Man After God's Own Heart | David Series Part 1 | Pastor Paul Daugherty

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thanks for joining us here today we'd love to hear how God is impacting your life using this ministry we encourage you to send us your story at my victory at victory comm also if God is using this ministry to impact you we want to encourage you to partner with us financially you can do that online at victory comm and pick a financial option that will work best for you and help bring this message to the rest of the world again thanks for watching and enjoy today's message alright well we are starting a new series on the life of David man y'all look amazing this morning it's so good to see you today and welcome those that are watching online this series is so exciting to me because you know there's more written about King David about the life of David than any other character in the Bible besides Jesus David has more about him than any other character in fact the runner-up to David I mean Jesus is first but after Jesus the most mentioned name in the Bible is David the most talked about character in the Bible outside of Jesus is David the runner-up to him is Abraham now Abraham has 14 chapters in the Bible about his life Joseph is after that he also has 14 chapters Abraham's mentioned in the New Testament Joseph is mentioned in the New Testament then you've got after that Elijah Elijah has 10 chapters dedicated to him in the Old Testament his name is mentioned in the New Testament but get this David has 66 chapters all chronicling the life the seasons of life from a little boy all the way into his old age when he dies all dedicated to the life of David not only that his name is mentioned 59 times in the New Testament so this is a guy that God wanted us to know about right this is a story that God wanted he put so much focus and attention in the Bible on this man called David because he wanted people thousands of years later to learn some from this man's story not just David but all the characters that surrounded David saw Jonathan Abigail Absalom Solomon you name all the characters it surrounded david Bathsheba and all of the parts of his story even though David was a flawed man even though David made a lot of mistakes he was God's chosen king of Israel and through David God would send his one and only Son to reign on the throne of David Jesus the King of Kings the Lord of lords David was a foreshadowing of what was to come so we go back to the 10th century BC to find out where this story begins if you have a Bible go to first Samuel 13 verse 14 yay we get excited about the Word of God it's better than the NBA Playoffs come on somebody it's better than Russell Westbrook better than Kevin Durant definitely first Daniel 13 verse 14 now Samuel the Prophet had come and was speaking to Saul and Saul was the first king of Israel we're going to learn why Saul was rejected but you need to understand that God had to find someone God was looking for a heart Israel was looking for a king Israel was looking for a man God was looking for a heart he was looking for a heart that was fully devoted to him and Samuel comes to Saul and he says now your kingdom us in for the Lord has sought out a man after his own heart if you're taking notes you can just put David Part one man after God's own heart man after God's own heart I remember as a teenager circling this phrase in Scripture by the way this is the only person in the Bible that actually gets that title no one else got the title man after God's own heart theologically this can bring some confliction in your mind because David committed adultery he murdered the husband of the wife that he slept with I mean David made a lot of mistakes as a dad we're going to learn more about that over the next several weeks but yet God still saw him not only in the Old Testament but also in the New Testament in the book of Acts he said this was a man after my own heart and that's good news for all of us in this room because none of us are perfect if you're perfect you're at the wrong place but for Jesus Christ we are righteous we are redeemed we are forgiven come on he sees us as he sees his son when we put our faith in Him so God said this is this is a man that I've appointed to be the leader of my people because you have not kept God's command Samuel was telling Saul he's already chosen the Lord has already brought him at this point Saul had been leading Israel for several years Saul was actually the king for about twenty to twenty-five years before David even steps into the scene of the history books so Saul has been leading Israel and we got to understand a little bit beforehand what kind of leader is God looking for what is God's measuring stick for leadership is it age as its size is it stature is it height is education is it previous success no the measuring stick for leadership is this right here the heart God's measuring stick for leadership is the heart it is not how old you are come on somebody we should be the church the champions God's using anybody at any age because biblically that is true God used seven year olds and thirteen year olds and teenagers with pimples and he used men in their late 90s to have children like Abraham it just didn't make sense and God's ways often don't make sense to man's logical reasoning that's why God says trust in the Lord with all your heart lean not to your own understanding the measuring stick for leadership is the heart with a healthy heart you can have healthy leadership with a toxic heart you have toxic leadership this is what we learned through Saul then he allowed his heart to gradually turn against God but the question is why did Israel need a king in the first place Israel had God as their king right I mean when God delivered Israel out of Egypt under Moses and then brought them into the wilderness and then through Joshua led them into the promised land all through that they didn't have a king all the other nations had kings but God was the king of Israel and as long as God was the king Israel never failed as long as God was their king there was never a battle that they would not win and this is a point for all of us in this room when God is our king not man we will never lose any battle we face when our hope is in the Lord just a quick lesson of what David's heart was like we see it in all the Psalms by the way David wrote many of the Psalms that we read in the Book of Psalms but one of them the scriptures I love the most in Psalms is Psalm 25 verse 5 David said lead me by your truth listen to the heart of David you can't be a great leader if God is not your leader lead me by your truth God teach me your ways you are the God who saves me all day long I put my hope in you that should be our prayer Lord all day long my hope is in you David's hope and trust was in the Lord all the day long David was committed to God before God ever anointed him to be the king of Israel he wasn't following God to get something from God he was following God because that was the only one he could trust would never let him down Israel had gotten frustrated with their season of God being their king and over time they had forgotten about the miracles God had done they had forgotten about Egypt they have forgotten about Jericho they had forgotten about the son standing still and all the amazing moments that God had showed up for them and so we get the first samuel 8 verse 4 samuel the prophet now he was the prophet in the land they had no king just prophets and israel comes to samuel and they said samuel verse 5 you are now old now that is means you are an old man they said and your sons aren't like you samuel had two sons he had put in charge of the ministry in israel they messed things up they weren't good guys they didn't honor god they said we want a king give us a king just like all the other nations have just like everybody else we want to be like everybody else they missed the point that god had set them apart that god had wanted them to be different than all the other nations in the world because it was bigger than Israel God told Abraham I'm blessing you and I'm going to bless your children and through your children I'm going to bless the nations of the world but Israel couldn't see it they couldn't see that God wanted to be the invisible king of their hearts so they said we want to be like everybody else and it is a dangerous thing when we want to be like everybody else it's a dangerous thing when we opt to leave the uniqueness of who God's called us to be the powers and being yourself victory let us not crave to be like all the other churches in America let us be a church that is distinctly the Lord's house that we would live for him that we wouldn't compromise just because other churches are compromising their morals their beliefs their values God has called you to be different don't don't crave to be like everybody else the power is in being who God's called you to be Samuel was hurt when they told him this and Samuel came to God in the next verse and God said Samuel they're not rejecting you they're rejecting me they don't want me to be their King any longer and God gave them the worst judgement he could give them he gave them what they wanted the worst judgment you could get is to get what you want because oftentimes what we want is not what God wants the prayer we should pray is not Lord give me what my what I want what my heart desires the prayer we should praise Lord give me what you desire for my life because what you desire is more important than what I desire darns your heart above all else for out of it flow the issues of life God gave them what they desired in their hearts they wanted a king so God said okay Samuel tell them what a king is going to bring and in verse 9 Samuel tells them he gives them the kree said okay you're going to have a king but here's how the king is going to reign over you he's going to tax you he's going to claim the best land that you have it is he's going to take your daughters make them serve Him he's going to take your sons and he's going to deploy them into battle and he's going to use your sons on the frontlines to win the battles that he chooses to fight this is the kind of King you get when you opt to follow a human instead of following God don't put your trust in a politician put your trust in the Lord politicians will fail you pastors will fail you bosses will fail you people will fail you but the Lord will never fail you put your trust in the Lord my hope is in you all the day long the amazing thing about David is he never left the stature he never left this place right here even in his old age even when he missed it he never left this place right here Lord my hope is in you all day long the difference between David and Saul Saul would become the king of Israel the first King and saw looked good at first he was tall he was strong he was wealthy he was the man that in man's eyes everyone would say this guy he's the king he's the king he's the guy we're going to follow he's strong he's tall he can fight he's got money he's got power he knows how to take charge but over time Saul's heart started the shows true colors and we started to see how insecure Saul was as a leader how paranoid he was about what people thought how untrusting he was towards God he started to take matters into his own hand David sinned just as well let's not get our stories mixed up here David was a sinner but the difference between Saul and David is that David trusted in the Lord even when he missed it and Saul trusted in himself Saul cared about what he looked like he cared about what people thought about him he didn't trust in God when Saul missed it he wasn't heartbroken for breaking God's heart he was heartbroken because he got caught David on the other hand was heartbroken because he knew that God's heart was broken over his sin God's not looking for perfect men and women God's looking for hearts that are fully devoted to him and that's a good news church it's good news for all of us what can we learn from the life of David so we get to first samuel 15 and saul has been leading israel for several years and it's not going good it's toxic leadership it's difficult it's frustrating people don't know what to think about him he changes his mind all the time and Samuel comes to Salih Nisa Saul you've disobeyed God and God has rejected you as king of Israel God requires obedience obedience is more important than sacrifice and God has chosen a man after his own heart which leads us to 1st Samuel 16 verse 1 first Samuel 16 verse 1 God tells Samuel in verse 1 he says now the Lord said to Samuel you have mourned long enough for Saul and I want to tell someone in the room that's been mourning long enough about the past it's time to move on you've mourned long enough about who you lost about who left you about who didn't work out about what job you lost about what happened in your past you've mourned long enough God has a breakthrough but it's not behind you it's in front of you it's time to move forward God said I rejected him as king of Israel so fill your flask with olive oil in other words get ready prepare your heart because I got something great in front of you and he says go to Bethlehem Bethlehem Bethlehem now where where do we see that town again go to Bethlehem to find a king the story is so connected to the gospel that in the Old Testament the shadow of what would come one day David a little shepherd boy the least likely to be chosen as a king God was preparing the hearts of people for the soon coming king of all kings he said go to a man named Jesse who lives there for I have selected one of his sons to be my king Daniel said but Lord if Saul finds out you're going to kill me God says get a heifer exactly like when I read I was like heifer what he says get a heifer and say that you've come to make a sacrifice to the Lord God's kind of like preparing a plan I love God's personality he says just say that you're going to do a sacrifice to the Lord but we know you're on a secret mission and invite Jesse to the sacrifice and I will show you which of his sons to anoint for me so Samuel does this and he calls all the people together and they tell him you know where to go he shows up the Jesse's house all of Jesse's sun's come out verse 5 all the sons start to come out in front of them now look at this in verse 6 Aliyah comes walking out in front of Samuel Samuel the prophet Samuel the guy who's been leading Israel for more than 50 years the guy with all the age all the experience all the prophetic insight the man who spent all the time in God's presence and he still misses it he says surely this is the Lord's anointed now what makes you think you can't miss it if Samuel the Prophet missed it what makes you think that you're always going to get it right when who you think is supposed to be in charge or what you think is supposed to happen oftentimes we're not looking through the eyes of God we're looking to the eyes of man Samuel was looking at someone who looked strong once again he was looking for a saw God God was looking for a heart man was looking for a king so he saw LEF surely this is the Lord's anointed and God rebukes Samuel God will rebuke anybody at any time no matter how long you've been in ministry pastors miss it priests miss it prophets miss it daddies miss it all of us do but how we respond when we miss it God said to Samuel don't judge by his appearance or Heights I have rejected him the Lord doesn't see things the way you see them people judge by outward appearance but the Lord looks at the heart the measuring stick for leadership is the heart the heart anyone in this room have any say-so on hiring at your company anybody get to kind of choose people that you hire for your company something that I've been just praying through and even learning reading and studying this whole chapter and getting ready for this message is recognizing in my role as pastor leader of this church that it's so easy to miss the heart when you're interviewing a person you look at the resume whoa look at his education Wow look at his personality he's so outgoing whoa look at all the stuff he's done in the accolades and the trophies and there's this still small voice just whisper in your heart hold up what's his heart like what's her heart like is he a man after my own heart is she a woman after my own heart and oftentimes we can't see it through our human eyes we have to ask God to open the eyes of our understanding for the singles in the room dating someone looking for someone to marry don't just go off the looks now I'm not saying that you shouldn't be attracted to the person but attraction can be fleeting in my short years of pastoring and doing weddings and counseling couples even in the last few months meeting a man who whose wife is now divorcing him and she wants all this money that he has and it's such a sad situation he said you know the reason why I married her is because she was beautiful I just was so attracted to her but I knew deep down inside that she didn't have the same conviction the same theology the same beliefs that I had but I opted for attraction instead of listening to that still small voice in my heart be careful who you choose God was trying to warn Samuel the Prophet the guy who knew all about God and all about his ways and he almost missed it and God said man looks at the appearance but God looks at the heart so one by one sons came out the next son came out God said no not the one not the one then the next Sun came out knew not him not that guy finally all seven sons came out and Samuel does God hasn't chosen any of these guys and we get to verse 10 the same way all of them were there verse 11 and Samuel says are these all the sons you have now just pause for a moment Jesse had only brought him out seven of his sons he had eight seven is the number of completion eight is the number of new beginnings all seven of them were out there this is a parenting tip that I'm learning I have two boys one is very energetic very dramatic very loud name is Liam the other one benaiah is pretty quiet for the most part and he likes to hit his brother he's just going to hit them and then just walk off real quiet they're both unique personalities and I'm sure over the years Ash and I are going to learn more and more about how different they are but they're both valuable in God's eyes one of them is not more valuable than another and yet Jesse missed it it was like he didn't value David like well there's this shepherd boy the youngest she's out in the fields taking care of the sheep stinky dirty little kid you know teenager pimples on his face going through puberty his voice is cracking trying to sing songs out there I don't know what he's doing out there it's like his dad didn't believe in him and maybe you grew up in a house where your dad didn't believe in you maybe you grew up in a house where your parents didn't see you honestly the Bible says that David was conceived in iniquity so could it be that Jesse was not the biological dad of David could it be that David was Jesse's wife's son but maybe not his own son so there was this blended family issue going on I value my biological children but I don't value that child parents let us learn to value every child every child is valuable in God's eyes and here's one thing too that we can learn even though you may not be visible in man's eyes you are still valuable in God's eyes even though you may not be visible to man it could be that God's hiding you not because he doesn't like you but because he's preparing you for greatness little did David know that working out in the field God was preparing him to take care of the sheep of Israel never underestimate the humiliating seasons of life that you're going through and so Jesse calls David Samuel tells and he says go to verse verse 11 Samuel says sin for him at once we will not sit down to eat until he arrives there are things waiting for you that won't start until you show up there are dreams and opportunities and promotions that won't happen until you show up as a young kid growing up in my family I was the youngest of four siblings and when I was very young I heard God speak to me that I was called into ministry I remember when our house caught on fire and I was the last kid in the house my dad ran back into the house to pluck me out of the fire and I remember that night just thinking god I believe you saved my life for a purpose I believe that I was supposed to died at night in 1992 when our house was caught on fire flames were engulfing every room in our house one of the worst house fires in Tulsa and I remember just thinking maybe God you saved me for a purpose bigger than I can imagine when I was a teenager I heard God say Paul you're called to lead people you're called the pastor people and I thought well maybe I'll just serve my dad and maybe someday I'll be a youth pastor start an internship in Africa or something I always thought I'd go and do something in Africa and as time went forward I felt this calling to pastured I remember just serving wherever the need was in our church and this is important because you right now are serving in places you don't even realize God's preparing you for something beyond where you're at right now David didn't know that serving out in the fields taking care of not his sheep but his daddy sheep was preparing him to take care of the sheep of Israel I remember trying out for the worship team at our church for different times and I didn't make it each time I tried out they said you need to work on this I get up there and they say you need to work on your humility you're really prideful then I got up there one time I said I'm really humble I've been working on my humility I'm the most humble guy I know and they were like don't even try out you've already missed it finally the fourth time I tried out and my sister was one of the judges Ruthie she was sitting at the judge's table is kind of like the voice like they hit the thing if you're good and afterwards she said Paul we don't have a spot for you on the worship team here in the youth group but there is an opportunity for you to lead there's about 15 kids that come to church Sunday mornings at about 8:30 a.m. you could lead a connect group play your guitar and teach them songs I was so mad I called my dad that night I said you need to fire Ruthie my sister and my dad said she's right here you want to tell her that no no no this isn't me don't nevermind then later on that night when she was gone I called my dad she is she there and she at the house can we talk for a second dad I'm really frustrated why didn't she let me on the team he said Paul it's so good for you to be rejected what so good for me what he said it's good for you it's good for you it's good for you to learn this David would be anointed for pain anointed for a process that would be so difficult God was preparing him to be the greatest King Israel had ever seen or would see until Jesus would come but it would not be an easy process it would not be an easy preparation so I remember leading worship for children I think some of you in this room you're walking through seasons that are difficult humiliating but what looks like humiliation is actually preparation for an acceleration towards your destiny what looks like humiliation is actually preparation for an acceleration towards your destiny what is God using right now in your life to mold you and shape you and prepare you to be the king he's called you to be the queen he's called you to be God has put leadership in all of us and if there's one thing we can learn from Saul it's that leaders don't last forever leadership is stewardship leadership is stewardship if you don't steward the leadership right at any moment God can pull you out of that position make no mistake god knows how to put Kings in places and remove Kings from places and when a leader doesn't let God lead if God doesn't remove him from that position the leader will self-destruct his own leadership there's one thing we can learn from solids that leadership is stewardship how are you stewarding the season that you're in are you valuing it if a leader refuses to let God lead them their leadership will eventually self-destruct is God leading your heart for David it was continuing my hope is in you all the day long the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want when David was singing songs in the fields when David was serving Saul as a harp player when David was slaying Giants when David was hiding in caves when David had missed it as a husband he was still in this place of Lord lead me guide he created me a clean heart a pure heart O God God looks at the heart I can only imagine David hearing his dad call him from the field Davey come inside there's someone who wants to talk to you David's walking in the field holding his staff my whole visit you shall be your ways guide me in truth for all my days the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want he makes me lie down Davi come on get in here quit singing your songs okay dad thank you Lord my hopes in you now listen to this when samuel showed up the Jesse's house David had to have seen it I've been to Bethlehem three times I went as a kid with my family when I was a teenager then I went the year after my dad passed with my mom and my siblings and my wife Bethlehem is its wild because there's steep hills outside of Bethlehem it's six miles from Jerusalem the Shepherd's they could see things coming from a long way it's not like a crowded forest area it's a very open area so David had to have seen a caravan of people following an older bearded man walking to his dad's house but David wasn't waiting by the road going can't wait to get my ticket out of Bethlehem can't wait to get out of here no David was content serving in the field he probably glanced over and goes home families having to get together I guess I'm not invited again illegitimate child it's all good my hope is in you lord I hope is in you how do you handle rejection David seemed to have handled it like a champion so his dad calls a man walks inside the house little did David know that this would be the last walk from the field to the house as David the shepherd boy because the next time you would walk out to the field he would be David the anointed future king of Israel but as he's walking into the house you can just imagine God looking over from heaven just watching this teenager scholars believe David was between 10 to 15 years old and to these teenagers walking in the house God's going back to the that's the one people are gone him he's a songwriter just let him lead worship just tell him to sit on the piano and don't mess with the leadership stuff tell him he doesn't belong in the throne room like he just needs the right songs and sing God goes no that's the guy that's the guy don't ever put a person in a box don't ever confine what a person can do based on their current current role current position God knows how to move harpist into Kings so David is walking in and his brothers are just looking at him shaking their heads rolling their eyes his dad's looking at him like eight son youngest boy stinky smelling right when he gets in look at this first samuel 16 verse 13 when he when he comes in verse 12 God sees him because this is the one this is the one this is the one everybody I'm the one you are the one you're God's beloved you're his son his daughter God says anoint him anoint him verse 13 so as David stood there among his brothers God will cause you to shine in front of those who hate you the most David stood there among his brothers Samuel took the flask of oil by the way they didn't make you they can't break you they didn't call you they can't disqualify you you know when I stepped in as pastor I had people say you're too young Paul you know let one of your older siblings do this literally wrote wrote the emails and letters Paul you're not qualified you haven't gotten your master's degree yet I was trying to look in the Bible for qualifications to be a pastor and I couldn't find master's degree in there and I couldn't find what age you were supposed to be all I saw is that God looked for a man after his own heart and maybe you feel like you're in a season a feelin disqualified I've been there still get there sometimes when I get discouraged by the way David got discouraged even as a king it's not a bad thing to get discouraged it's what you do with your discouragement David told his soul to quiet down it is well with my soul soul why are you so discouraged David knew how to speak to his emotions he knew how to speak to his discouragement his Dirty's Saul didn't know how to handle his insecurities so he just went crazy David he had insecurities there was one season where he did go crazy we'll talk about that in the future part of the series but he continued to just come before god lord I surrender I surrender I surrender so then in front of everyone Samuel anointed David with the oil and the Spirit of the Lord the Holy Spirit came powerfully upon David from that day on an annual return to Rhema guys David would be the future king of Israel but not yet he was anointed but he was not yet appointed replica I want to just give you a few things to take away what to do with this part of the story man after God's own heart number 1 David was faithful in the field he was faithful right where God had him he was faithful in the field that God had placed him in he was faithful to take care of his daddy's sheep what field are you in right now that God saying just be faithful just be faithful stop demanding God to promote you if you'll be faithful in the field that he's called you he will promote you at the right time just be faithful in the field that he's called you if you don't if you haven't heard a new assignment be faithful with the current assignment that he's given you number two he was faithful in the familiar he was faithful in the familiar on the day's by the way it rained it the wind blew they were there there was all kinds of weather that happens around Bethlehem but David showed up whether it was a day where a lion or a bear would attacked a sheep or whether it was just a hot sunny day in Bethlehem you didn't complain this job is so boring I wish I was doing something else even after he was anointed as King he anointed as the next king he continued to serve his dad sheep he was faithful in the familiar number three he was faithful when forgotten when the world forgot about him and when you feel forsaken you are mistaken God is with you God is with you he was faithful even when he was forgotten when his dad forgot about him it was all good because he knew that the father to the fatherless was peering over the the grandstands of heaven looking down on little Davey out in the field I learned to just worship in the seasons of obscurity and the seasons that were so humiliating because here's the point that I want to just prove to you real quick what you feel is humiliation is actually God's preparation for an acceleration towards your destiny what you feel is humiliation don't miss this the people that walked out early they miss something that's so important here what you feel is humiliation is actually God's preparation for an acceleration towards your destiny little did I know that picking up those nachos God was watching from heaven he was watching how I handled the sheep that weren't mine he was watching David he's watching you the job when you clock in are you walking in integrity are you really working the hours that you're clocking in for are you giving it all you got are you being faithful to honor those that are above you even when they forget about you are you being faithful in the familiar are you being faithful in the field no condemnation but today is a great day to say you know what from this day forward I'm going to be faithful I'm going to be faithful and I'm going to stop back biting and I'm going to stop gossiping and I'm going to stop disrespecting and I'm going to stop getting angry and shaking my fist at God and I'm going to be faithful because God is preparing me for my destiny and here's the fourth point right here he was faithful in the future how do you be faithful in the future because the second you find out what's in front of you when Samuel whispered and David's ear when the oil was falling over him Josephus another theologian says that Samuel whispered and David's ear they're going to be the future king of Israel what do you do when you find out what's in your future but it's not going to happen yet you get a big head do you say I'm done with the sheep I'm done serving my brothers that same chapter we'll find out in the weeks ahead David went right back to serving his dad serving his brothers serving King Saul doing whatever it took he was faithful in the future he was faithful to say Lord my hope is it you all the day long I want you to stand to your feet all over this room God wants to make us men and women after his own heart right now we're just going to have a moment of heart checking surgery in this room spiritual heart surgery before you leave today I want you to let the Holy Spirit check your heart maybe you're a Christian maybe you're not a Christian maybe you follow God for 40 years maybe you're here at church for the first time ever but you're listening to this and you realize all leadership is stewardship that is a principle that is that is true in every stance and a healthy heart produces healthy leadership a toxic heart produces toxic leadership God has called you to be a leader he's looking for faithful shepherds in their field when you look at the difference between Saul's heart David's heart Saul he had fear of man David sphere of God that's a huge thing right there Saul was worried David worshiped he turned his worries into worship Saul thirsty for man's applause what are people going to think why are they affirming me David thirsty for God's presence as the deer panteth for the water so my soul longeth after you better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere I'd rather be a doorkeeper in the house of the Lord than dwell in the tents of the wicked Saul paranoid David peaceful Saul raging with jealousy angry when people got blessed angry when people got promoted angry when others were cheering for other people David full of love he loves salt even when Saul hated him he loved Jonathan Saul's son he loved his son Absalom even when Absalom would try to kill him how's your heart right now how are you handling rejection how are you handling family members who hate you how are you handling being overlooked and ignored and going through a season of humiliation how's your heart right now solve self-preserving remember when Saul got in trouble he was only repentant because he got caught he cared about his image it was all about looking out for Saul but for David he was a servant leader he was humble he was broken he was there to serve the nation of Israel most of all he was there to serve God I want us to bow our heads and close our eyes all over this room you're here today you say and I I need God to work in my heart right now I want God to created me a heart that is set on him the Bible says his eyes looked to and fro the Lord looks to and fro across the whole earth searching for those whose hearts are fully devoted to him heads bowed and eyes closed if you're here today you say man I I need God to do some work in my heart right now in some of these different areas that I'm walking through difficulties trials discouragement tribulation feeling frustrated feeling overlooked feeling invisible in the eyes of man but Lord created me a heart that's set on you all over this room if that's you just lift your hand today you're saying God work at my heart yeah hands going up all over the room men women young old all over this room you saying Lord work in my heart secondly you're here today and you say man I'm not right with God I am sinned and I need to repent and I need Jesus to be Lord of my life David was just a shadow of who was coming the greatest king of Israel Jesus would come and he would be rejected by man and he would take a crown of thorns and whips across his back and die on a cross for us to give us hope and forgiveness and raised from the dead to give us life all over this room and you say man I need Jesus I need his forgiveness I need salvation I want you to just raise your hand today today is your day to just say Lord I confess you as my Lord my Savior don't leave today without letting God work in your heart if you your hands for either those thank you sir thank you I want you to just leave your row right now come and meet me at this altar come on just leave your room thank God work in my heart Lord my heart is yours work in my life got that give a huge hand clap for every person that's coming down today right now if you need to just leave your road just come and meet me at the salt - just find a place at this altar my hope is in you lord my heart is yours my heart in George till we think that's gone my heart is yours that's people coming out y'all [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] I feel to justify those in your face and season is frustrating if you're going through speed and it doesn't make sense if you're trying to find just hope you're trying to find peace you're trying to find a breakthrough once you just leave your seat right now I'm going to be map dissolved God was watching you but you walked from the parking lot into the church today he's watching you as you go back to your job this week he's watching you how you handle the field to keep in it he's drawing you to his heart he said be faithful in the season of humiliation for I am doing a preparation work in your heart maybe you're here today cause I did betrayed by people I've been rejected by people have been overlooked by people up I got a wound in my heart towards my dad I got a wound in my heart towards leaders if that's you I want you to just leave your row right now don't carry that wound out of this place today the Holy Spirit wants to do a work so deep inside your heart he's looking for David looking for men and women it will enroll into the school of brokenness it will say God I'm all yours god I've surrendered to you Lord I choose to be faithful choose to trust it's my hope it did you all the day long I'm all yours my heart is my heart is yours [Music] [Music] [Music] all of this friends make out your prayer get all my [Music] take it all my your hands My Lord we surrender to God we say our heart is yours to mold to transform to use for your purpose our story for your glory God take the wounds the past the mistakes the feelings of regret the shame lord I thank you that you used a man like David even though he missed it best ups in Lord is still used because it's hard he's quick to repent he recognized that you were his dog all day long you were his hope this trust was a few Lord but that the arm fell off Marcus just prayed as Whitley said Jesus I surrender to you I'm all yours my heart is yours created me a pure heart not after you fully devoted I repent a sense I receive your forgiveness working my hope all day long I confess you as my Lord and Savior live King come I put my trust in Jesus name amen and amen you
Channel: Victory Tulsa
Views: 139,843
Rating: 4.8114362 out of 5
Keywords: hillsong, tbn, oru, tulsa, ok, paul, daugherty, sermon, gospel, hope, grace, truth, life, love, preacher, pastor, paul daugherty, oral roberts, david, bible, david series, man after gods own heart, church, tv
Id: x0k_SuwixXM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 42sec (2622 seconds)
Published: Sun May 07 2017
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