Super Juice Fertilizer - How to Use and FAQ

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hey guys it's doc and today we're gonna do the full super juice information video it's gonna be a lot of information so hold on one sec hey guys this is the full information video question and frequently asked questions that answer video for the super juice I'm gonna squeeze a ton of information on here and I'm gonna move pretty quickly so if I talk fast I'm sorry but I'm gonna try and go through and hit all these points first of all if you can't watch the whole video that's fine I'm actually gonna read and use the point breakdown on the frequently asked questions page on the super juice so if you go to the super juice fertilizer comm and go to FAQ that's kind of what I'm using to reference this video I'm gonna go sort of point through point now we are gonna be updating that to whenever I get questions from you guys out there I try and include them in this so that's what's included on that page so we're gonna get started before I get started I want to show you real quick someone had a question about calculating square footage of your lawn just take a pad of paper and draw your lawn and break it into squares and triangles and you can either pace that off to get your square footage I'm gonna do a video next week about accurately measuring and what I did was I actually took a sheet I actually went to Google Maps and I did a print screen of my house in my lawn and then what I did is I went in here and broke it off into specific rectangles and squares and then down below I have numbered all those so I get an accurate a really accurate square footage count and I think that's important to do at least once get it close so you know what square footage you're dealing with because I talked about the square footage a lot I always use the number of 40,000 roughly 40,000 square feet is roughly an acre 20,000 square feet is roughly half 10,000 is roughly a quarter so what is it 42 or 43 thousand it's a real number but anyways so I'm gonna be doing a video next week on that so click that subscribe button it's either here or there it's one of those buttons click that subscribe button because we've got about I've got about four videos coming out over the next two weeks and we're going to be talking about different things and I'll be showing you some lawns so let's get right to it first of all why did we come out with super juice why was it developed over the past over the past 20 years so much information research and technology and just overall information about nutrients and helping turf has come out and it got to the point where even I was just like you going out and looking at individual specific products so I was looking at humic acid I was looking at sea kelp I was looking at my macros my nitrogen phosphorus and potassium I was looking at the micro ingredients and all the little things that make a law and healthy & Turf healthy all the research that's been out there everything that's been done and it got to the point it was kind of frustrating because you had to go out and buy all these different things so what we did is we said enough is enough I want to come out with I contacted the largest professional I guess you call them a chemical company that serves professional turf industry and said this is what I want you to make for me I want it in a drive formula so there's no spilling there's no leaking if I put it up in the cabinet I don't come back a month later and there's brown crap all over my cabinet and shelves I don't want it in a in a granular bagged form so if I don't use it all I store it it's all clumpy and wet I don't want that so we put it into a dry mix that you mix into water and it contains everything that we've learned we've squeezed into this one bag and it's a small bag so a small bag if you apply it in a 7 1 2 ratio will cover 2 acres of long so that's really what super juice is and why we developed it it's an easier everyone loved our old formula but you had to buy all these different things that mix it up this is you buy one bag and that's it it has everything inside of it so let's talk about what it contains again you can go to the website and fully learn more about this but macro nutrients the most important things our course are your nitrogen your phosphorus and your potassium in a 7 1 2 ratio the ratio if you go to any Extension Office for any type of turf they're gonna tell you a 4 1 2 2 a 6 1 2 ratio is the best without a soil test is the best ratio for any type of turf we think more nitrogen is more important so we went to a 7 1 2 so the ratio on that is the 7 1 2 it has all your micro so it has your copper manganese magnesium sulfur iron what else am I forgetting everything all the micronutrients are in there it has humic acid and it has seek help inside of it again if you don't know the benefits of humic acid if you don't know the benefits of seek help on what it does for your turf just google it as soon as you google it's gonna pop up you can read what the benefits are of humic acid and sea kill but basically both of those products really stimulate microbial activity inside of your lawn plus it makes your soil a better place to exist and to grow in to hold more nutrients and as an example fulvic acids which are in sanh humic acids make your plant a better processor of all this or in other words all those nutrients can go back and forth from the roots to the plant much better so there's all kind of benefits from that so again we squeezed it all inside the bag here's a good question that keeps coming up and I think a lot of people and I want to stress this a lot of people say well is this a primary fertilizer or is this a supplement and I'm gonna explain what my gut feeling is for my lawn I'm gonna start off as a primary so I'm gonna put it out in the 14 to 4 ratio and in the springtime I'm gonna use this to really push my lawn in the spring early spring then I'm gonna put organic granular on top of my lawn and use the super juice as a supplement I really think especially people with larger yards are gonna be using super juice as a supplement so they'll put out some kind of base whether it's milorganite organic fertilizer I don't care what it is they'll probably put out some granular and they'll use the super juice as a supplement and I'm going to show you why here in a minute if you have a smaller lawn if you have a real small 1,000 or 2,000 square foot lawn all the way up to maybe 10,000 square feet like a quarter of an acre yeah you can use it as a primary I just think once you get up to about the half acre size I think it's just a little too much work to constantly be out there every two or three weeks in the springtime spraying it but if you enjoy doing it that's fine but I think the majority of people we use super juice as a supplement and again I'm going to show you here in a minute why I think they're gonna they're going to be using as a supplement so whatever program you use you can put out your granular fertilizer you can put it out at half-strength and then come back with your super juice because your super juice is 100% complete and versus being dumped on the ground and you're having to wait for water super juice starts to work immediately through the blades of grass through the foliage so it actually the nutrients actually immediately start to penetrate it works within hours versus waiting on a granular that may take weeks and weeks to work all right let's talk about liquid versus granule real quick I'm a big I'm a big fan of liquid products because you have total control you can put it out and when you put it out it starts working it starts to actually be absorbed there's plenty of studies out there that show that a lot of the nutrients can actually be absorbed in as little as four hours so as soon as you put it out it starts working with granulars you put it out the granular sits there next a granule sits there next day granular sits there next a granular sits there oh you finally get some ring because granulars require what granulars require water to actually melt they have to have water to actually start to work unlike a liquid which actually starts to work right away that's where I always say that you get total control from a spray formula as soon as you put that out it starts to work I'm not anti granular I just think granulars don't give you the control they're good for long-term feeding so you put out a granular and it's good for three or four months put it out lightly and then come back and use the super juice as a supplement the other thing I'm going to show you a piece of lawn real quick so if I go out if I apply here's my piece of lawn now if I apply my granular fertilizer to this this is what it's going to look like so I'm gonna have a speck of granular every three to six inches let's say now that's supposed to feed my entire lawn evenly it just doesn't work that way and especially if your fertilizer has a bunch of those different colors inside of it that means that it's different nutrients and different pellets we did I did a video on that um not too long ago and showing that the disbursement pattern of these particles really can get kind of thin and it's hard to imagine a lawn uniformly getting coverage and getting the nutrients so now let me show you what it looks like when you spray super juice this is what it looks like when you spray super juice again let's compare granular coverage versus the super juice coverage and that's why I'm saying I really think a lot of people will put out a granular and then come back with a supplement of super juice everything gets covered it's easy to get 100% coverage with the super juice how often to apply it that's a good question I think in the spring time and in the fall in times where you want to push your lawn every two to three weeks spring and fall summer time you might go out every three or four weeks every four weeks and do a light coat if you need it but summertime you really just want to let your lawn grow and you don't want to push it a whole bunch you should already have pushed it especially if you have something like Bermuda grass you want to push for muna in the springtime to get it to really thicken up and grow that's the time that warm spring early summer is Bermudas friend when we get the droughts in and we get hot weather coming in here and it's dry we don't want to put down a bunch of nitrogen so we want to kind of shut it off so another good thing if you have a granular down you can't pick up that granular it's already down so now you turn your sprinkler system on you put a little water down you're putting nitrogen and pushing your lawn at a time you don't want to push it that's why we like to spray again use about 50% of the recommended granular and then put down the super juice that's where we're gonna do it now my lawn this year my lawn here's how we're going to break it down I think we're gonna start off springtime doing my lawn with only super juice and then we're gonna put down organic and use the super juice as a supplement so we're gonna do it mix Barb's lawn I think we're gonna do 100% super juice the world's worst brewery to grass lawn I think we're gonna do 100% super juice as well too and I'll show you the results of that as we go on what time of the day to apply it it's a good question it really doesn't matter until you get the only the only timing aspect of this is if you have really hot dry weather you don't want to spray anything anything on a lawn during those periods whether it's a pesticide whether it's a fungicide or anything you really want to wait if it's really hot spray it late afternoon early evening and then the next morning maybe run your irrigation system a little bit you don't want to go out there at one o'clock in the afternoon and it's 97 degrees and it's dry and spray it it's just never a good idea to do that spring time it doesn't matter fall it doesn't matter but when you get into the drought try and apply this early evening let it sit overnight all the way through the morning and then run your sprinkler system a little bit and it'll rinse it down and go into the soil so that's the timing of it a couple of people vast wide doesn't have calcium three reasons number one out of all the soil tests I've ever seen over the years hundreds of them I don't think I've ever seen a lawn that was calcium deficient I don't know why I honestly don't know why I have yet to find a lawn that is calcium deficient and I'm sure that there are lawns out there that are but very seldom is along calcium deficient number two calcium if you're not careful with it they actually use calcium to raise your pH so if you're constantly going out there and spraying and putting calcium down you can raise your pH you got to watch that so we didn't want to put calcium on it when people are repetitively spring number three calcium can wreak havoc with more commercial grade sprayers especially metal ones if you're not cleaning out your tanks properly if you're not cleaning on all your hoses calcium can really clog up sprayers so we didn't want to put calcium for that reason now I'm gonna put a link to liquid calcium that once a season if you want to go out in add some liquid calcium to your super juice and spray it up that's fine but I don't believe in spring calcium constantly on a lawn simply because of the raise of the pH we don't want to do that let's talk about the lawn dye yes you're gonna use lawn dye and the reason why you're going to use lawn dye is not because you're trying to color your yard the reason why you're using long dye is to make sure you don't have clogs inside of your actual spray bottles that you're using your spray bottles that you're using it does happen you might have a leaf you might have a piece of paper you might have a twig or something going there so the blue just tells you that yes it's coming out it's coming out it's coming out it also tells you when your run out of it does it contain any bio waste or manures zero no crap that's the easiest way to say it there's no crap in super juice it just has the nutrients and that's it there are no bio where there's no bio waste and there's no manures what type of lawns can it be used on I have yet to see a lawn it can't be used on it can be used on any lawn that's out there warm seeds and cool season grass especially as especially as a supplement mixing it in hot water or cold water I when I mix mine I actually take like a gallon of hot tap water and put my chemicals inside of it and I start to stir it that way why do I use hot water it's the same reason sugar melts easier in hot water than it does cold water because hot water the water molecules are have a lot of energy they're moving around really fast it just dissolves things easier and faster super juice actually dissolves really quickly it's really easy the only thing in super juice that struggles a little bit to to dissolve sometimes as some of the humic is is a little dense you'll find some black particles down the bottom and that's why we should always strain it before we do it so I've put a link up on the website under product links these are you can just use a kitchen strainer if it's really fine but there's these plastics trainers for five gallon buckets that I found 400 or 600 micron I would say probably 400 micro is what you want to use and it's really fine if you run the last thing you should do before you fill your bottles is run everything through this right here and then you won't have any Krogh issues that's true on everything you put on your lawn I don't care if it's a fungicide I don't care if it's a pesticide pre-emergent run it through this little classifier here and you won't have any issues with your spray bottles it's this this is a life saver for me because a lot of those little kitchen strainers are too wide they actually have like sixteenth or eighth of an inch grading on them this is really fine this is again this is a 400 micron screen on it and there's a link under product page four and while I'm talking about the links on the product page you might want this if you're using the smaller bottles like this you might want to get some funnels go to Walmart they're a dollar two dollars I like the they were clear I like these little clear plastic cups they're not glass so when I drop them all the time in the garage they don't break but this is a one cup and I also have a two cup and this is good also because it has fluid ounces on it as well too so if you're gonna be putting out pre-emergent pesticides you can measure out your plan words clean your cup afterwards unlike I didn't do that's filthy but they sell them at Walmart again you get a I think they're like 2 bucks apiece a great little plastic item at Walmart the two spray bottles I recommend I've got them up on the site both of these right here this is a 32 ounce this says it's 20 this says it's 26 up to here so I would imagine that's probably 32 up to here they're both about the same size the reason why we use these a lot of people ask well can I use the die like that ortho dial a spray if you ever look at the spray on it the dial sprays and those dialer sprayers the water comes out the water comes out it goes full it just sort of just oozes out there's a little bit of water so it's just like a heavy water stream these on the other hand this type sprayer right here that you see they notice they both have the same type sprayer on them these create a very high PSI and a lot of mist so when you turn it on it goes and you get a whole bunch of mist and that's what we want because I'm going to talk about spray patterns here in a minute but that's why we use those and we don't use the Dallas breaks um can I use a backpack sprayer I guess you could I think it's kind of a pain to be mixing it walking around with a backpack sprayer again I think this is much more effective I'm not even gonna get into backpack sprayers and tank sprayers because I just think it's too hard it's also hard to calculate how much material how much you're actually putting out with the tank sprayer it's really hard these I figured out a way it's very simple if you walk really fast this bottle right here you can get 5000 square feet of coverage going back and forth back and forth at a steady walk pace if you slow down like I want you to if you really slow down and get good coverage with this it'll cover about 2500 square feet so and I'll show you a video clip here matter of fact let me put it up right now what I did was I took a triangle in the backyard I marked off with Fred drinking cups I marked off with red cups 1,000 square feet exactly and what I did was is I took this bottle and I went at a steady pace on a sort of a figure 8 just walking back and forth back and forth and I got 5 passes on that 1000 square foot area with this bottle so I was able to cover 5,000 square feet with this bottle but honestly I think it was too fast of a pace I want you to slow that down half so this would actually cover about 2,500 square feet really slowing down and getting a good soaking because I like to have a lot more water going oh can I can I mix other lawn treatments in sure as long as you don't get curdling is what I call it take out after you mix your super juice take them about a cup of this super juice and put a little bit of a chemical that you want to add it and mix it and watch it does it Colonel does it does it do weird stuff as long as it dissolves and works fine with the super juice yes you can spray it you can spray pre-emergent with it you can spray insecticide with it fungicide you can spray anything you want with the super juice at the same time and that'll save your treatments too okay so let's talk about how much water to use with this and I'm gonna try and make this as simple as possible so let's let's make it even simpler let's say I need four of these bottles since it's a quart I need four of these bottles to go out and spray my lawn that's one gallon of water so what I'm gonna do is I want to take one gallon of water and I'm gonna take since I've got let's say I've got ten thousand square feet so one cup of dry mix is gonna cover three thousand square feet so I'm gonna put three cups of dry mix so I need one gallon of total fluid for these bottles to cover my lawn I'm gonna take three scoops of the dry mix add it into hot water stir it up and strain it and now I'm able to fill my bottles but would it make any difference if I added another gallon of water and really slowed down my spray rate no it makes no difference the water makes no difference at all it's the amount of dry material so if I wanted to let's say I wanted to do a double coat let's say I wanted to go out and spray it twice and spray it once and then come back and spray it twice using the same amount as long as this amount is the same it does not matter how much water you put inside of it I actually prefer I actually prefer to see that you put more water use more water and slow down and really push it and really get good coverage into it be careful with your lawn dye by the way only put about 1 teaspoon of lawn dye per gallon into this don't dump a whole bunch of lawn Dyk cuz your lawn will turn bright blue if you do that but I do a method here's my method of spring and I'll show you what I do is I walk and I point this sprayer down at the ground and I walk back and forth in a figure eight pattern and I do about a 10 12 foot swath as I'm walking spraying down and then I do my whole lawn that way I've got that little strip out by my side walk I walk really fast and I spray that strip I go over here between Barb's in my house I've got a strip I go over there and spray that while I'm on so I'm still out in the front section before I go to the back what I do is I put another bottle on and I do what I call a high misting spray so now what I'll do is I go in the front of my lawn and I point it up and I actually do a high mist and let that mist come down and coat the ground so I'm actually doing a little bit of a double spray I make sure I get a coated I coat the whole lawn and then I come back and I actually do a high mist and let that miss settle down obviously it doesn't work well on a windy day but that's the way I like to do it so what I do is it I can if I really walk fast and I just spray once I can do my entire lawn with four or five bottles and I've got close to half an acre so if I really walk and spray real fast four or five bottles will actually cover my whole lawn what I do is I make double that and I'm close to eight bottles nine bottles because what I do is I go out and I spray on the ground first I spray down on the grass and do my good coat and then I come back and I go real wide back and forth and I do that misting spray that gives you that really really good coverage everything is covered at that point all of the foliage on your grass is covered is it safe around pets and kids yeah just read the label contains nothing harmful to pets or kids someone had a question about the lawn dye does does the lawn dye set up yes within an hour of sunshine the lawn dies dry let's talk about cleaning the die if you do spill any dye anywhere a little bit of bleach will clean it up or what I like to use on my hands obviously is a kitchen or bathroom sprayers with bleach inside of them just right on your hand rather then put some soap and rub it and it'll take that color right off it's all you got to use so kitchen cleaner with bleach inside of it spray that on rub it really good then take a little bit of soap rub it on if you spill any on your driveway a little bit of bleach or that kitchen spray will take it off and just scrub so again I just do want to make that point again about don't be afraid to use more water you don't have to increase the chemicals so this is one cup one cup of the material if you apply it at the 14 to 4 will cover 1,500 square feet one cup of this material if you're going to use it the 7 1/2 will cover 3000 square feet so basically all you're doing is diluting it in half so it doesn't matter if you have one gallon of water or five gallons of water it's this the amount this is the amount that matters what you're putting out and again I like to see I like to see you use more water matter of fact even a lot of your pre-emergence and a lot of your chemicals they actually have a rating on there that'll tell you we want you to use X amount of gallons or water per thousand square feet along with this material I like to see it so that and what ends up happening is is not only does your foliage not only do the blades of grass get covered but you actually get a little bit into the soil too the more water you use so the more water you use the better you use a lot of water you use a lot of spray take your time with it again don't use a lot of dye because you'll turn your lawn and the by the way the dye comes in two colors in the springtime my lawn is brown in the springtime I use the green it makes my grass a little bit green and then once my grass turns green what I do is I switch over to the blue and it gives it that your grass that nice Bermuda golden blue are real steely blue kind of look everyone always wants to unfortunately the fertilizer industry has gotten into pounds per square a square feet I want you to I want you to picture this if I have a yard and it has per meter grass inside of it and I don't put any nutrients on that lawn for three years all I do is maybe put out a little pre-emergent a little weed killer once or twice a year if I come back three years am I gonna have any long left yeah yeah my lawn may not be as healthy lush and green as the guys next door but my Bermuda grass is not going to completely die off because nature takes care of itself through clippings and mulching and everything else that goes on too many people put too much fertilizer on lawns and what I've learned especially if you're working with golf courses is that very light your your actual plant itself needs just a very small amount of nutrients more often every two to three weeks it you'd be surprised at how little it actually needs perfect examples Miracle Grow everyone remembers those stupid little green crystals that you put in a water a little teaspoon of water and every week you go out and water your plants with it well what are you doing you're providing a very small amount of nutrients on a consistent basis to plants and they grow twice as big and they produce twice as much fruit and they grow wonderfully the same thing with your lawn once you get that picture in your mind rather than going out and dumping a pound of nitrogen on your law and a slow release nitrogen that's supposed to feed for four months if you just simply go out and provide a small amount of nutrients to your plants out there they're gonna do fine matter of fact if you went away well if you went away overseas for two or three years you came back you'd still have the same lawn may not look fantastic but you still have the lawn there the nutrients are just to make it look better and be a little bit healthier that's why I'm telling you you can really reduce down the amount of nutrients based on the fact that you are supplying those nutrients in a much more efficient manner a lot of leaching and a lot of disappearance of nitrogen happens naturally and that's why a lot of times if you put it down in bulk it goes away so trust me this is a wonderful program to use that's it guys so again the main thing I'm doing is I'm going over the FAQ section that's on this page I'll put up a link to it down in the description talk to you later [Music]
Channel: How To with Doc
Views: 116,111
Rating: 4.8234582 out of 5
Keywords: Super Juice Fertilizer, docs super juice, spray lawn fertilizer, spray fertilizer, liquid fertilizer, natural fertilizer, bermuda grass fertilizer, spray fertilizer for grass
Id: YlixVcRUE3A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 10sec (1690 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 07 2019
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