4 Things to Master When You Receive Your Prophetic Word- Part 4 with Apostle Innocent Java

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[Music] [Music] [Music] i was moving in 1854 i saw two men in russia and i'm taken in the book of daniel your brother's what daniel this prophecy is called the biblical prophecy [Music] [Music] god bless everybody watching this is apostle innocent java the son of prophet passion driver i hope you're all well blessed and lifted by our heavenly father jesus christ amen wherever you are just connect with us right now and be able to share the broadcast and invite as many people as you can to come through and be blessed by this wonderful broadcast so quickly let's share the broadcast and tell as many people that we as we can that we are live today and um lives about to be altered so quickly i want you to share the broadcast three times share the broadcast three times to your friends and your family and your loved ones share the broadcast three times share the broadcast three times share the broadcast three times if you're watching me on facebook share this broadcast three times and be blessed and i also want you to let me know if you watch me on facebook just let me know where you're watching me from i just want to greet you i want to be a special blessing upon your life i want to be a special blessing i want to greet you i want to find out how are you doing if possible you can greet me in your language that would be nice because we are we are we have been viewed by many people around the world so i want them to be comfortable and also to feel welcome so you can greet me in your in your language in your mother tongue if your mother tongue is english praise god we can do the english hallelujah yes um right southern california is in the building howdy from texas bom dia i don't know what language is that um okay mascara say brighton [Music] it means how has been your day amen it's beautiful um okay somebody just wrote their language and they can't read it uh that's great mca demon of god from zimbabwe amen uh watching from michigan habarayako um how do i respond to this one that's swahili right i just know blessings um good morning from new york speak to me from tanzania i will speak to you in jesus name i'll speak to you uh greetings to everybody that's watching us from zoom greetings to everyone greetings to harish god bless you i'll be blessings to you michelle blesses to you joey god bless you uh shake my headline blessings to you dj god bless you prophetess war with prosperity uh erica christa blessings renee blesses to you uh liu god bless you in jesus name prophetess yvette blesses to you let's share the broadcasts greetings from allah amen hallelujah feeling fire in fiji blessings to everybody watching from fiji this is to everybody watching from zimbabwe from mozambique from south africa from america god bless you all and i treasure you all guys in jesus mighty name may god continue to bless you may god continue to increase you mightily in jesus name well um i want you to quickly go to prophetpassion.com and i want you to give the best offering that you can give today i want you to go to profitpassion.com quickly it's our morning devotion time remember so i want you to go to passion.com and i want you to give your best if you're able to give the 24 offering candy do so god will bless you god will increase you just type i'm done the moment you are done so that i'll be able to pray with you and i'll be able to speak a word upon your life so when you're done just type i'm done if you are done just type i'm done india's in the building um shayna hanlan greetings from the bahamas yeah you have to teach me these things the woman of god unless they speak it i need to learn this language amen i have to learn this language this language is there are many right i'm done hear that god bless you for your offering um if you're done with the offering just type i'm done i wish god bless you for offering prophetess one god bless you for offering in jesus name blessings to everybody that's giving um the special grace of god who rest upon you in jesus mighty name god bless everybody that's giving my god mare devos santa thank you blessed savior masoud joey god bless you for your offering in the name of jesus la rusta biden blessings blessings blessings blessings blessings blessings god bless you in jesus name god bless you blessings prophet uh blessings apostle from elijah java may god bless you may god increase you in the name of jesus may god bless you may god increase you if you're done giving your offering just type i'm done so that i'll be able to bless you and be a special blessing upon your life in the name of jesus [Music] thank you holy ghost uh iphone was given the offerings uh charis god bless you we're offering somebody else gave before cherish god bless you i couldn't catch your name in jesus name blessings blessings blessings peace and blessings blessings blessings bless us god bless everybody can they share the link to all your contacts and everybody amen shane and god bless you for offering god bless everybody that's giving their offerings i honor you i treasure you may god bless you in jesus name i pray for you always i pray that god remembers you always i pray that god prosper you always in jesus name hallelujah lift up your hands everybody i still tap your hands on i pray for you um come out blessings for your offering i'm attorney god bless you alfred tap your hands everybody lift up your hands i want to pray heavenly father we thank you for your presence upon your children today we thank you uh for your grace upon their lives they're experiencing a shift like never before today father may you empower them to prosper and may you remove every spirit of delays technician limitation and hinderance rejection and oppression in the name of jesus christ i declare that decree by the reason of the anointing they are coming out by the power of the holy spirit they are being lifted in their spirits they have been lifted in their minds they have been gifted in every area of their lives in jesus name no weapon formed against them shall prosper no timers against them shall come to pass in jesus name i pray they are blessed in jesus name somebody shout amen type amen amen amen whatever you're watching me on the youtube on zoom on facebook just type amen and amen it's a special time today and god is going to do great things for you um amen hallelujah so today we're going to have a special moment in the presence of god and god is going to do great and mighty things for you and my biggest prayer today is that may god speak to you may god speak to your family may god speak to your situation may god speak to you through the prophet you need to understand that when god speaks he speaks in different ways the last time i spoke about the voice of god i said that the bible declares the bible actually the bible says and the book of romans in the book of revelations chapter number three the bible says yes i stand at the door knocking for if anybody hears my voice and opens the door i shall enter and i shall dine with him which means the voice of god can be interpreted like a knock so a knock can be a voice of god i mentioned that and i said that many of you god is knocking at your door but the question is are you able to hear the voice of god when he knocks at your door it's very very important to hear the voice of god and i also mentioned that god speaks through environment god speaks through uh the word that god can speak through your car can speak through your phone can speak through anything you know but are you able to dictate the voice of god whenever he speaks to you so by the special grace of god you know you shall you shall tap into that room god can speak through a prophet as you are as i'm talking right now god is actually communicating to you so the question is are you able to pick the voice of god whenever the voice of god speaks to you and i say that many people they're expecting a loud voice from heaven to to speak to them god will never speak to you beyond your level of faith or your level of understanding do you understand what i'm saying he will never speak to you beyond your level of understanding or god can never speak to you above your knowledge you understand god speaks to you within the ranges of your knowledge so if you're not ready for a strong voice it's impossible for god to speak to you through a very strong voice amen so last time we've been talking about god speaking to us through the prophetic and we were saying why is it that after god has spoken through the prophetic we are not experiencing the answer to the prophetic we we have many promises that god has given to us we have many words of prophecies that have been released of our destinies we have many many words you know it has been spoken it has been spoken over and over again that you are going to be this and the lord wants you to do this the lord wants you to minister the lord wants you to be a great preacher the lord wants you to be this and that but the manifestation of whatever the lord wants you to do uh is not even coming to pass the manifestation of what god wants you to do is not even coming to fruition and the question is why am i receiving so much prophecy why am i receiving so much declarations why am i receiving so much prophecies and promises from god but i'm not experiencing the the the manifestation of the prophetic word that i'm supposed to be experiencing by now so we have been dealing uh with uh resistance and i said when god gives you a promise we need to deal with the spirit of resistance why because every time what makes our prophecy not manifest most of the times is because we are being resisted the enemy is resisting us amen but the bible clearly tells us that we are the ones that are supposed to resist him because the bible says resist the devil and he will flee so in as much as he wants to resist you you need to be in a position whereby you resist him when you resist him definitely there will be deliverance that will come to you and i also mentioned that there is also the spirit of stagnation that you need to pray and cancel whenever you receive a prophetic word because the enemy would want to isolate you in order for him to stagnate you and i said that stagnation is um is um is a spirit that enables you to decrease and to decline every time you are moving you go down every time you move it there is no progress around your life that's stagnation in in in the smallest nutshell and i spoke about delay and i said that what actually stops your prophecy from manifesting is delay and yesterday we will be charged on a very uh important uh on very important notes and yes on very important notes whereby i said um some of you what's stopping your prophecy is the lifestyle you are living you know the lifestyle you're living is the one that's stopping the prophetic word from coming to pass you are not supposed to live like egyptians because these were the israelites they have come out of egypt but they can they continue to live like egyptians you understand so the lifestyle you live is the one that determines the prophetic way to come to pass or not some people they are still living in the scene some people they are still living in their sinful nature and you by living in your sinful nature it actually stops your prophecy by all means and this is one of the biggest thing that stops your prophecy sin itself and i mentioned it yesterday hallelujah and today we are just finishing this part of this topic and i believe uh if i go back in meditation i'll go back to my notes the holy spirit will minister to me concerning more things that i need to speak about this subject i think by monday amen so wherever you are watching me just type i refuse to be in one position just type i refuse to be in one position i know some of you you have many promises but you are in one position you have many promises but you feel like there is no manifestation but the lord is going to come through for you today and there is going to be an elevation i'm going to pray for people here today i'm going to prophesy to other people today and the reason why i'm prophesying to you is because we are going to exercise what we are talking about i'm going to speak to you and i'm going to prophesy to you and not only prophesy to you i'm going to give you direction and not only give you direction i'm going to give you the date where this thing is going to happen and you're going to see the manifestation of where this thing or how this thing is going to take place so just type i refuse to be in the same position in the name of jesus christ i pray hallelujah somebody shout amen and amen mari kotolo mundere blessed jesus thank you holy ghost yes [Music] wherever you are just know that today is your day to experience a supernatural shift for a supernatural lifting yeah just know that today is your day amen [Music] amen praise the lord right write this point number one point number one write this down the reason why the prophecy of the children of israel was delayed because this is going to be connected to what we're going to talk about so anyway it's fine the reason why the prophecy of the children of israel was delayed from 400 years to 430 years it was because there was no man to send i'll explain the reason why the prophetic word did not manifest or come to pass it was because there was no man to send there was no man to send all right write this down there was no man to send moses had left egypt and he had gone into the wilderness to find himself so if god was about to take out the people of israel it was easy for him to use moses because moses was closer but moses was no longer in the position where you were supposed to take them out he left egypt and he went into the wilderness to seek god in the wilderness what's stopping your prophecy some of you is that the person that is supposed to show up to declare the new season is not there so god has already given you the promise but there is no person that can make declaration oh my god i feel the presence of god i don't know if i'm talking to somebody here you you know before even apostle innocent came before prophet passion came in your life before prophet love you before prophet israel came in your life you personally knew that there is something that god is about to do you know there is a promise that god gave to you but because we never showed up in your life there was no way that prophecy was going to be ignited there was no way i don't know if i'm talking to somebody here without prophet passion being a spiritual father it was impossible for you to manifest the way you're manifesting now some of you you are now so financially buoyant why because of the presence of the prophet you now experience prophets in your workplace why because of the presence of the prophet but when the prophet was absent the voice of god was absent in your life so how is it possible for you to experience manifestation if the voice of god is absent in your life i don't know if i'm talking to somebody here so moses was not in egypt anymore he had gone to seek the presence of god so the prophecy was delayed because of the absence of the prophet the question is is your prophet present in your life because he might be there but he might be absent you might see him every sunday but he might be absent ah i feel like sowing a seed ah this is too deep he might be there but he might be absent in your life you might see him every sunday preaching to you every thursday preaching to you every tuesday preaching to you every morning devotion but the question is is he present in your life you might see me through the screen but the question is am i present in your life you might see proper passion almost every day but the question is are you present or is he present in your life so moses had left egypt and he had gone into the wilderness to seek the presence of god so in as much as the promise of god was upon the israelites it was impossible for the manifestation of the prophetic word to come to pass there was no way the prophecy was going to come to pass in the presence of god there was no way the prophetic word was going to come to pass why because moses was not there there is something that papa mentioned the other time and to me it remained very striking he said something and he said that some of you the reason why you are not receiving manifestation of what you're supposed to receive now it's because the person that is supposed to take you out is in the same valley that you are in so some people are not experiencing shift because the person that is supposed to take them out from the valley is in the valley with them so imagine if your prophet is in the valley how are you going to come out of the valley lord take me out but the person that is supposed to take you out is in the valley he also needs to be taken out the devil is a liar the person that is supposed to take you out is also in the valley so it matters who you listen to it matters who you follow it matters who prays for you for some people you were prayed by a particular prophet that was in the valley and he brought you in the valley some people the reason oh my god why am i why am i saying this but let me say it anyway some people the reason why you are where you are is because of who laid hands upon your own head and the moment they laid their hands on you you did not know where they were coming from they were in a valley or they are in a valley so as long as they were or they are in a valley if they pray for you you enter a valley you wonder why your finances are like so bad it's because the person that laid physically because this happens when it happens physically it's different from me praying for you over the screen do you know what i'm talking about i'm talking about someone who laid hands physically bump and after the lady hands on you everything just went why because that person was in a valley the person that prayed for you was in a valley and it's very very it's very very you you need to pray or you need to seek delivery or you need to go to a person that actually is not in a valley i'm being honest with you now i'll tell you the honest truth that's scary that's why i always tell people it's not everybody that is supposed to pray for you especially to lay hands on your head it's not everybody that is supposed to lay hands they can pray for you from a distance and say in jesus name you're blessed it's fine this head has to be pressured do you know that the only person that have laid their hands on my head is perfect passion ever since i made papa nobody i have never allowed anybody in as much as how much anointed they are no i'm sorry you can't touch this head because i know the moment you are going to lay your hands upon my head and i don't know where you're coming from i'm telling you the truth you place me in the position that you are in especially some people like us who are spiritually sensitive do you even know that there are some people that the spirit of god will tell me do not pray for him because there is a difference let me explain i'm sorry i might sound like i'm coming out of topic but i want to help certain people the reason why i'm saying this is because even me as a man of god there are people that i'm not supposed to pray for why am i saying this the reason why i might not be able to pray for that person the question might be does god want me to pray for that person because some people they pray for people because they feel like they have to pray for them but the question is god saying i should pray for you because god might not be in any position to bless that person for that particular point in time many people they come to me for impartation but god might not want me to impart them so i can just speak words but i might not even pray for them or release something because at that time god does not want me to release something that's why i always tell people we need to be led by great discernment all right i'm being honest with you some people the reason why we are where we are because you just met somebody on tv that you feel like is good ryan you quickly went with your head like this please lay hand the moment they went t on you you never know the position of that man of god he might be in a in a valley there are people that you can meet and you can like oh this guy can pray for me why because your spirit connects with that person and you know definitely is not in the valley me ever since i was laid hands on by prophet passion my life changed physically financially every way i'm just moving i'm just living a life that is just out of this world why because the man that prayed for me the men in season oh let me say this again when you are prayed for by a man that is out of season you'll move out of caesar but when you are prayed for by a man that is in season you are always in caesar i know this truth is too harsh for some people because some people that are watching me they're like so who is going to pray for me you need to pray in order for you to know he's going to pray for you not everybody is supposed to pray for you that's because that man is a man of god he's not he's not supposed to lay hands on my head that's why i always tell people it matters who does your hair it matters who does your hair it's very important but some people when they do your hair they're laying hands on you and when they're laying hands on you especially if they lay hands on the middle part of your head oh that's gonna be crazy i was teaching this in the ushering department they were saying you need to be sensitive in positions in which the anointing can come in or in which the anointing can come out you need to be sensitive and in positions in which demons can come in or demons can come out number one let me explain this to you because some people they are just experiencing delay without even knowing what's happening and just because of them loving being laid hands-on this position this part of your body this middle part of your head it's a place where spirits can come in or spirits can come out that's the reason why we lay hands on your head and when we do that you fall why because there is an entry and there was a full an overflow that took place in the realms of the spirit then there is this part which is also an entry point so this part and this part these are entry points spiritually then there is this part it's an entry point of spirits then there is the middle part at your back it's an entry point in the exit point so it matters who hugs you i'll explain spiritual world is very sensitive then there is this part that's the reason why when we pray for you when we do this to you you fall because something is coming out and i always say this to the president worshiped him it matters when you lift hands towards the congregation because when you lift hands towards the congregation you are releasing what you have so if people are dry it simply means that there is something that you did that's causing the dryness no let me talk about it you lift your hands everybody lift your hands let's begin worship the lord hallelujah and you are singing something is coming out of you it's going to the people as they lift their hands also so when i say receive the anointing or when i declare in jesus name i release after something is being released and when you lift up your hands you are in anticipation to receive so it enters through the same portal so when you speak now and people are not responding the way you are supposed or they're supposed to respond it means that there is something wrong with the atmosphere it can be someone that's causing a distortion in the atmosphere then there is under your feet here like under your feet in the middle part of your feet yeah it's a point of entering the point of exit that's why me or most of the times when i pray for people when i pray for people i like especially people who are demon possessed i don't fight with demons i don't have time for that i know the points the entry points and the exit point where the demon entered in so i will just go in and take anointing or i'll just lay my hands on that entry point under your feet on your chest in your head or according to how the spirit of god is leading me i can just touch your hand and i say out then every demon will come out through the head there are some people i've prayed for i can just say i can just lay hands on their head as they out they begin to like scratch their head something can scratch like under their feet why because it's a point of injury something beginning scratch like their stomach some they feel so itchy at their back especially what demon puzzles i'm talking about people who are demon possessed or oppressed anyway you understand so this is a point of entries and point of exit you know i'm talking about this is the point of entries and point of view and you need to be very very you need to know them and you by knowing them it helps you so did you did you get the part i said people are like so who is going to pray for me the man of god i'm afraid of people laying hands on my head you've got to you have to amen you have to you need to be very cautious the man that god has ordained for you to lay hands on your head that's the men that's supposed to lay hands on your head not any pastor that you meet because you feel like you preached well do you even know that me sometimes i avoid there are people who like come to me like they're not like it's not pride it's not pride it's not even pride to say uh say and there are people that are very wise like when they are being about to be prayed for they just knew down and they hold their head like this they are protecting their territory they are protecting their territory because they know they understand i'm talking about especially this part when you talk about impartation when you talk about blessings this part is very sensitive than any part so some they can pray for you using the hand some they can pray for you touching your chest it's fine but this part is very very sensitive lot of mercy amen what were you talking about oh my god we entered in another dimension which is totally different okay oh yeah yeah okay let me come let me let me quickly go to the notes oops what am i doing [Music] so the prophecy was delayed because there was no men to send moses was not in the position he was not you know in in the position that he was supposed to be in so there was no man to send that's the reason why the prophetic word did not come to pass there was no man to send all right so moses left and he went into the wilderness that's what moses did as long as moses was delayed in the wilderness the prophecy remained delayed the most terrible thing in your prophecy not manifesting or not coming to pass is when the person that is supposed to release the prophecy is delayed when the prophet is experiencing delay your own prophecy has no future until the prophet sees deliverance upon himself that's the only way your prophetic word can come to pass that's why i always say to you when it comes to issues and matters of destiny make sure that a great prophet speaks over your life make sure that a man with authority in the spirit speaks over your life when you allow everybody to speak over your life and make a declaration or a mix uh you know some people i know some people they ask me so what should i do for me to prevent like some of you let me know say this i don't want to be in trouble let me let me just let me just keep quiet because you know some people you never know how they can take it and how they can see they i don't i don't want that wait but people will be like hey i post every time i don't like that i just want to ah no no i know i'm not going to say it forget i know i'm not i'm not going to say no no i'm not going to say but let me just say it anyway right now let me know let me not say it let me say it let me just say give me another eight but let me say this the enemy can direct you to someone that you can listen to that you end up delaying your prophecy so some people they are led by the devil to listen to certain pastors homes themselves are experiencing today how is your life going to experience speed when you're that man of god you met who spoke to you is experiencing the same today let me let me be honest with you some people are experiencing delay because of their stubbornness your prophetic word is not coming to pass because of your stubbornness because of your selfishness i'm being honest with you like i said last time i'm about to say something that's totally different but please catch me up catch catch up with me please because i'm just receiving things so i just have to save them so that i won't forget some people have received instructions to their prophetic word and they never fulfilled it so in that area there might be delay in your word of prophecy because every prophetic word has instruction there are people that have registered with me for a one-on-one especially when i was still back in africa i would give them instructions on what to do they would never do it why because they just feel like um they are they also can hear jesus but you call me so that i can help you me whenever i talk to you i give instruction and if you don't follow the instruction the prophetic word is not going to manifest because every prophet it comes with an instruction an instruction is the one that approves or is the one that certifies that this is not entertainment it's god speaking so i'm here to appeal to everybody that was given an instruction you would rather make men with the instruction than not to do the instruction some things are not instructions but some are instructions if it's an instruction after a prophetic word try to do it god will never say things that are above your your capacity you mentioned things that are within the range of your capacity so the question is what is your instruction what is your instruction so as long as moses was delayed in the wilderness the prophecy remained delayed write this down as moses as long as moses was delayed in the wilderness the prophecy remained delayed as long as moses was delayed in the wilderness the prophecy remained delayed that's why i always tell people some of you you need to pray for pastors you need to pray for your men of god you need to pray pastors are humans too they go through things the same way you go through stuff they are not invisible they have emotions they experience spiritual confrontations and they need strength and if you don't stand and pray with them not only for them how are you going to experience a shift if they are low imagine your own pastor is low your own pastor is going through a process how are you going to experience a shift amen so as long as moses was in the wilderness there was no way there was no way whatsoever their prophecy was going to manifest if the enemy wants to mess up with you he attacks your helper let me talk about this if the devil wants to mess up with you he attacks your helper he attacks the person that helps you if the devil wants to mess up with you he attacks your helper he attacks the people that are supposed to help you let me explain this oh i've got two points jesus i feel it let me say the first one if the devil wants to mess up with you he attacks the person that is supposed to help you the israelites were supposed to come out but moses was no longer on position let me move from there some people that are watching me right now the reason why your prophecy was delayed it was because your destiny helped i was attacked by the devil the person that is supposed to marry you was attacked by the devil by now you could have married you but he has not yet married you why why because the person that is supposed to help that boy with the money to marry you changed his mind besides that the support system that you're supposed to have which is your family is saying no to you the person that is supposed to give you the job that was prophesied changed his mind the person that is supposed to take you from where you are now to the next and higher dimension automatically changed his mind your destiny helpers they forget about you oh my god this is painful the most painful thing on the earth planet is for you to be forgotten by the people or by the person that is supposed to help you the person knows that he's supposed to help you but they forget not because they want to but the enemy caused that forgetting to happen so there are many people that are supposed to help you and be of good help to you but the reason why they can't help you is because they forgot to help you so you are experiencing delay because people that are supposed to bring what they're supposed to bring in your life they are just they forgot and for you to remind them that you are the one that's supposed to help you it sounds like pride but if it was me i'll remind them the bible says and the lord forgot the children of israel god forgot then the bible says and then he remembered them how did he remember them he remembered them sending moses to them so even god forgot he had to remember by sending moses i'm telling you the truth there are many people by now you're supposed to be making it now but the person that is supposed to sign that contract with you which is a million dollar contract which is a hundred thousand dollar contract just forgot although there might be a conspiracy against you the wickedness we were talking about yesterday that somebody just went to the person that's supposed to bless you and told the person that supposed to bless you that they must not bless you but i pray for you today in the name of jesus i see many people coming out in the name of jesus the person that is supposed to help you from today may the remembrance of god come upon their lives marika talamander i declare that decree over your life if you're watching me on facebook connect if you're watching me on youtube connect if you're watching me on zoom connect right now i make a declaration everyone that is supposed to be a blessing over your life may the remembrance of god come upon them in jesus mighty name may they not be removed from your place or may they not be mism you know they may they may the confusion disappear in the mighty name of jesus i pray everybody watching me right now everyone that is supposed to assist and supposed to help you may they help you on time by the power of the holy ghost may they help you on time in jesus mighty name if it is deliverance may that deliverance come on time in the name of jesus christ le monsco behind anyone that is supposed to be of blessing in my life i come against every attack that is upon their lives in jesus marine the person that is supposed to help you with finances their own finances are attacked we need to pray in the name of jesus that if their finances are released your finances are remembered are you getting the prophetic word here because if the enemy attacks the finances of the person that is supposed to help you i'm telling you the truth there is no way you're going to experience a financial flow so what do you need to do you need to pray that the protection of god comes upon the person that is supposed to help you so that if they are helped by god you are also helped by god that's why me i don't want with my father because if anyone touches my father touches my source and if my source is interrupted and disturbed how then am i going to be sustained spiritually and physically because every connection that i saw have in this life is because of my spiritual father so when the devil wants to mess up with you or with your prophetic word he attacks the person that is supposed to help you there are people here you think that it's your right to be correct whenever you speak to people that are supposed to help you you need to be very prophetic when you talk to people and when you relate with people how you treat people because some people they are your helpers and the way you speak to them you don't have respect you speak to them like your children do you even know that in life do not down look anybody let me talk about this never look down upon anybody in life because you never know which help they are going to give you so in life just treat everybody the same and treat everybody with love and caution at the same time because you never know the person that it will be a breakthrough in your life some people they are just they are just irresponsible they are just careless with words they just speak anyhow to anybody you meet a person and you think that you are more spiritually higher than them and you think you have a right to speak bad about about them or upon them it's wrong because you never know life is like a ball it's like a circle it rotates tomorrow it can rotate through his favor do you understand what i'm talking about tomorrow it can rotate to his favor so it's important how you treat people it's important how because the person that you are treating the way you are treating is your helper might be your helper can be your help so the way you treat that person is very very vital don't treat people anyhow treat people with love with caution with compassion it's very important that's why i always tell everybody i've never met anybody that i've never loved i love everybody do you understand me yeah i pray for you now in the name of jesus your helpers are coming from the north from the south from the east from the west your helpers are coming ricca talamande karina grace elias your helpers are coming i see helpers coming to you i see people coming to you to help you to stand with you to stand for you in all areas of your life kareena helpers are coming to you in jesus mighty name if possible karina i want you to stand with the seed of triple one stand with the seed of one one one connect with this world and as you connect with this word kareena elias connect with this world if you are hearing me kareena elias connect with this word find the seed of triple one connect with this word and you will see helpers coming to you in the name of jesus i give you the month of october the month of october shall be your month of connections oh i pray for everybody here may they be divine connections may you receive connections that will connect you to your connection of your breakthrough in the name of jesus because what you need right now is a connection that can connect you to your connection am i talking to somebody here may you receive connections that will connect you to your connection oh my karabakh because what you need in this life is connections in our connections and god is going to connect you to connections and by the power of the holy spirit no weapon formed against you shall be able to prosper no weapon formed against your helpers shall be able to prosper in the name of jesus christ your helpers are covered your helpers are protected your helpers are safe in jesus mighty name they shall stand with you they shall bless you they shall do great and mighty things just to be a blessing upon your life in the mighty name of jesus christ i pray that declare my credit oh my god i want you to pray wherever you are oh lord my helpers oh lord my helpers oh lord stand help us oh lord protect my helpers come on somebody i feel like praying right now because i feel in my spirit that there are certain people that are watching me right now they just want that connection with their helpers they just want that reconnection the alignment with their helpers begin to pray and begin to declare rabbabu shah tala there are people that are in ministry that are watching me right now you just want to help us people that can stand financially with you with your ministry people that can stand financially with the work of god there are people here that are in business you want connections in business right now oh lord might help us oh lord might help us send forth help us in jesus mighty name somebody shout amen there are people i see five people there are people here you know that what you need i help us you know the reason why things are not moving is because helpers are not coming all right i want you to stand with the seed of triple one i'm gonna challenge you i don't i don't care what you feel in your spirit i'm gonna challenge you because some things if you are not pushed to do definitely there will not be a shift in your life i'm gonna challenge you stand with the seat of triple one i'm gonna pray with you today and i'm gonna speak helpers to come into your life in jesus name there are people that are at an age and a veg of receiving a serious financial breakthrough and all you need is a word from the lord and i'm gonna give you that word and speak a word over your life and pray for you and definitely as i pray for you helpers are going to come there are people that are about to sign multi-millionaire contracts right now watching me through facebook watching me through zoom watching me through youtube you are going to experience serious helpers in your life in jesus mighty name somebody just type amen if you are the one just tap amen and amen my helpers are coming from the north from the south from the east from the west my helpers are coming in the name of our lord and savior jesus christ one of those people that are going to experience helpers in the month of september and october you are one of those people because there are things that are happening around your life around your business around your projects around your family that needs help us to come through help us are going to come in the mighty name of jesus christ i pray mercy behind help us somebody declare helpers are coming my way helpers are coming my way helpers are coming my way helpers are coming my way in the name of jesus tracy java i tried to speak to tracy java yesterday but she was not uh responding tracy java can i prophesy to you can i speak to you if you are here and if you are ready just tap i'm ready so that i will know what to say uh and i'll i'll be a blessing over the level i think you have you had network issues yesterday i'm not sure but if you're ready just have i'm ready amen the helpers are coming my way okay oh yeah malik let me know when she has type men of god thank you holy ghost my helpers are coming my helpers are coming all right i want you to stand with the seed of triple one if you know that these helpers are coming i want to pray for you who has a connection what connection do you have with a place called waterfalls i don't know why i'm hearing waterfalls who is in waterfalls i'm hearing a place like waterfalls and i need to pray for this this person i don't know why i'm hearing it she disappeared again oh facebook is behind right yeah i believe so that's behind okay let me continue i have two more points for you then i'm going to pray for everybody and speak a prophetic word over your life i'm hearing waterfalls and i'm hearing a place like a head cliff i don't know why i'm hearing this place oh yeah i see i see why i saw the place i see why i saw the place [Music] tracy said we used to stay in waterfalls tracy said we used to stay in waterfalls now i'm gonna pray for you because there is a spiritual activity that was done because the reason why i'm saying and i was saying who is in waterfalls what connection do you have we used to stay in whatever there is a spiritual activity that took place at the house where you used to stay there's somebody you're watching me right now you're experiencing migraine headache there is a terrible headache you're experiencing i want to pray for you and i want to speak a special word over your life i want to pray that you'll be delivered it's joey you have headaches i'm seeing someone with i don't know i just please confirm that things that are not working what did you say i've been having bad migraines i'm gonna pray for you right now in jesus name rajest also is experiencing bad headache tracy sorry the volume everything is okay what serious everything is okay we need to pray for your family we need to pray for progress within your family the enemy is trying by all means to attack and affect your family but we need to break the outer that was raised upon your family i saw something happening in waterfalls and the lord wants to deliver your family and wants to deliver you she's saying yes something happened at waterfalls the lord wants to deliver you and what the lord wants to deliver your family righteous confirming because i saw something happened and in the realms of the spirit it ignited a lot of things within your family now there is no there's no more stability there is division and we need to pray for restoration and we need to pray for unity we need to pray for restoration and we need to pray for unity upon the family and god is about to come through for you to be specific because i'm seeing a case that is actually released over your family of anti-marriage i'm seeing a case that is that was actually released upon your family and we need to pray because this case is an anti-marriage spirit all right this case is an anti-marriage spirit it's very strong and it's very huge and it has affected a lot of people in your family but i'm going to pray and i'm going to speak a special blessing upon your life she's saying yes it's true i'm going to pray and i'm going to speak a special blessing upon your life god bless you my brother tim in jesus name i'm going to pray and i'm going to speak a special blessing upon your life you are going to experience a shift when it comes to marriage i see you getting married to a prophet and i see you being a conveyor of breakthrough and deliverance within your family in jesus mighty name you are going to bring forth a shift and a change in everything that your family failed to do there are many things that your family really wanted to do but they couldn't because of the division that is around your family they couldn't because of the division that is around your family she's saying yes there is division they couldn't because of the division around your family but god has called you into the prophetic and god has called you to be the deliverer of your family and there is going to be deliverance in the name of jesus christ somebody said amen and amen she's confirming she's confirming she's confirming thank you holy ghost amen a the last point you are experiencing delay because the man that is supposed to deliver you as knotted shoulder jesus if he did not go to generation generate tests that name where the men with the legion of demons were the man was not going to be an evangelist his call was to become an evangelist but if jesus never went to that place do you know that when jesus was on his way to that place there was spiritual offer that took place do you even people know what we go through before we pray for you okay let me talk about this america those were in america do you people know what i went through for me to be in america for me to be a blessing to you right now you don't know i had to go through a storm before i even came in america i had to go through a serious storm before i entered america jesus had to go through the storm and he spoke to the peace and peace became do you understand and when he arrived in that place called jenna whatever he arrived and he saw the man who had a lot of demons and the man was delivered and after he was delivered the bible says he became an evangelist he started spreading the gospel of jesus to everyone around the city so if jesus did not overcome the battle if jesus did not cross over to the other side because that's the same time he said let us cross over to the other side if the helper that is supposed to help you does not cross over to the side where he is to the next inside where he's supposed to be where you are it's impossible for you to experience delay that's why we always encourage people to be in church every sunday if you're within maryland virginia arlington if you are around george if you're around new york new jersey and you know you can drive one hour two hours three hours to come to church do if you are around um delaware if you are any around maryland make sure you are in the house of god because when you come to the house of god you are encountering a prophet and when you encounter a prophet that's the only way you can actually experience a supernatural shift an immediate one over your life because whenever a man encountered a prophet from the portion of scripture the bible says that man experienced shift and any form of delay was removed from that person's life am i speaking to somebody here so i'm going to pray for people here like remember i mentioned and i said there are five people that god is going to connect with their destiny helpers i want you to stand with the seat of triple one give it and as you give there is going to be a special blessing that's going to come upon your life when you give your seed make sure you connect with pastor wallace so that i can call you and pray for you in jesus mighty name you are blessed you are lifted you are shifted in jesus name now there is also a special program taking place today and i believe many people have registered many of god help me with the post we are having a special program today with papa uh it's called the prophetic and apostolic um school it's a special program it's a special program i want you to be a part of it prophet passion is going to be ministering together with prophet lovey elias together with apostol wambiwa together with apostle b java so it's a special day today and it's going to be a loaded day today so i want you to be a part and parcel of this great movement of god in jesus name then um remember yesterday i spoke about the studio and i'm going to challenge also if you feel in your spirit that you have to do it it's not by force if you are led to do it to do it papa is building a studio in africa uh it's going to be a moving studio that you'll be moving with whenever he's around the world because papa's traveling a lot these days so so that he can become a blessing over your life wherever you are in the comfort of your homes so it's building a studio if you want to be partnering with that studio or if you want to partner with that studio i want you to go to profitpassion.com and i want you to give your seed it can be 500 it can be 700 it can be 200 give that seed and papa is going to pray for you it's not me his papa that's going to pray for you amen if he becomes more more extra busy that's when i'll pray for you but papa says he wants to bless you individually and pray for you individually so if you are able to do this and if you're able to partner with purpose um studio please kindly do so kindly do so and you'll be blessed by the prophet in jesus name everybody lift up your hands i'm going to speak a special prayer over your life let me come closer to you i want to be a blessing joey i'm going to pray for you right now in the name of jesus every headache is being removed from you right now you are free anybody that is experiencing any migraine or any headache you are free right now in jesus mighty name you are being delivered you are being delivered you are being delivered now in the mighty name of jesus christ malikov now in jesus name i declare decree you are free right now by the power of the holy spirit everybody lift up your hands everybody in the name of jesus i pray la ma koba handy every connection that god has for you may god give it to you every delay that was in your life may it be removed from your life from today may you experience the supernatural intervention of god may you experience the hand of god the hand of god the finger of god let it about see a man that about shia kabba hand everybody that is watching me on facebook receive it right now everybody that's watching me on zoom receive it right now everybody that's watching me on youtube receive it right now in the mighty name of jesus christ you are experiencing a shift right now there is a shift taking place there is a shift taking place there is a shift taking place there is a shift taking place there is a shift there is a lifting that is taking place right now in the realms of the spirit in the realms of the physical god is touching you god is equipping you god is empowering you now in the name of jesus receive it receive it receive it receive it receive it just type i receive it receive it receive it in jesus name father i pray that every delay is removed and i pray that your people they're experiencing a shift in their life oh i pray for a shift i pray for a shift i pray for a shift i pray for a shift father may they be speeding their prophecy may there be speed in their prophetic word that have been released over their life may there be speed in everything they shall touch thing to do in the name of jesus christ there is a lifting that's taking place i pray for you i pray for your business i pray for your academics i pray for your family i pray for everything around you i pray father for i pray for them i pray for their businesses i pray in the name of jesus christ they are experiencing a shift in their businesses there are people that are in business right now you are experiencing speed speed speed speed speed speed speed is happening profits are coming profits are coming no more delay no more delay no more delay no more delay in the name of jesus christ prophets are coming prophets are coming there are people that have been believing god for marriage you have been praying and you have been talking about marriage for a longest time no more delay no more delay no more delay no more delay no more delay no more delay no more delay no more delay in the name of jesus christ that marriage is coming to you in jesus mighty name with no time there are people that have been believing god for promotion at work or believing god for a job no more delay no more delay no more delay no more delay no more delay somebody say amen amen amen amen you are just lift up your hands and begin to thank god because god has delivered you from delay begin to thank him begin to honor him begin to exalt him begin to magnify him right now this morning begin to make declarations right now in the name of jesus christ no more delay no more delay no more delay in my business no more delay in my academics no more delay in my future in the name of jesus christ begin to declare in the name of jesus thank him adore him wherever you are speak in other tongues disconnect myself from any form of delay in my future in my destiny in my life in everything that i do in jesus mighty name i'm free i'm free from every anger i'm free in every side in the name of jesus christ there is progress there is abundance there is increase that god is releasing upon me in jesus name upon you in the name of jesus christ somebody shout amen clap your hands and celebrate god wherever you are hallelujah it's done and it's done and it's done amen god bless everybody god increase everybody you are blessed you are blessed you are going to experience testimony you know um i've been receiving testimonies that have been happening through these morning devotions i've been receiving a lot of testimonies that have been taking place through these morning devotions and um if you've got your testimony feel free i would love to have a segment where we can just share testimonies because we believe in god that's moving so powerful so if you've got a testimony make sure you reach me direct make sure you reach me direct if you have got access to me if you don't have access to me rich pastor wallace direct make sure you reach pastor wallace direct okay make sure you reach pastor wallace direct and share your testimony i really love to to hear from you and to hear what god is doing in your life in jesus mighty name i pray that the rest of your life be the best of your life ever and ever in jesus mighty name somebody shout amen god bless you um if you are within um maryland make sure you are joining us tomorrow tomorrow we are going to call it a prophetic buffet to those who were there on thursday you know what was happening the house was on fire it was upside down amen um and we were talking about where are you in maryland is it uh that's pet's view is it okay the the address is on the screen uh there are people that are watching on facebook they want to know the address is already on the screen uh make sure you join us tomorrow it's gonna be powerful uh like i said on thursday if i see your face i professor when whenever you just show up you do this in church i begin to mention your name immediately in jesus name so make sure you invite somebody um make sure you come invite somebody make sure someone comes bring someone make sure you bring someone tomorrow it's going to be a special day in the presence of god and your life will never be the same again amen god bless you god bless everybody shalom i love you all you
Channel: Prophet Passion Java
Views: 1,057
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: ZcP6tUz1FOM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 44sec (4784 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 11 2021
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