Adobe Stock Basics: How to Start Selling Your Photos on Adobe Stock

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hello everyone it started here in just a second make sure we got all content up and the windows up that we need all righty all right looks like we're live hello cam and anime the hidden touch kept what's going on you give this other comment window open here whatever reason my other windows not starting hang on for me - got that moment when you can't get the stream to start ah there we go okay click we're up now let's triangle eye one more time yes no maybe very bizarre alright guys I may have to put you on hold for a second for whatever reason my main stream is it starting we got to get that one going before I can do this literally will not start thanks Walter our guys hang on them at the pawza can come right back bear with me all right looks like we're live now let's see yeah I love to borrow a hammer damn YouTube's working fine it's just this other streams that start go figure I kind of need this other one to work all right let's try something else when all those fails hi guys hey I've got to bounce out again hold on alright looks like that got it this time welcome everyone sorry for the delay problems with getting the screen started for whatever weird reason it was scheduled to start right at the top of the hour good preview it I could see it it just would not start so I had to set up a new one so for those of you who had gone to the old URL sorry about that there's nothing I can do about it what I can do though hang on for a second just refresh this make sure we get story of your life I know alright looks like we had a bunch of people coming in so looks like they got the notification that it started on this particular channel or this particular stream instead alright let's go ahead and do the official start now it looks like everyone's in everything's working and check one more thing over here and everything looks good okay one last thing here switch back to the presentation station looks good everything looks good good to go alright welcome everyone my name is Terry White worldwide design and photography and for Adobe it's my pleasure to be streaming to you live here today on Creative Cloud and talking about Adobe stock this is actually part two of the three part series part one we did last week which just basically gave you an overview or kind of a what to look for when you're thinking about uploading content for stock what images probably work best what doesn't work as well so we went over that last week now we get to actually do the real thing we get to actually go through the process of how to upload the content how to get it going how to get started how to get your content onto Adobe stock how to start from scratch what tools keywording the whole nine yards so for those of you who are just joining me welcome and sorry for the technical glitch at the beginning there for whatever reason I just put the screen just would not start so we got to go in now and looks like we had a ton of people chimed in already on the stream and so I will without further ado get to the topic at hand and that is of course becoming a contributor and then getting our first images ready to go keywording some of the pitfalls behind that and then actually doing the upload so let's jump into how to get started first and foremost it's really easy there's only three steps step one create an account on Adobe stock now for those of you this question always comes up people always say well do I need to be a creative cloud member do I need to pay do I need to be approved do I need any of that an answer to all of that is no you can be individual content creator whether you're a photographer graphic designer videographer I think that covers them all a template soon-to-be template designer a 3d designer you will be able to submit your content without necessarily having to be an Adobe Creative Cloud customer it's great if you aren't critical on customer but you don't have to be so step one will be creating your account step two upload your content step three start selling it's that easy so let me walk you through the process now I can't do it necessarily live with you because I already have a creator created a contributor account so I can't create another one with my name and with my Adobe ID but I can show you the process because when I did do it I documented it with screenshots so let's go ahead and get you started so first and foremost everything that I'm about to show you is at this one URL contributor dot stock Adobe com that's where you're going to go do all of this once you're there you're going to basically be taken to a screen it looks probably very similar to this to start selling your content you're either going to create an Adobe ID if you don't already have one which is free to do or use your existing one the one use the same one you've been using so yes it can be the one you are using with Creative Cloud it can be the one you've always had it can be the one that you've never used for Creative Cloud but you always had an Adobe ID or you can create one on the spot once your once you've got your Adobe ID you would go ahead and sign in with it and once you sign in with it you may get this question I don't know if this still comes up it probably does but this question is really for people that were formerly with bateau Lea Fotolia is the company we acquired to build or create Adobe stock so that's where Fotolia that's where Dobby stock came from and if you're a former patola a contributor then your account needs to be converted over because you don't want to lose all the stuff you've already uploaded but for most of you starting out you will just say no I'm not no I'm not proceed to the next step and then when you proceed to the next step you're going to agree to four things you're going to agree that you're 18 years or older you're going to upload images videos and content that you have all been necessary rights to so one of the questions that always comes up is can I become can I submit things that I composite let's say I put a person shot on a white background against a mountain scene and make that a composite image sure absolutely as long as you were the one that shot or photograph the person on the white background and you were the one to photograph the mountain scene in other words you can't take the person you photographed and put them against another person's mountain scene so it has to be all your content so one of the questions came up do I have to convert my Fotolia account probably a good idea because that Fotolia property will eventually go away so it's probably a good idea to convert it at some point but no you don't have to you can start a new account I'm not really sure what the benefit would be for that all right next if you're uploading content of a person that is recognizable that you're going to do it with a proper model or property release if it's a recognizable property and last but not least you agree you understand and agree to the contributor guideline so you click yes yes yes yes and then you move on to the next step that's it yep that's it that's all or what signing with an Adobe ID agree to the terms and conditions start uploading I wish there were more no I don't but there isn't more that's all there is to it now there are multiple ways to upload what you're looking at right now is the way you can upload directly in the browser so you can just drag and drop files there to start the upload process or if you have bigger files like movies because you're going to sell videos then you can go ahead and upload those via FTP which there's the more information link down there at the bottom of the upload window to get your FP FTP credentials which are already included once you create the account okay and then on the right hand side it gives you the minimum requirements for images vectors and video so you would click on the right-hand side and see those men requirements hey Jason Levine's in the house what's going on that rough start today to today's stream technical difficulties getting it going but we're up now we're running alright so next up this is just a sample I uploaded a sample file there and just to walk people through the screenshots of how to do it so once I uploaded that sample file the next thing that took me through on the right hand side was determining three or four things so number one I had to give it a title number two I had to give it a category and number three I had to also then give it keywords which it automatically detects and gives you five keywords in most cases so even if you're just you don't know off the top of your head you can let it auto detect and give you some sample keywords to start with so Jessi's asking hey do the photos have to be a certain size or quality well that could be good quality we're not going to take bad quality but yes they do have to be a certain size for megapixels or larger okay now next up you will then you're ready to go submit your first item and then you're going to upload a photo of your ID so this is a one time thing and we don't ask for your ID until you actually upload your first piece of content so in other words you can create your account we don't really need to know who you are because we are liable to pay you yet until you upload some content but once you start uploading content then that means that that content can be sold and therefore we need your ID to prove you're really you so we can start the process of pain you want your content if and when your content does sell so you upload a scan or photo or digital shot of your government-issued ID and then you'll submit your file now the next thing you'll do is once your file has been submitted it will go into the in review queue at the top left-hand corner there you see we're in the in review tab that means it will sit there for usually a 24 to 24 hours to up to seven days before one of the moderators gets to it reviews it make sure it is good quality make sure that it is enough resolution so forth and so on and if it required a model release that you submitted all that and then once they approve it then the content is available for sale now at that point also you see a reminder in the upper left corner hey you're going to need to fill out some tax forms to handle you know your withholdings or just your 1099 at the end of the year if you know what government location you're in so find the right tax form this is all part of the process you're an individual versus a corporation one or the other and then it will let you complete the bw9 digitally and digitally sign it right here on the spot so that I'm just walking you through examples you'll go ahead and fill it out put in all your information like my social security numbers right there don't copy it also with my address don't copy that either but there it is and then you will digitally sign it which I did and submit it click the sign and you can even download a copy and that's it alright so that's the process to get started now once you've done that let's go ahead and actually get to the process of actually doing it up front in front of you walk you through it step by step okay so now that we got GaN through the kind of presentation of what it takes to get started let's actually go ahead and get started so I'm on the Adobe stock site of course I already have an account I'm already signed in there's my name in the upper right corner I have no items I've uploaded to this point I can then if I want I can go to click the upload button and be taken to that same spot that we talked about earlier where it gives you all the minimum requirements for all your content and I can drag and drop files here and start uploading or I can click the learn more about FTP file transfer protocols with that stands for and then I can go ahead and get the FTP login information to submit bigger files such as videos what if we don't have tax in the country we're in then you would be prompted to fill out the appropriate forms for your country and if there's no tax involved and you're not you know anything to worry about and also keep in mind that being a contributor becoming a contributor isn't necessarily available in all countries so that might be one of the things you will have to you may have to wait and see if it's available in your country if it's not currently okay let's go in and now let's jump into the process of getting the photo ready now like I said there's nothing stopping you from dragging and dropping files right here but where those files come from and how how did you prepare them or what would you do - before you even start to drag them in also if you're using Adobe products such as Lightroom or bridge you can upload directly from Lightroom in bridge you don't have to export your files out and drag them into the center face this interface is for people that just wanted upload the files they have as is but again if you're a Lightroom or bridge user you can upload directly so I'm going to switch over to Lightroom and in Lightroom I've got a collection of some files that I some of which I have submitted most of which I have not submitted some of these I just literally took in the last couple days where I can go ahead and start getting these ready now one of the questions I saw earlier in terms of quality and and all that many of the file or actions admitting some of the files I've submitted are even from my smartphone so this whole concept of I have to have X number of pieces of equipment or gear to sell on stock is really a myth as long as you're producing good quality content that marketers are look for there's no one checking the see was this shot at a smartphone or was this shot with a DSLR what lens was this shot no one cares they just care that the content is good and usable for example on one of these I shot recently this was with the DSLR but this one was literally one taken as you can see with I use a remote trigger and a timer but with my hand and I was just cutting the word can't and turning it into can I got that I saw someone do a similar thing on another stock site now or actually I'm assuming it's another stock site because I looked for this on Adobe stock and couldn't find it so I decided to produce it for Adobe stock and this image has already sold three times and I just uploaded it in the last couple weeks so just to prove the point that if you you can create content all day long every day and keep uploading and selling it alright so now let's go back to the images that I have not uploaded yet so all of these are like I call them my spring collection these are images literally just looking up at this tree that just started to bloom nice pretty blue sky plenty of room for text or content that the person might want to put on top of this image and this image is pretty much ready to go as is as you can see it was shot with my iPhone it's a raw file because I shot it's actually an HDR raw file because I shot this with the Lightroom mobile camera on my iPhone 7 plus so if I turned off the metadata there's no way you'd know what this was shot with because at that at that stage of the game it doesn't really matter as long as you're producing a great image so long as the light is good as long as the quality is good as long as there's you know no artifacts or defects in the photo you should be good to go all right if you take pictures of people's pets do you need a model release you don't need a model release for animal you only need a mile release for people because animals are people all right Oh with that's it so you don't need a mile release for animals okay so next up let's go in and see some things that I might want to do to prepare an image like this there isn't a lot that needs to be done to an image like this and I want to I want to say just from a preparation standpoint you want to keep the preparations to or the I should say the post-processing I should say that let's use that word you want to keep the post-processing to a minimum because if you overprocess an image it can affect the quality as well so you might actually be adding things to the image that may get the image decline and I'll give you some examples of some of my images that got declined why they got declined and what I did to resubmit them to get them approved okay so in this particular case if I were ready ready to submit this image or that was an image I wanted to submit I would head over to the develop module with this image or Camera Raw and Photoshop whatever your bridge whatever application you're in and one of the first things I do is I usually enable the profile lens correction the lens correction profile which luckily in Lightroom Mobile it automatically gets apply I would also just be sure turn on the remove chromatic aberration one of the things you want to do when this has bitten me a couple of times is you don't need a proper Therese for animals you do need a property release for properties meaning buildings and architecture all right so one of the things you want to do just to be on the safe side is you want to look at your image every single time at a hundred percent because what you want to look for at one hundred percent or one to one this will show you a couple of things this will show you in most cases if there's any artifacts noise or things that may need to be corrected so even though I shot this outside at a very very good ISO I can see a little bit of noise America see a little bit of grain also you will see if this were looking at it a one-to-one will let you know if it's in focus it will also let you know if there are any halos or artifacts around this so in this case I may want to go into the detail slider and just add a little bit of noise reduction not a ton just a little to kind of correct for that noise that may have been introduced by the camera itself and that seemed go clean it up quite a bit alright so now that I've got that done any other things you would do maybe to taste and this is where I again I would like for you to use a little caution on the sliders because taking a slider too far where it looks really dramatic and dynamic to you can be too far in terms of it will get the image decline because once again you've introduced something into the image that wasn't there when you originally took it that may not be a good thing so for example if I were to crank up the clarity really far on this and then I were to zoom in again on it what I'm likely to see and some in most cases is I will see more noise or more artifacts or more things being introduced to the photo so that's what I mean by taking the sliders too far it's okay to do a little bit of correcting and one of the things that came up I think last time that I didn't get a chance to address is well should I go in and upload it five times with five different filters applied to it and the answer is no because if someone wants to buy your image they know how to apply filters so if they want it to look a certain way let the person buying your image apply the filters to it you're not going to really win any points by applying multiple filters to an image before you upload it okay so now that we've got kind of that out of the way and again some of these Corrections have already been made some of these were made automatically actually in the Lightroom camera even though this is a raw file because the Lightroom team wants to make the raw file look as good as it can so I usually crank up the vibrance when I say crank it up I mean adjust it slightly and that let's say that's about it for now all right so at this point how do I get this image that I've just made my adjustments to up to lycra or I'm sorry up to Adobe stock emmeline library so we have to do a couple more things number one we're going to need to add our keywords to it and we're going to need to add our keywords to it either we can do either do it now or we can do it once we're on the site it's really up to you I like to do it now because once I put the keywords in they stay with the image they stay in Lightroom so that way if I ever want to use those keywords for maybe some of the other images that I'll submit later I can go ahead and copy those same keywords I've used the next thing I also need a title so I can put that in as well while I'm here now before I start putting those things in this is just a personal preference for mine I like to create a virtual copy of the image meaning that's a Lightroom specific feature and what a virtual copy means is it just literally makes a copy that only Lightroom sees and it takes up no extra space so it's not really duplicating the file on the drive and that means I can apply different things to each copy without affecting the other so for example if I go up to my photo menu and I choose create virtual copy that will make a virtual copy of the file and you're probably going to say well how do I know which ones which the original is the original the virtual copy will always be the one with a little dog ear on it so that would always be the one with little page turned up that's how you know that it's the virtual copy it'll also usually name it copy that's another dead giveaway all right so now I'll usually do all my key wording and anything else I want to do that's Adobe stock specific to the virtual copy why because then I can use the original for other purposes other personal purposes so if I do want to crank up the clarity if I do want to really make it dramatic or change it in some way or retouch it in some way then I can do that to my original without affecting the one that I'm going to submit the stock that's why I like to make the virtual copy it's not a requirement but that's my reasoning for doing it so now that I'm on the virtual copy I can then go ahead and put in my title so the title does get uploaded from Lightroom and we can call this one a day of springg or whatever you want and the next thing is and the most important the title is important but not nearly as important as the keywords the keywords are what is going to make or break your image from being sold because you can have the greatest image in the world if no one can find it it doesn't matter so that means that if I go through and I go to this amazing place are this amazing subject and I take the photo and I get it perfect and it's the best looking photo in the world but I don't keyword it properly and therefore it never comes up in anyone's search that image will never be sold even though it's the best-looking image I may have ever created so the key wording is as equal to the quality of the image because without either one you're not going to be successful in selling so someone's asking if I make a change to an image in Lightroom after it's uploaded does it affect the one that's uploaded no it is it does not so you can adjust all day long after it's been up lift upload it but that's again I keep virtual copy so I want to worry about it the virtual copy is the one for stock the other one the original is the one for anything else I want to use it for okay so let's talk about keywords now some of the keywords that would come to mind are just programmed into us especially if you're a photographer because we're used to key wording for simply finding our images later so for example I might put in spring I might put in clouds I might put in daytime I might put in tree blooming what else comes to mind I don't know it can be used as a background copy space because it's got copy space in it what else and see that's usually what starts to happen we start to we come up with the obvious right away and then you kind of slow down because you pretty much identified everything in the photo which is great for identification but did you put in the words that people might be looking for from a marketing standpoint or from a I'm looking to buy an image standpoint so those are the kinds of things that we have to train ourselves to get better at when it comes to putting in key words so I saw a couple come up as well or in the chat so nature that's a good one let's put some of those in get them in there already so nature I saw sky did an epic I and there I didn't put sky in there that would be obvious one fresh air I like that one we don't know that the air was fresh but it looks like it would be fresh air outside someone might be looking for something outside the box we're outside how about a good day how about well up up is kind of generic so that oh that might work I'll go into that one in so now the questions start to come in will and when am I done I can keep coming up with these words but at what point do I stop so let's get out let's go into the minimums and maximums I like open Scott event pabellón while I'm at it let's put in some minimums and maximums so and Victoria let's bring today sorry guys I want to get these before I forget okay minimums and maximums you have a minimum of five keywords so even if you don't put in five usually the system will when you upload it will suggest by how many can you put in you can put in up to 50 ok so anywhere from five to fifty Wow well how many should I put in that's the bigger question and I would ask me this a year ago I would have told you oh you probably want to put in around twenty to thirty and what I've learned because of habit twenty or thirty is probably too many five is certainly too few but twenty to thirty starts to become too many and here's why because when you start putting in twenty to thirty chances are you're going to just be looking for things to put in like in other words you we've already covered in the first ten or so what we're looking at then you'll probably put in a few more like wheat like we saw earlier fresh air that's a good one good day nature those are those are good and then after that you're kind of just staring at the image and you start making stuff up I don't mean making stuff up it isn't true but I mean like you might put in exploration or space you know even though we don't see space here yeah you're you're borderline spamming at that point so if you're putting in more words than really apply to that image you're actually hurting yourself more than helping here's why I have an image I have two images in my portfolio right now that are that have a high number of views like one of them I think is got over seven hundred views but a low number of purchases like one or two and I'm thinking what's bringing people into this image and then they get there and they're not buying it and that got me scratching my head and then I went back and it was an image I had uploaded a long time ago I went back and looked at the actual keywords because I said something's pulling people into this image but for whatever reason they're not buying it and I found two keywords in that in that image that don't belong there I don't even know where I got them from to put them in there in the first place they have nothing to do with that image whatsoever so people want what would happen is they would search on one of those two words the image will come up and they'll say oh now what I'm looking for and they will move on to the next result and so when you have a high number of views but a low number of sales your rank actually goes down on Adobe stock for that image Adobe stop will stop showing that image to people in the top of the results because everyone that goes to it for whatever reason doesn't buy it and so this well the algorithm says well this image must not be any good and it moves it down so at that point what's the purpose of putting in a bunch of images to get the image seen if no one buys it because of that problem so in that case I need to go into those two images and take those two words out and if time permits I'll show you the example what those two words were I actually show you the image at the end hopefully and let you figure out what the two words are anyway so I think we got enough we're good to go so now at this point what do we do well in Lightroom and in here I'll show it to you and bridge as well let's bring up bridge both Lightroom and bridge have an Adobe stock section now so this is Adobe bridge CC so if I were to drag images here I can upload them right in right from bridge but like I said we're in Lightroom so all I have to do is drag this or hit a keyboard shortcut put this in this Adobe stock collection this published collection so when I put it there it's ready to be published and now at this point I can click publish and it will actually start the process now when I say start the process what that means is it will convert the raw PSD TIFF whatever it is into a JPEG proper resolution and go ahead and upload it to your account because you're signed in with the same Adobe ID and it tells me two images we're going to upload it so apparently I had more than one waiting but let's go ahead and click yes and let's go ahead and see see those two images up let's jump over to the uploaded files and oh yeah I forgot I did have that one ready to go as well okay so I had two images ready to go this one I don't think I put any keywords in yet but it figured out five for me and here's the one we did with 15 keywords in it already so let's concentrate on the one we did first so first thing that's looking for is it auto detected that it was a photo the next thing that's looking for is a category so what would this be you only get to pick one category so would we do plants and flowers or will we be better off doing landscapes you only get to pick one and there is no rhyme or reason as to you know which one it's it's you pick one that's it so at this point I can go for example I could do it's not really plants and flowers that's not really the focus is more landscapes alright so now we've got our five keywords in plus the ten we add it so it gave us some or actually these ones we pick plus the other ten then we will get back to the keywords in a second next thing is does it well actually no let's stick with the keywords first so the keywords came in and it kind of put them in in order that it thought they should be it so if I say show remaining ten they're all there and now you notice the first five are highlighted but the rest are there they're all going to go in with the image but your first five are the most important those are like the main keywords your first five should absolutely deter or you should be using those to determine what the image really is about so I'm going to move spring up to the top because that's really what this image is about I'm going to move copy space down because it's less about copy space it's more about spring nature sky background blooming it's more about those things and I might move blooming up above background alright so and again the rest aren't as important as far as the order is concerned but the top five count the most alright next is there a recognizable person or property an image nope there's no person there's no property an image that is recognizable and so that means this image just turn green green checkmark it's ready to go so at this point I can now go ahead and submit this image for approval if I had uploaded 20 images 50 images I would go through that same process ordering the keywords making sure I put in the right categories for each one and then I would also yes or no it has a recognizable personal property and then once I do that I can go ahead and submit for approval so that one is ready to go notice it didn't try and submit the other one because we're not finished with it but let's go ahead and submit it and it that files been submitted so now it is in the yes I want to leave that it is now in the review area so this is where that 24 hour - 7 day period comes into play usually it's about 24 to 48 hours before it's either approved or declined and that's it that I just walked you through the whole process create your account submit the required ID tax forms if necessary choose your weapon of choice either the browser Lightroom bridge prepare your images add keywords add titling and then submit and then finish it up on the website for approval that's it is twin peaks' considered a property if you mean Twin Peaks as in like a mountain range probably not if you mean Twin Peaks like a building then that probably is so usually natural forming nature sites are not intellectual property all right what version of Lightroom supports this Lightroom cc current version so no previous versions of Lightroom alright next let's go through some examples in our last few minutes remaining let's go through some examples of I told you I show you one or at least one that got declined and how I fixed it so let's go back and do that now let's go back up and oh by the way before we leave this area so remember this one just got submitted if an image gets submitted and it gets declined what I will do is come back to this Adobe stock which is keeping track of all the ones I've submitted so far so I've submitted over eleven hundred and seventy two images so far with Lightroom alone that's not including videos and vectors and other things I've done so just photos and if an images decline I'll put a one star on it so for whatever reason this one was declined out of out of that particular shoot now you're saying well what do you mean for whatever reason I dunno the reason it came back with the email that of why this one was declined so if I click on that image and I go down in the description I usually put in why it was declined so I'll know because I won't remember I won't remember why that image was decline but this particular one was out of focus so they declined it for that reason so that one star is a visual reminder plus in Lightroom I can find all my one-star images in this collection find all my rejects learn from them and go on but that's that's what I do in Lightroom let's go back to examples of some that were declined all right so in each one of these cases there was an image that was declined and then I did whatever I needed to do to fix the problem resubmit the new image with the problem corrected and the image was approved so let me take you through one of my favorite examples I got two actually let me take you through this one because this one this one was recent I shot this back in I think 2011 there it is 2010 2011 somewhere in that ballpark this is actually in Page Arizona it's right above Horseshoe Bend I had a model there I had a great shoot perfect fantastic loved it I submitted this image and got declined and it came back with a reason of their there it is technical error ha what I don't know what that means what do you mean technical error so sometimes the reason may be vague it may elude you you may be because I don't know alright so Walter no you do not lose ownership of your images you always own your images and you can always even remove them from Adobe stock and you can also continue to sell them on your own or with other stock services this is not an exclusive agreement Adobe does not only image once you submit it you still own it and you can still do whatever you want with it so let's say I submitted this image and it did get approved and someone says I want to give you a million dollars for that image and I want it just for me then I would of course immediately go to Adobe stock and delete it and cash my check and then take a vacation but anyway back to this image so the technical error I finally realized what it was I wasn't doing what I just told you to do I looked at this image overall and I felt oh maybe I added too much contrast or I D hazed it too much or did all these things to it and I submitted it again still got declined and I kept backing off of everything I was doing to the point to where that's not the reason it's getting declined finally I did what I told you to do I went in at a hundred percent and saw this nice green halo around it that's why it was getting declined the technical problem is called chromatic aberration that's where you run into a situation it happens sometimes where your lens does not focus properly on all the light coming into it so in this specially in difficult lighting situations where she's kind of like almost in shadows but really not it's the sun's going down kind of off to the sides just a weird situation for that lens and it created this halo and that was the problem that's why this image kept getting declined and that would have been the easiest thing to fix had I realized that's what it was by going in at 100% how would I fix that and how did I fix it go to the develop module or camera and in your lens Corrections not only do you want to enable the lens profile correction which kind of flattens the image out and makes it gets rid of distortion around the edges but you also want to remove chromatic aberration so as I checked a box that did it that got rid of the technical problem and I was able to submit the image I still backed off my I'm going to turn that back off for the next class I teach but here's the one that got approved no actually that's not the one I got to prove sorry well there was one like that got approved and I did the same thing I removed the chromatic aberration and I just kind of even just dis images to me washed out and just not as clean as I would have done it but I didn't want to take the chance of over processing it so the one that actually got approved was like this but the sky wasn't quite as blue the horizon was still straightened and things like that and I just didn't do the things to what I would normally do because I wanted to get the image approved and then the person anyone that downloads can always go in and make the sky bluer and adjust it if they want to okay so with that said that was one example here's another one same same kind of problem when I go into this when it wasn't chromatic aberration but now if I go into it at a hundred percent it just had a bunch of grain and noise in the sky and I introduced that I shot this at ISO 100 so why is there any grain because I over processed it I D hazed it too much and that actually introduced grain to it so then I said okay let me back off some of the adjustments so you can even see it's night and day between these two still got declined this time it got declined because it was out of focus so that was just in this case just a bad shot and she just was it good enough to be approved yes I over processed it but even without the over processing it was just not a good shot I of course shot it more than once so I just went to the next best one submitted that one and it got approved no problem because it wasn't out of focus and it wasn't over processed so there are going to be you know times where you get declined hopefully you'll catch those things before they you know before you submit but even if you submit it and it comes back with a technical problem now out of focus is really not something you're going to fix but most of the other problems that it can come back with chances are you can fix those and resubmit if you really are passionate about submitting that image and sometimes you just can't for example I really wanted to submit this church let's go to fit sort about that and first I submitted that version of it then I submitted the less processed version of it both times it got declined same thing I just found a different version of it submitted that when it got approved no problem so sometimes there is just something wrong with the image and no matter what you try to fix it will not actually this was the one that got approved it will not work so I just used a different version of it and it got approved no problem all right I was going to show you that one hang on let me see if I can find it real quick oops sorry about that I didn't mean turn that yellow it's going to show you that one example before we go of the image that was over t worded but let me end it before I take you there and I'm going to see if you can tell me what the two words are and then we'll call it a day now while I'm looking for this image let me also remind you that next week will be part three on Tuesday at 10 a.m. Pacific time I'm going to give you guys a URL because we're going to do portfolio reviews now they don't have times great 353 views sold 132 times awesome 324 views sold 80 times good 606 views only sold once what 789 views only sold 4 times what something's wrong because people are finding these images they're being they're coming up in their search results and they're are not buying them because they're disappointed that they're not what they were looking for and then I said why are these two the anomalies all the rest of my images that have high views also have good sales why are these so low on the sale side but so high on the view side and then I went and looked at the keywords and let me pull that up a little bit higher so you can see it alright if you catch the two keywords that are throwing this off type them in the chat we'll see where we are I'll answer some questions while I'm waiting why not delete the out-of-focus pictures because they're not taking up enough space to worry about and it kind of as a reminder to me of why they were declined and last but not least so I'll have them to show you and other people as I'm teaching us what else can I recommend Jimmy's asking can I recommend a good keyword search or online yes Jimmy I will recommend one for you all right I see one of the words in the chat that's not you found one you didn't find the other one so the bill found it first Albania she's Albanian which fine that's great that identifies her and if you're looking for an Albanian model perfect but Albania means you were probably looking for pictures of Albania and that's not what this is all about so that's why that's one of the key words there's one more that you haven't found yet no it's not happy it's not alone has nothing to do with it Albania not Albania no background has nothing to do with it hey Rene freedom kept found it so two words are throwing this off completely Albania because it's not any pictures of Albania and for whatever reason on a why to this day I don't know why the word freedom is in there in the first place if I were searching for freedom I expect to find pictures of liberty and freedom and 4th of July or whatever independence I was I would be looking for images like that what does this have to do with freedom nothing so it becomes a disappointment for the person looking for images that are related to freedom it becomes a disappointment for people looking for the looking for pictures of Albania because there's no picture of Albania here there's an Albanian but not the word Albania so those two words need to be deleted from these images the only reason I'm keeping them in is for this week of classes next week I will delete them from those two images and hopefully I can get the images ranked back up there where they belong but that was my example and the next person asked about q or let me go and bring this up since we're about to wrap up here is the URL for the adult for the stock portfolio submissions is the bitly link so bitly I didn't create the link / - Oh in C mmm - I'll leave that up for a few minutes and that will be your link to submit your stock or submit links to your portfolio for next week's portfolio reviews hey Matt what's going on man alright so that's what I mean by over keywording putting keywords in that have nothing to do with your image it doesn't help you it hurts you our hit counts our hits on keywords counted not by you but yes internally by the system so in other words this image is probably ranked pretty low because it keeps getting found but no one actually buys it so the system automatically ranks it down because no one's buying it so there the system thinks well there must be something wrong with the image so it stops showing it to people maybe it still shows it when you look for freedom but now it's probably on page 50 because it has nothing to do with freedom as people were thinking it would so hopefully you got the URL and we're out of time for today this was part 2 of how to sell your images on Adobe stock we did part 1 last week and go ahead and watch that replay at slash Adobe Creative Cloud and I of course also post these to my youtube channel at Terry white TV so with that said leave the URL there for a second longer because you can always go back and watch the replay and get it again but that's it for today we're out of time we actually went way over the time I wanted to do this in but we have some technical glitches getting the screen started so I want to make sure when got switched over to the new stream location and make sure that we were all up and running so hopefully you got something out of this if you're going to be a Photoshop world actually be doing this as a class at Photoshop world so I'll be in Orlando in the next or next couple days headed to Orlando to teach this as a class they're alive as well and I look forward to next week's session on looking at your portfolios making recommendations in general but also making recommendations as it comes to stock
Channel: Terry White
Views: 20,679
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Terry White, Adobe Stock, Lightroom, stock photography, digital imaging, image manipulation, Creative Cloud, how-to, tutorial
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 44sec (3524 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 17 2017
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