How to Grill Lamb Chops | Recipe

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sausage the barbecue pit boys calm today we're gonna do some lamb loin chops on the grill all right they're real easy to do here we've got some fresh spring lamb loin chops here and they're cut about one and a half to one three-quarter inch thick you always want to buy a nice thick chop like this you're guaranteed moist and tender when you're serving them up all right now first thing we want to do here is we're going to make a marinade so we're going to add about a half a cup of olive oil to this bowl and to that we're going to add about a tablespoon of prepared mustard and here we have about a tablespoon of Worcestershire sauce and for this marinade we're gonna add some fresh sprigs of thyme now if you don't have any fresh thyme you could substitute maybe a half a teaspoon of dried thyme then we'll add some fresh ground black peppercorn give you a cup of tea spoons and give it a good mix now you can add what ingredients you like maybe some fresh garlic a little salt it's all up to you this works real good with this recipe now we're gonna take these loin chops put them in the marinade is what we want to do here is let it sit in this marinade for at least an hour although some pitmasters will let these marinate overnight in the refrigerator it all depends how much seasoning you want to penetrate this meat now take a look at that man it looks good enough to eat already if you know what I mean all right let's put it aside now with this meal we're going to be serving up some fresh boiled potatoes we're gonna have some carrots we have some asparagus and some onion so here we got some red potatoes we're just gonna peel them up real fancy here now you can use any kind of small potato but these datas look real pretty just serving them on a plate is going to do one of these stripe design this is barbecue pit boys five-star restaurant style now you know all about peeling potatoes so we'll just move this right on all right now in this plaque iron pot got a little water simmering away you might want to slowly cook these potatoes until they're fork-tender you you know off this table a bit all right let's get some carrots get some on you of course magic to this meal we've got some fresh asparagus all right now we're just gonna peel up these onions now these always white boilers nice and tender but you don't have these boilers around then you can just use a cup of small onions chop them up peel those skins off you know about that Yeah right now let's get these onions and these carrots in this simmering water you just want to cook these of course until they're fork-tender that's not going to take but 15 minutes you alright now let's work on this asparagus now there's not much preparation you need to do here you just cut off the more of the root section of this asparagus because we want the tops put on this grill excuse me about the lower 25% of these stalks now what have left just gonna throw it in the compost pile all right now these chops have been marinating I said maybe an hour so trying to put them on the grill now our grill is set up indirect we got the charcoal on one side we're going to put these chops right over the charcoal we want to sear them up real good couple minutes each side now you remember not all grills are the same you're using a typical gas grill you got some problems but with these uh kettle grills here you can control this fire real easy want to get a good fire going and do a nice here want those grill marks layer flavor control the fire with just a coat all right now a couple of minutes has gone by and this is where we're gonna want to flip these chop got some nice sear marks going on Hey gettin hungry while all right again control your family coke alright about another couple minutes has gone by and all depend upon how hot you charcoal is but this is one we want to move it to indirect throw on that freshest spirit now you only want to cook this asparagus for a few minutes and if you got some fresh cloves of garlic you just throw them right on top and it's a couple minutes all right with it fork tender carrots potatoes money this out of the way we want to cook our chops about medium-rare about 135 140 degree Fahrenheit again we've got these opposite hot coals now we don't want to overcook our asparagus because you want it al dente our little Christmas will bite into it so we're just going to move these indirect Hey with the cover on about another old four or five all right through the miracle of time these land lowing chops are done we've got them about medium-rare we just use the finger test know how we like them done but you can use one of those chefs instant thermometers you're unsure pull them off the grill here and let them rest a bit man life is good around the pit meet the landlord chops asparagus potatoes carrots my bib gonna move some sauce grab my only baby show you who's boss got my seed in my hair baby I don't care take a look at it Wow Beck time to plate some up oops miss Barragan annoying lamb chops couple potatoes a surprise at the chicken I got my love he's curious yes forget that Mincha yes one last thing this is five-star restaurant style so we got to put a little fresh mint leaf on there yeah my stomach so the next time you're looking for rest eat your barbecue you checkout Barbecue Pit Boys you
Channel: BBQ Pit Boys
Views: 233,670
Rating: 4.7723579 out of 5
Keywords: grilled, lamb, chops, chef, cook, barbecue, Bbq Pitmasters, cooking, grilling, lambchops, howto, food, bbq
Id: MCI-cJoZw6M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 45sec (705 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 27 2010
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