Bermuda Grass Shedule - Late Summer Early Fall

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so there's no other way to say it you have some critical decisions to make own a warm season grass there are certain cutoff points that we have to think about and they're critical decisions we need to understand the cycle of a warm season grass why am i talking about this in the summertime because in a few months we're going to start to have temperatures cooling and there are certain things we can't do or shouldn't do once that time approaches so the things that we need to do now and decisions we need to make to balance out that schedule so i did something different in this video i always build a separate web page for each video in the description below i'll link to it and what i did on that page uh is i actually sat down last night and i wrote up a summary sort of schedule things to think about for the upcoming months while i was writing it i tried to find links to if i talked about any of the products all the way down i tried to link to all the products that i'm talking about there to make it easier but the first thing i want to do is i want to walk you across the street a lot of you guys if you follow my channel bill and his wife bought a rental the rental house that's across from us and when they bought it it's you know 17 year old house 17 year old sawed and it was almost all weeds i would say 80 weeds 20 bermuda well last fall when they moved in you know they're looking at my law and i say hey i'll help you out no problem so i went ahead and we started to put them on a program where we did the weed kill-off we did heavy pre-emergent and then we started doing the feeding program with them uh i got to show you that long i gotta i'm gonna walk over across the street here i've actually walked over earlier and i gotta show you that lawn that's i gotta say i'm proud of that recovery over there he's doing a great job he's actually cutting this with a zero turn but he's cutting it like two or three times a week they're edging they're doing all the right stuff and we're just follow that simple program so i'm going to walk over there first then we'll come back and i'll talk about i'll walk you through this sort of schedule what we're thinking about things that i'm doing a good witch came out yesterday and cut this and then it just look at that i mean it just looks absolutely gorgeous just phenomenal again we're cutting just below three quarters of an inch now this is the test patch that we worked with that was basically looked like a field a couple years ago it's looking pretty good this lawn over here because it's amazing so if you remember one of the things we did this whole area in here was dirt do you remember that that used to be dirt and look at the runner growth here this is crazy when you put down the right food where we're putting down this pgf balance has caused this it's pretty cool i want you to see this now this is the shocker right here look at that is that amazing or what that was saw almost solid weeds before look at it now look at how good that lawn looks no seed on here just bringing back the original sod so in the bermuda lawn guide i talk about this and other videos that i've done i talk about this you don't reseed just because your lawn looks like crap you work the program to bring back the original sod is what we do um the reason why i'm cutting in here is because this new product that we're playing with and developing with anderson's fits into this scenario perfect we're talking about cut-off times and you have to have a certain amount of time with warm season grasses in other words you don't want to do something when you know in two to four weeks you're going to have cold weather move in so you wouldn't want to do a scalp when in two or three weeks you might have cold weather moving you don't want to do that core aeration you don't want to do that i'll talk about that in a minute but this new product which um i went to anderson's and i said here's the concept of this product i want a granular product that has all the great features of your product but i want it to be instant fast releasing i want to work as fast as a liquid so this new product that we're coming out with i'll have the first full-size bag of it this week it's already been in the lab for being developed for almost two months you can put it on your lawn and you water it water it water it boom you get an almost instant green response within 48 hours you'll start to see a green 72 hours you really see a green it's just almost it's really cool product but the basis of this product is exactly what i'm talking about is giving you the lawn owner the turf manager instant and total control of how your nutrients are delivered so as an example in the fall your lawn's looking a little bit weak you're like man should i put some fertilizer down or not well do you really want to put down a fertilizer that lasts eight weeks not really not if maybe in three or four weeks you're going to have some cold weather moving there's a chance of it so what do i put down let's say you did a scalp so you came out here and you scalped your lawn well you put down a slow release fertilizer slow release fertilizer it's just that it's a slow release it's going to feed for six eight weeks or so well i want to push some nutrients in my lawn fast how do i do that you can do it with this product it's almost instant i'm telling you it's designed to shoot the perfect balance of nutrients a little bit of iron humic acid it shoots it into the lawn almost immediately and you get an immediate green pop let's give you another example three weeks ago four weeks ago you put down some fertilizer and you got you're having a party at your house and you're like man my lawn just doesn't look really dark dark green like i want it well you can take this product put a light coat of this product out water it water water get it in and boom i'm telling you within 72 hours dark green lawn that's what we've done with these testing strips and testing spots i will have more for you on this next week i'll show you some of the testing i'll tell you what the name of the product is the website sort of being organized right now and i'm told they're shooting for september 1st so you guys a limited run that you guys will be able to order and play with this year uh so that that ought to be cool again i just we can't go over all the details right now while we finalize everything but it's going to be really cool so let's go over and let me sit down and talk to you about these critical cut off time okay well it stopped raining so i'm just going to sit on the porch we're supposed to have sun and clouds today thunderstorms tomorrow thunderstorms the next day thank goodness we came out here yesterday and cut this so when you go to that page over there if you want to just go over there and read it you can but the first thing i want to talk about is feeding you know you always hear this talk about not feeding grasses in the summertime well that really is more so for cool season warm season grasses they call it warm season we've got to keep your light feedings up all summer long so pgf complete 1648 for most lawns if you have high phosphorus you'll use the 1608 and if you have low phosphorus the 10 10 10 the pgf balance so yes you can come out here every three or four weeks and do a light coat on the lawn just below the bag rate just keep light nutrients light nutrients that's all you want to do that's we want to feed all the way through the summertime i know you're going to hear people say don't put fertilizer down in the summertime but it's a warm season grass and if you're not in the middle of a drought feed the grass if you're in the middle of a drought yeah you cut back on fertilizer but feed your warm season long keep feeding it next is i wrote up a thing about building your soil that is so critical it really has helped out our lawns pumping down good carbon via humatur this is the time of year where you can just keep pumping it up pumping it up pump it out now remember we designed humid char not to have anything else in it we didn't want any nutrients in it so that we can put it down as heavy and as often as we want it that's the whole purpose of this we don't want anything else in it we don't want any nutrients we don't want any iron we don't want anything else in it it has no impact on your actual lawn it's specifically designed to pump carbon and humic acid into your soil so you can put it out as often as you want and as heavy as you want the other thing this year we've started to put out the dirt booster to increase the organic matter and using the microbial packs or the fungus packs now we're injecting fungus spores into our lawn so that the good mycorrhizal fungi will start to develop in our lawns and that good fungus it battles bad fungus it helps with moisture it helps the plants get more nutrients out of the soil so definitely if you if you there a lot of people are out there now are starting to use dirt booster on the lawn and it is not it is not something where you're going to see a stimulated response if you want to see a stimulated response put fertilizer on your lawn this is building your soil so you can use less fertilizer core aeration this is definitely a time where you want to be out core aerating fall cool season guys typically will core aerate in the spring and the fall we do it during the growing season now is the time you're going to let water penetrate the soil you're going to get oxygen in there and you're going to relieve soil compaction core aeration now when i do my core aeration that video is coming up probably next week all right well in the summertime i always pick up my plugs i have nice pretty grass i don't want plugs all over my lawn it's going to dull my blades everyone's going to say well it returns nutrients to your lawn no it doesn't it's the same soil that's already sitting there if you want to return nutrients to your lawn put down some fertilizer pick up the cores because they cause a mess and the cores sitting on top of bermuda will actually leave yellow spots because they actually sort of kill the bermuda sitting there if you've ever left a garden hose on your lawn or overnight for 24 hours you're going to move it you have that yellow stripe same thing with all those thousands of cords on your lawn just i use a lawn sweeper and i sweep them up you'll see that video coming up army worms um surprisingly i can report and i put in here that as of july 17th i have not seen any army worms i've been testing and i have not seen a lot of army warren moss i have a moth catcher running out back i have had reports from you guys down in texas they're having some bad problems further down south with army orbs and sod worms and i talk about doing that test using a little bit of duo double kill and then spraying a little bit like a triazocide on your lawn just a little test just to see if you see any once you see them then you need to be aware and watch for but as of right now they're not an issue here for us here in georgia i'm sure they will be coming up here soon remember the moss actually travel up and they migrate and then they travel back down so it's that cycle i am seeing a lot of beetles and i talk in here about uh preventing grubs or killing grubs i'm starting to see a lot of black beetles and those are those chafer beetles the beetles dig down in your soil they lay the eggs and that produces new growths so i did a video about preventing a preventative an organic preventative that you can use but i really like the double kill product the double kill product is targeting those adult grubs and killing what's eating your roots right now and that's important so don't rely on preventative to solve your adult grub problem uh let's see here supplemental sprays if you want to put down super juice when i'm putting down super juice this time of year is a great time to use it it's not remember super juice is not a fertilizer it's a supplement we're putting it down has a little bit of nutrients but it has humic acid fulvic acid as micronutrients has four percent higher the new super juice has four percent iron by the way it's the new formula for this year i'm actually mixing that and i'm mixing in a microbial pack the good fungus pack every time i spray it spray it late in the evening water it in and just leave it alone so yes it's not a bad time for a supplemental spray fungus and dollar spot this is a good time that you have to walk your lawn and look for any fungus because we've been doing the i believe because we've been doing the dirt booster adding the organic matter with a good fungus i haven't seen a single spot of fungus on my lawn this year i really think that has helped but if you need to treat for fungus you need to treat for fungus people are everyone keeps asking does a fungicide impact the good fungus inside of your soil and the answer is is yes it can have an impact for several weeks of setting back that good fungus but if you keep hitting it with that that that fungus spray uh you it should have no problem recolonizing seeding this is remember warm season grasses need to be seeded while it's warm it has to be consistently in the 80s to start your seeding so if you have any seeding to do which i don't recommend on bermuda or warm season but if you do have any seeding now is the time we're not like cool season grasses cool season people really focus on the fall for seeding we don't we have to have really a 60-day window of warm temperatures for that seed to grab and germinate so you want a 60-day window in the 80s which means your deadline is probably july for me it's july and august that's as late as i can go after that i don't want to see it's a warm season grass so you want to do that so why am i telling you this well i'm telling you this because i've learned through my own mistakes i came out here was it last year a year before i came out here and did a late season scalp guess what happened man the cold weather moved in we got a cold snap it dropped down highs in the 60s lows in the 40s and i was like dude this lawn is never going to grow back in time so understand warm season grasses 80s 90s warm season grasses love it as long as it has water bermuda loves this crap it loves the heat as long as you can give it some water right now we're in a great pattern we're in a great pattern where we're having every day or every other day we're having a thunderstorm come through thank goodness for got growth regulator on this lawn so i just want you to plan a little bit think ahead sort of look at your calendar and say to yourself if i'm going to do a core aeration i need to do it before this date because doc says that i gotta have at least six weeks of 80s before i do something like that same thing so you got august september october my grass is going to be green in october i guarantee it but do i want to put down a slow release eight-week fertilizer at that point for my lawn because for bermuda we really don't want to be have a bunch of nutrients pushing it once the cold weather moves in that's the time where we can switch over to this new fertilizer which is instant short-term quick release fertilizer it's going to be pretty cool so we've used something like this on some of our lawns which is the it's similar to it which is an all fast release 10 10 10 the pgf balance that's made for low phosphorus but i wanted something that was quicker something that was a dg particle with humic that everyone could use even cool season warm season all grasses could use this new product it's going to be cool but plan think ahead don't do crazy aggressive stuff to your lawn once we start getting out now is the time to do that stuff you can mess with your lawn all you want i'm think i think we're going to come out here and do a really hard cut to this lawn and do a really heavy core aeration i wish i could find a verticutter they don't make a verticutter that you can rent not a scarifier scar fire will just tear up the ground if i could find a real slicing vertical um that would do it i would do it on my lawn but i can't so instead what i'm gonna do is a heavy core aeration i just need to get a whole bunch of people out here because not only are we gonna do the cut not only do we need to do the core aeration but we pick up all our plugs because it just leaves a mess out here if we don't pick them up and it of course it ruins the real mowers too anyways guys hit that subscribe button i promise you i'll i'll give you an update on that new product and show you some of the testing i'll record it for you talk to you later bye
Channel: How To with Doc
Views: 58,048
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bermuda grass calendar, bermuda grass, lawn care, bermuda grass fertilizer, bermudagrass calendar, bermuda grass fertilizer schedule, bermuda lawn care, fall lawn schedule, fall lawn calendar
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 29sec (1049 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 19 2021
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