A Simple Guide on How to Upgrade the Zonai Battery & Farm Zonaite in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

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what's up guys Maz here today I'm going to bring you a quick simple guide on how to fully upgrade our zonai battery cell along with some tips to farm the necessary materials let's go [Music] okay so I'm going to make this very simple and as easy as possible for you guys to follow along and understand so the process of upgrading your zonai battery cell can be a little confusing at first it's not exactly a quick process it does take a little bit of time so first things first if we open up our inventory you guys are going to notice there's this little battery icon and this is called a zonai energy cell so anytime you use a zonai device that requires power to move or to operate it's going to take up that battery cell energy now of course just like our stamina wheel it does recharge when it's not being used over time so if we let it deplete just a little bit here okay we open up the inventory we can go to zonai charge and if we use it it'll actually replenish our battery by just a little bit if we keep using it even after a full battery it's going to continue to give us charge every one small Zone I charge that you consume will give us one third of a battery what's even cooler though is that if we use a large Zone charge it will temporarily prevent our cell from being wasted at all so if we use it here now you guys are going to see it's glowing this is a game changer so if you're trying to get to a really far off place and you know you just don't have the battery life then you can definitely use that to help you know bridge the gap and get you from point A to point B now I would suggest if you do want to farm these charges consistently the best way are to go after flux constructs which are those big boss like construct enemies whenever you see a circular Arena type of Island that's typically where you'll find these constructs and you know and they're scattered all throughout the skies so you'll be able to find them in just about anywhere depending on the type of construct boss that you fight you know the stronger they are the more charges that they're gonna drop now let's talk a little bit about zonite so zoneite is the most important material in this entire process it's the main material that we'll need to use in order to upgrade our energy cell now zonite can be mined in deposit it's mostly found in the depths you're also going to be able to fight a lot of different enemies in the depths that will drop zoneite there is also a specific mine if we go up to the great Sky Island we can actually fast travel to the naturoya shrine and if we go to this mining cave there are some deposits that we can actually find there so I'm just gonna go there very quickly and show you guys so if you just jump straight off from the edge we can make our way down to the mine here we pass by these constructs we can then go into this mine system right here quickly just hop on the rails with your Shield to go faster you'll start to see that there is some zonite or deposits you know you can always come by here every now and then maybe fuse a few bombs just break them apart collect the zoneite while you're here so in the Next Room here there's actually quite a bit more that we could find so you can see that there's a lot of deposits here so there's tons in this one mine and the cool thing is that they do respawn every blood moon and then you can just Farm These Zone IP this again now of course this isn't the only place you can find them if we go into the depths there's actually three mine locations where you can find these large deposits full of zonite so there's actually one up here that you can go to so there's one mine here and then there's another one here and a third one right here there's tons throughout the depths but these three in particular are very close to each other so I would suggest you can always go from the core dot light root and go to these two or you can go from the ESS Isis light root and then you can always go to that deposit there now zonite have very specific uses in this game okay so there's more than one used for zonite so they can be exchanged for zonai charges so if we go to a forge construct you can actually exchange zoneite for zonite charges so if you don't feel like farming the charges and maybe you have an excess amount of zonite then you can definitely do that zonite can also be used with auto build and we'll be able to actually use zoneite to build the materials that we need but the most important use that zonite has for us is the ability to purchase crystallized charges now once we've collected our zoneite we need to bring them to a forged construct before it can be used to up upgrade when we go to the forge Pawn struck they'll be able to refine the zoneite into these crystallized charges you can buy them from these forage constructs but they can also be found in specific treasure chests up in the sky islands and also in the depths as well the crystallized charges can also be dropped by specific boss enemies in the depths as well but by far the most easiest and consistent way to get them is by going to these forage constructs and exchanging your zoneite for the crystallized charges so one crystallized charge costs three zonite so if we exchange that we lose three and we earn ourselves one crystallized charge so the goal is we need a hundred of them in order to increase our zonai battery by one-third so in order to increase our battery cell every 100 crystallized charges will give us an extra one-third to play with this construct here this is the first one that we see in the game that we can actually purchase these Crystal wise charges but there's actually a much better one that you can go to so I'm going to suggest that we go to the great abandoned Central mine there's another construct here and you can see that this one has a much larger and more vast inventory so not only do they have small crystallized charges but they actually have large crystallized charges as well so these ones take three large pieces of zonai and one of these is worth 20 crystallized charges so just one of these equals 20 of these so what I would suggest as soon as possible try and get to this location here I actually have a video on the fastest way to do that but essentially once we get here you'll then want to buy up all the inventory here so this one will always sell 30 small ones and five large ones so we're just gonna buy up everything in this case here now there's one thing you have to keep in mind when we go to these constructs they have a limited Supply which means once you buy them up you're not going to be able to buy them again until I I think it's a minimum of at least 24 in-game hours it could be even longer but there is a way to bypass that because let's be real we want to do this as quick as possible nobody wants to wait we want everything done as soon as we can and there is a way to get past that so what you can do you can grab a piece of wood and a piece of flint throw them onto the ground so after we create a fire what we're going to do is we're going to sit by it until morning now after we sit by the fire and you guys can see at the bottom left that it's Auto saving so once it auto saves what you're then going to do is reload that auto save so we'll go ahead and reload the auto save and once it reloads we now have a brand new fully stocked inventory of crystallized and large crystallized charges so again we're just gonna buy them all we're just gonna buy everything on hand then rinse and repeat the process get another piece of wood and you don't even need to have Flint you can also get fire fruit too that also works as well or you can fuse a ruby to a weapon and then use that you know you could be so creative there's so many different things you can do with this game honestly so there's not one right way to do something which is pretty awesome now we're gonna go ahead and we're going to reload that auto save that we just had okay and now it's restocked again and essentially we can just keep doing this rinse and repeat the process of buying making a fire and just keep reloading the auto save over and over rinse and repeat so long as you have the materials to buy them so after you finally have enough we'll then need to go to one more place a crystal Refinery so you guys are still with me right you can actually find one at Lookout Landing and it's right here so there's a crystal refinery right here or you can go up into the sky islands the great sky island and fast travel to the naturoya shrine so let's let's go ahead and just do that here so once you get to the naturoya shrine here or you can also go to the one at Lookout Landing you then talk to the steward construct and this is where you're going to go to give your crystallized charges so he's going to give us energy Wells for every 100 crystallized charges that we get he's going to produce one energy well one energy well will give us one third of a new zonai battery cell so if we press get producing so see how I have over 500 so it's showing this is how many that he'll give me right off the bat so if we take a look back at our inventory here you can see that the energy cell has a total of eight slots by doing some quick math it takes 300 crystallized charges to give us one full extra battery and since we already have one given to us in the beginning of the game we have seven slots left so 7 times 300 that brings us to a grand total of 2 100 crystallized charges in total to completely max out and upgrade our energy cell wow that's a lot now as of recording this video there is a certain few glitches that you can use to kind of duplicate materials you could do that if you want you could definitely do that if you don't feel like farming them but inevitably those glitches are likely going to get patched at some point which means we'll then have to go back to learning how to farm these materials again it is a bit of a process but let me tell you once we finally upgrade those batteries it is well worth it now you guys can see here I'm still buying up as many as I can because I still have enough zoneite I need a thousand more crystallized charges to be able to max out my cell battery all in one shot so I'm gonna go ahead and grind those out off camera and uh I'll be back a few moments later we now have 2100 crystallized charges which is the exact amount that we need to fully maximize our zonai battery cell so we're gonna do get producing okay now he's gonna produce it for us that's satisfying taking that all in one shot okay and there we go he made 21 energy cells for US Energy Wells and just like that we've completely maximized our zonai battery cell now we're ready to have some fun and now you guys can see we have a lot of freedom now with all these batteries now we feel like we can truly go and do whatever we want and not feel limited by our zonai batteries I know that was a lot of information in this video so hopefully this will help you guys going forward if you found the video helpful please consider giving it a like I did spend a lot of time trying to make this video and don't forget to subscribe to the channel as well because I have plenty more Zelda tears the kingdom content coming your way anyway that's gonna be it for me guys thank you all so much for watching take care of yourselves and I'll see you guys in the next video have a good one [Music] thank you
Channel: MazzoraGames
Views: 242,822
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the legend of zelda, zelda tears of the kingdom, zelda tears of the kingdom gameplay, the legend of zelda tears of the kingdom, the legend of zelda tears of the kingdom gameplay, how to upgrade battery tears of the kingdom, how to upgrade zonai battery, zonai battery upgrade, zonai battery location, zonai battery totk, zelda zonai device, zelda battery upgrade, how to max battery totk, how to max battery tears of the kingdom, zonai battery, zelda totk zonai farm, zonaite farm
Id: iOozoH1N3oE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 28sec (688 seconds)
Published: Fri May 26 2023
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