Photography Masterclass - How Do I Do That in Lightroom?

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everyone and welcome to my weekly photography master class um so i want to say hello to some different folks today today i'm starting this bonus part of the stream off on youtube as usual so welcome my youtube followers and also on my facebook fan page i normally do this in my facebook group but um i'm gonna broaden the audience now to my oh my much larger audience on my facebook fan page so welcome if you're watching this live and of course welcome if you're watching this on either replay now i do these uh master classes every friday work permitting like meaning we're working or not uh don't have the day off and um i do them i start them on my channel a few minutes early to give you guys a bonus tip and then we kick off on the main channel which is um adobe live so slash adobe live so without further ado let's get to that quick tip since i only have a couple minutes before the top of the hour i'm going to pop over to pop over to lightroom classic which i have here and by the way in case you didn't know today's topic is how do i do that in lightroom and that's a topic i actually got from scott kelby i'll tell you more about that later he actually wrote a book with that title but let's get to the bonus tip right now so what i have here is a collection and this these are the photos we're going to be working on in a few minutes but what i want to do is i want to be able to quickly add images to that collection from my other collections without having to scroll up and down and drag the list and so forth and so on so what you can do is you can right click on any collection and you can choose this option set as target collection and when you set it as the target collection what that means is that now any anytime you see a photo you want so let me go grab one from a different area here let's go to my demo on the go folder all right so let's say that i want to put this american flag in that collection so now all i do is hit the letter b on my keyboard and you'll see that it said add it to the target collection so i can scroll around i can find this image of atlanta hit the letter b it's in my target collection so i don't have to ever scroll up and down i don't ever have to drag it back and forth if i go to that how do i do that now there's the flag and there's the picture of atlanta so i have the ability at any time to quickly mark any collection as a target collection and then wherever i am in lightroom whether it's a folder or collect another collection wherever i have images select as many images i want hit the letter b they automatically get added to that target collection of course they stay where they were so they don't get moved they just get added to that collection to quickly build a collection you want and this by the way from a history standpoint this comes from the quick collection feature back in the day where you could you know before they let you set any collection as a target collection when you hit the letter b it would always add it to the quick collection you didn't really have a choice now you have a choice you can use the quick collection when you're trying to assemble images quickly that you need for something some project or you can set any collection that you created as the quick collection to add them in so that's my bonus tip for today and again um this this whole session today is based on this book how do i do that in lightroom classic um it's available on amazon as an e-book it's available as a printed book but that's where we're going to be working today all right i'm going to put you back in the lobby we're going to start this off in about 60 seconds with the official start and thanks for joining me on my channels thanks everybody [Music] do [Music] we are live happy friday everyone uh hopefully you're having a great friday so far uh glad to see so many of you piling into the room let me refresh my chat so i can see all those people piling into the room and uh refreshing refreshing refreshing anyway well there we go they're all popped in now so with that said um for those of you who are new my name is terry white hey sam my name is terry white worldwide designer photography evangelist here at adobe mostly photography evangelists these days but um i do both uh with that said this is masterclass friday so that means that we're doing our traditional master classes on our various disciplines and when i say we i mean the adobe evangelist team so paul kicks things off now on fridays right before me with a design master class because he does too i'm trying to remember which one's first the design master class then i do one on photography then we have take a break for a photoshop create daily creative challenge and then after that um paul comes back with his photoshop daily creative challenge and then after that i think we have an illustrator creative challenge now which is every week or every day and then after that is jason levine doing audio and video and then after jason is um howard pinsky doing adobe xd ux ui design and then after howard is kyle webster doing graphic design or illustration and drawing i should say so we have a full packed day of master classes and the best place to watch those master classes is here at slash adobe live now i know they're people watching on youtube i see you over there i see you over there as well uh crosstalk jesse uh karina uh pierre and i see people watching on twitter i see people watching on facebook thanks for watching on all the various channels it's great that you're watching wherever you're watching from and you're watching the replays great too but if you want to participate in the chat that's the site to go to because i can't watch all the chats simultaneously so i'm going to be paying attention to the behance chat because that's where this show is officially hosted and sponsored by you know sponsor well by adobe anyway on adobe live all right so lisa i see you over there on facebook thanks for joining me on facebook and again you can hang out wherever you are you'll still be able to see the whole thing but if you want to participate in the contest did i say contest that's coming up you want to participate in the giveaway that's also going to be on adobe live chat so um what contest what what i mean but not really a contest but a giveaway what am i really giving away this topic how do i do that in lightroom which is today's topic it's actually one i stole slashed asked a friend if i could borrow so i'm always looking for titles and content to do on these master classes and i thought scott's got a great book my friend scott kelvi's got a great book on just that it's called how do i do that in lightroom so let me show you the book here's the cover and there it is so scott wrote this book it's already on the second edition how do i do that in lightroom classic he's specifically mentioning or speaking on classic in the book i'm going to try and cover a little bit of both um but he also i said scott you know your title is really great i want to do i'm not going to steal your content but i really want to do that title is that okay with you he said absolutely not only is it okay but you could even give away one of my books so we're going to pick a name i don't know how yet i'm going to do that but we're going to pick a name randomly maybe i'll just point at the screen who's ever on the screen at the time will do it i'll give it to that person and um they'll i'll get your contact info and they'll ship you that book directly from kell b1 but for those that are interested in the book here i think i have the link to it let's go ahead and put that in i don't have it copied though oh that's the wrong keyboard that's why nope we don't want that one hang on a second i'm going to give you the link to the book and that way you guys can uh whoever doesn't win it but is interested in it you can go check it out see if that works yeah that worked okay so there's the link to the book and here i can even put it in the other chats as well see if i can do that boom it's over there and let's put it in so many chat windows this is why i'm only going to pay attention to one chat window today but we'll put it we'll put it there as well boom and we'll put it here as well and boom okay so that's it that's what the class today is based on is how do i do that in lightroom from the book but we're going to go ahead and again grab the title but i'm going to take my do my own spin on the actual content so once again today's topic for the next 49 minutes is how do i do that in lightroom and i'm just going to do a rapid fire of things that people want to know how to do or things that people ask about and show you how how to do those things in lightroom so in no particular order i've got a long list of things maybe we'll get through them all maybe we won't if not we'll save them for next time and by the way next week's class is on the other book with a similar title so it's how do i do that in photoshop so two weeks of uh and i guess he'll give me a book to give away that week as well so two weeks of how to um how to do stuff in lightroom and how to do stuff in photoshop all right so with that said let me bounce out of this and let's scroll up in my collection and let's go ahead and get started and you guys can see my screen and i took the banner off all right uh first thing and again these are no particular order is just as i was randomly like adding things that i saw either in in his table of contents or came up with on my own but again the content is my own images and my own way of doing it so one of his topics in his book is how to make images easier to find so for me again i didn't go look to see what he wrote but i did think about like if i were going to answer that question a couple things i would tell people to do so first and foremost lightroom has a search capability so you can go ahead and just um you can go ahead and do a text based search on any folder the whole thing you can go to all photos and do a search but it's only going to search for text that actually exists in the image now if you didn't put in keywords if you didn't do anything special then it probably won't find what you're looking for so one of the things i recommend is that people do do one of two if not both things so you notice that these images are named they're named after that person so if i were to search for krista i'm going to find her images even if i never keyworded them because i named them even if i don't remember what folder they're in even if i don't remember what collection they're in so we're going to always be able to find them because i renamed them they're no longer the name that came off the camera i'm going to get to that as a tip on how to actually do the renaming but that's one quick way to do it the other way to do it is to think about your collections and your structure so for example let's say i'm looking for a picture from paris i did let's say i didn't even rename it i didn't use any keywords i didn't do anything but because i have a pretty decent collection structure i can still probably get to it pretty quickly so if i go to my travel because it's not where i live it's it's in a different country a different city oh there's paris and if i click on paris there's 257 or 357 images there and i could probably quickly scroll through all of these and find the one i'm looking for now not the most efficient way to do it but i'm quick i'm getting there much faster by being able to go to a specific collection for what i want now let's say i went to paris more than once then what i could do is i could have a collection set called paris and then i could have a paris 2018 of paris 2022 or paris whatever and that way i can even get down to the specific trip that i went on these are just all my paris images i've been there multiple times i just threw them all in one collection but i can certainly narrow that down by specific trips so that's one way or a couple of ways to find photos quicker and again we're gonna we're gonna talk about um keywords right now so for example if i click on one of these images you notice that it has no keywords so let's say we select uh we select a few of these i'm just going to grab a few of these right now and if i go into my keywords then i can actually start naming things in the image not so much naming the image but the actual things that are in it so for example paris clouds sky eiffel tower which i already have a keyword for that i don't know daytime what whatever else whatever else you might look for so again while we can while i'm on one hand houston used to put in a lot of keywords that other people might search for for adobe stock when it comes to my own images i'm probably not going to put in a bunch of keywords that i'll never look for because it's just it's it's great but it's also a waste of time so like i'm probably not going to be looking for day time so why waste my time putting that in um but if you're trying to make images searchable for other people like on stock sites and stuff like that then you might put in more keywords but usually four five six seven eight keywords ten at the most you're probably going to put in all the ones you would ever look for to find that image so now if i um search for eiffel tower those images are gonna come up if i search for paris those images are gonna come up if i search for clouds those images are going to come up sky those images are going to come up so that's another way to quickly find images and you notice i did it to multiple images so you don't have to do them one by one you can select as many images as you want to um to add your keywords to and uh so for example if i if i go to this one now you'll notice that the last few keywords keyword suggestions are down here because these were the last ones i used i must have used jason levine at some point so i can just quickly add those to another image if i want so paris um france i i didn't add france to the other eiffel tower city skyline downtown i can just click quickly click on all the ones that are suggested based on previous images that look like this that i did all right so um keywords making your images easier to find is another way to do it all right i'm going to go back to my collection that i was working on earlier get out of travel and we're going to go up back up to my how do i do that in lightroom classic okay next up we're going to talk about just some quick ways of navigation quick ways of doing things to to look around the photo so for example um we're looking at this image in grid view so hitting the letter g whether you're in uh lightroom classic or you're in lightroom um someone said i had a camera behind me oh yeah i do have a camera behind me sorry thanks let's move that up a little bit that's my hands cam don't need it in the shot got it all right and just make a little cleaner all right anyway thanks for that um so anyway let's talk so whether i'm in lightroom or lightroom classic i have the ability to zoom in on an image so um i'm on grid view which is g if i hit um e for loop view it will take me into this view which is just it's not full screen but it's full canvas so it's showing me the image on the full lightroom canvas classic canvas now if i hit the letter f that takes me into full screen so that way i don't have to worry about any of the interface around it i can just go ahead and just hit full screen and get into it but lightroom the lightroom team recently added some new ways to zoom into your image before you had this magnifying tool and you you had a choice you could either click it it would go to a predetermined size like 100 for example or you could click it again it would go back and that was pretty much it but if you want to get into specific areas of a photo now on mac you can hold down your command key i don't know if you can see it but you see the little marquee around the zoom tool now that little rectangle or square you can zoom into a specific area of the photo and you can go much closer and i can see that that earring is kind of out of focus and i can zoom in and out the traditional ways with command minus on mac control minus on pc and this works more like photoshop does as opposed to the way lightroom limited you to like one to three different ways of zooming in one to one one to two one to three that was it so you didn't really have a other you didn't have other ways of getting into specific areas now you do so now if i want to just get to the eyes i can get right to the eyes and quickly get back up so um not only going full screen but also zooming into specific areas which is fairly new like within the last six months of lightroom updates next up um in classic f wasn't always full screen it is now so it's great f full screen f again to get out of it but it used to be f would cycle you through different views of the interface and now to get to those different views of the interface you hold down shift f so notice what happened shift f so it's basically three modes full screen lightroom meaning get rid of the menu bar it's still there if you go up there but get rid of menu bar get rid of all everything around lightroom just show me lightroom on the screen shift f again shows me the title bar the menu everything else all the other stuff and shift f you kind of have this intermediate view which is get rid of um the the the type the the window title but keep the menu up there and kind of just get rid of everything else so yeah just keep shift f being toggling through these three modes until you find the one you like best all right uh next up let's talk about another one now this one this one only works in classic unfortunately lightroom doesn't have this view if you are trying like you you did a photo shoot and you're trying to find your favorite so you're looking at dozens if not hundreds of the same scene or the person maybe they have different poses whatever different facial expressions and that's what i did here i just grabbed a few of crystal with different facial expressions and i'm trying to narrow down which one i want to use so usually that means you could go full screen okay i like that one that was okay i like that one but then you kind of quickly forget which one was the first one because if you're going through 10 15 20 of these you're not gonna remember what was the one i liked first second third i like this one but i don't know if i like it better than the first one i saw so you have to you know you end up going back back back oh yeah that's the one so to avoid all that you can go into what's called compare mode so i'm going to hold down my shift key and select two photos now that i've got two photos selected i just hit the letter c when i hit the letter c that shows me those two photos side by side but it's a little bit more than just side by side you notice that there are some identifiers around the window so it says this is your current select this is the one on the right is your current candidate meaning you like this one on the left the best so far the one on the right do you like it better than the one on the left if not click the arrows down here and you can use your keyboard as well click the arrow on the right to see the next one do you like that one better yes or no and if the answer is yes then you have a little um swap here to swap it so that it becomes a select and now the other ones are the candidates so this way you can quickly find when you're going through several images you're trying to figure out which one you like best you can use this compare mode so oh yeah okay i like that one she's got a nice smile there it's great maybe i like that one the best and then i just keep going through the various candidates to see up that was it so now that i like that one best now that's what we're going to go to next is identifying your favorite shots so if this is my favorite now i can go here and i can give it five stars i can give it a flag pick flag down here in the lower left hand corner i can identify that quickly and when i go back to grid it now has all those things so three ways of quickly identifying your favorite or best photos one pick flat so letter p on uh classic and unfortunately they changed it on uh the other lightroom to the here let me go to grid regular grid grid to the letter um z for some reason so it's z and i know y because it's right next to x so you're either rejecting a photo or you're marking it as a pick but i wish it was p like the other program because i'm just so used to p so if i go if i uh you can see it right here happening if i zoom in you'll see it so that's a reject and that's a pick just by me hitting the letter z or the letter x now what if i want to unflag it like i don't want it to be either one then that's the letter u on your keyboard so that's universal between both apps the letter u is unflagged and z in lightroom is pick p in lightroom classic is pick x is rejecting both of them so that's only the only keyboard shortcut difference is the um pick and of course you have five star we have stars so you can say for example maybe this one i like but i don't like it as well as another one so i hit the letter four and make it a four star at the letter three and make it a three star uh hit the letter five or number number five is the number five and it's a five star so that way you can identify it that way that you like it um why do you need multiples because i'm going to give you i'm going to give you the reason why in just a second lastly including this is another classic feature lightroom doesn't have this one so it has lightroom hat both have flags and stars classic has one more which is color labels so remember we do one two three four five or zero for no stars well six seven eight and nine are colors in classic so i've hit the letter or hit the number six that marks it with red number seven marks it with yellow number eight marks it with green number nine marks it with blue there is another color there's a um one more color it just doesn't have a number associated with it but you can absolutely give it that color um from from here so um purple so there is a purple as well so right click on it you can set it to purple they just don't have a number for it so if you like purple as your color purple would be your color the reason i don't ever use purple is because it doesn't have a keyboard shortcut so i don't ever think to use it all right so why would you use any one of these pick flag stars or in classic color labels as well because if it's just you meaning your images you're the only one that approves them you're the only one like you took them for you and they're just for you you don't need all three probably only need one of them pick flat yep it's my favorite of my shoot for me pick the ones you like done but if you're doing this for other people like clients or let's say i'm giving these to you know letting krista pick hers so forth and so on then i do things a little differently so while i'm in the shoot while i'm in the studio shooting tether i might go into the one like i see one come up on the screen oh my god i really love that expression it looks so sincere so i might hit the number eight actually yeah number eight which is green i just years ago picked even though i don't even like green green's not my favorite color i pick green at some point as my color so if i'm if i see green that means terry liked it i liked it great what if she says standing there just oh i really like this one i really like that expression then i can't use green and she might like it right now but she may not like it later when she actually goes through the images to pick them so i don't want to mark it as a pick i can't mark it as green because that's mine so how can i indicate that that's one of her favorites i just use a different color i use blue so blue is the model likes it or the client green i like it what if there's a third party a makeup artist a hair stylist a wardrobe stylist a set person someone else that likes it and i was like okay i can't use green can't use blue next best thing yellow so that way i gave i assign different colors for the people that might be standing next to me as they're saying oh they yell out oh i like that one or you know so far and so on so i if i see these colors at a glance not purple because i don't use purple but if i see these colors at a glance i know at a glance which ones i liked which ones they liked so that's one of my favorite things in classic and i really wish uh lightroom had color labels because it's so visual it's so easy to see at a glance which ones you like so since lightroom doesn't have labels but it does have pick flags and it does have um stars i use stars so if it's a five star i really liked it if it's a four star they really liked it but it's a three star this assistant really liked it until i come up with something better now why don't i use the big flags because i may send her this gallery of all her photos and she doesn't pick this blue one so i'm not going to waste time with a pick flag on an image she didn't actually choose that she really really wanted so maybe she likes this first one and therefore when she sends me back her selections that becomes a pick so i reserve pick for the client whoever the client is whether it's me or whether it's them whoever the client is their final yes these are the ones i want you to retouch these are the ones i want you to use i use a p all right i don't understand what you mean by fringe okay that's you're talking to barry all right that's not sad i'll get what you mean all right my favorite colors are black and white okay people got jokes today all right anyway it's not easy being green no it isn't all right so um that's that those are the ways and again everyone has their own system this is not by any means law this is just something i came up with years ago and it's worked out great for me i've had no reason to change it you can use any method you want you can use any combination of methods you want to determine whatever you want so maybe like for example she likes this one too and i liked it so it becomes a pick and it's green so that one gets retouched and it was going to get retouched anyway because it's one of the ones i wanted so that way it just makes it easy for me to know at a glance who wants what and it also lets me know at a glance by letting lightroom bind them for me so if i say lightroom show me all my uh not my five stars show me all my picks so that shows me all the ones that either the client want it or i want or show me all the ones i really like show me my green so those are the three that i picked from the different shoots that i really liked so that way i can quickly get to whatever i'm looking for um in a collection that maybe has 500 images in it or a thousand images in it because i've already gone through and i've already just quickly found the ones i want uh i use picks and colors where is always what i'll print great yeah karina's got her i'm assuming her from the name i can't see the icon um karina has their method of picking uh green as always all right great okay um all right next up so you notice that uh you if you if i zoom in on one of these images on one of these thumbnails you can kind of see some data at the top you see an index number one two three four so four and so on you see the file name you see the file type and you see the cropped resolution if it's not cropped you just see the full resolution can you change that like can you change these this data to be something else yes you can so how do i change what i see on on the grid first and foremost you may not even be seeing the grid if you're in lightroom classic because what you have to do is change it to expanded cells so under view under grid view style there's something called expanded cells and it's not on by default by default it's compact cells so if this is all you're seeing and you're saying terry i don't even see the name i don't see anything else how are you seeing all that it's because years ago i switched it from compact view to expanded cells that shows me all that extra information now how do i change what i see if i go into my um if i go into my view options then you get to designate whether you're in loop view what you see or whether you're in grid view what you see so first of all i'm going to expand it cells and i've got all of this stuff showing great and if i come all the way down to compact cells extras this is where i determine what i see around the image so in the upper left corner we see the index we see the index we see the file name we see the rating and label at the bottom of the image and i'm sorry that was compact this is what i want so we see the index number we see the file name we see the crop dimensions we see the file extension you can change any any one of these to whatever you want so let's say instead of the crop dimensions i want to see uh the date and time i want to see when it was taken so i can zoom out close this and now in my expanded cells i no longer see the resolution i see the date that that image was captured so if that's more important to you you can quickly change it to something else change it to what you what's important to you that's uh that's one of those things i love about classic is that it's customizable like that so i really get to see what i'm looking for all right um next up so i've been doing this a lot already in this class but i want to point out in case people missed it or just don't get it some tips about selecting multiple photos there i i use keyboard shortcuts most of the time but sometimes i'll shift click so if i wanted all the photos in this collection and by the way when a photo is selected it just gets a brighter white um frame or gray frame around it darker gray lighter gray or color and then it gets the the color becomes a uh border and then you still get the lighter gray so you always know which one's selected because it's got the lightest gray around it if i want to select more than one well i can hold down my shift key and select contiguous so i can say okay i clicked on one held down my shift key and i clicked on the fifth one and now all five are selected if i want to select um discontiguous like i want this one this one and the first one third one and fifth one then i would hold down on mac command key windows control key and this is pretty much the same across most applications so that's how you would do a discontiguous selection so if i wanted to export those three i want to move those three to a different collection whatever that's the way i would do it now if you ever are if i wanted all selected that's command a on mac pc control a select all every all how many other images are in this collection all 31 images in this collection the one thing i recently learned now well recently a couple years ago but i learned like late in my lightroom life is what if i want to deselect i don't want them all selected and the problem is if you click on any one of them it just it just makes that the focus image meaning that that's the image you're focused on if you went to the develop module but they're all still selected now i did know that under your um under your select under your edit menu there is a select none command d just like in photoshop so pc control d that will select no photo but i wanted a quicker way to just click to not select and it was actually benjamin ward i watched one of his videos once and uh more than once but watched one of his videos before and he showed this quick tip and i was like oh my god he just saved my life from here on out i have everything selected i only want to select the second one if i click on the second one it just it still selects everything else because i'm clicking on the actual thumbnail but if i click above the thumbnail into the gray area or below the thumbnail into the gray area it selects that photo and deselects everything else so if you had multiple photos selected and you decided i only want this this uh landscape of iceland selected i just click above the thumbnail and it deselects that everything else and that one gets selected now in case i would have clicked either way and it would have selected them all but or deselected them all but in any case you're all selected and you just want one just don't click on the picture click above or below the picture and it will select just that one all right um [Music] do you have a most effective easy mult avoid i don't know what that means ver or barry um mo uh um i don't know if that's a typo so ask the question again all right so uh that's the way to select deselect select none so if i if i again had them all selected with a command a a command d selects none of them so that's again quick ways again from photoshop uh deselect oh how to deselect just one sure let's say they're all selected and i want to deselect the second one hold down your command key on mac control key on windows and click on the picture and that will deselect that one so the rest are selected still but that one isn't again clicking on the outside the picture area will select um that one so thanks that was the one i had forgot about all right now we're going to get into renaming the photos so um thomas says i could have used that tip i removed a bunch of photos by mistake i know that's what happens because you you forget they're all selected and you go do something thinking you're only doing it to one photo and it ends up doing it to 500 yeah like delete or like edit so you got to be mindful of what's selected at all times in classic all right um renaming so i talked about that i gave that paris example do i start at paris folder open because those remember those images were not named they were still the camera names nope wrong one let's go to travel let's go back to that paris folder or paris collection i should say paris collection scroll down these are named uh they're just named the camera names so i hate the camera names duh i don't ever want just the camera names so i select all of these i i've clicked the first one held down the shift key selected the last one selects them all i don't need these two even though they're near the eiffel tower they're not really eiffel tower so i command or control on windows click those two to deselect all right so great i got and there's yes there's more eiffel towers i could go select those two by holding down the command key but you get the idea i got all these eiffel tower images how many more jesus christ all right whatever images do i have i'm not going to do them all but here we go i guess i could name those two all right i i it could be here all day all right so anyway i got i got them all selected and now i want to rename them um and they're named you know whatever they were named by that particular camera that i shot them with way back when so dsc 1679. so i'm going to go into my um my photo menu and i'm going to come down to i'm going to go to my library a minute i'm going to come down to my library menu come down to rename photos when i say rename photos notice that my file naming is on a custom setting let's go edit that custom settings so you can see what it is it's basically whatever custom text i put in and a sequence number with four digits and i'll explain the four digits in a minute but you can do a sequence number of one digit you could do a sequence number of two digits you can do a sequence number or up to five digits you can do whatever you want so that's what i do for my custom naming so let me cancel out of that and uh zoom out and rename them so i'm just going to say eiffel tower and you notice it's giving you a preview of what it's going to rename the mass so eiffel tower number one two three four digits now why why do i want the four digits as opposed to just one and then when it's 10 it'll be one zero when it's a hundred it'll be one zero zero because back when i used to send out galleries through a web thing in lightroom that i had way back then a plug-in and the person picked their photos so let's say they liked number one and they liked number 15 and they liked number um 120. well if i searched for number one to find the number one photo it would still bring up 15 to 120 because it had a one in it so this way one is zero zero zero one there will be unique there will not be another number like that with that name so i just got in the habit of getting away from single digit numbers and using four digits now y4 instead of five or y4 instead of three because i'm never gonna shoot i shouldn't say never i've never shot more than uh a thousand images or two thousand images in one shoot i'm never gonna shoot 9999 more than that in one shoot so four is enough for me because i might shoot over 999 but i'm not going to shoot over 9999 in one shot in one shoot shouldn't say never but it's yet to happen so now when i click ok lightroom is renaming those images not just in lightroom i just want to be very clear it's also renaming them in the folder on the operating system where they exist so those files out in wherever they are stored also got renamed all right um yeah i like the up though apparently it's kind of hard to go to paris and not get a shot of the eiffel tower see i shot other things but people won't believe you if you go to paris and you don't get it one you didn't go to paris i don't see i'm looking through all your photos i don't see a single shot of the eiffel tower so you got to take one just in case someone doesn't believe you went there you go shoot other things cafes building architecture museums whatever just got to get that obligatory one eiffel tower all right um and i shot a lot so i think that was on my first trip because i couldn't believe i was standing in front of the eiffel tower that i heard so much about all right so renaming your photos again now that's going to help me find those photos because they're named eiffel tower and so if i ever just search for eiffel tower i'm going to find them because no matter if i don't ever remember where they are where they're located or what collections they're in all right so you notice that when i was in that compare mode like when i was comparing the two photos like that well they're kind of small i mean they're bigger than thumbnails but they're not as big as they could be so um no no the real paras not vegas um they're not as big as they could be because these panels are taking up space so one of the quick tips and this also works in other adobe applications for hiding your panels like i don't want to get rid of them completely but i do want them out of my way just hit the tab key so if you hit your tab key that toggles the panel view on or off so you can see so much more of what you're working on now i mentioned um compare view i'm going to throw in a bonus one let's go and select all of these i'm going to hit the letter in for um sir as for the mode is survey mode i don't know why it's an n so in like nancy survey mode brings up all the photos you selected and of course you get rid of the panels you can see them bigger compares for like i like this one the next next next i like this one better switch it over compare or our survey mode lets you see everything you selected and then you can say well out of these i don't like this one as much so you can just you're eliminating it from the view you're not eliminating you didn't delete the photo well okay now that i see these five together which one do i like best well i like that expression better than this expression close that one so you're narrowing down which ones you like best from multiple photos in survey mode and then while they're by the way they're still so now four photos are selected i can hit five stars i can hit pick flag i can hit color label and they will all get that designation so for example let's just for the sake of argument let's make them um six we'll make them all red so we know and then now if i go to those oh it did not make them all writ hang on oh they still yeah they still have to be selected okay sorry about that now i can go ahead and make them whatever i want all right so now they're all red and now that i want us to get out of that those were the four selected and they all got the red um the red color label or the five stars or the pick flag or the whatever you want so that's another or the reject flag that's another way to quickly get through picking your favorites and narrowing down from a selection of images which ones you like best okay next up and again tab gets rid of your panels now you can temporarily get rid of the panels with the the tab key but if you want a panel to kind of stay closed until you need it but you don't want to you won't want to close it there's a little arrow to the right or left or the bottom or top of the panel this little arrow all the way on the edge that little arrow right there that lets you hide that panel without hiding the other panels so that panel is now hidden and if i just move my mouse in that area or to that direction there we go it pops out long enough for me to use it i didn't click it just popped out i can use it now and when i go away it goes away so if i hover over there i get to use it when i move away from it it's gone so that's another just panel tip and of course that works in the panels at the top and bottom as well so you can get rid of the panels or the film strip or the things you don't need to see based on whichever one of the four arrows you click on all right um let's get into some editing let's go ahead and open up this one i'm going to go over to develop and uh first one is how do i because again these are all how do i do that in lightroom classic or lightroom how do i automatically adjust the or expand the tonal range of my image now you you've seen me use auto tone a million times and auto tone is great and i still use it a million times all the time like i always click it see what i get if i like it great if i don't like it but even before you do your auto tone you can ex you can expand the range of your um dynamic range of your image with a very hidden tip like there's there's no way you would ever know this works hold down your shift key and click either the handle for whites or blacks or the word whites or blacks you're going to do them both so if i double click and i double click it sets the numbers for the dynamic range for that photo so i didn't type in one i didn't move it over just a little or move it over to 20. that's what it determined the total or the expanded dynamic range or total total range for the image should be so every image is going to be different you double click it some sometimes the sliders may really move sometimes only one will really move it depends on the image but that's just a quick way of expanding the tonal range all right um change the color behind lightroom behind your image so you notice that i got this light gray behind it i don't really like the light gray i kind of want like no gray like i just want the image to be dark or the image to be there and not have any distraction around it so you can right click on this little border this little edge and you can set whatever you want so i usually work with black that way i was hovering over a preset like oh my god change the image um if you hover over i'm sorry if you right-click on the edge you can change it to whatever you want so if you like white behind your images that because some people like to see that matte look they like to see what it would look like it was mounted and i prefer uh the dark color not distracting me not taking away from my image at all of course you've got everything in between all right um well good um thomas says i'm so new to lightroom i was using different software for editing decided to switch to lightroom and quickly became overwhelmed your videos have been helpful for helpful with the basics good that's what i try and do all right next up uh changing the background uh adjust multiple images at once this always comes up so let's uh i guess we could keep using the crystal images since we have multiples of those so let's say i wanted to adjust all of these images or um yeah all these images at once well first of all you got to select them we already learned how to do that when i head over to the develop module by default your sync is set this way if you don't change it it just says the word sync so that means if you adjust one image nothing will happen to the other five i think i have six selected yeah nothing will happen to the other five but if i turn on if i just turn it on flip it up then it switches from sync to auto sync so that means whatever i do to the first one will happen to all of them and so that's great because maybe you have um 300 images that need a good a white same white balance select or correction so select all 300 make sure auto sync is turned i never turn it off i just leave it on make sure auto sync is turned on and then whenever you fix the white balance in one it's going to fix it for all 300. now you're only going to ever see the most selected image meaning the one that's got the the lighter gray around it even though you got multiple ones selected you're only going to see only one in the develop module at a time but you can see in the film strip behind me they're all still selected so now for example if i were to switch these switch this one to black and white and then i get out of this one and go back to the grid they're all black and white because they were all selected and i had auto sync turned on so auto sync is amazing for quickly getting through an edit and getting through i just undo undo switch and got it back for quickly getting through several images at the same time next up um what if you don't want to do everything to every image so for example let's select just this one let's go to the developer and let's do some things to it let's say that we do [Music] um we do an auto tone that did not like the auto tone see this is where i said this is where sometimes i don't like what it did i go into a lens correction i apply the lens correction and i go back into the basic panel and i see if we can adjust the way yes can't really fix the white balance without a gray there let's see what that'll do oh that worked okay i fixed the white balance and i don't want any saturation but i do want vibrance and i do all these things and i add i go down to my details and i add a little bit of sharpening based on masking so i'm holding down my option or alt key and i'm dragging the masking slider until her skin becomes completely black or silhouetted and the only details we see are the edges so we see her lips we see her hair we see her dress we see her earring um so you can drag the slider if i if i leave it completely white that means everything gets sharpened what i'm trying to do is not sharpen her skin so this way i get just those areas that were white sharpened okay so now i've done all those things to that photo you'll notice that because i didn't have multiple photos selected there's no auto sync but there is copy and paste so i click copy i can say i like all the things i did to this photo and i want to copy everything so i can paste it on other photos or i can pick and choose i can say select nothing and only give me the um sharpening i just want to apply the sharpening to the other photos because i took the time to do it copy now when i go back out and i select the rest of these not that one and i go into develop i can now click paste and you won't see a big visual difference it just pasted just said updated five images so it just pasted the sharpening to those five images so this way you have the ability to do the same adjustment to multiple photos at the same time you have the ability to pick and choose which adjustment you made to a photo you want to apply to other photos so this way it doesn't get everything you did it only gets the things you checked off in the copy dialog box all right uh we're running we got like six minutes left let's quickly get through a couple more of these um we did adjust multiple images at once we did oh i got i want to just do this real quick um let's say you make an adjustment let's go to basic and i'm just going to really really um like overexpose it now when i go to the next photo if i want the next photo to have exactly what i did to the last photo meaning the previous photo there is a button in develop right here call previous so just do it again to this photo and i love that because a lot of times i make an adjustment next photo yeah give me the same thing i just did next photo yeah give me the same thing i just did and i get to the next photo oh no i want to do something different so that's a quick way of getting exactly what you just did to the last photo so now i have two photos that are super overexposed both of these so undo undo undo undo and put them back all right next up um how to have multiple versions so in lightroom classic we have a feature called um virtual copies in lightroom we have a feature called versions so they're a little different uh for example with virtual copies oh actually i should say in lightroom classic we have snapshots in lightroom we have versions because those would be two more two things are more similar or close to each other so but but in classic we have another feature called virtual copies so with virtual copies um create a virtual copy under the photo menu or command quote pc control quote that will give me an identical thumbnail to the one i just selected but it will have one attribute that looks different it'll say the word copy by the way that'll be the name of it and it'll have the little dog ear page or thumbnail lets me know visually that's a virtual copy with the virtual copy i can go in and do something different without affecting the original so for example i could go in and make it a black and white as quickly as visual difference and that way oh so we'll get back that way oh what did i do oh no no no i didn't mean to add added it to the target collection i hit the letter b by mistake that way we get uh the one original color we get the black and white and i can have as many virtual copies as i want one cropped one black and white one dual tone one whatever and export them all out as separate photos even though there's still only one photo in lightroom now you also have the ability to go in and create i've gone to the develop module you also have the ability in classic to create what's called a snapshot so i could say um i'm just going to throw off the the tonal here just so we can see it just give me a snapshot of that photo i'm going to call it blue girl or blue woman all right so now and i have the original and i have blue girl so that's a snapshot that i can always get back to a previous snapshot or get to the one that i made adjustments to because this is all non-destructive so the difference is virtual copies give me multiple photos snapshots are one photo with multiple versions now in the new lightroom you actually have something called versions so if i go into the editing and i go into versions i can see looks very similar to to um to snapshots in classic you can create as many versions you want and you can see i have the original this is the original out of the camera shot with my d850 at 48 megapixels but of course still a small moon we want to see the big one so i cropped it i sharpened it i did everything to it i love the fact that this lens was so sharp i could even see freaking craters oh my god tamaron 150 millimeter 600 millimeter on a d850 48 megapixels it's heaven so i could see uh i could see my moon shot in great detail cropped and i still have enough resolution to give me a decent print so with that i have my original i have my finished version and i can go and create another version that's uh so let's go create let's do something else to it okay let's just again we'll brighten the shadows and i can create a new version of that called shadows so now i have the brighter shadow version i have the finished version i have the original so you can create as many versions you want not taking up any extra space uh that's the beauty of versions all right where did my moon go undo let's go back to the other version i like that one and now we'll get out of it there we go full screen moon shot love it all right um we got like 30 seconds left do you have time for one more oh crop um so let's get back to that one more time details let's get back to that original version and uh how did i get to that zoom in like that i did a crop obviously i i just cropped it into it so we could see it more but i just want to point out that while you're cropping you can also hit the letter x to to toggle between a portrait or landscape crop so now i can crop it this way for example and really tight into it and move it up there and create another version and call that one vertical alrighty so that way i get that that version as well i liked it the way it um zoomed out like that i don't know why it's not showing a preview but anyway folks i am out of time um and i hope that you got something out of this now how would i do that in lightroom i have i have more so we'll maybe do a part two of this one but next week is same thing but with photoshop how would i do this with photoshop and i've got different topics for that as well all right so with that said i am going to um say goodbye and i hope you got something out of this and again stay tuned for the photoshop daily creative challenge and um oh giving away the book giving away the book let me grab somebody so randomly randomly randomly um i'm just gonna scroll real quick and pick a name all right brandon hussey brandon hussey you want a copy of scott's book um i will follow you and i will be in touch all right cheers everybody thanks for watching we'll catch you on the next one [Music] so [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Terry White
Views: 7,154
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Terry White, JPEG, Raw, How-to, Photography, Masterclass, getting started, Adobe, Creative Cloud
Id: suXktpON-CE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 30sec (3750 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 05 2021
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