatness duplicated the number of flat spots on the object so now we know zoom in the flat spots are now half as wide as they once were if I were to delete the red object you can see that the orange ones this wide if I undo now the orange ones are half as wide ok well that's pretty cool so all right what if we select all duplicate once more but this time instead of 3 degrees we go 1.5 which in theory is splitting the distance again and then select all duplicate 0.75 and then select all to block 8 point 3 7 5 now it goes to 0.38 but that's close enough for what we're talking about I've just introduced a whole bunch of flats but they're much much narrower select all color them the same zoom in see those lines that is now how fine I've been able to make my circle okay well that's pretty clever so I could send that out to people and you know do whatever and they'd accidentally do this and they'd accidentally do that and that or that ungroup it or whatever okay so what I really want is a single object that is this shape and size Tinkercad is a really cool feature if you have a model and you want to make it into a single object you select all the parts I haven't grouped just to show you okay haven't grouped select all the parts create a part here my demo circle I now have an object that Tinkercad thinks he's a single object so let me color this one differently so that we know which ones which so that red one is the original parts the orange one is a single part ungroup herbal very smooth lots of lines lots and lots of lines then I shared this guy and that is literally how I did it so overall I'm very happy with the results that I've achieved using this technique importantly if I were to duplicate this object move it aside shrink it a little bit perhaps extended upwards pull it down a frag make it a whole select all line up Center center group it behaves as a normal Tinkercad object obviously it's having a good old think but the level of smoothness this result has achieved is significantly better I don't know what the overhead is for Tinkercad now that we've got this level of smoothness but I'll tell you what I couldn't be more pleased with what I've been able to achieve I will attempt to do the same sort of technique for cones and spheres and other primitive objects within Tinkercad thank you very much for your time if you like this sort of content give it a like thumbs up share subscribe all of that good stuff and hopefully I will have some more good things for you to watch in the near future thanks again I'm JT and this is the Tinkercad smooth circle
Channel: JAYTEE
Views: 55,853
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tinkercad, smooth, cylinder, circle, workaround
Id: e7anvs9PZUI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 13sec (433 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 01 2018
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