Be Aware Of WHO Inspires You....Job Update

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why is it upside down uh just started out let it really focus now this is a true first frost [Music] do [Music] oh yeah then [Laughter] okay it is a couple days later we had an awesome time with my mom here over the weekend y'all got to see her doing a little breakfast with us and now it is time to move our wine over to its second ferment yeah it feels hard to believe i know it's already time already been two weeks it's crazy so if y'all caught we'll i'll link down below the first video of us making the wine um if you all hadn't seen that and so this is the second ferment where it'll sit for two more weeks and then we'll do the final bottle so let's go ahead and get that process started okay hopefully you can hear some of the water but this is our six gallon carboy that tyler and melissa gave us so now we gotta sterilize it it's already clean but we need to sterilize it we're gonna be using that same low foam stuff this guy and so we'll fill that in for a minute then we'll dump it out and let it dry [Music] okay so that's completely full of water and the low foam sanitizing solution whatever it is um and then we have that completely filled up all the way to the room and then here's our air lock so we put in a little bit of bowl to have it sanitizing because that's the only two pieces that and this that's gonna touch the second firmness so we wanna make sure everything is sanitized all right it is time to dump this and with the air dryer happening it's a lot easier with the bucket because it doesn't spike it looks like i gotta flip over and try not to cause a ginormous mess or break yeah or break it yeah okay oh gosh let's see if i can just kind of do a little tilty [Music] here we go layer on her side nice and easy there we go that was terrifying that's a lot of water it is all right then we're gonna let it dry air dry completely air dry and then we'll do it the moment of truth so everything is dried up now and so our setup honestly if you had like a little tube that would work just fine but i'm using the crate and some books to get this up to where i can actually put that spout down in here uh to shoot out just so we won't have any spillage because this is blackberry wine if you didn't catch the first one so it's very very purple if it got anywhere splattered all over jen's yeah she might she might kill me so i'm gonna scoot this forward get it in there all right now just kind of hold that here we go that was close it feels like it's spilling because it's clear right all right so we are done this is what is left in there it's below the spigot and hang on with me the reason we do that is because that's where that dead yeast is below that spigot we tilted it just a little to get a little bit more but the rest we're gonna leave in there so now we've got the air lock on we filled it up with the water to the line we put a zip tie on it just to hold it and now it's going to sit in this car boy for two more weeks after those two weeks we will put them in our final stage which is our one gallon jugs to where we could actually start drinking it right then and there or we could wait because the longer you wait the more taste there's gonna be so stay tuned for two more weeks and you get more wine but i'm pretty excited to taste that wine it's gonna be really awesome um so that and like we had mentioned we'll make five total gallons well ish it'll make probably about four and a half you lose some volume when you're moving and then the yeast and stuff yeah because you have that yeast that's falling to the bottom that's going to take some of the liquid with it and i guess just natural evaporation to take some out so about four and a half gallons that we'll end up with but we want to talk to you all about something very very important um that you all know very much about with us so you all know um about i guess it's been about a month ago now have you learned that maybe more than that so my company came out and did uh the mandate before the government stuff that's all out there now um basically put that line down and then the government came right after that and did it themselves so there's all kinds of things flying out a lot of dates that are flying out um i did want to give an update for mine i did get a religious religious exemption um from my work i'm getting the mandate it was like pulling teeth yeah it was it was not easy and i honestly think that's a lot of what they're doing is they're trying to make it very difficult um so people will give up and not try to do that it takes about four tries i think yeah it took several times but i do finally have it and i am not gonna lie um i'm very happy for us but i wasn't overwhelmingly happy if that makes sense because it's this is still there and it's still wrong and yeah us and a few other families are getting this and it's you know working out well for them but there's still so many of you all um that are impacted and having issues with that solve the problem right it doesn't serve our problem it just it bought it bought us specifically a little bit more time because it's not as clear as day as just i'm exempt so thankfully i do not have to go into office i mean it'll be an extreme rarity if i ever did i mean now with this i really can't like i can but i'm gonna be like sticking out like a sore thumb because there's all kinds of guidelines that even an exemption person has to follow if they were to enter into any kind of space so it's still not great and uh it's almost like you have that thing on you now like you know if promotions came up or stuff like that you know that it's going to be there right and everybody knows because this it wasn't like normal exemptions um it was unfortunately very public like my leader knows their leaders know like my whole area is going to know um that when i don't have it which i don't care i'm i'm go ahead i'm glad you don't know um but then also that i have this mandate in anyone or this exemption um so that that makes it a little awkward and i know that's going to hinder any further career inspirations i guess is what i'm trying to say within this company but we knew that that wasn't what i wanted to do forever either so this does just allow us kind of like we had mentioned to hopefully start paying off a little bit more debt and getting more sustainable when it comes to the funding and profit side of things um because we got the food stuff pretty much down which we have very much worked hard for like this isn't a shock to us no we've been working for this for years so and honestly we're almost there we are so close we can taste it so we're grateful for this and you know even though it's not ideal none of this is we're still very much aware that it's a problem for a lot of people and know that we are thinking of you i've talked to a lot of you and that's been it's been really cool to have those conversations and know that we all have each other's backs so know that we do even though he got an exemption that doesn't change anything for us um and like i said we're almost there where we can taste it but for now this buys us some time to just tie up some loose ends and be able to bring him home full time one day honestly could we do it now probably but we're scared right right you know well it's just well there's a couple little marks that we are wanting to hit um i really like if we get some payments out yeah if we can get them out when it comes to some of the vehicles and stuff that we have uh once those go away i would feel more confident but then you know you can't really plan that well because then things break down you know you have to be able to afford that kind of situation so we would continue to pay it just in our own pocket um but i wanted to leave you with one last thing this whole situation um has been interesting to me it's been interesting to watch others um we have preached on our channel a lot that like if you aren't doing this right now this kind of lifestyle it's kind of too late like if you're trying to prepare for like the stuff that's happening right now like the food shortages that you're seeing all the after effects of these mandates and what that's impacting um but it's but you still need to start like you still need to begin that um and i think one of the biggest things that uh bothers me is it's you either have a channel that's like that's all they focus on like all they focus on is preparedness and screaming it down your throat that it's the end of the world and you got to do all this and that or the silencers the ones that are like secretly in their mind thinking it but not sharing it out with you all on their feelings and so what i'm trying to imply is don't stop talking about it but don't let it consume your life find that even ground which is what we try to do so like we had a very very couple passionate videos when this stuff came out but then we stopped and we're teaching you how to grow things over the winter we're teaching you how to make things that all go and play with that but if you just consume it over your mind and your heart then all you're going to have is hate and this is not a hate time this is a time to fight as patriots and when i say patriots i mean the world not american patriots all patriots and it's a time to stand up for yourself but it's most important that you and your family are as tight and as loving and as happy as you can be because that when it boils down to it is all that you have and you need to make sure that every single day and every single moment that you're living is happy joyful and loving not this hate side not consuming them with the media so much that it's just tearing you down every single minute because that is bad and if you're sitting there and you're being silent about it and you have something on your heart talk to folks about it don't keep it in i'm not saying you have to do it in front of a youtube thing but if you have it talk about it open more people's ears and eyes to what's happening but do it in the right mind do it that can bring joy for them and their family at their home yeah be aware of who you're inspired by that's exactly right because there's a lot of stuff out there all right y'all sorry for that little last bit i just wanted to kind of throw that in there i definitely wanted to give you all an update on my job because i know a lot of people were very passionate send us emails i mean sending us a lot of prayers and love so they've been answered but it's not over if you all haven't subscribed make sure to love you until the next one bye you
Channel: Stivers Homestead
Views: 21,555
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stivers, stivers homestead, the stivers, stivers family, wine, homemade wine, making homemade wine, job update, job status, religious exemption, mandate, it didnt make me happy, there is still work to do, sustainable, life worth living, lifeworthliving, homestead, homesteading
Id: tJsg1QyY6S4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 44sec (704 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 08 2021
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