Talking about your dreams in English! (using conditionals)

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all right it is rolling hi everybody and welcome back to our weekly live lesson my name is alicia and in this week's lesson we are going to look at how to talk about your dreams for the future we are going to cover some basic expressions that you can use to talk about your dreams the things you want to do we are also going to talk about using conditional sentence structures that means if i something something then i something something those kinds of patterns we'll talk about that i'm going to cover the differences between wish and hope and i'm also going to talk about a couple of other expressions that i hope can help you to express your wishes and dreams so for this week's lesson actually we have recorded this we are trying a new test so i've recorded this a little bit earlier than usual so i'm not joining you live this week but i hope that you enjoy this lesson and like and share as usual so as you join this live broadcast please please please make sure to hit the like button and share the video so that other people can find today's lesson that would be super super cool so uh while we wait for other people to join this live video as always a couple of super super quick announcements the first thing is about this banner at the bottom of the screen this pdf cheat sheet banner if you have not checked it out you can find free pdfs to practice your vocabulary to practice building your phrases and things you can find all of these and a bunch of other topics from the link below the video if you're watching on youtube or above the video if you're watching on facebook so take a look at these you can download as many as you like on the back this one is about romance and love yes but on the back there's a list of nice compliments too so you can check out a bunch of these different topics and find some key points from each one here's what you'll find if you click on the link you'll find this page right here so to download everything you need to put your name and email address in here yeah and then if you have trouble finding uh what you want to download and making sure it works correctly you can scroll down these are all of the pdfs i showed you you can scroll down here and you'll find this one two three four step process so check this out if you want to download everything and if you need a little extra support while you do that so i hope that is helpful for you that is announcement number one announcement number two is as always if you have questions for me you can send them to me for the ask alicia question and answer series this is an old screenshot from this series but you can send me your questions about vocabulary grammar everyday life culture whatever small questions are okay and questions from every level are also okay too so send them along to me you can find the link for this in the youtube description or send it to me at ask hyphen alicia you'll find that there if you want to follow me on instagram or on twitter this is the username and you can find the link for this as well in the youtube description so that is all for our announcements for this week so i hope that everything is working well and everybody is joining us live now so let's get to today's topic today's topic as i said is about how to express your dreams for the future so here are today's lesson boards we're going to start by talking about basic dream and wish statements so very simple sentences then we're going to talk about using conditionals we'll talk about an if conditional pattern and we'll also talk about using once then i'm going to talk about the differences between wish and hope when we use them as verbs and we'll talk about a few other expressions too okay cool so let's get into it and if you haven't please make sure to hit the like button and share this video usually when i'm watching live i will hit the like button and share it so i'll do that live in real time when this video plays but let's get to part one part one uh basic dream and wish statement so let's start with some basic expressions that we use to talk about our dreams the first one is i want to i want two something something something when you use this pattern you can use an infinitive verb phrase so infinitive verb the infinitive form of the verb is the base form the one you find in the dictionary so sometimes your dictionary says like two plus verb that's the form of the verb we want to use here so no change to the verb i want to for example i want to start a business i want to start a business or i want to design a house i want to design a house or i want to travel to 10 countries so each sentence here uses this infinitive form and we use the i want to pattern as well when we use this expression in everyday speech this part i want to is reduced down so not i want to in everyday speech but i wanna i wanna so in native speed these sentences would sound like i want to start a business i want to design a house i want to travel to 10 countries so quite quick yeah but you can use your own infinitive verb phrase right here i want to start i want to design i want to travel i want to go i want to experience and so on so this is a really good way to express a basic desire yeah a good everyday expression okay let's go to the next one then so the next one is in the future i want to be able to plus infinitive verb phrase so once more in the future i want to be able to infinitive verb phrase for example in the future i want to be able to speak four languages or in the future i want to be able to take long vacations one more in the future i want to be able to work from anywhere okay so let's break this sentence down what's happening in this sentence first in the future in the future so this means this is my future goal or something i'm talking about for my future this is probably far in the future not tomorrow when we say in the future we we usually don't mean like next week really but maybe in a month or the next season or the next year or many years in the future so in the future i want to be able to i want to be able to so this part means i want to have the ability to so this is something i cannot do now that's what this sentence is saying something i cannot do now but in the future i want to say i can do this so in the future i want to be able to speak four languages for example so now i can't speak four languages maybe i can speak one or two or three maybe cool but in the future i want to be able to speak for so that's my future distant goal for myself or i want to be able to take long vacations so i can't do that now but in the future i want to be able to so this is a good one to use to talk about your skills and abilities all right cool let's head on to the third one here the third one is i dream about gerund phrase i dream about so gerund i've used gerund here gerund is the noun form of a verb we can change a verb into a noun by using this ing form so we don't use this just for progressive or continuous right like i am talking you are listening this is also a way to make the verb become a noun and we use it in this noun position yeah so let's look at some examples i dream about owning my own business i dream about owning my own business so this functions as a noun in the sentence i dream about owning a business okay so this is like a like a noun phrase this is the topic of my dream yeah another example i dream about traveling every month i dream about traveling every month or i dream about making lots of money so all of these patterns use this gerund phrase this is important it's different from this one yeah the infinitive verb phrase in the other two patterns so this one i dream about gerund or i want to or i want to be able to infinitive verb phrase so depending on the pattern that you use you do need to end your sentence to end your statement with a different type of grammar yeah so please keep these two concepts these two ideas in mind yeah i dream about has a different ending than i want to i want to okay cool so this is part one for today so our basic dream and wish statements awesome okay let's take one quick break and then we'll go to part two where we look at conditionals and conditional patterns so really quickly in case you missed it earlier i shared as always i shared with you about this banner on the bottom of your screen here the free pdf cheat sheets you can find from the link below the video or above the video uh youtube below the video facebook above the video here are some i have not shown you in a while you can find many different topics this one is for emergencies maybe useful of course useful to know emergency words and on the back some phrases to use in these situations this is police assistance but you can use these as well in other situations in everyday communication like at work or in some other public place maybe if you have a problem so these are good to know this one for example this says give me directions too so that one's basic yeah so there's another one i'm lost so you can ask for directions uh with that too so check these out here's another one for school yeah so school expressions here on the back are some uh phrases for classrooms and of course you can use these in our live sessions too yeah so you can use some of these expressions here yeah like slowly please and once again so you can download a few of these you can download all of these check them out print them out put them on your phone your computer whatever you like check the link below the video if you're watching on youtube and above the video if you're watching on facebook cool okay let's get back to the lesson if you have not please please please make sure to hit the like and share button so that other people can find today's lesson that would be super super cool okay let's go to part two okay part two features conditionals conditionals so i'm not going to talk about all the different types of conditional in this week's lesson if you want some information about conditional sentence patterns i have many videos on the english class 101 youtube channel and of course at so if you want to get more information about conditionals please use your awesome search skills and search the channel for conditional videos so today i chose a couple of conditional patterns that are very helpful for expressing your wants desires and dreams for the future so let's take a look first one is if i a i'll be able to be if i a i'll be able to b so we have two kind of actions or conditions here we have a and b so this means that when a is true i will be able to be again we have this i'll be able to note this here future tense i will i have it reduced here i will becomes i'll so i will be able to be okay let's look at some examples how do we use this then so if i pass this test i'll be able to graduate from university if i pass this test i'll be able to graduate from university so here's my a if i pass this test if i pass this test this day okay so if this is true if this is true i'll be able to graduate from university so b is graduate from university so this means if i pass the test it will be possible for me to graduate from university a must be true and then b is possible so we need to use this i will sometimes i hear learners forget this will here and remember you cannot use this in your if clause like sometimes i hear people use if i will pass the test not correct you cannot use will in your if clause there you need to use it here so the other mistake i sometimes hear is uh if i pass the test i be able to not correct i will be able to i will be able to okay so your future tense uh verb needs to be in your main clause okay let's look at another example if i get a loan i'll be able to start my own business if i get a loan i'll be able to start my own business so a loan is money you receive from the bank yeah so you have to give the money back to the bank plus extra plus interest but you get some money in the beginning for a business or for an idea so this is called a loan so if i get a loan i'll be able to start my own business so again here's a if i get a loan so if a is true then b will be possible i'll be able to start my own business okay cool one more example of them so if i give a good presentation i'll be able to ask for a promotion if i give a good presentation i'll be able to ask for a promotion what's a promotion promotion means going up a level your job title goes up increases usually you get more money to after a promotion so promotion is a good thing for many people sometimes more responsibility okay so again here's a if i a give a good presentation i'll be able to b ask for a promotion okay so in these situations after a is true b becomes possible okay cool so this is one pattern you can use to talk about your dream for the future or some kind of plan that you have for the future now i want to look at a different pattern this once conditional once so we use once again to mean after this thing is true this other thing is true so very very simply it looks like this once a b so this is the very flexible pattern yeah this means after a is true b so just like up here but this can be very very flexible this one i gave you all the words you need yeah in this one we can be more flexible so for example once i have my own car once i have my own car i'll be able to go anywhere i want once i have my own car i'll be able to go anywhere i want so here's a once i have my own car so after this is true i will be able to go anywhere i want this is b yeah so after i have my own car in the future again i will be able to go anywhere i want so this is similar to this pattern yeah okay let's look at some other examples that don't use this be able to pattern so here's another one once i finish school i'll start looking for a job once once i finish school i'll start looking for a job okay so here once i finish school so this is my condition it needs to be true finishing school then i will start looking for a job so in this sentence we're looking at a sequence of actions yeah i'll finish school after that i will start looking for a job once i finish school i'll start looking for a job we're showing a sequence okay last one here once i buy a house i'll host big parties every summer once i buy a house i'll host big parties every summer okay so this means after i buy my house or after buying a house is true as a reality for me i'll host i'll so to host something means to be the host of the situation so people come to your house for the party i'll host big parties every summer so you might think well can i just replace this with an if i pattern like can i just say if i buy a big house i'll host big parties every summer well yeah you could say that but it does change the meaning a little bit so what's the difference here if i buy a big house sounds like i don't really have a plan to buy a big house right now or was it big house just a house okay sorry so if i buy a house sounds like maybe there's not a plan to buy a house right now if you use once i buy a house it sounds like you're planning to do that thing like there's some maybe course or some path in your mind it's part of your plan or a project you have so using once sounds more like sure like you've decided to do this thing yeah so once i buy a house i'll host big parties every summer you sound confident and sure of your plan if you use if it sounds like maybe there's a chance that's not going to happen like if i buy a house i'll host big parties every summer sounds like it's not really going to happen maybe let's look at another example if i finish school i'll start looking for a job like there's a chance i might not finish school that's the feeling up here too there's a chance this will not happen if i pass this test i'll be able to graduate from university so there's a chance this might not happen right if you use this once pattern it's going to sound more confident like once i pass this test i'll be able to graduate from university so it sounds like there's a plan and you're more confident there okay cool so these are some conditionals that you can use to talk about your plans your dreams and your level of confidence about them okay awesome so we'll take one more super quick break and then we'll go to part three wishing and hoping and some other expressions too okay awesome if you missed it super super quickly super super quickly uh i talked about these free pdfs at the bottom of the screen you can find them from the link below the video if you're watching on youtube or above the video if you're watching facebook this one's the family one i always show this one i show this one a lot because on the back are some expressions for the first time you meet someone so if you need to review some of these questions or get some ideas like i've heard a lot about you for example you can find these on the back of this family and relatives one i know lots of people like to practice introductions and new phrases for meeting people for the first time so this one might be good for some of you too uh also here's another one i like it's the talking online one so there's vocabulary words for these items but again on the back we have some expressions so like internet expressions here and conversation online as well too so check these out if you haven't checked recently take a look you can find some new stuff that the team has put up recently too all right let's get going to the last part because time is running out oh my gosh okay so let's go to the last part and if you haven't please please please make sure to like and share the video that would be super super cool let's go part three how to talk about dreams for the future with wish and hope so this is a very common question what is the difference between wish and hope in this part i'm going to talk about using these words as verbs okay so what is a wish a wish or rather what does two wish means are as a verb not as a noun so as a verb it means to desire or to want something or to want a condition we do not have now and in red here usually it's not possible or it's very difficult so let's look at some examples i wish i had more free time i wish i had more free time so we use wish here because we are talking about something we want we don't have now and it's difficult to get or it's not possible for us to get right now i wish i had more free time or i wish i could speak french i wish i could speak french so again i cannot speak french now i want to be able to speak french but it's not possible right now like i can't just immediately learn a language right i wish i could speak french so we use wish to talk about these desires but that are difficult or not possible to get for us at this point in time then let's compare this to hope to hope means to want something oops sorry to want something to happen or to be true to want something to happen or to be true for example i hope i can finish work on time i hope i can finish work on time or i hope we see each other again soon yeah so let's talk about this then could we change these could we use different verbs could we swap the verbs no for example i wish i can finish work on time if you have a job where you usually work until very very late maybe you could say that but you need to change the grammar of your sentence when you use this because we're talking about something that's not true or not possible so if you want to talk about wishing uh to finish work on time you would need to change the grammar of the sentence like i wish i could finish work on time you could use a sentence like that but you cannot just switch uh hope and wish around here i hope we see each other again soon this one this sounds nice because it sounds possible that that's the feeling with hope i hope i can finish work on time today it sounds like something is possible you want that to happen and it sounds like something you can do or you're able to do i hope we can finish work on time so something else i sometimes hear is that learners use hope in these patterns i hope i could speak french or i hope i have more free time maybe you could maybe use it with free time like i hope i have more free time next week maybe for something that is possible yes but when talking about abilities we don't use it in this way like i hope i could speak french or i hope i could cook better or something like that we use wish to talk about those things that we cannot change right away yeah hope is used for things we want to happen or conditions that we want to be true and that are actually possible in a short period of time so this is a quick introduction to the differences between wish and hope finally i want to end with a couple of very positive expressions i hope the first one is i can't wait until i can't wait until this is an expression of excitement so saying i can't wait sounds negative right but i can't wait until this thing this is another way to say i'm really looking forward to that thing it's like saying i'm so excited it's hard for me to wait it's not possible for me to wait for example i can't wait until i finish school i can't wait to look for school or i can't wait until my vacation next week i can't wait until my vacation next week or i can't wait until i see my family again okay it means i'm really really excited about this thing and i'm so excited i don't want to wait finally the last thing when you achieve your goal or when you finally get that thing you dreamed about you can say something like this i've dreamed about this for a very long time so you can use very if you like you don't have to i've i have yeah i've dreamed about this for a very long time yeah or i dreamed i've dreamed about this for a long time as well too so these are some positive expressions to describe things you are looking forward to and what you can say when you do achieve your goal yeah cool all right so that is the last part of today's lesson i hope that you found something that you can use to express your own dreams for the future your your own wishes and hopes and all that kind of good stuff so i'll finish there for today but if you want to take a screenshot of today's lesson boards here you go boom so today we talked about a basic dream and wish statements like i want to and in the future i want to be able to we talked about some conditional statements and we also talked about the differences between wish and hope and some other expressions you can use to refer to your dreams and your wishes so i hope that it was helpful for you i'm gonna wrap it up there that's all for this week but i'll be back next week of course next week's lesson information is right here so next week uh the date for the lesson will be september 29th wednesday 10 p.m eastern standard time that is new york city time if you don't know your local time please google it or you can set a notification on youtube on facebook or if you follow me on instagram i always post a link and a topic reminder in my story so check that out next week i'm going to talk about money how to talk about money earning spending and saving money a very important topic for everybody i think so this should be a really great one so please join me again next week and we'll talk about money good stuff right okay so i will say goodbye for this week thank you very very much for joining our weekly session as always thank you so so much for liking and sharing the video too that was super super great uh don't forget to check out your free stuff from the link below the video if you're watching on youtube above the video if you're watching on facebook and if you want to find me on social media or send me your questions for our question and answer series you can find the links for that in the youtube description so i will say goodbye for this week thanks again for joining our session and i will see you again next time have a great week have a great weekend and i'll see you again soon bye
Channel: Learn English with
Views: 49,331
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: english, learn english, englishclass101, learn english for free, free english, english lesson, conditionals
Id: xiohfyQsZxc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 51sec (1731 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 22 2021
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