How are queens made reproduced we explain

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hey everybody this is David again the barnyard bees and I will see if I can find this again what we got here is pretty much from what I can see there might possibly be a virgin queen in this hive but what I'll saw interesting and hopefully I can find it won't there she is found her right there is a brand-new and I can tell the way she's walking as light as she is this if I get her in the right light in here you can see her good a lot of people is asking how you make Queens and how you do splits and I'm still trying to locate her omits a lot of light out here give me a second see if I can locate her I can see her when I pulled the phone away right there she's going under those bees right there she's she's tiny and she's brand new and she's just hatched and of course the bees are covering her up right now so I've lost sight of her but she's very soft looking very light color there she is right there very she just had hatched and the reason I know that is just the way she's moving I've seen them so many times and now I've seen I've seen them come out of the cell flying and I've seen them come out and just creep really slow it just it all depends I've seen him come out and they was like a sprinter and I don't know how they had that much energy come now that the starting blocks like that like they did know here's another Queen cell right here now this split here made their own queen I didn't introduce a queen to him a virgin queen so this was walk away split that we're done here so so there is the queen we'll put her back in there gently and I want to see if a lot of people saying I've heard this from other teachers and stuff say that the Queen's will actually tear the cell down well that may be the case some of the time that's not all the time hopefully I can get this on the video they the workers right here before the Queen even had a chance to get around this cell because as I showed she is pretty feeble and slow at this point right now so it's not her that's attacking this cell this other queen cell yeah a lot of people say that that they go around sting the the cells and attack the the Queen's it's possible sometimes but not all the time these bees right here are attacking this cell as we speak right now they're getting there they're tearing it down let's see if I can move out of the way for a second we reckon they got a big hole ripped into the base in it I'll blow them all the way there for a minute right there you can see where they've just tearing it down from the top down so it's not always the queen that gets in there and does the killing now what it looks like here is actually it's actually an undeveloped Queen inside there but and I actually saw the words were that Queen had hatched now it's possible to and I've seen this many times is going through now you can see right there okay right there's a queen cell then right through the other side there's another queen cell we might possibly find more than one Queen here they don't have a chance to kill each other yet they hatch and then they run into each other they'll kill each other but I don't think it's immediate because a lot of times like I said these queens are are slow-moving very young and I don't think it happens as quick as what most people thinks I did a video the other day where I come across there's two queens and I knew the Queen was large and the other Queen was was even bigger than her so I was just assuming that the smaller one was the Virgin Queen well I moved her and the very next day she's laying eggs so we had two mated Queens in that one nuke and they was opposite one was on one side to hide the other one was on the other side of the hearth so that does happen sometimes sometimes it works out that way sometimes you can to see here I live these bees right here so we had to mated Queens in the same box working together at the time I didn't know it you know that one actually is a another undeveloped cell right there but see some of these too they all don't hatch exactly at the same time so I was hoping to to actually find another queen in here but not seeing one yet but what will happen now a lot of people asked and I don't understand how this works this was actually and and I'll say this right before people start coming in about inferior Queens we do a lot of walkway splits the Queen's quality of those Queens are just as good as ones that you would graft or one that they would you know they call them super procedure queens and then swarm cell Queens are on the bottom and they say that this swarm cell Queens do much better that's that's not true folks it's just not true you'll find good and bad Queens in both and and one way to look at it is people do grafting in a strong color that has good genetics and their confidence of pulling out an egg that will make us superior Queen they have no problem thinking that but with the bees making a cell like this one right here they have no confidence than that well who do they think can pick out the better egg to make a queen with to begin with I'd say the bee can pick out the cell pick out the egg better than anyone else now right there is another I could actually take this frame right here there's one standing down on the bottom that is uh getting ready to hatch but like I said it's not always the Queen that goes around and tears ourselves down sometimes the workers will actually cut into the cells and and most of the time it is the workers are tears them down the Queen will try to kill it sometimes so they'll get to it and try to kill the unhatched Queen sometimes but it's not always trying to look out here on camera and find another Queen for you see if we can maybe we look at I just had did a video too and I'll explain this down the big black widow spider in my heart and I did a video on it I thought man this will be a good video and I got I got all the footage except for right at the end of it the camera set off for some reason and it's been doing that I don't know why but I got plenty of memory so it's not that so any of you watching that video because I'm going to post it because it was too good a video not to post it's about the dangers of sticking your hand in a beehive without knowing what's in there but it cuts off and there wasn't that I cut it off it's just the camera shut off on its own so but I just want the explaining so you know let's look on this frame it may not be here but okay there is there's more likely where one of them at least has come out and left I see right there on the bottom when a queen hatches it's like a little door set little flappy door that come right out the bottom now when you come across the Queen cell that's been cut down by the workers it's usually cut through the side like you saw those ones that I showed because those workers know I'm not sure when that hatched see you like I said she was moving pretty slow some up I'm not 100% positive but I would say she just had hatched and because the the speed she was moving very slow but they will go around and they'll cut those other cells down and I think a lot of people think that the it's always the queen that goes around and does that but it's not it's not always a case she'll try to kill the other Queens for sure [Applause] but they're they're mostly picking out the ones that are more likely undeveloped not so much one that has an active life Queen because they know they know well I didn't see another queen in there so so what happens here well some people may not understand how this works that Queen will she'll mature a little bit in this box for t34 that all depends - it could she could stay three four or five days in there maturing her wings will harden up her body will harden up and then she'll go out on the mating flight and this could take up to a week so sometimes you know to get a maid a queen it takes longer sometimes than what you think and that's why you shouldn't always give up real quick you know so say she hatched she may stay in this high for three days this you'll fly out it may take her another three days three or four more days to mate and I've did the videos on this before so because I know this is true I've seen a queen lay she'll come back and lay a small pattern and then she'll disappear and she'll be gone and then she'll come back again now the reason that I have proof of this is this I checked the Queen one day she had a pattern and come back the next day the Queen wasn't walking around on the cell with a male still the male park still stuck inside of her she just had got back again so they fly out more than once it's not always a one time flight they go out they make their comeback they'll come back and they'll go out and they'll go come back and they'll go out that could happen until she's satisfied that she's bred enough now that could depend on the amount of drones that you have in the heart in the time of the year right now it may take her a long time to mate because our drone populations really love April and May March April May drone population is your mungus so she could fly out and be satisfied in one day come back and be be ready to go it's just a lot of things very independent but I wanted to touch on that a little bit I want to show that was a freshly made it Queen I want everyone to to see that see how they look and kind of get an understanding to how how that works they they'll take to back up a little bit past the Queen cell when you doing walk away split you'll have eggs that that was just laid that day and say you moved that Queen so you have day-old two-day old three day old for Dales you'll have the hole where she's laid every day and those eggs are maturing from egg standing up to an egg laying down the second day of the hatching on the third day and on the fourth day third fourth day they'll make a queen cell now that's how that works the bees will pick out an egg that they see suitable to make a queen with they will make Queen cells and they'll make several of them depending on the amount of bees you have your hive if you have a lot of bees and it's a packed out hive and all you did was wear the Queen you're gonna get a lot of clean cells now from the time you move that Queen you can come back in ten days and cut those cells out and move those two splits if you want to do splits early you don't want to mess with that now but time April when it's prime time here in North Georgia at least you can take those cells and cut theirs it sells out individually because they will be capped in 10 days cut those out and do splits you can do them with one frame two frames at that stage of the year you can pull up two frames of bees put them in a another nuke set that Queen cell in there with them she'll do the same things to show hatch she'll fly out your mates you'll come back and a lot of times when they do come back they do bring a lot of bees back with them and it'll fill that box up even more so that's how that works and the new beekeepers if you've never kind of a lot of people that can't grasp how that works and they say yeah while you pull the Queen out how'd they make a queen well that's how that works and there's different ways you know some people that graph the winter there's a Virgin Queen in there or though introduced a queen cell that was grafted that is getting ready to hatch there's different ways of doing this or some people buy made a queen you know you spend $30 you buy made a queen and you do a split that's the most sure quickest way without a doubt is to buy you a mate a queen that's the surest quickest way to do that so and earlier in the year the walk away splits in the such is the the higher percent of return early in the year for sure so I hope that explained that a little bit to everybody so they can understand this right here has a large number of bees and for a split for sure so we'll keep an eye on it I'll mark it I'll check in a week I'll give them a week and I'll check them by then she should be back and made it if not by then if I don't see any signs within a week or ten days so I'll probably give them up to ten days so what I'll do then I'll pull one of our made acquaintance out of our matrix down there and I'll introduce it and so we won't lose the bees because we've got a lot of bees in here so I hope that helped everybody out a little bit if you're not sure leave a comment ask a question I'm glad to help we're here to help the new beekeepers and that's about it for today that's nice locat and please like and subscribe please pass these videos along we're trying to help the new beekeeper out check out our Facebook group page just a little reminder we have a store in Chatsworth Georgia we're getting our website going better where we have more products that people combine we will ship out absolutely anything to anybody those feeders that we sell the hive top feeders that work excellent best high feeder I know right they're better than the homemade jobs that you got people making these things work excellent we'll have gift cards we do have your cards right now right now you can actually buy them on our website so they are now available and you can redeem those for any products we have nooks packages Queens we have Queens still available we make a lot of Queens and we've been very successful at it and and they're good mated strong good genetic Queens will ship these to anywhere in the country I'll put a link in the comments or I'll put a I'll put a link to our website in the comments and if it doesn't work for some reason that that link doesn't work just go to Barnard be calm and you can see our products there but if you wish to order a queen I'll leave a telephone number for our store manager Heather and you can call her and place your order and we'll get one shipped out to you so that's today's video I hope this helped everyone and please like and subscribe and thanks for watching Barnard bees
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Id: 6B7IyHWWa6c
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Length: 20min 12sec (1212 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 08 2017
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