How to Get the Master Sword (3 Easy Ways) in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

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how's it going guys Maz here today I'm going to show you how we can get one of the best weapons in the game and of course the weapon I'm referring to is the master sword in Zelda tears of the Kingdom let's go [Music] so first things first the only requirement that you really need two full stamina Wheels that's it and before you ask no you can't use meals that give you extra stamina Wheels the yellow stamina wheels don't count so as we know completing a shrine will give us one light of blessing every four lights of blessings that we get we can then go over to a goddess statue and exchange those lights of blessings to get either one full heart or a small part of extra stamina so you need to have a total of five upgrades four blessings per upgrade you're looking at 20 shrines that we need to complete in total to get a full second wheel of stamina although if you have a bunch of Hearts already you can actually go to the horn statue beneath Lookout Landing and trade your hearts for stamina upgrades which could potentially save you some time and you won't need to do as many shrines so where exactly do we find this master sword well unlike breath of the wild where we were able to find it in this korok Forest right here instead it's actually high up in the sky more space specifically the light dragon has the master sword and you guys can see the front of its head is glowing that's where you're gonna find the master sword now the light dragon is extremely high up in the sky and can be very difficult to reach it flies around the entire map of Hyrule and is on a set path that will take a total of two real life hours to make one full horse around the map now you guys could see I have full Max sonai batteries here it's not required to get to This Light Dragon it honestly isn't using a large Zone I charge will make sure that your battery energy doesn't deplete for a certain amount of time so you could just use a few of these to get you exactly where you need to go in some cases you may even be able to just paraglide over but it is going to be helpful to make a zonai device to help you fly through the air now of course on the subject of creating a flying device that's going to help us get to This Light Dragon here just make the hover bike it's honestly the easiest and most efficient thing that you can do all you need is two fans and a steering stick and it only costs nine zonite to make so I'll show you guys very quickly how to make one so take out two fans take out a steering stick just gonna drop that down like this and what we'll do is we're just gonna grab the steering stick we're going to rotate it once and attach it like so so it should look something like this and just make sure that when you're creating your hover bike the you're paying attention to the symbols here so just make sure that that little symbol is pointing up so that way it's not going to tilt when you try and fly it then I'm just going to grab the second fan so you're just going to make sure that the bottom part of the fan is attached so when you're looking at it it should look like this so you want to make sure that you're attaching the fan to that bottom part and then you're good to go now once you're all prepared there's a few ways that we can find this light dragon now the first way is to complete the main quest called the dragon's tears which involves finding all the memory locations and dragon tiers but you'll first need to complete the impa and geoglyph's Quest before you can start this is a long quest line that takes you all over Hyrule but once you complete it the light dragon will come straight to you allowing you to get the master sword right then and there without needing the track to Dragon down if you decide to do this Quest just make sure that you have your two stamina Wheels already that way you can go straight to the dragon and get the master sword this to me is the easiest way to get the dragon to come to you but it's also the most time consuming because you need to do two quests the first one isn't that time consuming but it's the second one here the dragon's tears that is going to be a much longer Quest because we have to go to all the different geoglyphs all over Hyrule that's your first option now the second option doesn't involve any quests and it likely won't take you nearly as much time to do so all you need to do just head up to the sky islands and you want to try and get to a very high point in the game each of these locations will allow you to get a large view of the surrounding area which can help you spot out the dragon if you don't see it you can travel between each of these areas and use them to scout the dragon out or what you could do is you can actually just stay at one of these locations and just wait it out until the dragon eventually comes to you one of my favorite spots is if you actually just fast travel over to the naturoya shrine so you can actually just use a send right in front of the shrine and if you do it'll take you right to the very top and this gives us a very good vantage point to overlook basically all of Hyrule this is the perfect height to get to the light dragon because we'll actually be able to paraglide straight to it without even needing to use the zonai device alright so I did just want to test this out just to see how long it could potentially take and it took me about a good 10 maybe 15 in real life minutes and look who decided to finally show up so I'm going to show you how we can get directly to the light dragon without even needing to use a single zonite device or anything so we'll just make our way we'll get a little bit more height see the dragon there and uh we're just gonna go for it now because we have two full stamina Wheels we are going to be able to paraglide for a very long time so I'm not worried about that at all just remember as we get closer to any dragon they do have an updraft that surrounds them so as long as we get close enough it should just take us directly upward into the air the updraft should help us out here let's see updraft oh here it is look we got the updraft yes we're making it boom look at that success and we still had stamina to spare as well so this method could be very quick and it can only take you maybe a few minutes or it could potentially take you an hour or more it really does just depend on where the dragon is at the time we know where it's going to be but the problem is we don't know exactly where it is at any given time so it does make this method feel like it is a little bit up the chance but there is a way that we can change that which brings us to option three so this is the one that I personally recommend just because it makes it extremely easy to get to the light dragon and it just feels like the most natural way to do it we need to start the quest called recovering the hero's sword to do that we need to make our way into the korok forest except we're not able to enter the korok forest through the Lost Woods like we were in breath of the wild and I'll show you guys why so if we try and make our way through the Lost Woods look what happens we get kicked out immediately and there's absolutely nothing we can do about it we can try and run through it doesn't matter it always ends up being the exact same thing we get kicked out so because we're not able to enter the korok forest through Lost Woods we're actually gonna need to find a different way and to get there we just need to enter this Chasm nearby you can head just from the Eldon Canyon Skyview Tower it's very close to the Woodlands stable now before you decide to go into this Chasm do yourself a very quick favor you're going to open up your map go to the very center of the korok forest and you're gonna switch to your depths map then I just want you to place a marker down like that now go ahead and make your way down into the chasm and that will lead us right into the minshi Grove so we're just going to get some giant bright Bloom seeds and we're going to help light our path you guys are gonna see that there is this long pathway here the poles are leading the pathway and it's going to take us directly to the center of korok forest and we're going to follow all the pose until eventually leads us to This Light root right here we're gonna make it to a point where we start to see these creepy looking trees which are the same ones that we would normally see on the surface of Hyrule in the Lost Woods so just be careful when you reach this part here because there is a Gloom hand spawn they're gonna spawn somewhere around here so just be careful of that now of course you don't need to just walk this path you can just use your hover bike as well or any other sort of zonai creation that you want just to make things go much faster and smoother for you you as we're flying along here eventually we're gonna make it through the korog Grove and what we want is we want to get to This Light root right here in this large structure straight ahead keep following the pose follow the path and eventually you're gonna head to this point right here okay so once we make it to this location all we need to do is just head straight into the middle and we're going to use Ascend right through the top and once we make it through directly into the korok forest except the forest isn't at all what you'd expect it to be everything seems very off and there's definitely a reason for that it's because the forest has been corrupted let's just quickly activate this Shrine so that way we can fast travel to it later so in order to get this Quest started what we need to do is first purify this Forest we're just gonna head down through the middle part of the tree we're gonna enter this little tunnel and right at the back there's a very small Chasm when we head down here we're gonna have to fight a Gloom hand spawn and one other enemy now if you've never defeated a Gloom hand spawn before you're gonna be in for a bit of a surprise so before we go down here make sure you have some strong weapons with you and also have some food that's going to help recover some health then once you're ready to go we're just going to jump straight into the chasm and once we make it to the bottom here we're gonna be greeted to a Gloom spawn right here now the best way to deal with them I would say is to throw bomb flowers right in the center of them but you can use Dazzle fruit Dazzle fruit and puff shrooms are fantastic because they'll actually be able to stun and confuse them giving you a chance to kind of create some distance between you and the hands so if we Grab A Dazzle fruit here as an example you can kind of see how they're stunned then we could just grab a bomb flower throw them throw it straight in the middle they get a little bit close you can always use a puffed room so that way now they can't see where you are and this gives you a chance to throw some more bombs at them now of course if you don't have bomb flowers you can also use time bombs if you don't have those just try and stun them with your Dazzle fruit or your puffed shrooms that way you know you'll be able to just kind of sneak up behind them and hit them with your sword and your weapon after you defeat the Gloom hands then we get Phantom Ganon that spawns and Phantom Ganon can be pretty tough because he hits like a truck so just be weary if this slash right here see how much damage he took so you got to be very careful with this guy right here he's gonna do a spin attack now as you attack him the Gloom that surrounds him is gonna dissipate you know don't be afraid to attack him if you time it just right you can actually get some flurry rushes on him now another thing you can do is if you climb up a wall here you can actually create some distance and then you can jump off and use bullet time to kind of just shoot him keep shooting him in the head here and this definitely helps quite a bit So eventually after you defeat him all the Gloom in the forest is gonna disappear so now you guys can see everything looks back as it should be so after this is done we're gonna head back up to the surface and we're gonna go ahead and speak to the great Deku Tree so you can go ahead and just fast travel to the shrine that we activated you can also just Ascend off of these rock formations and that'll also get you back up to the surface as well so after the forest is purified now we're just gonna speak to the great Deku Tree and once we do that it's actually going to start the very first memory so he's just going to talk about the master sword and he's gonna say that he senses it if you guys notice here we actually have a location on our map this location is moving in real time we're now able to track the light dragon and there we go now we started the quest recovering the hero's sword so now that this Quest has started we got ourselves a live tracker of where the light dragon is and it's also going to be much closer down to the ground and it's lowered in altitude as well also as a quick side note hestu is now here so he moved from Lookout Landing this is the third and final spot that he'll be for the rest of the game now let's go get that Master Sword alright so let's take a look at the map here this is where the light dragon is so what we'll do is we'll just actually travel to the nearest Skyview Tower you guys are gonna see that now the light dragon is much closer to the ground you normally wouldn't see it this close at all so we're just gonna take this Sky View Tower straight up into the air and at this point it's going to be very easy to get to the light dragon we're just gonna Glide straight to it now of course if it isn't close to a sky view Tower you could also try and just go to the nearest sky island and just try and paraglide through there as well or you could just use the hover bike like I showed you guys earlier so here we go so we're finally making it over to the light dragon we're gonna go ahead and just make our way all the way to the front collect the shards on your way and once we make it to the top you'll see the master sword is shining in all its Glory waiting for us to pull it out now after you do pull the master sword you are going to unlock memory number 18. so if you guys don't want to see what happens next you can go ahead and Skip ahead to the end of the video where I'm gonna just tell you guys a bit more information about the master sword but without further Ado let's get this master sword [Music] thank you we get a nice little cut scene it's finally time to pull out the master sword and with that the master sword is officially ours [Music] we're gonna get dropped off by the Light Dragon and we officially have the master sword so now that we've unlocked the master sword there is just a couple things I wanted to mention before I end this video so just like breath of the wild it's obviously not like other weapons because it doesn't have durability instead it holds energy so if you just hold the R button you can actually just shoot beams with it once all the energy is used up it will need to recharge before you can use it again and the recharge time is 10 real life minutes now the master sword itself does not display a base weapon damage but it is speculated that it is the same as it was in breath of the wild which was 30 base damage when we are near certain enemies the master sword will glow and in which point the damage will be doubled what makes the master sword very different in this game is the fact that we confuse any material to it you can see that now the material is fused and the sword itself has a green glow to it so that's how you know that it's fused with a weapon and what's really cool is that it looks normal but when you swing it it'll actually take the form of the material that it's fused to now of course you can destroy the fused material just keep in mind that when the master sword's energy is depleted the material it's attached to will be destroyed and one of the best materials to fuse to a Master Sword would be a dragon horn but more specifically nadra's horn because of the freezing effect that it gives fusing a nadra's horn onto the master sword just makes it incredibly powerful gives it a very strong freezing effect which just makes fights super easy another material that I like to use is fusing with the light dragon's horn because then every attack that you hit with will actually heal and replenish your hearts [Music] you guys have it we have the master sword in all its glory and boy is it a lot of fun in this game so if you guys found this video helpful and appreciate if you can give it a like and don't forget to hit subscribe because I have a lot more tears of the Kingdom content coming your way soon thank you all so much for watching take care of yourselves and I'll see you guys in the next video all the best guys foreign [Music]
Channel: MazzoraGames
Views: 173,261
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the legend of zelda, zelda tears of the kingdom, zelda tears of the kingdom gameplay, the legend of zelda tears of the kingdom, the legend of zelda tears of the kingdom gameplay, how to get the master sword in tears of the kingdom, how to get the master sword, master sword tears of the kingdom, master sword totk, totk master sword, zelda master sword tears of the kingdom, tears of the kingdom master sword, master sword location tears of the kingdom, master sword location totk
Id: OxoHdR_gP2I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 59sec (959 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 04 2023
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