Lightroom Mobile – Tips and Tricks that you MUST HAVE!

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today we are going over Lightroom tips and tricks' now I'm not sure how many I know it's gonna be more than 10 but I don't know exactly how many just do it it off-the-cuff and we are going through this so let's get started will Simpson here and welcome to exploring photography today we're going over Lightroom mobile tips and tricks because these days camera phones are so good that you don't really need a DSLR or mirrorless to get started your camera phone will work just fine these tips and tricks will help you in the editing process so let's open up light removal and get started the first thing is you can change the thumbnail size by simply expanding or contracting on the thumbnail if you open up it'll bring up the thumbnail and it'll make them bigger if you squeeze the picture it'll make them smaller so that's a way to organize or to display your photos quick and easy if you want them small you want a big totally up to you the first trick is the white balance tool if you open up color you see this little eyedropper in the right side if you click that you can actually select the points on the picture to auto correct your white balance just like in Lightroom you simply find the spot that's a neutral color let it do its thing and then press the check mark and boom you have now corrected your white balance now you can obviously adjust it accordingly as you want but if you want to do it automatically that's a quick way to do it and it's just as easy as doing it in Lightroom and regular Lightroom on the computer the next tip is adjusting the sliders rather than just adjusting the sliders by pushing on the dot and moving back and forth you can actually tap on the left and right of the actual bar now if you as you tap it'll up it by 10 on the right or it'll lower it by 10 on the left now it's different for every slider on like contrast it's plus 5 so I think it varies per slider but if you tap on the left part of the bar and on the right part of the bar it'll up it by small increments but so you can make those micro adjustments that make those big differences and if you just want to completely reset it just double tap on the actual circle of the slider and it'll reset it back to zero now this is one of my favorite favorite little hacks that I found out when you're adjusting the white and blacks you want to adjust them to be appropriate for the max dynamic range so if you scroll down add in light you scroll down to whites and blacks let's go ahead and do our highlights let's drop them down let's up our shadows a little to how we want it and if you want to do the whites you can adjust them but where's the proper point well here's the cool little tip push on the slider and then push on the photo and then move it you see how it adjusts look at that just like in Lightroom you find the point where just a little white is overexposed and then release and then you do the same with black push on the slider push on the screen with your other thumb or finger and then slide it down until you see those blacks and this photo clearly has no really dark blacks so that was a terrible example but if we let's say adjust the exposure down here and then go back to the blacks and then do it I'm sure we'll see them maybe there we go good no oh there we go we got a little blacks there at the end so you see there we go there we go there's some blacks so that's perfect so now we have our true white point set and our true black point set on the Lightroom mobile app which is such an amazing feature because you can set all of your true whites at true blacks and get proper dynamic range on your phone it's incredible I love it all right let's reset our exposure all right so now we have our photo ready to actually get edited we have our we have our our white points our black points our highlights in our shadows set we're not going to mess with contrast just yet we're going to go on to the next tip which is the HSL so let's go ahead and go into color now in Lightroom on the computer you have your HSL tab which is your hue saturation and luminance tab in Lightroom Mobile it's in color and it's mixed so press mix and then you have your different colors that you can adjust you can select your red your oranges your yellows your greens and so on or you can click this little target at the top and then you can just touch what you want to adjust so let's say I want to desaturate the trees a little bit I just touch on the trees and I pull down if I want to saturate them I pull up and it just changed them just like that in this case I was adjusting the hue because if you look at the bottom here if this hue saturation and luminance so if I want to adjust the saturation so I click saturation I click the target and then I click on what I want to adjust and I pull down and up you see more blues and greens and it shows you what it's adjusting so up my blues my aquas are at 100 my greens are at 15 but if I want to lower on okay now they're at minus 100 and - 15 0 saturation for the road but I actually like it a cool look so I'm gonna leave it right there actually that's a little too much or gonna leave it right there I think that's the perfect good and that's how you adjust your hue saturation and luminance and another powerful tool to give you those great edit ok the next one is sharpening so let's go out of this by clicking the target again and then press done and then we're gonna go into detail click the detail now when you sharpen your photo you can mask it you can mask out the parts that you want sharp so I'm gonna go ahead and add a look at the screen as you slide the sharpening slider it will adjust it it's very minut but if you look closely you can see the adjustments so I'm gonna add just about middle sharpening and then on the masking if you click the masking slider and then click on the screen as you slide the slider and not move once you stop it'll show what your masking what you're not masking just like in Lightroom so you slide it and stop good so that's where I want it I just want my edges sharp but I don't want the sky or the road to be sharp so this is perfect I'll leave it at that and good closed detail by pressing it again that's looking really good now your curves bar the curve tone curve is one of the most powerful tools in Lightroom mobile and in lighter month Peter so for the tone curve we're gonna go into light and we're gonna click on the top right corner curve this allows you to adjust the tone curve of the image so for example right now we're in the RGB or the overall down at the bottom you can adjust your reds so if I pull all the Reds out it's gonna become like bluey green if I do the Greens pull that out it's gonna become purple because red plus blue it's obviously purple and if I do the blues it'll become a yellowish yellowish reddish weird-looking color we don't want that how I'm deleting this is by double tapping on the dot that's another tip if you adjust your curve and you really don't like it just double tap on that specific circle and it'll delete it let's go ahead and adjust the curve I want to lower the shadows a little I wanna up the mid-tones to give it that contrast that common s-curve that you see or you will and then boom done so press done and there we go we got our tone curve in and that is looking good do you want to see the before and after of your photo at any point just close the menu and then push on the the screen and then before after Oh looking good the next tip is to use local adjustments so on the bottom of the screen here go to selective now this took me a little bit to figure out because it's very weird so maybe this will help you out so press the plus sign the left one is your brush the middle one is your radial adjustment and the right side is your graduated filter so the first thing I want to do is I want to do a graduated filter from the top down slide that go into light and then we're gonna darken that up a little as you adjust it the masking point where the where it's effecting will go away I want to darken that up good and press the checkmark and then what it does is that closes the menu so then you have to go back and do it still working on this so presses this again add another graduated filter and add it from the top dance or from the bottom up and again I'm going to darken it that's looking good okay good now I want to add I'm just gonna show you the brush tool I'm gonna just do a brush here and I'm gonna brush right here because I want the road to be a little bit bright just like that and we're gonna add light add a little bit of exposure just kind of draw you through the image good let's see how that's looking that doesn't look good so we're gonna lower the exposure good and then close that okay good now if you want to delete it you can click on these little squares so let's say I didn't like this graduated filter well I'm just going to delete oh I just deleted them all sweet okay let's go back into them let's go yeah so if you don't accept the adjustment then you delete all of the ones that you made in that session it's kind of annoying that's where I kind of fumbled so let's go ahead and add that graduated filter back here again darken that up and our brush tool I think I'm just gonna actually brush right here where the light is because I want to use the natural light of the image and I want to add any weird extra light and of brighten that up just a shade good and then we're gonna press the checkmark to save those good done before after before after it's looking good the next thing you can use is the healing tool now this is the spot corrector just like in Lightroom so we're gonna click the healing tool we're gonna click this band-aid looking thing and we're gonna we're gonna try and get rid of the car now how i zoomed in is i just just like a photo on a phone you just zoom in just like that zoom out the other way I'm going to move it down here match it up so we don't have the car I need to move this over so we're gonna select this one no no we're not gonna do that when you delete it if you haven't selected you just press the trashcan and it deletes it I'm gonna move this over and I think I'm gonna make another one try and fix this is very difficult my fingers are big so let's make another one let's move it up here move this there good that looks better and then press the checkmark okay good I think that it's not perfect but it'll work for this image so now we are looking awesome so here's our before here's our after I mean this is this is all in the phone so this is pretty pretty cool the next tip if you do an edit and you're like man I love this edit I love these colors I want to save it well you can create your own preset click the three dots on the top click create preset name it awesome preset and then let's say we're just gonna put it into a new group and awesome preset group who check mark good and then scroll you press the check mark to save and then BOOM awesome preset saved an awesome preset group excellent next step if you do something completely wrong and you just want to reset the photo all together slide all the way to the right press the reset button and you can reset adjustments so your local adjustments you can reset everything so you go back to normal you can reset to when you imported the image or you can reset when you've opened the image so I'm not gonna do any of those but that way you can reset the specific spots of your editing time and that's if you don't want to just reset one slider if you want to reset one slider just simply double tap on the circle and it'll set it to zero okay now let's go to the the main feature and wine Lightroom mobile is actually so good the Lightroom mobile app has the feature to shoot raw photos now this is big time because I use an iPhone Pro my camera does not shoot RAW photos using the Lightroom photo I can shoot RAW photos if you go into the camera you get this nice view of my desk my blank desk and then at the bottom left you see HDR click that so you have the option to do automatic which is basically just like using the camera there's nothing fancy about it you can use professional which is a raw photo or you can use high dynamic range which actually gives you an HDR photo which is multiple exposures combined into one to make a really nice raw photo so I'm using high dynamic range and then taking the photo so I'm gonna show you some photos up here and you let me know if you could see a difference the big difference is in the editing though so here are these photos okay so how many did you get right be honest okay good so at first you don't really notice a big difference right at the beginning so let's look at editing them though so let's take this photo here which is actually just the one straight from the Apple iPhone camera so we're gonna go here into presets I'm not gonna do a full edit I'm just gonna go to presets and I'm just gonna scroll through really quick you see how these are not italicized but these are that means that Lightroom is saying you know those might not work fully they might not apply the full effects correctly to this photo so that means there's these three that may not work fully it doesn't mean they won't work and you can't make them work it just means that they're not gonna work fully for this photo so let's go ahead and scroll through okay this is one of the reason okay that looks pretty good that's not bad but what I want to do cuz I've already done this is I'm gonna use this one that isn't fully good that is italicized so we're gonna press the checkmark and then we're gonna go to the next one and we're going to apply the same preset this one here is the professional not the HDR we're gonna do see how they're not italicized anymore that means that there's more data so they can apply the full preset apply that good that's looking good and then we'll go to the next one okay good and this is the HDR version I think okay so this is the professional one this is the HDR one they're very close both raw images so let's go ahead and apply this the same preset to it and boom done okay so let's look at let's turn this sideways real quick so you can see alright so let's see that looks pretty good this is the HDR one that looks pretty good and this is the iPhone one see it doesn't look as good and you can tell it's a little it's just it it's not looking smooth there isn't a clean edit there to me like this looks very natural the colors blends nicely like they're supposed to same thing here this one here it just looks a little choppy it just looked a little high-frequency like too much clarity almost but these look much better much like the colors blended better but that's the same with anything if you take a raw photo over a JPEG you're gonna have much more editing capabilities that's why this is so important you're now able to take RAW photos from your phone which is like yes now there's no excuse for you guys who just have phones and are wondering wanting to take amazing photos truth the final thing and the one that really blows my mind this app is free this is not sponsored by Adobe not at all it's just this app is so powerful and it's free now you are limited with the free version you don't get the the local adjustments and you don't get the Spot Healing tool and maybe a couple other things but the majority of it is free you can go download it onto your phone right now and start using it so definitely recommend it if you have a phone that you take pictures with if you don't yet have a DSLR or a mirrorless or just want to use your phone for more pictures go download the app it'll it'll make it so much better anyways that's all the tips I think we did like 14 there but I'm not sure I hope these help you out because Lightroom Mobile is incredible and I I recommend using it more but for now that is it so don't forget to subscribe like this video if you got something out of it and as always enjoy the journey that is exploring photography I'll see you guys next that photo that I took on the phone a little bit ago clearly as it's snowy really cloudy in the woods and it if you DoubleTap somehow there we go the Lightroom mobile app is free free
Channel: Will Simpson - Exploring Photography
Views: 45,305
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lightroom mobile, tips and tricks, that you, must have, will simpson, exploring photography, willsbeenhere, will simpson tutorial, lightroom, mobile editing, photo editing, raw images, lightroom mobile tutorial, lightroom tutorial, lightroom editing, lightroom tips, lightroom mobile tips, lightroom cc mobile editing, lightroom mobile tutorial for beginners, how to edit photos in lightroom mobile, mobile photography, lightroom tricks, adobe lightroom, adobe lightroom cc, tips
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 21sec (1041 seconds)
Published: Mon May 11 2020
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