How to grill Bacon Bomb | Recipe

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The commentator makes it sound like a Bob Ross painting. It's so calming.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Fozzo 📅︎︎ Jul 27 2011 🗫︎ replies

Butchers twine is crucial for a bacon bomb, otherwise it will fall apart like this guys.

This was my most recent, a peppered pork tenderloin filled with dubliner white cheddar, wrapped in proscuitto, wrapped in a pound of season ground pork, wrapped in a bacon weave.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/ShearGenius89 📅︎︎ Jul 27 2011 🗫︎ replies
cute boys calm about today we're gonna do a bacon bomb all right it's real easy to do here I've got a couple pounds of thick sliced bacon that's 1/8 inch thick bacon there you can get quarter inch thick you can find it and here I've got about 3 pounds of fresh ground pork maybe three and a half pounds and got an onion there we've got some bell peppers here I've got some fresh on mede barbecue sauce here I've got some pork rub and you've got some shredded cheese all right now first thing you want to do is cut up these veggies you know all about that so just move this right now [Music] good all right now next what we want to do here is we're going to I'm going to make this pork into rectangular loaf maybe about inch about an inch thick want to firm it up a little bit nice and tight because we're going to roll yeah that was easy enough now was now you take some of your pork rub and it's just basic rub coat it on pretty thick [Music] now I'm gonna take some of these veggies we just cut up work them into the top of that loaf right there now you could you could use what ingredients you want you can use a pepperoni you can use mushrooms whatever you want and here I got some of that homemade barbecue sauce or spreading on pretty thick and then I got some shredded cheese you like I said you choose what stuff in your life from this city this bacon bomb here this kind of works some will even put fried bacon inside to it that works really good too all right so now we're just roll this bad boy up good eh looks good enough to eat already no we're gonna go in slow this may take about three and a half four hours of year alright so the next step here is want to lay out some bacon and we're gonna do a basket weave it's kind of easy to do it's probably the hardest thing about this recipe the idea of making a basket weave onto this bacon is so can I hold this ground pork real nice and firm I'm not gonna tell you how to do it you can figure it out just kick back listen to tunes for a little bit [Music] man if you like bacon you love this bacon boy [Music] you [Music] you [Music] Road [Music] right good alright now I'm going to take a little Miller this pork rub here coke this loaf [Music] I think you'll get the idea all right now it's time to get this on the grill now we're going to be doing indirect low and slow here you've got the charcoal on one side of that grill here we're going to throw a little more of that homemade barbecue sauce on there now this just loaf will be about four four and a half pounds so it could take about four hours to do anyway just put a light smoke in there I have temperature of about 225 to 275 degrees now every once in a while here you slop on more than barbecue sauce [Music] just remember it's always time to barbecue [Music] all right - a miracle time probably four hours into this low and slope you always want to check the internal temperature of anything you're barbecuing I'm looking about 165 degrees internal there's no that ground fortress welding all right it's time to take it off the grill bring it on in the house [Music] Hey you smell there smells good [Music] alright let's close up this grill [Music] they're going house slice them up [Music] you [Music] all right blew that bark on that bacon bomb [Music] sir let's slice a money [Music] table over there [Music] moist tender [Music] most of the fat is rendered off [Music] and smell that bacon and drive me crazy Oh me [Music] all right you can eat the way you want eat it up Sam dress it up a little bit you have got some garlic toast there [Music] barbecue sauce here [Music] take a look [Music] apologize right now take a bite of this right why [Music] okay boys to tender that bacon bark on there Hey next time you're looking for a good barbecue recipe just check out barbecue pit boys calm
Channel: BBQ Pit Boys
Views: 1,929,261
Rating: 4.8498678 out of 5
Keywords: grilling, explosion, bbq, recipes, cooking, smoker, grilled,, pork, recipe, how-to, barbeque, grill, Bbq Pitmasters, fatty, bacon, cook, food, barbecue, Bacon Explosion, Cook (Profession), Barbecue Grill (Culinary Tool), Meat
Id: t1IiUAtoNBk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 0sec (780 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 01 2009
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