How to hear the voice of God- Part 2 LIVE!-with Apostle Innocent Java

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can i see the facebook movie [Music] [Music] i was moving in 1854 i saw two men in russia and i'm taken in the book of daniel your brother is what daniel this prophecy is called the biblical prophecy [Music] [Music] god bless everybody this is prophet hope cause this month i have been given a mandate to pray for 2 000 women that are going through spiritual attacks if you are going through spiritual bondage right now spiritual husbands you are eating in your dreams a spirit of end time marriage you are getting into relationship after relationship no one marries you this is a sign that you need to be delivered i have made time out this month to be praying for 2 000 women and i want you to go and register right now on the website this is a mandate that has been given by god and i want your life to be better and i want you to testify of god's goodness so go and register right now because this is your time to be delivered you have not been owning anything in your life everything you get you lose it anxiety pain depression this is the time for it to come to an end register now prophet [Music] blessings everybody watching this is apostle innocent java the son of the prophet passion java i'm super excited to come your way and to be a special blessing in your family and in your life god bless everybody watching through youtube god bless everybody watching through facebook may god bless you may god increase you i pray that your day is filled with joy glory and favor in the name of jesus i pray that your day is filled with joy mercy glory and favor in the name of jesus greetings to everybody watching greetings to everybody watching in jesus mighty name greetings to everybody watching in the name of jesus god bless you all may god increase you uh god bless your family god bless everybody around you god bless everything around you in jesus mighty name today's a special day and as the bible says this is the day that the lord has made will surely rejoice and be glad in it so god bless everybody if you're watching me on facebook i want you to share this broadcast three times to your friends and your family tell them that we're alive and something new is about to happen in your life and you're about to experience a supernatural shift for a supernatural lifting amen so quickly let's share the broadcast to as many people as we can let's tell as many people as we can that we are live and we are about to move in a serious dimension if you're watching me on zoom god bless you i can see sally adding she's ready to receive what god has for her today god bless you i can see nabuire in abuelita god bless you in jesus name shayna heinlein michelle reborn christine uke and portillo patrick hendon and god bless you in the name of jesus christ and there are those that are watching on facebook may god increase you may god bless you i can see david java god bless you uh samantha blessings to you greater blessings to you um prince um jerry jerry prince god bless you i can see esther basarti blessings to you in the name of jesus james connor god bless you shin gishing some blessings to you and also i can see people watching from uh youtube god bless you and may god increase you mightily in the name of jesus christ i can see milka i can see chandan i can see minister clemie i can see larry agua i can see um keisha uh god bless you all richard uh blessings to you blessings to everybody watching in the name that is above every other name i pray you're well and god is keeping you quickly let's um kindly go to and that's giving our offerings if you are watching and you're expecting a miracle you're expecting something new to happen to you i want you to quickly go to and give in your offering and make sure that you become a part and parcel of what god is doing so go and give your offering of 24. go to and give your offering of 24. i can see kisha has already given an offering may god bless you um if you're watching on youtube uh just tap done if you're done giving an offering i'm gonna speak a special word over your life that's gonna elevate you and catapult to shift you and take you to the next in high level if you're watching me on facebook i want you also to go and give your offering and if you're done just type i am done i'm going to pray for you and i'm going to speak a special blessing over your life in jesus mighty name quickly let's go and give you know offerings now let's go and give an offering let's go to and let's give our offerings let's give our offering of 24. uh sally how did god bless you for your offering in the name of jesus dealing god bless you for your offering in jesus mighty name hallelujah hallelujah glory be to god thank you holy spirit of god um if you want uh maybe a personal session besides this register for one on one go to you have an opportunity to speak to the prophet passion java if there is anybody here you want to speak to the man of god you want to speak to the man of god and to speak to the prophet make sure that you go to and register for a special one-on-one and as you register there will be a special blessing that god will rest upon you and your life will become a sounding testimony there will be a shift in the realm of the physical and also in the realm of the spirit in jesus mighty name oh yes quickly let's give in our offerings let's give our offerings let's give the best that we can let's quickly give the best that we can um if you are done giving you offering just type done irish god bless you for your offering in jesus mighty name irish god bless you for offering in the mighty name of jesus christ blessed jesus quickly just giving you offering and when you're done giving your offering just type i'm done i'm gonna pray for you i'm gonna pray that god will do a new thing the bible says for behold i do a new thing in your life in jesus mighty name so definitely the lord will do a new thing larry agua god bless you for your offering um caleb java god bless you for your offering in jesus mighty name um just kind of giving your offering and after you're done giving your offering just tap done i'm going to pray for you sylvester god bless you for your offering karen dobby god bless you for offering so so bless you for your offering in the name of jesus thank you holy ghost deborah god bless you for your offering god bless you for your offering angela peterson java god bless you for your offering in the name of jesus thank you holy ghost thank you holy ghost god bless you all for offering darlene god bless of your offering um larry ago god bless you uh reborn god bless you for offering blessings to everybody glory be to god um sila merita god bless you for offering in jesus mighty name blessings blessings blessings if you are done giving your offering just die but i'm done and i'll speak a special blessing upon your life praise the lord so thank you jesus thank you lord amen and amen blessings okay so yesterday we spoke about hearing the voice of god and we started on a very uh beautiful topic about hearing the voice of god and we spoke and touched on a very important part and subject and i believe that today we're going to move and we are going to express more on hearing the voice of god i just want you to type what you what you understood yesterday if you're watching on facebook i just want you to type something that ministered to you yesterday individually and personally if you're watching me on facebook youtube and uh zoom i oh i normally do this with my prophetic classes uh i see one does people write things that are just prophetic let me see with you guys and see if you are attentive so just write for me a statement that was outstanding for you if you're part and parcel of the message today yesterday and um [Music] reading the word of god is hearing the voice of god powerful theory god bless you that was outstanding for her anybody else uh please let's just make it quick so that will not waste much time don't say you heard god when you didn't that's powerful don't say you heard god when he didn't say anything all right that's outstanding that's outstanding that one is this is outstanding beyond all statements uh yeah yeah yeah so quickly just type what you understood god speaks through environment yes hearing by a prophet and by the word of god from angela java yes um praise god facebook has frozen facebook people speak please youtube uh annabelle saying god's voice is in everything around us yeah through our environment god speaks through our environment god does not speak to us above the knowledge of our revelation that's powerful god does not speak to us above the knowledge of our revelation god does not speak to us above the knowledge of our revelation that's deep um [Music] um zoom we hear the voice through the spirit jesus and god i didn't say that yesterday but it's fine we're going to get there we're going to get there we're going to get there you are achieving she's leaking information she's leaking information um elizabeth met you saying we hear through his prophets tracy saying the lord will not reveal anything unless he speaks to his servants the prophets amen praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord um she said she bought a glasses that's the reason why god has and follows okay he speaks through situations i didn't say that yesterday but i was going to talk about that today but it is well it is well it is well it is will in god doesn't reveal anything without the knowledge of your spiritual father that's powerful yeah god does not reveal things to you that your spiritual father doesn't know hearing god threw his words from the bible exactly that's powerful discernment elizabeth myth you god bless you uh realm of the spirit is a place where anything can take place that's powerful a secret place amen yeah people are learning something at least i have a class here that people i i at least praise the lord i am i'm impressed i'm impressed i'm impressed amen so today we're going to talk about uh okay yesterday we spoke about a lot of things we spoke about how god speaks and how god communicates to humanity god speaks through his word number one god communicates through his word i mentioned that number two i said god communicates through his prophets when god wants to speak and communicate a message to us when we want to hear the voice of the lord we hear him through his prophets number three i mention and i say that god can speak through environment he can speak to you through your surroundings he can speak to you through your environment he can speak to you through the people that are around you amen he can speak to you through dreams and i made a mention and i say that you need to understand that when god when elijah was running away from jezebel the bible says he was found in a cave he waited for the voice of the lord to speak to him and when the voice of the lord came the bible says wind came but the lord was not in the wind which means that the lord can speak through wind which is part of the environment and the bible says the lord um the wind came and the lord was not in it and the bible says the storm came and the lord was not in the storm and the bible declares and the bible says and then thunder came and the lord was not in the thunder but the bible says a small steel voice came and he discovered the voice of the lord in this muslim voice which means that the lord can actually speak in its muslim voice i will touch a little bit about that so that you understand the voices of god god has got voices depending on your level of understanding depending on your level of maturity and depending on your level of spirituality you know many people have heard different types of voices but they've actually made a decision no no no not a decision they've already concluded that it was god that spoke to them but it wasn't god originally that spoke to them it's a part of god that communicated to them i will explain to you there are many voices of god i'll explain to you and i'll elaborate to you the difference between the voice of god and and and and the voice that comes through uh the holy spirit and the voice that comes through jesus these are different types of voices so i will explain and elaborate the meaning of these voices so that you can have a revelation and in understanding concerning and pretending that in jesus mighty name hallelujah all right so where should i start all right let me start from here let me start from here now the bible says in the book of genesis chapter number 20 i always like to make references of genesis why because everything started from the book of genesis so in the book of genesis if you're watching me on facebook i want you to interact with me if you're watching me on youtube i want you to interact with me even if you're watching me on zoom i want you to interact with me because i want you to learn something as you interact as you write something down even as you type something you know great revelation can also come to you as you interact amen so the lord spoke unto abraham and the lord said unto him i want you to come out of your people i want you to come out of your kindred i want you to go to the land that i will show to you but how did god started speaking to abraham at an age of 40 the lord started speaking to abraham at the age of 40. are you saying that the lord couldn't speak to abraham before 40. yes the lord couldn't communicate to abraham even though the lord had chosen abraham to become the father of many which means that there are some people that god has given a great deal of assignment but still he hasn't yet spoken to them concerning their assignment why because maybe of their environment and their surroundings most of the times the voice of god is limited around us because of the people that we keep around us there are certain people that are not supposed to be part and parcel of our destiny and as long as they are still part and parcel of our destiny we will never hear what god wants to say to us so according to abraham abraham could not hear god abraham could not communicate with god abraham could not hear that the the the assignment of god why because his environment was polluted god can speak through the environment but if your environment is not saturated with god it's impossible for god to communicate to you let me say this again god can communicate to you through your environment but if your environment is polluted by wrong people it's impossible for the voice of god to penetrate why because the only voice that you can hear is the wind and the waves that are around you but the problem now you are having is you are not able to perceive and to peak is the voice of god in the wind is the voice of god in the waves let me explain this part the wind and the waves i'm talking about can be people can be institutes can be organizations that you are connected to but god can use people institutes and organizations to also communicate to you but the question is are you in a place where you are able to control the environment or you are in a place where the environment is controlling you if the environment is at the place whereby it's controlling you it's impossible now for god to communicate anything to you because the environment has taken charge over you and this is the problem with many people god can't communicate anything to you why because your environment is controlling you can i talk about this because i really feel like talking about it god cannot speak something new over your destiny over your life over your future because your environment is controlling you god does not even have a legal right a legal jurisdiction to communicate his message to you because your environment is polluted and the question is who polluted the environment it can be you who polluted the environment number one number two it can be the enemies that have planted wrong people around you but you are failing to descend the presence of wrong people around you why because of the way you trust and love people too much i've mentioned this countless times and i've said that sometimes people you need to learn to say no to certain things because the problem you have been having you have been saying yes to everything sometimes you need to say no to certain things sometimes you need to say no to certain relationships sometimes you need to say no to certain offers because the moment you get that offer the moment you get that relationship the moment you enter in that particular place everything about you has been polluted and affected so abram had the greatest assignment ever upon his head but he was around an environment that was polluting and stopping the voice of god from speaking even though he was abraham am i speaking to you so abram had the potential abram had the ability to become great as what god wanted him to be but the reason why he couldn't become great it was because of his surrounding the bible says the father of abraham was terror that was the name of the father of abraham and the meaning of the name terror simply means a hindrance in other words his own biological father became a hindrance from the voice of god to speak to him then the lord had to destroy that indulgence the lord had to kill the father of abraham the father of abraham had to die in order for god to reach out to abraham in other words i'm just already prophesying right now there are certain connections you need to disconnect from in order for you to hear god you sound and you feel like you know have you ever met people that say man of god i feel empty my dear sister i feel dry i feel like god is not speaking to me i feel like i'm empty i feel like nothing is happening i feel like god has gone quiet and silent to me those things are very easy to come out from you need to just check your surroundings because your surroundings are the one that's stopping the voice of god from communicating to you that is as simple as that when you feel empty when you feel like you know like the presence of god is no longer with you it's simple it means that the people that are around you are distorting there is a distortion that is at work abram is not the only person the bible talks of moses moses grew up in the house of pharaoh but as he grew up in the house of prayer there was a particular time that god wanted to speak to him in a particular time that god wanted to use him but abraham could not be used by god or god could not speak to him if he was in the house of hell he had to leave so there are certain people you need to live and disconnect from certain places so that god can communicate fully to you god was not able to come and speak in a burning bush in the in the palace god was not going to to bring his burning bush in the palace that's impossible so the only thing that he could do he could leave the place the lord spoke or the lord inspired empowered him told him leave this place because i want to communicate a better vision a better vision to you i want to speak to you concerning destiny so move out of this place and what did the bible say the bible says moses left and you went into the wilderness so there is always a place where god can speak and there are places where god cannot speak there are places that you can hear the voice of god and there are places that you will never hear the voice of god i don't know if people are hearing what i'm saying are you hearing me so there are places that god can speak then there are places that god never speak it was to speak in the palace of pharaoh god had to separate moses in order for god to speak to moses i pray for you right now many of you you are going to be separated because there is a great assignment that is upon your head but the reason why it's not being fulfilled the reason why is not being aligned the reason why is not being communicated it's because of the people or the surroundings or the environment you are around that that environment is not being conducive enough for god to communicate to you am i speaking to you god had to separate paul from the rest of his people so that jesus could speak to him by himself the bible says he was on his way to damascus holding a document to destroy the people of god he himself was on his way he had nobody with him he was on his way the bible says he was riding on a donkey on his way and the bible says the lord found it more pleasing as he was on his way to come and speak to him so god always deals with a location when he wants to speak to you he deals with where you are if you were still in jerusalem if you were still in the place of those scribes and jews and pharisees and whatever they were god couldn't speak to him that's the reason why he was doing all that he wanted to do that's the reason why you persecute the people of god in as much as you wanted you'd persecute them you would crush them why because you had people around him that would influence him at all times but god sponsored his movement some of you don't even know why you moved from where you used to stay you think you moved because of circumstances you moved because god wanted to speak to you now that you moved in the new place now god is communicating to you you think that you're going crazy you're not going crazy god had to separate you in order for him to speak to you i don't know if i'm talking to somebody here so god had to separate paul those days he was called so god had to separate him into the wilderness on his way to damascus the bible says and then the lord revealed himself not only revealed himself the lord spoke to him and he heard the voice of god clearly which means the only way you can hear the voice of god is where there are no many voices because if there are many voices around you it's impossible for you to descend dissect the voice of god but if there are no voices and you are in a place whereby you are all by yourself and he comes and he visits you it's easy for you to descend and to pick what he's saying it's only it's not only paul the bible talks about isaiah isaiah was a great prophet do you know isaiah was a many people do you know that isaiah was a great prophet even before we knew that he was isaiah but there was a person that was stopping the voice of god from manifesting in the life of isaiah isaiah could not hear god why because of uzia uzia was not a bad man usia was not an evil man uzia was just a man that had a heart for people but people now were making him god because everything that people needed were given by hosea so hosea was not giving people chance to worship god jose wanted people to worship him that was the problem of aussie do you know that in your lives there are hoziers that are walking in your life they want you to worship them they want you to always rely on them depend on them you do not have a life of your own everything about you is connected to this particular aussie but i'll be honest with you that person will become a hindrance of you to hear god or of you from hearing god if used was a prophet better he wasn't a prophet the bible says in the book of isaiah that there was a particular time that isaiah wanted to prophesy and you know what happened the time that he wanted to prophesy the bible says josiah stopped him from prophesying there was a message that was communicated to him by god but ozia stopped the voice of god from speaking that's when god said i would rather take this uzia out because if i don't take him out isaiah will remain captive and there are some people that are listening and they are under the influence of my voice you are actually captive you are slaves of particular voices around you you are slaves of particular systems around you you want to come to church you want to go to church but your boss tells you that no you have to work that's an uzia he's pushing you to worship your job on a sunday more than you're supposed to be in the house of god and worship the king of kings actually worship is not sunday worship is every day right but there's a particular day that we gather as saints if i don't go into the house of god i am not fulfilling scripture this is what i always tell people regardless of what you are feeling don't come in the house of god with feelings when you come into the house of god holding feelings god will stop speaking to you and you will make your life miserable god does not operate with feelings god operates with principles his word is what operates with him don't bring flesh in the word of god when you bring your flesh and your emotions and your tears with god it's going to be very impossible for god to bless you i don't know if i'm communicating to somebody here don't bring feelings you need to be a soldier the bible says be soldiers for christ simple we are born to become soldiers every obstacle that comes away it comes as promotion to our next level am i communicating so there are people that are under systems of uzia as i'm talking to you right now and god is not speaking to them you worship your job you respect your job more than you respect god you respect your boss more than you respect god there is an uzia system that's working when you get employed do not suppress your belief announce it listen people may go to church every thursday that's how i've been living that's how god has been making it for me i go to church every sunday so whatever that we are doing here i'm in but is it possible if i can be excused from thursday at this time or because i need to be in the temple i need to be in the house of god no matter what it is on sunday is it actually possible for me not to even come because i i take my god seriously that's it i know some of you be afraid now they'll fire me let them fire you i'll be honest with you let them fire you god will give you a job that will allow you to worship and to praise him if you are being suppressed at that workplace god never gave you the job that's not god they're suppressing you they are telling you you cannot be in the house of god no matter the system of that workplace that's not god god will give you time to worship him because he cares about your spiritual life he cares about your spiritual nourishment am i speaking to somebody here do you know i wasn't i i stayed in cape town for about four years and part of cape town is owned by muslims i've never seen people who are serious with their belief and religion like muslims those people are out of the hook do you know that every friday they close their shops from 12 to four there are shops there are all of them no matter who you are no matter how much money you're making your shop is closed they go to ramadan if all of them actually every friday we know that there is traffic problem because these people will be driving back and forth to ramadan so from 12 to 4 don't drive because you'll be stuck in traffic they take their belief seriously but you you are not even able to do it they are systems that are holding you from god to speak to you so many things are holding you and these things are supposed to stop you from speaking to god or from from god to to communicate a particular message to you he's supposed to speak he's supposed to communicate a particular message he's supposed to speak and communicate to you but there is a system that's holding you backwards i pray for you today in the name of jesus any system that's holding you backwards from you not to hear god from you not to communicate with god for from you not to speak and and align yourself with god may it be destroyed in the name of jesus i declare that decree by the reason of the anointing any system that is not of god any hozier in jesus mighty name any pharaoh in the mighty name of jesus any terror that's standing in your way to become the hindrance to the voice of god over your life may it be broken in the mighty name of jesus from today may you experience the goodness of the lord in the land of the living in the mighty name of jesus christ the bible says the lord is the portion of the land that we live for we know he is good and his messes enjoyed forever i declare that his mercy shall surely endure forever greatness will open abundance will open increase will open power will open authority will open life will come in jesus mighty name i declare that decree you shall hear the voice of the lord you shall hear what the lord wants you to do but i pray for your environment i pray in the name of jesus for any system that is surrounding you in jesus mighty name may that system loose on you may you be free from that system in jesus mighty name some people are bound by systems they are bound by systems you are not even bound by them a demon is not even involved a system because the devil will see that you you like money too much so what do i do i put you in a system and i trip you there some people they just want to work okay tell me with how much you are working with as much as have you been working what have you achieved with the work that you have been doing with all the work you have done the working hard you have been doing the question is what have you done with the working hard that you have been doing stop working hard start working smart papa was saying this other day that with you working hard by now you could have been a millionaire if it is working hard that makes people rich you you could have been a middle name you know what i'm talking about right you could have been a billionaire qazillionaire right now this is easily i'm being honest with you how many people have worked so hard at school but still they failed huh some of us we would study but school was not part of our revelation god did not give me that gift it did not work or it did not work people of god it did not work oh no he didn't it couldn't am i talking to somebody here the lord said after abraham moved and he began to go on the journey do you know that the lord said abraham is my friend do you even know why the lord was saying that abraham was my friend it was because of the way god and abraham would have the relationship abraham would know the voice of god he would speak to god and they would converse as friends am i speaking to somebody you check the life of moses moses started his life with the voice of god amen moses started his life with the voice of god everything that moses did he started his life with the voice of god even when he died he ended his life with the voice of god i was telling people on church on sunday and i say that do you know that moses did not die god had to ask him moses can you please just rest the bible says when he went up into the mountain he gave up the ghost because the lord asked him to you see the relationship he was able to know the voice of god at any time am i speaking to somebody here or let's even talk about moses himself there are mistakes that he did even in hearing god sometimes the lord spoke to him and he said speak to the rock what did he do he hit the rock why there is something that he did that is hindered the voice of god from manifesting fully i'll speak about it now there are things that hinders the voice of god from speaking to you from communicating to you number one anger when you are a person that lives with anger you are always angered and you are always angry you will not hear what god is saying because anger will tell you that everything that you're saying is okay anger will tell you that everything that you're doing is right anger is a spirit that controls many people many marriages many workplaces many beliefs and you don't even know that anger is a tool that the enemy uses like i told you last time i'll say it again the devil is not awful the devil is crafted mathematician that's what he does he uses your own strength against you he uses your own people against you so that you sin against god he knows what stops the voice of god from speaking because himself he did it and it worked he rebelled before god not only rebelled the bible says he saw himself above god he dethroned god in his mind do you even know that the devil did not even say it he did not even do it but he thought of it the moment he thought of it the bible says and then the armies of heaven were sent to bring him down the devil just thought that do you know me again just be throwing this guy he thought he didn't say it he didn't do it he thought of it our thoughts are more powerful god can hear our thoughts far bigger higher than anything else and the reason why some things are not even given to us by god is because god sees our intention god sees our thoughts he already knows what we are planning with what we are asking him for yeah i don't know if i'm talking to somebody here am i speaking to you now so he already knows your thoughts already there are things that stops that they hinder the move of god they hinder the presence of god they hinder this voice of god from speaking to you all right when you are angry if someone tries to talk to you are you that type of a person whereby you are able to listen when you are angry let's be honest no talk to me when you are angry are you that type of a person whereby if someone comes and say sister michelle sister michelle relax it's okay sit let's talk about it are you able to will you be able to say okay i'll sit what are you like no no no no no they have to hear myself story you know you don't understand you don't understand i know i don't understand but i'm trying to make you understand or i'm trying to make i want you to make me understand okay anger hinders the voice of god from communicating to you everything that happens in your life is a message of god communicating something to you god is trying to speak something god is trying to communicate something god is trying to reveal something to you but the way you respond to it measures or compares not only compares it it it the way you respond to it brings a result whether you'll be able to hear god or not because in every situation god is in it i just feel the power of the holy ghost listen to this one do you know that the bible says god commanded lies to come out of darkness genesis chapter number one which means in every darkness there is light in every situation there is a solution where the sickness is that's where the healing is that leads us to one of the ways god speak that deborah spoke about god speaks to us through situations because in the situation there is a revelation the reason why there is a situation god is trying to reveal certain things there is nothing that happens to you that god is not aware of but some of you think that i think god does not know what's happening he knows what's taking place god is aware of what's happening in your life he knows every detail some of the things that are actually happening here has allowed them to happen but one thing that you need to understand is he has given you the ability to overcome whatever that is happening to you you have the power the power is in you the problem with humanity is this you just don't know the power that is in you the bible says in the book of john chapter number one the bible says them that have received him he gave them power to become which means when you have received him when you have him in you he gives you the power to become sons of god we are not waiting for power we already have the power so you have the power to change anything what because god has given you the ability there is nothing like i cannot overcome this temptation god has given you the ability to overcome it's only a choice it's just a choice away or somebody say i'll overcome in jesus mighty name i will overcome by the power of the holy ghost in the mighty name of jesus the bible says in the book of romans 8 name all these things we are more than conquerors we are more than conquerors we are not trying to conquer but he has already given us the ability to conquer we have already conquered we have already passed that dimension of conquering we are living in the fruits of our conquering power in jesus mighty name come on somebody just type i've already over i've overcame i overcome i have overcame i've overcome in the name of jesus christ get this this is very powerful are you learning something people are you getting something or i'm just wasting your time although it's not what you expected you know hearing here let me say something about hearing god hearing god is a way broad message that's why we are doing it in paths that's why we are covering it the whole week you need to understand every corner of it if i rush you and i start explaining to you the deep things of hearing god what am i doing i'm trying to to show you some muscles that i know stuff i don't want to do that i want you to be at a place whereby i'm able to help you in as simple as possible all right so god communicates he speaks whenever everything listen let me say this before i go to the the scripture i want to go write this down whenever a situation comes your way god is saying something to you when your husband is divorcing you god is trying to speak something it's not a coincidence that you are being divorced before you got married god knew that one day the divorce will take place it's not like god is shocked oh she's deposed michael she's divorced i didn't know this man is evil no god knew that this was going to happen one way or the other remember he knows the end from beginning but the question is do you know why you were divorced do you know why the divorce took place did you do a proper investigation on yourself did you pick a message of what god is trying to say from the divorce some of you already divorced here you know what i'm talking about you're watching me on facebook you're watching on zoom you're watching me on instagram you're watching me on youtube get this some of you have already experienced this process of divorce but the question is did you sit down in the presence of god did you go on your altar and say lord you gave me marriage but the thing is i lost it lord what are you trying to say to me did you go to your man of god and say man of god what is okay if you fail to hear god go to your pastor papa what is god saying about this divorce i'm divorced now what was god what is god trying to say to me are there things that i'm supposed to change before you blame him for being uh what you call this for cheating on you before you blaming for cheating on you before you blame her for cheating on you did you sit with yourself first why did he cheat what is god trying to speak to me what is he trying to say there is a lady in africa she is one of the powerful preachers in africa right now powerful i i i listen to her she's powerful she said there was a time whereby my marriage was about to fall why because i felt that my husband was doing me wrong everything you know have you ever been there by you know that he is wrong this guy is just wrong he's not being you know he's just wrong this guy's just wrong in everything he's doing he's wrong in jesus name but she sat down before she made a decision to go to the lawyer she said what is the problem with me lord revealed to me what i am doing wrong because that situation in a marriage was communicating something about the next dimension in their marriage you need to understand that every three years of a marriage there is a shake every five years of a marriage there is a sheikh every seven years of a marriage there is a sheikh every 10 years of a marriage there is a sheikh after 10 years i you have graduated god god bless your marriage you continue going you know what i'm talking about she sat down and she asked the self what what wrong did i do what wrong am i doing and the lord began to reveal to her you are trying to be the man of the house you are trying to control him you don't control him you submit you are taking his role when you take his role a man will stand to protect his territory do you understand you need to listen more than you are talking because you are talking more than you're supposed to listen this is the lord revealing to him because the lord was waiting on her to come and speak to her concerning this issue but she couldn't come clean and say lord what am i doing wrong what should i do right the question is pertaining what is happening to you let's say it's wrong it's bad it's a terrible situation it's drowning you did you have time to sit down and say lord what am i doing wrong what exactly am i not doing help me to understand where am i going wrong because i know you want to speak to me that's the reason why things are messy right now i'm talking to myself people that just think is one of those things but it's not one of those things though there was a time i was not in taking to talk in terms of my brother one of my brothers um yeah i'm not talking in terms of ah this guy you know it's better for me not to talk to you you know let me just keep my my my peace but this thing was eating me every day i'm not talking to my brother why i had to sit down with me before i went to him i said what am i doing wrong what exactly am i doing wrong what have i done am i the one that is causing this shake and the lord said yes you're the one hey to me it was i felt like god is betraying me it was a speech oh pierced right on my chest lord why the conviction i had it was directed to me the lord began to show me why and what was the problem i had to call my brother said bro we need to meet we met we sat down we talked so i'm sorry i'm i was i was so selfish and i was like this i was like this and he was like even the lord spoke to me also he revealed to me where i was going wrong and i was meaning the time you called me is the time i also wanted to call you why because i felt the lord was ministering something to me that i should also come and apologize relationships are easy to maintain and are easy to restore but the question is are you humble enough to go before god and ask him if you are the problem because some of us believe us we are the problem you lost your business you lost your contract you think they are the ones who did whatever they did to you but did you sit down did you check the way you're doing things is it the right way do you know that some people the reason why they lose their job or they lose their contracts is because of the way they are running their business not because the people are not paying them so god is trying to communicate something to you that you need to change the way you you're running business some churches are falling down now dying why because god wants to say something and you're not listening so what does god do god do affect what you are boasting with mega church so you start removing those mega people because what makes a church are people if there are no people there is no church so god will start removing people now you remove people little by little bit by bit you are five thousand you are not one thousand you are starting spreading chess now from one thousand you are now 500 and if you are not able to pick that situation as a voice that god is trying to communicate then you need proper deliverance when things begin to go down in your life it's not a coincidence it's a message so god does not just speak through voices he speaks through situations as i'm talking right now i'm speaking to sally hadid i'm talking to you i'm i'm talking to you i'm talking to you sally this this is your message this is you there's a lot that has happened in your life and you felt like god maybe he didn't or is not even hearing you he's not even answering you whatsoever my god but i'm gonna pray for you today because in every situation that you shall find yourself in it's a revelation that god is trying to reveal something to you there are some things that are happening in your life you feel is a devil you feel it's an attack you feel like the enemy is attacking it's not even the enemy the lord wants to speak to you he just wants you to open up and have that conversation with him so that you can understand what the lord wants to say amen you understand there is an issue there is a financial issue here i'm seeing in the realm of the spirit that the lord is going to sort out right now as i'm talking to you i saw i saw a restoration amen i don't know why but i'm seeing people that have your money people that are supposed to give you money but these people have not yet showed up some people you have helped and they've promised that they are able to return or even they are able to give back to you they haven't people seem to make promises to you but they don't fulfill their promises it's like every time when people make promises you are hitting the wall every most of the times but i heard it clearly the lord is saying i'm shifting this i'm removing bad people i'm removing wrong people because around you there have been a lot of people that were in your life that were not supposed to be in your life you already know what i'm talking about there were people that are in your life that were not supposed to be in your life yes man of god you met a lot of people sorry and and there are some people that are going to be removed these ones you're going to feel them because you loved them you love them and it's going to be very painful but i'm going to pray for you that god can force you because it's necessary for them to move away from you amen so that you hear god clearly so that you hear what he wants for you what he has for you because god has many plans that scripture that says i know the plans that i have for you plans to prosper you and to give you unexpected and it's your scripture he has plans for you but there are people that he has to remove and there are people that he is going to remove starting from today and you're going to experience a shift like no other in jesus mighty name i receive received the power of the holy ghost this is what i hear i don't know i see an application taking place um i'm seeing an application taking place which is connected to alone that the lord is going to open for you amen the lord ministers to me right now that your season to experience a financial flow is now not just a financial flow that just is a financial flow but i'm talking about a financial flow that god has ordained to become a financial for there is a reason there is a reason why god is pushing this financial flow to come because god has given you a very huge heart a very big heart for people not only for people but i see for children yes man of god all right amen and i saw a lot of people around you i saw you helping a lot of people to be specific women i saw you helping a lot of people specifically women and the lord is ministering to me that this financial aid that is releasing into your life is for you to assist these people amen amen thank you lord because yes one of your assignments is to reach out to a human need and meet it yes all right i'm gonna give you a revelation i'm gonna give a revelation don't wait for the touch of god go and touch him amen did you hear me yes don't don't wait for god to touch you so that you can feel something go and touch the lord because when you touch his heart he's able to fulfill you has desire amen the woman with the issue of blood she didn't wait for the touch of jesus she went and touched him that's right and when she did she she she got the attention of jesus so this is what's going to happen to you the lord ministered to me and he said what you are going to do and how you are going to minister as a great person and as a great woman of god is not only connected to teaching people and helping people through the word but it's connected to you touching the lives of people and as you touch the lives of people you'll be touching the heart of god and the lord is going to lift you and shift you from one wave of glory to another in jesus mighty name amen i want you i want you to go and give a thanksgiving offering and say lord i thank you i connect to this world and as i connect to this world there are doors that these doors are going to open you're just sitting your prophetic word just go and give your thanksgiving offering it can be a hundred dollars two hundred dollars according to how god is ministering to you do it and i'll be able to pray for you today in jesus name amen god bless you thank you man of god amen amen thank you holy ghost thank you holy spirit may god give you a voice in every situation that you are going through every situation that you are going through i pray for everybody here in the mighty name of jesus may you hear a voice of god may you descend god in every situation in the mighty name of jesus somebody type amen shout amen scream amen in jesus name hallelujah oh let me see this one last point i feel like it's you need it are you ready for this one exodus chapter number four verse number five the lord spoke 15 stories chapter number 15 the lord said exodus 4 verse number 15 sorry the lord spoke unto moses and he said i will show you what you shall say he says i will show you what you shall say in others i will show you the words that you shall be able to say how can you see words how is he going to show you the words that you shall see in other words words that are being mentioned here are being mentioned as picture am i speaking to you there is a level whereby you talk to god and you begin to see picture you begin to see as you are hearing it from the lord let me say it again in the book of exodus 4 15 the lord spoke unto moses he said i will show you what you shall say in other words there was a dimension that moses was being ministered to by god there is a level where god can speak to you but if he speaks to you you are able to see what he is saying let me go back what i'm saying is the most simplest thing ever i'm just putting a lot of dragons but it's simple he's saying i will show you what i will see in other words he's telling moses that you shall be able to see my words as i shall speak with you hearing god is far beyond talking to a being it's way beyond spiritual remember what i told you yesterday you cannot be in a place where you want to hear god and you are not spiritual because in hearing god it requires your spirituality more than your physicality so if you want to be a person that is always acquainted to what the lord is saying don't abide by the flesh romans eight verse number five to them that live according to the flesh they are of the flesh but then they live according to the spirit they have the spirit we are not of the flesh we are the spirit so what do you need to do you need to be in the spirit when you are in the spirit it's easy for you to hear what the lord is saying not only do you to see what the lord is saying are you able to see what god is saying to you are you able to see the words that he's speaking to you are the words that god's saying providing a picture to you people are quiet now they're like men of god we started well but now you see you are confusing us this is simple he's saying whatever that i shall say you shall be able to see it which means my words shall produce picture which means that when god speaks to you he speaks to you in a vision what he says tend to be a vision what he can communicate to you can flip and become an image there are many people who see what do they call this is it in um a deja vu you you think a deja vu is a deja vu it's not a deja vu oh it was just i was here before no it's an image the lord revealed to you he showed you something he said something but it turned to become an image [Music] how it just happened as a clip but he already spoke to you but many of you are not able to discern when he gives you that dejavu you think it's just a deja vu is it oh i had a deja vu today it was just nice it was not nice don't lie do you know the reasons of deja vu do you know why people see deja vu that's a vision of the day there is a message that god is trying to communicate to you do you know you need to be that's what i'm saying you need to be spiritual someone was asking how do i be spiritual it's simple abide by his principles of his word abide by statutes of his word follow what his word says not what your flesh says you abide in by the spirit you do what it tells you to do you pray always it's an obvious case so when you are men of the spirit before you leave your house already god begins to reveal to you what is going to happen during the day so you might be praying for your husband but there is a place where you saw the day and the place you're going to meet your husband the moment you see and arrive that place you see a deja vu a guy passes oh i saw this thing no that's your husband passing god had already shown you what was supposed to happen but how did he show you he spoke it and it became an image but were you able to pick it from the spirit i'm talking to myself let me go apostle bunny we'll see you later [Laughter] [Applause] the question is are you able to pick the vision because when he said it it became an image hello when you said it it became a what an image you saw a deja vu you know that's what i'm saying get me right i don't want you to miss me i don't want you to please get me right get me well i don't want you to don't miss me what are you praying for right kyla is praying for a house he has been praying for the past five years for this house speaking in tongues le commander wanting god to reveal to him with them with the houses where the husband is if you're a woman right before god does anything he speaks a word but the question is are you able to pick the word when it's spoken because whenever a word is spoken it can create an image you can see what god is saying you can see the words that god is saying some people have had a deja vu in church you'd see something you'd be like i know this thing i saw it somewhere you need to be in the spirit to know what you've been praying for before some people you actually have a deja vu of an accident you know in the deja vu there was an accident always taking place it means you are not supposed to be there it means you need to step take a step backwards or you need to sit down me most of the time when i see deja vu i know that all years i was praying and the lord spoke protection he was dealing with protection so whatever that i do from that particular point in time i become cautious it's either i sit down or it's either i take some time off way but i just sit and relax and not do anything i would rather do that until that process of that deja vu passes the bible says the lord speaks spoke unto moses and they say that i shall speak and whatever that i shall speak you shall be able to see i shall show you what i shall say my prayer for you today is that may god reveal to you what he's saying it's called a vision god can speak to you through a vision and many of you here god is going to speak to you through visions not only visions of the day but visions of the night in the mighty name of jesus i declare and i decree whatever that you shall see from today it shall form a picture whatever you shall hear from today it shall form a picture in the mighty name of jesus christ and as it forms a picture may you keep that picture in your mind write that picture inside of your notebook i talking to somebody here some of you you have already seen your business the way it's going to be you have already seen your company the way it's going to prosper you have already seen your marriage you have already seen your family you have already seen everything that god wants to give you but the problem is you haven't yet tapped into that dimension my biggest prayer for you today is that may you tap into that dimension by the power of the holy ghost may god give you grace for you to just jump and tap into that dimension in the mighty name of jesus christ i declare that decree by the reason of the anointing from today you shall be spiritual i pray for your spirituality right now you shall be spiritual more than ever malika bidenki may you see god in that situation may you be able to sit down with yourself ask yourself what god is saying about that situation evaluate yourself be able to be in a place whereby you hear the voice of god in every situation in every problem in every condition in every circumstance be able to pick the voice of god be able to hear the voice of god there is always an echo there is always a voice in everything that's happening to you i pray that god gives you grace to pick the voice la mingo brahan de la busta begin to pray right now and say oh lord give me grace to hear your word to hear your voice in every situation you know many people they don't even know how to hear the voice of god in their situation they are so stranded right now they are so broken they think that the situation is there to destroy them but the situation is actually there to build them the situation is a message that god is sending to you pray right now and say oh lord help me help me to be able to know your voice whenever a situation comes help me to be able to pick your voice whenever your situation and situation appears in the mighty name of jesus begin to pray right now begin to speak declarations right now in the name of jesus maliku by then abiding begin to pray right now this is your morning prayer right now we are praying as we're about to end let's pray let's speak words of power by the power of the holy ghost in the name of jesus father we pray we appreciate you we honor you father give us grace to know your words to know your voice to know your voice in every situation father give us grace but in the name of jesus christ to know your voice in every situation separate us from any people from anyone that is becoming a hindrance for your voice to speak to us yes oh lord you are speaking to us but our systems are corrupted father in the name of jesus remove every burden around our system remove everything around our system remove every system around our system in the mighty name of jesus christ oh god the only system we believe is your system which is your word which is your word which is your word give us grace or father in the mighty name of jesus christ somebody shout hallelujah amen and amen somebody just type amen and amen and amen it's done in jesus mighty name hallelujah thank you holy spirit of god thank you holy ghost may god bless you all may god increase you oh i'm praying for you praying to tomorrow we're gonna come in a different realm in a different dimension and after this you're gonna understand the voice of god you're gonna hear the voice of god you're gonna you're going to discern and know when god speaks you're going to be more calmer do you know that when if you want to know whether the holy spirit is leading you we check your temper levels we check your temper levels when the holy spirit is leading you you become more calmer and calmer whenever you respond to situation you become more calmer why because you have a better understanding do you understand what i'm talking about when you are too emotional whenever things happen to you it simply means your spirituality is controlled by your emotion [Music] pray this day today say lord help me to become more karma not to become emotional i refuse to be emotional lord help me to become calm in jesus mighty name i pray somebody shout amen and amen amen i love you all guys may god bless you i'm praying for you in jesus mighty hallelujah see you tomorrow and may the special grace of god rest upon you in jesus mighty name amen shalom you
Channel: Prophet Passion Java
Views: 1,233
Rating: 4.9473686 out of 5
Keywords: how to, voice of god, hindrances to hear god, how god speaks to us, how to hear god clearly, secrets to hearing God directly, common deceptions, does god speak audibly today, discerning the voice of God, power of dreams, understanding the voice of God, sermons on the voice of god, voice of prophets, voice of man, voice of satan, god speaks to mankind, how to interpret voice of god, voices of the devil, inner voice
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 37sec (5077 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 28 2021
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