How to get thick green lush lawn quickly.

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hey guys it's doc and today what we're gonna do we are going to solve some mysteries for you especially concerning spray bottles and we're going to talk about the simple steps to get a perfect lawn i'ma show you my perfect lawn the world's greatest Bermuda grass I'm gonna show you Barb's give you an update on Barb's hers went through a hard hard drought we're gonna show you what we're spraying on it today I'm gonna show you a couple funny video clips that you need to do and I'm gonna give you some product updates lots of stuff in this video so hold on [Music] you so again here's mine again don't forget I call this the world's best Bermuda lawn but nothing we moved into this house what two and a half three years ago and it was a piece of crap lawn we've done nothing to this we've done no leveling we've added no soil we've just put this on my Bermuda grass calendar program and this is what this is what the results are this is the only lawn in the neighborhood that looks like this by the way I want to show you the back now if you know anything a couple weeks ago what did this look like it's look like living hell a couple weeks ago this is just absolutely look at this lawn I don't think you could really comprehend it look at this it's just absolutely gorgeous and it's not like I have a couple spots I have a massive big yard over here okay so here's the funny thing I want you see if you can tell me what this is do you know what that is I was freaking out I did not know what that was think about it think about it you know what that is watch one foot two foot bug spray now isn't that funny that's off that is off I was gonna go I was get ready to go through the fence and do something out back and I spray it off on my legs and look what it did to the grass great anyways just a little tip for you I couldn't figure hey guys so one issue that a lot of people have with our super juice is trying to figure out the best way to apply it and not solve that issue I've solved that issue with a spray bottle empty spray bottle that you can get on Amazon I finally found this and these are great spray bottles so what I did today and on the shoot in this video as part of it is calculating how much square footage with our super juice will this actually cover and you do not get blockages with this if you follow my instructions so I'm gonna show you I'm gonna mix up some super juice I'm gonna spray it on Barb's lon and we're gonna do some calculations so a lot of people email me and say hey doc I'm having to run around my yard real fast because my just super juice sprays too quickly so let's figure out a comfortable pace for these the next thing is is we had we're finally broke our 42 day drought I've got some rain some storms I'm going to show you a footage of a downburst in my backyard that was insane my whole swimming pool filled up with pine needles and leaves in the backyard was horrible a bunch of different stuff but before we go forward a couple quick things number one we are doing a year giveaway of yeeeaaahhh flan goodies of humic and fertilizer and all kinds of stuff so it's gonna be - a subscriber so make sure you subscribe that'll be probably in sometime in December for Christmas gift we'll pick us a random subscriber and give away a year full of treats the next thing is is the organic fertilizer is back in stock on Amazon or the humic is in stock and Amazon I think the 40 pound bag sold out they'll be back on soon so just keep checking every day remember when you go to our website how to calm there's all over the place there's things called product links so in the description this video you can go see this page information there but you can also go to the product links you can see soil improvements for humic acid you can see fertilizers you can see fungus people say wait where do you get your hat well I put a link to hat so that I work on there different links that you can actually get this stuff on products of we're testing in products that I actually use myself in my lawn to get the world's greatest Bermuda grass and next so let's go ahead and let's solve this mystery now I found these spray bottles on Amazon they have a nice one of the reasons why a lot of spray bottles like a spectra side or something like that will clog up with our super juices because there are fine particles and our super juice and if you're using a liquid type like insecticide or like a fertilizer bottle a lot of times I have ten seed clear up these have a much heavier ratio to them and they don't clog up that's the nice thing about these bottles I think I ordered three of them and they're not they're not soup they're not super expensive they're like eight bucks apiece but you I'm keeping for rest of your life plus they're clear they're easy to see if you want to label them you can label them so it's a really good so I'm putting a link on the webpage not in the description now below you gotta go to the webpage to see the link for these bottles the super juice recipe super juice recipe is pretty simple we use the humic TG I'm gonna show you how I make it up a little a little bit faster way to make it up and don't forget are for me to grass calendar so the Bermuda grass calendar for 2019 is up you can download a copy of it it's a printable copy it's just a reminder circular calendar so you can do that too so what I'm doing is I'm gonna spray Barb's lon let me let me just give you a real quick background 42 Barb's lawn was solid clay it was a horrible one so I stepped in and said hey let me help you out earlier in the year we got her lawn looking beautiful and it still is beautiful it's there's Bermuda everywhere on it she had natural areas we took all that out and we got her lawn just absolutely gorgeous well guess what she doesn't have an irrigation system 42 day drought what does that mean that means at every house in this neighborhood that doesn't have an irrigation system is basically the Bermuda does die Bermuda shuts down and Bermuda turns brown so we finally got some storms in so I went over I scalped her lawn because you got to take the brown off to let the green come back up through so I went ahead and scalped it and I spring with a super juice I want to post some updates I'll post pictures on the website probably about five to seven days you'll see a green up on it and in following videos I'll also do an update on that this is a great example coming off a hot summer drought how do i repair my fault or meat alone so step number one is get the organic fertilizer and put out organic fertilizer I put it out heavy you don't have to put it out heavy you can put it out light and as soon as you put it out hit it with a super juice right on top of it yes it's good for new sod people want to know people ask to that if you've got new sod put down the organic fertilizer hit it with super juice and you'll be real happy okay I'm doing this with one hand so excuse me but this is a little easy way to do this save one of your old gallon containers of your liquid lawn and what you can do is as I just put a funnel now I filled this up about one-third of it one-third of the way so I've got about water up to about here in this and all I'm going to do is I'm going to take [Music] about three handfuls of the human can put in another and so now what I'm going to do is I'm going to cap it and I'm gonna shake it any air out pressure [Applause] and I'm basically just gonna let this sit i'ma let this sit overnight I'll shake it every so often then what I'll do is now I've got a fine screen here you can see how fine that is this is a flower screen you get them at Walmart and I use this to screen both when I mix these two so I've got a gallon of liquid lon I'll probably use half to three-quarters of this mix it in with this and then start filling these new bottles I'll also put in the blue dye and I'll spray barbs long tomorrow but this is my sort of prep now what I can do is this has a ziplock so I just seal this up I just ziplock my humic and she's all set to put back on the shelf okay so I'm mixing up mixing up the super juice and I'll just sort of walk you through what I do want it by the way the organic fertilizer is back up on Amazon and if it sells out by any chance I'll have more back up in a couple days everything should be in stock on Amazon you go to our product links on our website everything is linked there soil improvement fertilizer as you can see exactly what we use use those links because we keep them updated alright so here's my little formula this is them this is kind of the newer way I do this I take a two gallon bucket and I'm gonna put in blue dye and I'm gonna be making probably close to two gallons of this to cover her entire lawn so I gotta think about two gallons worth so I'm gonna put in maybe about a quarter of a cup of blue dye my iron probably maybe about one cup of iron or her whole lawn again I'm running everything through a fine fine screener now I'm gonna take my humic mixture we get up again this is about a third third of a gallon here always classify it you can see how black it was you can see how thick and black that is again I know that there's sediment on the bottom I'm just gonna not worry about that I'm gonna take my liquid lon shake it up really well same thing run it through a strainer I'm gonna put in Oh I'm putting in about that's close to 2/3 of a gallon and then I'm gonna fill the rest up I'm gonna fill the rest of this up with water so let me get some water so now I've got two gallons of this that I can take my time with in my spray bottles I know I've got the amount of nutrients I want to put on that lawn so if I need to do two coats I can do two coats but I can take my time with the spray bottle make sure I'm all mixed up here so let me show you one little trick on this these things have have these safety tabs on them right here this little safety tab come in here and cut that annoying thing off and that way this thing flows runs by it very evenly without having to push that tab in because it has off it has water and then it has spray so always cut that little safety tab off so I've got the 0g hose laid out by the way I've got a link to the 0g hose on the website it's the only hose I use I'm gonna put this on it a little connector I'm gonna put a little connector on it and the connector I like these so I don't have to put stress on the bottle to shut on and off I could just use this and I can just turn it on and off through here which is nice so I just use this to turn it on and off okay and so another thing that you need to know what I'm doing is I've got a thirty-one hundred square foot area paste off it's basically a rectangle so I can measure and see how the the volume and coverage of these spreaders I'm trying to calculate this to make all of our lives easier in my life and your easier for your life so I've got the hose connected to this shutoff so I don't have to put stress of turning on and off under this handle I've got the bottle filled I've got my area mapped out of 3,100 square feet and I'm gonna go up there and start spraying let's see where will I be I'll be up top here I know what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna do that area up there and if I run out I'm gonna see how much of this it takes to cover 3,100 square feet in these new spray bottles and that way we have a good calculation to figure it out [Music] [Music] [Music] so one of the reasons why I left the camera running is so that you could see you could actually see me was that so you could actually see me going back and like touching up the edges and the way that real people actually spray stuff so I wanted to do a real-world sort of spray test as far as coverage goes so really what we've got is about 1,500 square feet per bottle so 1,500 square feet nice and slow nice steady pattern going back and forth touching up your edges make sure you know you're not spraying your sidewalks and all that kind of stuff so it's about 1,500 feet per bottle so now you can calculate how many bottles you need it's pretty simple so anyways now what you can see is you can see by this bottle what I mean you get that nice that I always talk about technical term you get that nice blowing mist you get a good foliage Fogler foliage coverage through these bottles that's what we're looking for especially when we've added iron we want this stuff to sit on the foliage for you know 24 hours before we actually water it in so great spray bottle I'll do the calculations here in a minute hey guys so I hope that cleared things up a little bit on the spray bottles so using these new spray bottles you can get about 1,500 square feet so just take your normal formula and just add water to it yeah you're gonna be changing out a lot of spray bottles but it's a constant no worry way to get this stuff out I love these new bottles and it just saves the hassle of trying to figure out what what's the viscosity what kind of bottle might it solves all those problems basically if you want a really thick lush green lawn like I have it's real simple number one put down the organic number to make sure you're putting down humic acid and right after you put down that organic at the organic fertilizer hit it with the super juice you can put out this super juice as much as you want I have I have done test strips with this we have done like put it out every week a super super heavy no burn you don't have to worry about burning anything it's a great great product we've been using this now for over a year and the lawn is just absolutely amazing so you put out your organic fertilizer spray it was super juiced make sure you put down some humic make sure you watch the pre-emergent video click that subscribe button and that's about it guys so that's today's video and I'm gonna go relax for a minute now because I'm hot talk to you later [Music]
Channel: How To with Doc
Views: 546,668
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: thick green lawn, lush green lawn, how to get lush green lawn, how to green up your lawn, how to green up my lawn fast, how to green up bermuda grass, how to green up lawn fast, how to green up a lawn, how to green up grass, how to green up your lawn quickly, how to thicken up lawn, make lawn thicker, make my lawn thicker green, how to make lawn thicker and green, how to green up your lawn fast, how to green up grass quickly, green grass, how to make lawn grass thicker
Id: goCcnIyZIKM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 59sec (1079 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 29 2018
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