How to Get Started with Lightroom CC (cloud based): 10 Things Beginners Want to Know How to Do

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hello everyone welcome to Adobe Creative Cloud live my name is Terry White worldwide design and photography evangelist for Adobe as my pleasure to stream here live today talking about the new exciting Lightroom cc now for those of you who are saying wait Lightroom cc I already have that isn't that you know had that for years now you've had that you've had a product by that name for years and that product still exists but it's been renamed Lightroom classic CC and now there's a brand new from the ground up desktop app called Lightroom cc sounds confusing I know but trust me it'll become clearer in hopefully the next few minutes so as I said earlier welcome everyone I see Victoria Gilberto David Claudio anim Ron Shanae John Reuben and everyone else in the room if I missed your name personally hello alright so with that said let's jump in and let's get started I'm gonna take you from the top and let you know what this is all about and then we're going to go through the 10 things that beginners want to know how to do with the new Lightroom cc and all of course will answer some questions along the way so as I pop over to my computer one of the first things I want to do is I want to show you under the Creative Cloud app now whether you're on Mac or Windows under I'm on Mac so I'm seeing it here there is the classic C C's so this is the one that I was talking about earlier if you've been using or have had Lightroom for years that's what you'll still be using if you want to so Lightroom classic CC is still there still the one I use and is formerly Lightroom cc the desktop focused editing the brand-new Lightroom cc not to be confused with its form or this predecessor is the cloud-based photo service so they are different they will course share the same name which means they share a lot of the same features and attributes and best of all in most cases you can use either one or both as your needs as it suits your needs so I use both and I'll explain that as I go as well so now that we know that there is a difference and Lightroom classic CC did not 'we still does everything it always did plus it just got a lot faster this week in this latest 2018 or a new update so with that said you know now let's take a look at what the new one does so I'm gonna go ahead and open Lightroom cc and it gets a different splash screen and it just looks different I see a grid of photos very much like I would see in the previous version of Lightroom but from from that point on there are a lot of differences and a lot of things that we'll talk about but I'm going to approach this from the standpoint of people that are new in other words let's say you're watching this video at some point and you said hey I'm new to Lightroom I want to know how to get started or I'm thinking about using the new Lightroom maybe with or instead of the Lightroom classic how do I get start so that's the approach I'm going to be taken for the next several minutes to get you through everything I'll call out the ten things as I do them so if you want to recap what they were you can just jot down your notes and yeah I got a photo with Rahab Rob was that max all right so with that said first things first people always want to know well how do I get my photos in here I launched the app yours would be empty unless you had some photos synced to light removal your Lightroom mobile collections would be in Lightroom cc because this is the cloud-based service so that is a good point to make all your collections from micro mobile are already in Lightroom cc once they sink down however if you didn't have light remote before you didn't use anything before this would be empty and if you wanted to import new photos of course that would be the plus sign in the upper left hand corner now I'm gonna you can do it from a folder so you can either put the memory card in copy the images to your folder wherever you want and then do the import or you can just put the card in and import them right from the card which one is better about the same in this application because in either case whether they're already in a folder or they're on the card it's going to copy them to a new location anyway we'll get into that in a minute so at this point it really probably doesn't matter a whole lot so I'm gonna take the card I put it in my card reader over here okay once that car pops in then I'm just going to go to the plus sign in the upper left hand corner add photos and that's where you would do it whether they're already on your drive or not so when I click the plus sign I can either browse for connected photos it sees that my iPhone is plugged in and get photos off that which you could do that before or I can bring them in from this card called a Nikon d610 all right so when I bring in from the card it starts to show me the card and you might notice even if you weren't a previous like reviews or just how fast things are like the thumbnails start show right away I don't have to wait I can of course scroll down and they just start to pop in now as you begin to make your selections you could either say select all which means bring every photo in off the card nothing wrong with that that's the workflow I would normally use but in this case I don't want to wait for hundreds of photos to sync during the demo so I'm just going to selectively pick a few that I want off that car and they're just randomly picking some here let's just grab some of the scroll down a little bit it's kind of the same scene shot to death sunrise here there's slight differences as the Sun is coming I want the one with the bird in it let's get that and let's get that one and I'm gonna scroll all the way to the bottom where there's a lot of different photos from a different scene I'm just going to pull a couple of those in as well and maybe okay so now that I've told it which ones I want just by checking them off or saying select all it's going to add eight photos and these are all RAW files so you can either import two JPEGs your Ross or your JPEGs every Ross alright next thing and this is an important thing that people might miss in the top-center you want to definitely choose where it's going to import them meaning in Lightroom cc is it just going to throw them into the all photos or do I want to organize them right off the bat into what's called an album you're coming from Lightroom classic that would be the same thing as a collection so in Lightroom cc they're called albums lightroom classic they were collections or they are collections so I want to go ahead I could pick an existing album to put them in like for example we were looking at the Adobe MAX photos a few minutes ago so I can stick them in there or I can create a new album right off the bat so I can say nope I want a new album I want to call that album Adobe Live or we'll call it Dobie Lightroom cc live there we go alright so I'll create that album and now that's where they're gonna go so at least I'll know where to look for them right off the bat once they come in okay so let's go ahead and click Add that will a be 8 photos in I can see it importing them pretty quickly over the left hand side and it copied those photos from my drive from my card now at this point I could be done with the card I don't need the card anymore it's still in the drive but I can import more later or I can work with these which I'm going to work with these now here's the big difference right off the bat you'll notice in the upper right hand corner there's a little something happening there's a little animation that little animation is that it is syncing those 8 photos so right off the bat anytime you import images in the Lightroom cc by default automatically it will start to sync and backup those photos now of course how long it takes is going to vary by user how fast is your internet connection how big were the files how many did you import so forth and so on so this could take a few seconds to take a few minutes it could take a few hours you know just pin it on your internet speed and your connection and how big your files are these I believe are around the 24 megapixel size and they are the actual Nikon draw file so a couple of them have synced already and they will sync and continue to sink in the background the beauty of it is right now those files are stored locally and I'm not to wait for that to finish I can start working importing and moving around exporting editing and Photoshop anything I want to do and that will just happen as long as it takes to happen I don't have to worry about it unless I wanted to run over to another and work on them then that's when I have to wait if I don't need to do that they can come over at any point as long as I take okay so now if I go back to my album view I can see if I scroll down here here's the new album that we just talked about so there's the one that we just created Adobe Lightroom cc live we just can't see the live because the column is not wide enough but there's the collection and it looks like we are also done syncing and backing up so it always shows me a little checkmark letting me know everything has been synced and everything's been backed up that means it's a bit those images are now available everywhere we'll get into that in just a minute so the first one was how to import how to import your photos number two how to create these albums so I've got a bunch of folders here this is an album what's the difference an album actually contains your photos and for organization purposes the same photo can be in multiple albums without taking up any additional space just like the same song can be a multiple playlists on iTunes or your music player without taking up any additional space just like the same photo can be in multiple collections in Lightroom classic without taking up additional space so you can build as many albums for as many needs as you want so if I wanted to make a new album we'll create a new album called sunrise because that's what this is sunrises I want to you know just have all my favorite sunrises I can create that album and it has zero photos in it but I take these six or eight or how many of these are drag them into sunrises they haven't been duplicated but now they are in both albums I can have them in as many albums as I want I can on this one and say well you know what now that I realize that these really want the sunrise these were from a different location those might have been sunset so I can hit delete and remove the photos they won't be deleted you can still find them in all photos they'll just be removed from this album so now this album has six photos this album has eight photos some of them are the same in both albums and that's perfectly okay I have lots of photos and lots of different albums for lots of different reasons alright so number three how do you create folders and what are folders now this might be a little confusing especially well just I got translate especially if you're coming from Lightroom classic or the prior versions of Lightroom in Lightroom before before Lightroom cc this version folders were always the physical locations of where your photos photos are on your drive and that's still the case in Lightroom classic CC however since your images are just always in the cloud on Lightroom cc folders really don't matter anymore so there's this is not really a folder system like it used to be in classic or it still is in classic so therefore folders now are organ organizing your albums so albums are where the pictures are folders are collections of albums the images are in the cloud so with that said if I were to go in now and say create a new folder then I can call this new folder Adobe live for example and that new folder has nothing in it I can take these two collections and I can drag those two collections I'm sorry these two albums it'll take me a minute to get used to saying it the right way in the right program but anyway I can take these two albums and drag them into the new folder so you can organize as many folders and as many albums as you want to contain your pictures for organization purposes alright next up how do you do a search now let me point this out for years and years and years we've always told you and most don't tell you that our most most don't do it they always tell you and most don't do it you should keyword your photos that way you'll always be able to find them and sure enough you are Nate let me get into that in a minute one of the things we're going to talk about is stored and where things are so stay tuned for that answer but anyway keywording beach sunset ocean sky tree rocks so forth and so on so you know we've always been taught to do that and that's great for for 2016 this is 2017 no need to really key word anymore there was a key word feature you can still of course put in your own custom keywords as you always did but for the people that say god I always hated that I never really did it consistently I just want to find my photos without having to think about it that's where Adobe sensei comes in so Adobe sensei has already looked at these photos it's already compared them to other photos that are similar to them in the ecosystem and Adobe stock and everywhere else it can look so I don't really ever have to key word you can if you want to but you don't have to so to prove that point I'm going to go to my all photos area and in my all photos area scroll to the top real quick I'm going to do a search for tree when I hit return it's starting to find pictures of trees on images I have never keyword it so for example all these tree images I've never ever ever once keyword it and maybe some of them I did but most of them I absolutely did not so it's found trees just because it knows what a tree looks like so for example I know for a fact I did not keyword anything called boat but yet it's finding pictures of boats throughout my 19 thousand six hundred and seventy photos so you don't have to keyword you can if you want to I probably won't anymore because they're just simply no reason to and it's even smart enough to like for example you can't even see the boat here in this life preserver photo but it it assumes that's attached to a boat and it's right that is a boat and I bigger pictures of that boat somewhere if I scroll down so how do you search just go up to the top and do your search now let me get rid of the search term and let me go to the filtering because a lot of times you will want to filter on certain things so you can filter on keywords if you've used them you can also filter on the kinds of cameras you've used and to take the shots that are in here so I've used a variety of different cameras through the years you can search on locations I don't know what I just searched on but let's fuji camera let's go reset let's get rid of that there we go and you can also search on locations so places that you've taken your photos and these locations are either keyword that you put in in the location fill or it automatically detected the location based on the geo data in the photo you can also filter of course on images that you've star rated that you've flag and that are images / or and/or videos so filtering and searching right there at the top of Lightroom cc and the best part like I said is that you don't have to add keywords unless you want to all right next up and this is a big one how do I edit in Lightroom so let's go back to our photos here we're working on again these are right out of the camera no real editing has been done to them so I might want to do some edits here and just play around with what I have in Lightroom cc so when I click on a photo I can see my editing controls all over here on the right hand side so some I recognize right off the bat oh I know that anywhere that's the crop tool crop and rotation and when nothing bothers me more in a hoop in a landscape photo than a cricket horizon so I can go ahead and just simply straighten that photo out using the crop tool I didn't use the auto straighten I could rotate it flip it and do all the things you would expect the crop to do now keep in mind that when you apply any edit in Lightroom cc if you especially if you're new to this it is also non-destructive just like it has been for over 10 years in Lightroom classic so any of these edits that I'm doing and including the crop can always be undone or redone or done differently so there is never a reason to think I have to say I don't have to save because those Corrections are being made non destructively and just apply to the metadata okay but let's get to the editing part so if I get to the editing a lot of these sliders many of you will know by name you'll know by heart you've used them before a lot of them just are self-explanatory like exposure I could just sit here and play with exposure there's the auto button in Auto for many years has always been a bad word and Auto has gotten a lot better over the years so a lot of times I'll start with Auto and then adjust to my taste after that so for example Auto did bring down the highlights and areas and things over here the way I want it but it did not bring down or it did not give me enough in the shadow area so I'm going to pump up the shadows a little bit more I also of course usually add a little bit of vibrance to my photos a little not too much and I'm at a photo yet especially take it outside the couldn't use a little D hey it's just a tad bit not a ton and of course we've got sharpening noise reduction camera lens calibration that helped a lot actually and geometry upright and so forth and so on you also have presets so if you wanted to use any of the built-in presets for correcting a photo and you can hover over them to see what they will do or you have you know pretty much created your own look you can go ahead and apply to create a preset so I'd great preset and I can call it sunrise whatever call it whatever you want and that will create a new category called user presets so that means if I were to jump to a different photo let's jump to a different one here and I were to go to my user presets and click on sunrise boom I've just adjusted that photo the same way I did the other sunrise I could select 100 photos and adjust the same way so you have the ability to continuously adjust your photos any way you want non-destructive you never have to worry about if it's going to hurt the photo or do some damage to the photo down down the road so editing from a Lightroom perspective is the same as it pretty much always has been from a Lightroom and Camera Raw perspective you will always have the best best best of breed tools here to do your edits with you still have selective adjustments as well so if you want to for example use the gradient tool to adjust how that sky is going to look and pop I can do that just by dragging the gradient filter there we cool off the temperature of that a little bit add a little bit of clarity to it and again a little bit more D haze from the top too much and there it is there's my newly corrected photo now of course the edits themselves are always happening and syncing back and forth without having to sync the whole photo again so it's making that adjustment it's syncing the adjustments up up to the cloud but it's not having to sink the entire photo so those will usually go a lot quicker than having to sync the original photos so you can sit there and make edits all day and the best part is you can make your edits anywhere so now there was a question I saw earlier I think it was John it was asking this question is there any way or how do you manage your storage I can't remember the exact question was but I do I'd get to it and John Black was asking it also asking a different question do import presets from Lightroom classic work of Lightroom cc and the answer is not at this time there's no way to do that import at this time so if you want the same look and feel you'd have to unfortunately make them or bring that photo in that's been adjusted and then save that as a preset so that would be the best of old workaround we used for lycra mobile all right without saving it as preset but at least copy and paste okay so let me go here and let's go to Oh actually before we do that let's get into number that was number 5 how to edit in Lightroom cc number-6 how to manage your storage let's get to that so I'm going to go to my Adobe Lightroom CC menu I'm going to come down to preferences and then preferences I'm gonna go to local storage and local storage this is where you get to decide how much space is being used on your local hard drive you also get to decide when originals are kept on your local hard drive where they're kept right now it will pick a default folder I believe in your pictures folder and your bane drive your boot drive but of course most people or a lot of people don't have a ton of room on their boot drives these days so they use external storage and you can change this location to that external storage area but this is this becomes a more interesting slider here of course that's important putting the photos where you want them to be but deciding how many of those photos are what percentage of those photos are stored locally is probably a better thing to talk about right now since everything is synced and backed up to the cloud automatically then at what point do you not need it on your drive anymore and that's what you're deciding here you're saying I'm saying you know I've got plenty of room on this Drive so 25% of my photos that I work on can stay on this Drive anything older meaning once I start running out of space it will remove from my local drive and just keep it in the cloud if I go to work on that photo and need to export the full resolution of that photo then it will download it or resync it back to my local drive and if it needs to clear off something else that's older if you feel that you want to always have your images on your drive and never ever only have them in the cloud then you can store a copy of all originals locally so you have that option if you want it I would say the average person using Lightroom cc probably won't ever want to do that but for people that are paranoid and say no no I always want them with me at all times you have the option to do that it is totally up to you now for example on my macbook pro where i don't have a ton of space as I do on this desktop machine I've got this set down to 10% because I really don't need to keep that many local images on that computer on that drive if actually I could probably bump this one up to more like 50% because I've got a ton of space on this drive so I can keep more local files there now what's the difference why would you want them local versus not local the only reason you would want to keep more local is you want to quickly be able to export full resolution images or quickly be able to edit full resolution images and Photoshop in terms of Lightroom it doesn't need to be local because it's making the adjustments built on the previews that are stored and syncing them to the actual files whether they're local or not so yes it's cool having local files for full resolution full resolution of your originals when you need it but in most cases think about it as images get older as you finish working with images and shoots and share them you've done everything with them you probably won't be going back to them using full resolution on a regular basis so that's why this slider is important okay now that we got that out of the way next up is that was number 6 how to manage your storage now we're going to talk about how to edit your images on mobile and web so I've got my iPhone here I'm going to pop it open just for a second there's my iPhone and on my phone I'm going to switch over to Lightroom cc see it down at the bottom so this is a iOS and Android app available for iPhone and iPad it's a universal app and Android tablet and phone as well so you can use it on either platform and have the same capabilities all right so when I tap on Lightroom cc it'll take us I can see the little cloud icon up there it's it's doing its update it already just popped in the Adobe live folder so my Adobe live folder is already there and now the 8 images are starting to show up as well if I go to sunrises for example I can see the Edit to the raw file it's showing me by the way that it's a raw file and I can go in and continue working on that just as if I were at home or still at my computer so for example maybe I want share this on social media and I wanted to fill the frame like on Instagram but I want to share it as a square so therefore I'm going to do a crop I'm gonna change my aspect ratio to 1 to 1 square I'm gonna move the image around so I still keep the bird where I want it and I'm gonna go ahead and tap yes that's what I want and as soon as I get out of editing well don't sink anything until I'm done editing so they get out of editing I can see the cloud icon making its changes and syncing those changes back up to the cloud so in a few seconds as long as it takes to sync that change it should appear on the desktop as well now Lightroom Mobile has been around for a long time but now you're getting a new updated app today and one of the things that always bugged me about the previous versions of the Lightroom and by the way the update just happened on the desktop if you see it right here the other thing that bugged me about the phone version or iOS versions in the past was there wasn't really a way to delete a photo meaning you could remove it which means it would remove it from a collection or album in this case but it would still be in your all photos now I just want to point out that when you select the photo since I already have this one multiple times I don't really need it again I could go in and I can actually say delete there is still removed from album but now there's a brand new choice and it warned you hey when you do this you are really deleting the photo from the cloud from the backup from everywhere it will be gone but actually there are times where I really want to do that there's a photo that's out of focus I don't need it I'm never going to use it I shouldn't have to wait to get back to my desktop to delete it so I do have the ability that photo is now gone and it will eventually disappear from all the collections that it's in as well on the desktop and everywhere else okay so that's the phone you still have the ability of course these are free apps to download they taught you sign in with your Adobe ID you also have the ability to go in and when you're doing it edit and do selective edits so for example if I go to selective edit down here and I hit the plus sign and I hit the brush I can go ahead and start painting where I want this edit to be so I'm masking this area down here and then once I've masked that area I can then choose what I want to do in that area so I want to lighten that area up a little bit I can use the exposure and lighten up the sand just a little bit down in that area so that is one of the Selective edits that of course is in the desktop version web version mobile version all right so now when I tap okay once I get out of this photo now it's sinking those changes back up and those changes will appear where that photo is which is right here behind the phone so I'm gonna put the phone down for now we'll wait a second for the sand to lighten up or actually we won't wait for it will pop over to the web now this has been around for a while as well and a lot of people just didn't realize it was there so I see Nate it's got a question so maybe I'll answer that long waiting this may be a dumb question but what does raw mean and other and not it's in the corner of the photo raw means that it's the format that the image was captured in as you know you can capture JPEGs with just about any camera or every camera but you can also capture raw if the camera supports it so it's a file format every camera supports a usually a proprietary RAW format so it in icons in EF can and C are too you know so forth and so on but Lightroom camera and Lightroom cc supports raw as well and supports D and G which is digital negative another version of a RAW format all right so with that said let's go ahead and pop over to the web I'll bring up my web browser and now I've got my web browser I went to light here let me just show it to you again I'll go to Lightroom dot when I go to lightroom dot that will bring up I'm signing with my Adobe ID that'll bring up Lightroom cc just like it was on my desktop just like it wasn't my phone with the same photos in it there's my lighter sand there's my photo with all the edits that was done to it including the crop so I can literally work on my computer I can work on my phone my iPad Android my tablet or any computer that has a web browser access all my photos at full resolution and make any edits that I want can you upload can upload Adobe stock Camaro CC from computer traveling phone not at this time you could XP erratically if you were on the phone you could export it out save it to the camera row and then use Photoshop pics or mixed upload it because both of those mobile apps can on the desktop you would either use the browser or Lightroom classic or the bridge or Oviatt alright so now I'm here in the browser version of Lightroom and I want to go in and hit edit in the upper left corner when I edit this photo I can make other adjustments to it so I can revert it back to its original it's because it remembers what the original looks like I can go in and let's say that I want to let's see here I want to do something visual let's add a vignette to it add a visible darken vignette to it and just for the sake of having something that we can see and I'll go ahead and save that at it nice dark over the top too much vignette but we'll see that edit and we'll go ahead and let it update it's doing its update now and once that edits been done again that edit will appear everywhere so that's the beauty of it you can with Lightroom cc it is a complete cloud photo system so your images are backed up and sync your edits are out of this one your edits are applied non-destructively as they always have been with Lightroom and you have the ability to use Lightroom anywhere you want on any computer mobile device or web alright so that was number seven how to edit on mobile and web now let's go back to Lightroom cc I'm gonna hide this one for a minute let's go back to the desktop here and on the desktop hopefully that'll update soon what's going on there all right so that should update but on the desktop we're not going to wait for that we're going to go ahead and go into my folder here which has some stuff that I want to do and I want to go to this folder and I want to do an edit that I can't do in Lightroom that means going over to photoshop I want to do things that you know Lightroom is great for the edits that it can do but certain things like them just can't do and Photoshop can so for example if I want to take this photo and edit in Photoshop I would go up to my file menu edit in Photoshop and depending on the resolution of the file it will either open up the smart preview if that's all I have available to it I think that's all this one is that's all that will sync from original Lightroom classic or it'll open up the full resolution and if it doesn't have the full resolution but knows it exists it'll take a few more moments to download the full resolution Thomas you are absolutely right and I did a blog post about that at Terry White comm today so you can go read my thoughts on which ones for which I actually called it Lightroom cc versus lockeroom classics you see which one's for you and I answer those questions on their blog post alright but anyway I'm here in Photoshop now I've just said edit it popped open Photoshop CC 2018 in my case and now I can go ahead and grab my text tool which I don't have a text tool in Lightroom that's why we're here I'm go ahead and click and I can let's go ahead and make this type just a little bit bigger than eight-point there we go whatever reason I'm not seeing my taxes that's weird all right you got it one more time yeah it's like my cursor I let me do it this way let's go in less before I put the type down let's choose a bigger size all right I broke my tags I broke my tags hold on it's so tiny area don't know why but it was stuck on something very small all right so let's go to parent let's type Paris in and let's give it a different color let's give it some of this gold here not that gold maybe that gold of course we'll make that bigger one more time sorry about that that was my heavy hand sorry I had honestly I have used this program before all right let's try it again all right one more time I clicked out of it rows of it where I was ready okay and we want to use and not that we wanted to use this there we go that's the color I want and now that I've got that we'll go ahead and commit to it I put that where we want it we can even have a layer effects to it let's do a simple drop shadow on it and we'll around there you go that way with it and of course we'll make it a little bit bigger not crazy big distance I'm being way too picky about this drop shadow but hey there it is alright so that we've got that in place and one more thing while we're at it go to the type tool one more time and let's choose ya wandering all camps okay so now we've got that in place again a change took way too long for that change but the change that was made in Photoshop that I could not have done I in Lightroom at all and of course I have the full version Photoshop to do anything else I wanted to do cloning step down selected mask removing objects adding more layers compositing doing anything I want to do once I'm done we'll just simply hit save we'll close it we'll head back to Lightroom cc and Lightroom cc has already returned the results at full resolution and stacked it on top of the original so the original is still there unchanged if I were to go look at the original there it is right there just by clicking the stack icon so you have the ability to edit in Photoshop for the things that Lightroom cc can't do just like you were doing the same thing in Lightroom which is not like room classics you see if you want to edit in Photoshop to do things that it could not do now of course I can still take that photo that we just worked on and I can just add that to the other collection so it's there actually it added both of them but that's okay so now we've got that photo and here comes the by the way the Edit did show up and come through everything I've done to it and if I decide oh my god what was I thinking go back I hate that baby yet take the vignette this is the one that I added on the web I believe and I'm out of it so again none of that is destructive I can keep working at any point and keep making adjustments no matter where I am to the photos that I want to add okay so that was number eight how to edit in Photoshop number nine and this is a big one this is kind of cool it's one of the reasons I've always liked Lightroom for mobile now that it's Lightroom cc and it's all one ecosystem I also have the ability to share a collections or I'm sorry album so I go back to this album and I want every one that I send this link to to be able to look at all the photos in it even if I add more or change them or edit them then I can go in and right-click on an album and say share album when I say share album that will generate a URL for that album that I can give to anyone that I want to be able to look at those photos once that URL is there I can copy it and I can head back to the browser to show you what they would get when I send it to them so I'll hit paste and this is what they would see so they would see because it did put both photos and I have to go remove the one if I didn't want it but they've got all the photos they've got all the edits they will see it every time they refresh this page they will see anything that's been done to it now if you wanted to take it up a notch you also have the ability on your Hilmi refresh this on your Lightroom web you can actually do more and it tells me that that particular album has been shared so I have the ability to go into that shared album it shows me in the link for it and I could even go in and I want to go to the settings for it there we go and for the sharing settings I could allow downloads or not so that would allow people to download JPEGs of those photos I could allow show the metadata so when they click on a photo show the camera show the local show things that we're done with that photo or where that photo came from and I can also show the location or not I could also designate you know what I only want people to see the photos that I've marked as pics even though I have more than that in the collection or the album and of course at any given time when I'm done I can stop sharing so that no long people no more I get to see those photos I can even run have a slideshow for those photos and what the settings will be if they run a slideshow on them and I can of course post the link to that album on social media so that's what can be done that's one of the things that can be done with an album that has been shared now you have the ability if I can see it there look look here do that there we go you have the ability notice we have the album icon here this is the one we've been using to get to our albums and folders you also have this web icon too and when you want you can also create a web gallery now web gallery is more of like a web page for your photos it allows you to it allows you to have a hero image and tell stories and add text and so forth and so on so that's a web only feature of Lightroom cc but it can be done it also allows you to rearrange the photos in the order you want them in and do a good job of dropping that one in there but there it is and also of course you have the ability to let's see if I do this right there we go set as the cover image which one I just held down on it to set which one I wanted to cover image move delete I want to delete this one yes permanently delete that photo go ahead it's okay I've got it and of course I can go in and continue to do more now if I were to move an image around let me see this real quick let's see this I want to set this one as the cover perfect and I want to alright that's cool that's enough for now actually and that's all the same okay I'm just checking for ya just make sure that happened okay so Lightroom web Lightroom desktop like remote I'm sharing an album that was number nine last but not least let's pop back over to the desktop and on the desktop I'm gonna close that and what I want to do now is I want to talk about sharing individual photos or exporting one of the things that's great is that you could do all this work on on big raw files or small JPEGs or anything in between but there will be a comment there will come a time when you need to get a photo out of Lightroom cc to share on social media to send me an email to give to someone to post as a profile pic to do something with so with that said you have the ability to go in and click on any given photo go up to your file menu and choose save to that is a friendlier term and export so people notice that you know Lightroom classic would have export and import and things that as professionals we've known for years but for new people those terms may not mean much so save to that means something add photos that means something so we know we want to add more photos to it we want to know we want to save photos out so that's why the terminology is different in many cases alright so if I say save to I get the ability to change the format original Plus settings which means whatever original file format that one is I believe that's a tip but go ahead and apply everything that's been done to it or just save a JPEG which is universally compatible with just about everywhere full size or custom size so if I want the like for example for Instagram they need to know they need to be no wider or no longer than 10 out of 10 80 pixels or 1080 pixels so I can say you know what don't make it any wider than that and wider than that is a waste or I can just say small I don't want to figure it out small would do it now can also pick the location that it's going to save them to or it will just save them to the pictures folder which is the default location Lightroom cc say photos so once I do that it doesn't take you there or anything at this point you would just have to go find it on your own so I would go here pictures folder and sort by date so I could find it there it is and there's the one I just export so there's the JPEG right out of Lightroom ready to post no bigger than 1080 so that would go right on Instagram with no problem you will also have one more thing you have the ability to go in and this wasn't one of the ten things but you have the ability to go in and select a photo first that would help you have the ability to go in and send directly to Facebook so this is going to prompt you for a one time thing of authorize your account go link it on Facebook once you do that the next thing will prompt you for is a description and it's just going to add it to your default timeline photos so that's it those are the ten things and I did it in under 50 minutes those are the 10 things that beginners typically want to know how to do now I saw lots of questions that didn't come through or I'm sorry that came through that evening a chance to answer so let's go ahead and answer some of those questions right off the bat and then for those of you who have to go understand but for those of you who wanted to see this you saw it let's answer some of those questions good one so Susan is asking okay I just downloaded my room ceci does this replace Lightroom classic ceci no it does it so I answered this in a blog post I did today I answered some of the fa Q's people are asking questions like that when you install a Lightroom cc or Lightroom classic CC they are independent of each other meaning from the standpoint of what's on your r drive there are two applications you can launch independently and I'm both open at the same time it does not matter like if you install one first one second you never install the other one they don't click with each other all right so that one's right off the bat let's see consumer friendly terminology yep that's what you'll find a lot of in Lightroom cc how can I get a pic into ACC library for use in all CC apps okay so Nate's asking a very specific question it really doesn't have a lot to do with Lightroom cc but hey I can go ahead and tell you how to do that let's say we want to take this photo and let's let's develop it further I probably want to see this too let's develop it further so I'm going to go over and do some editing on it first of all fix the thing that always bugs me a crooked horizon line let's go just go ahead and straighten it there we go and now that we got that in place the next thing we'll do is we'll just do a couple quick edits to it actually we start with Auto there we go and then we'll Behe's it a bit and add a little bit of vibrance to it kick that up a bit and we'll pull up the shadows a bit hard to see some of those rocks over there okay so now I've got my photo ready I'm going to go ahead and pop it over to photoshop and the question I was asked is how do I get my photo into a CC library so CC libraries really haven't been a part of Lightroom at this point so they still aren't but they are a part of just about every other Creative Cloud app so for example if I go here to my libraries and I pick a library like Adobe Adobe live when I use for demo then I have the ability to say you know what I want this photo that came from Lightroom to be in a library so it's accessible in all my other apps all I have to do is then just hit the add content I can add the the foreground color or just the graphic I just want the graphic once I click add that will copy this over to that CC library and I can and if I want to and now it's in the CCC library for all my other applications to use so the way you add patented to a CCC library is from any CC library and you have to have the content open you want you to add it in then you can close the content they're independent of each other and then you have it in that library to be used in all your on the wraps all right next up let's see if I see anything else all right and Gabby was asking about another question about tutorials on resources like credit file and libraries etc I've got several of those on my youtube channel at Terry white TV it's a quick way to get to it and you can find all kinds of creative cloud tutorials there there's some here as well on the Creative Cloud YouTube channel yeah now the thought wasn't too big it was too tiny it was like six point so I had to stretch it out which I did all right I think I got everything if I missed an urgent question feel free to retype it in there lots of commentary going on and I want to miss a question give you guys about a couple seconds and then we'll call it a day we'll call it a street let me scroll all the way down I might have missed something here that's new you're welcome Nate it's what I do what about private sharing well it's private in the sense that it's only the people to have the URL so there is no password sharing if that's what you're asking for but the URL is not public to the world it's only public till you share - and who they shared questions is there's there a way or sir plans to add album integration to muse I've been asking for that for a while but I will show you something that's encouraging that we might get there someday because this is a new feature in Photoshop so let's close this image for a second and let's say I want to get to one of my Lightroom photos well we know we can go back to Lightroom and say edit in Photoshop but now in Photoshop CC 2018 you also have the ability to access your Lightroom photo so if I click on a little magnifying tool there for search now Lightroom photos is a new category in the search inside of Photoshop and if I go here and I scroll down what do we call that one we called it Adobe CC the other is Lightroom cc there it is live here are all those photos coming in from that album so I can get to them from Photoshop now directly maybe one day we wait patiently enough we'll also be able to get to them from muse and I saw a Dreamweaver earlier and so this is a raw file so it's bringing it up in Camera Raw first which is awesome and I'm go ahead and do my camera RAW things to it if I want to or just go ahead and open it and then do the or do things in photoshop my choice all right so that answers that question nope not that one evil serese it's just terry white dot TV there I'll put it in I asked the link you guys were asking about okay all right being colorspace currently in Lightroom cc is Adobe RGB I believe so there's not prophoto RGB or any other RGB that I'm aware of it's currently in one space right now alright alright yeah what I couldn't see the whole URL so I wasn't sure but that's it alright guys thanks for watching thanks for joining me for this I had a pleasure walking you through the Lightroom cc I've got tons of tutorials on my room classic CC or what was formerly Lightroom cc so if you're looking to learn that I've got the same sort of video for 10 for 10 things beginners want to know how to do in Lightroom CC which is now classic classic CC you can go to my youtube channel and find that video and then learn the ten things for the other half so there we have it alright with that said thanks for watching guys we'll catch you on the next one yes a German stream starts tomorrow that will be in German I will not be conducting that string because I don't speak German but if you do you'll enjoy it it's believed on XD or interface or user interface design alright so with that take care thanks for watching everybody catch on the next one bye
Channel: Terry White
Views: 33,141
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Terry White, Lightroom, Creative Cloud, Photo management, photo manipulation, tutorial, how-to, photography, raw, jpg, jpeg
Id: RYfJ2tM7vGk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 39sec (3339 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 24 2017
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