HOT WEATHER is Here! Do NOT Do These 3 Things With Your LAWN!!

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[Music] so [Music] is your lawn looking extra crispy from this summer heat right now because i know mine definitely is in this video i'm going to give you three tips on what you definitely should not do and i'll give you a tip on what you should do to keep your grass from going dormant and keep that heat stress away let's go hey guys it's jesse with lawn life and for those of you that are new i live in minnesota and i keep my kentucky bluegrass lawn cut at 5 8 of an inch with a real mower now if you guys weather has been anything like ours you have been absolutely getting just blasted with heat and no rain uh the last week and a half to two weeks we have been in the 90s non-stop and we've hit a hundred two or three times and we've had zero rain everybody's lawn in my neighborhood is just extra crispy all going into dormancy i'm struggling to keep mine going right now just by myself so it's been a struggle these last couple weeks but i am going to give you guys three tips on what you should not do when you guys are getting hit with this heat and no rain and what you definitely should be doing now before we get into the video i just want to let you guys know that i have actually designed some t-shirts for the channel if you guys are interested in ordering a t-shirt right i'm interested in the comments below that way i can get kind of a count on how many i need to order these are not your cheap gildan t-shirts either they're not all rock hard and like stiff these things are very thin breathable they're just comfortable as hell so if you guys want one of these long life shirts let me know i have i'm going to be ordering these black ones and i have white um i didn't want my name blasted all over this channel like jesse's lawn life it's just general lawn life if you're watching this video you're probably living the long life so hope you guys can appreciate that these shirts and this channel name is actually for you guys so you guys can actually enjoy some t-shirts without a name written all over it now that we're done with all that let's get into the tips the first tip i'm going to give you guys is when your grass starts going dormant and it's turning yellow and you're getting those big blotches of yellow spots in your grass do not rake or dethatch your yard now some of you are going to look at me and say well duh don't rake your grass in the summer but you would be surprised how many people are out raking their grass or detaching their grass in my neighborhood when i'm driving around your grass is not dead right now when it's yellow it is in dormancy and for those of you that don't know what dormancy means it means your grass is basically in hibernation just trying to get through this heat and this dry spell so do not rake your grass because all you're doing is raking up grass that is actually alive and if you dethatch it or rake it up it's just going to tear up all that up and then it's going to be gone so definitely do not rake or defat your grass tip number two is do not fertilize your dormant or heat stress grass some people think if they put down fertilizer it's going to make that grass that's dormant grow out of it or the heat stress to grow out of all that stress that it's going under all you're going to do is put it under more stress or just waste fertilizer because the dormant grass isn't going to do anything with that fertilizer anyway but the grass that is still thriving around it that's still green all you're going to be doing is wasting all that grass's energy that it can't fight the heat stress so it's just going to be bad all around i mean you don't want to fertilize in the summer especially when it's stressed out so stay away from the fertilizer tip number three is do not irrigate your grass at night now yes your grass needs water to get out of dormancy but if you irrigate your grass at night when it's hot and humid all you're doing is promoting disease now the last thing you want is dormant grass mixed with fungus and disease and just disease taking over your grass is going to come out of dormancy when fungus hits your grass that is going to kill off some of it so all you're going to do is end up with the worst case of yellow in your grass and just more problems so stay away from irrigating your grass at night try to do it in the morning before the sun comes out and starts blasting it that way it's just not wasting that water either and evaporating so definitely try irrigating very early morning that way it has enough water to try getting through the day now what you should be doing to try keeping that heat stress and dormancy away is going out and hand watering those localized dry spots now when heat stress first starts sinking in you're gonna see spots in your grass that are gonna be black or gray and they'll start turning slowly brown once you see those black spots in your grass start hitting that with a lot of water just with the holes just go out there and spray it and drench that area you'll be surprised by the next morning you go out there that area is going to be green again now if you have areas that are super yellow like already completely into dormancy it's going to take more than one strong watering to get it out of dormancy you're gonna have to go out there and probably water two or three times to say hey dormant grass it's safe to come out of dormancy now there's enough water we can wake up so you're gonna have to really hit those areas with a lot of water if you want those dormant areas to turn green again so those are my tips if you have heat stress and dormant grass right now definitely weigh your options when it comes to watering i mean like right now our entire neighborhood is just completely yellow almost i'm my grass is hanging on for dear life and there's a fine line between like trying to keep your grass crazy green all summer long and just hitting it with so much water and spending too much money on water i mean you just to pick your battles your grass is going to bounce back from this as soon as the temps go down and some rain comes so if your grass is starting to go a little dormant don't beat yourself up be smart about it don't waste a ton of money on trying to keep your grass green it's going to bounce back if you guys have any questions leave a comment below and i'll be sure to answer it if you guys could please like the video and subscribe to the channel i would really appreciate it i want to give you guys as much useful content as possible i'll see you guys next time on long life
Channel: LAWN LIFE
Views: 1,618,790
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: summer heat lawn care, hot weather lawn care, drought lawn care, summer heat grass, hot weather grass, grass going dormant, grass dying, no rain in lawn, lawn care in heat, lawn care hot weather, grass dying in heat, grass dying hot weather, yellow grass hot weather, grass turning yellow, grass turning yellow in heat, grass turning yellow hot weather, how to irrigate in hot temps, when to irrigate, how to irrigate, hot weather grass watering, grass turning yellow in summer
Id: fmjfD8x4WSg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 55sec (415 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 14 2021
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