How to Harvest Honey! | Beekeeping with Maddie #12

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hello everyone and welcome back to another beekeeping video today is a very exciting day because my mum and I are going to be taking honey from our two beehives we just need to get kitted up into our beekeeping suits and then we'll be ready to go [Music] [Music] there are a couple of things we need and the first thing is this it's called a smoker and we fill the can with paper and dried lavender and then we set it alight with a match and then when you squeeze the bellows like this it draws in air and that helps to make flames and then create smoke now the smoke isn't always necessary but if the bees are feeling a little bit feisty then the smoke helps to make them drowsy it distracts them no lovely with a lavender we also need one of these it's a gentle brush because when we take the frames that are full of honey out of the hive sometimes they still have bees on and this helps us to gently brush the bees away so they don't come with us and we've also got one of these metal things and this is called a hive tool and that's because the bees like to seal the hive nice and tight so nobody can get in so we use this to crack the hive open so we can get into the hive to take Kearney away all right so this is the Beehive we're going into first and we're just taking the roof off I can take a closer look in so that's the outer case we're taking off now open Wow hello so mum's taking the top of the highs and inside these boxes you can see all of the frames and the frames are where the bees store their honey they're buzzing around now are they let's pull this out is it heavy that thing's different dripping it with honey back in so we can't take that one because the bees haven't filled it with honey on both sides of the frame so we can only take the frames that are completely full of honey because we wouldn't want to take their job when it was half-finished good way Wow look at that one look at this one nope nope why can't we take this one man that that section there is sealed so that means they've topped it with wax eventhe and we can we can take that from that yeah this hasn't so they'll be filling that with honey now so that's so we can't take that one no it's not really their work to doing that yeah all right so now he's going to put the tops back on so that's the outer it goes over the box is the top the lid going back on it's called a crown board we dripped a little bit of honey on the sides and these have already found it just drinking it more it's so sweet we're about to go into the second time [Music] it's so interesting each of the hides has its own personality and this colonies so much more chilled beyond my thumb that feels good yeah I was near enough done isn't it yeah lovely and then we pop the frame inside the wheelbarrow and cover it up so the bees don't try get back to their honey that is a very model frame that one when we first put them frames inside a hive they flat and they just have a layer of wax on them and then over time the bees will draw out the wax to make little cells and that's these things they're like cupboards for bees and that's where the bees store their honey these bees have done a great job don't they that's lovely very good now see this one well and that feels heavy that looks really full we can see just here actually these cells are just missing their wax top and you can see the honey glistening inside so even though some of the frames are nearly ready we won't be taking any more honey from the hives this year and that's because it's really important as a beekeeper to only take the excess to only take what the bees don't need so they have enough to last the colder winter months now we just need to get the honey from the frames so that we can eat it but how do we do that welcome to our utility room which is also known as our makeshift honey production Factory this is where we take the frames and we prepare them so we can get the honey from them all we're doing if you're taking the frame and then we're using a knife to scratch off that top layer of wax which is holding all of the honey inside the cells at the moment it's my turn to give this a go oh that is so satisfying we go it's nice great all of that wax off the top of those cells I'm gonna put the frame inside the extractor but we just call it the spinner it's spinning time let's go [Applause] spinning the brains inside but I think they'll really far the funny is spinning out of those cells and eventually it's going to close to the pocket that we can collect it [Music] if think I was trying to make this thing fly so now we've been spinning it for a little while I can take this out and see how the honey is starting to escape from all of these little cells yeah there we go out what's coming out of it still got a lot of spinning today mom and I are completely exhausted we think we have spun as much honey out of those frames as we possibly can but actually if we look inside there that extract you know you can see there's quite a lot of honey at the bottom hey can you see that that golden glimmer was very sticky business it does taste good we've given it a little bit of time for all of that honey to trickle to the bottom and now we are going to open up this little tap here so we can watch all of it drizzling out yeah there it goes the reason we use a sieve is because the cells that the beast or the honey in are made of wax and at the moment the honey still has little bits of wax left inside it and that's not very pleasant to eat it can be quite chewy so the sieve helps to get rid of the big bits of wax and let's just the honey drip through the oozing has slowed down and it's going to tip the can up a little bit and see if we get the last bit out a couple of hours have passed and most of the honey has now drained through the sieve into this bucket so all that's left to do is put it in jars ready for us to eat [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so there you go guys it's been a day's work but we have successfully filled just five jars of honey this time I really hope you've enjoyed seeing how we take honey from the hives and put it into jars so it's ready for us to eat and I'm definitely gonna have some of this on toast for breakfast tomorrow morning subscribe for more beekeeping videos just like this one stay curious and we'll see you soon bye
Channel: Maddie Moate
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Keywords: how to harvest honey, beekeeping with maddie, taking honey from a hive, harvesting honey, beekeeping, honey bees, maddie moate, how to take honey from a hive, bees, hive, maddie, cbeebies maddie, how to be a beekeeper, beekeeper, maddie do you know, do you know maddie moate, cbeebies maddie youtube, science, learning, youtubekids, kids, childrens, education, biology, environment, todayIlearned, home school, nature, wildlife, insects, honey
Id: xnhmxNoo4EY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 48sec (528 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 22 2017
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