Diablo 4 - What Items Should You Keep?!? An Overview

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[Music] foreign SC here and today we're going to discuss what to keep when going over your items kind of a a general sense of looking at the stuff that you're going to gather from a round of Dungeons Nightmare dungeons PVP zones whatever it is when you gather up your items and what you want to be keeping in Diablo 4. so let's go ahead and dive in I just finished a nightmare dungeon now this is my sorceress she is level 100 my gear overall is a little bit more stacked but I'll try and again discuss stuff along the way now we talked about damaged buckets and damage in my other video I'll give that General sense again um oh crap where did I put that let me see if it's in here somewhere now all right well I guess you don't get that sheet the general sense of the damage buckets which which is your damage multipliers which you're not really finding on any of these items so ignore that here your vulnerable damage which makes vulnerable damage very important especially if you make enemies vulnerable your overall just damage to crowd controlled cold damage Frost damage damage versus uh burning damage versus stun damage versus slowed damage first chilled damage versus Frozen damage verse the list goes on right there's like a hundred damage just whatever all those modifiers go in the same bucket so remember that's the least important bucket then we have our crit damage and then of course crit chance for our crit damage and then we have um what's our final bucket crit big damage vulnerable damage and Main stat so int or strength or decks whatever it is for your character right then there's certain belts that may play around with like overpower based on your fortify or something and in those cases you will need to again look a little bit at what the affixes are that you want but let's take a look right here so for my sorceress what I aim for if we look at my um my stats right here you can see my crit chance is 38.6 percent but thanks to this passive I gain an additional 60 which means 98.6 chance of a Critical Strike so my build pretty much always crits as long as I'm at or above 100 Mana which means I run a build that also tries to remain above 100 Mana as often as possible to help this out then I have 131 crit strike damage um I have my vulnerable damage at 223 percent then I have my all damage right here again all of this gets added together but only when it actually occurs so if there is a monster that is close to me which is about within a waypoint distance around you then I get the additional 32.2 percent if they're further than that I don't if they're frozen I get the additional 15 if they're stunned I get the additional 37. if they're crowd controlled which is a lot of things you can see immobilized stun knock back not down taunt fear tether days chill Frozen slowed any of those things I get an additional 113 percent um yeah and just continuing so anyways that gives you an idea you can look at your stats here to see what's your chance for like crit chance and all of that stuff is because you may want to have higher crit chance um on your character otherwise if you're running like 10 crit chance maybe your Critical Strike damage isn't going to be as important for your character right so let's take a look though again and I'll go through the first thing I like to do is just push this sort button what this does is it sorts by item type and then item power from highest to lowest right so looking at this I know that all Helms below this to the right side are less than 793 item power so that's really good for me to know because I can be like okay well I like having you know I have an 800 item power item so already it's not going to be a higher item power which means it'll be a little bit lower armor but there also is you know whatever other potential it could still be good if there's really great affixes so we can take a look at this it has Intelligence and has maximum life and you can look at the roles as well so you can see 28 to 42 this is 41 int and 30 31 to 718 this is 718 Max life so I rolled near perfect intelligence and perfect Max life on this which is really really solid both of those are great stats if you look over at my current Helm you'll see I have willpower which I would rather have intelligence for more damage and I do have Max life there but it's not a Max role so this would be an improvement however it has cold resistance and Shadow resistance and currently in the game resistances are worthless they actually mean nothing whatsoever basically they are the lowest form of damage reduction they're like a broken level of damage reduction and with the way that certain mobs kind of One-Shot you in some of the higher dungeons it feels like this is actually a big oversight and something that is a bug in the game that blizzard needs to go and fix because if they fix these resistances then I would actually be able to not just die in a single shot to anything in a nightmare dungeon like 70 and up and then I could actually probably play in those and compete in those um so I hope that they do improve resistances even if the if they're not completely worthless damn introduction from other sources does seem to just be worth a lot more so generally we're not really looking at this which means this Helm um isn't worth it for me that being said if we take a look right here still if I didn't have this Godly Helm this would actually be a decent Helm candidate for me to try and roll on potentially because I could say hey you know what if I could roll cooldown reduction on this this would be pretty solid yeah I wouldn't get the total armor and stuff but I have the option of getting at least three affixes that I would really like and so this is what you really need to think about is if you ever find an item that has three affixes that you really want it's Godly because you can always enchant the fourth one on if you find an item that has two affixes that you really like but they're like really good roles it can still be pretty good because of course you can enchant that third one on so always taking a look at that is good regardless though I will be selling this because I do have better and I'm also of course looking and seeing what do I like the most and I like cool down reduction the most on my Helm so that is my number one affix and you can see I already have 14 right there um so Additionally you should always note when comparing items that you're going to have different ranges this is because the helmet that I'm wearing is a five star it's upgraded five times where this is not upgraded and so I have to just look at where the number lies within the range for instance 7 7 18 is Max life so I know if I upgrade this to Five Stars this is going to become 1211 life which means there is more life on this Helm right here than my current helm anyways we'll sell that this 760 item power ranks of Hydra and Ice blades not really going to do it for me if you are running a build that utilizes plus the skills of some sort then getting those can be really nice and I prefer selling because gold is more important to me than the Salvage materials I find that I have plenty of the Salvage materials all the time but I do not have as much gold as I always could need things like enchanting and stuff does get expensive again looking through here dexterity doesn't matter to me um so that's pretty worthless fire resist is pretty worthless High just pretty worthless kind of dead stats on a lower item Power Max Mana is really nice that's 15 Max mana and it goes up to 18 and you can see if I did upgrade this five times that would be even more max Mana so I could probably have probably an additional like 30 to Mana or something roughly if I upgrade this to five and it was a Max roll which would be really great on my character especially because I want to stay above 100 Mana so that would be something I would say if if on my main Helm I had total armor cooldown reduction and then like Max life and Max Mana that would probably be an improvement right but for now that doesn't have any worth continuing on we can get here and something to also look at right we can see this has perfect cooldown reduction good Max life and good total armor so this Helm is actually pretty tricky um for a multitude of reasons number one this does this Helm is really Godly because the roles that it has on it are actually amazing um the problem with it is it's only 700 item power which means and this is a really like dumb thing I'm actually so happy that we have this um helmet right here if I upgrade this item five times it will get five item power for each time however there are break points in this game for item power so when I reach 725 item power AKA when it hits five stars it will re-roll all of the affix the ranges right there so now instead of having perfect cooldown reduction at 7.5 percent that number will go up some overall it'll be like you know 4.5 to 8.5 percent or whatever that range is because it'll move into the next tier of item power but then it'll do a re-roll so it could roll down to like 4.5 percent or five percent cooldown reduction and I could actually get a worse roll on that um so that's really unfortunate because I can look at this and say wow with the perfect cooldown reduction role really good life and really good plus percent armor this is actually a solid helm but I'm gonna get a full reroll on those and then I could get a really bad gamble that being said I could also roll into perfect where I get still perfect cooled introduction better life and better percent total armor um and that would be absolutely amazing uh and then the crowd control duration I could always enchant and try and roll something on top of it and even though this would be a hundred item power overall less which means I would have less armor from this if all of those rolls came out perfect and I could also roll a fourth roll on top of it right because I can enchant over crowd control duration if I wanted this Helm could end up being better than my current Helm although it provides much less armor um as for the affix on it damaging an elite grants you a barrier well I don't have to worry about that I can always overwrite that and that's something a lot of people don't know they don't know that for elite items you can overwrite or for legendaries you can overwrite the aspect at the occultist so it's not stuck with whatever it has I don't have many Souls because I haven't done my hell Tides really recently but let me let me try right here and see what do you need I need one more soul oh that's so annoying so again you can see that it's still in those ranges but with five more item power it will re-roll it that sucks this would be so good for the video if we had that final one and the health I just ended so pointless now uh regardless well oh I guess I can go the preview so there you go the preview actually will the preview actually show what it's going to roll to if it wow okay so now I know without using the souls this is actually new to me that this is garbage then because the cooldown reduction you can see will actually go down it Nerfs it because it's now hitting 725 item power which you can see puts it up to 6.5 to 14.6 percent but I got a terrible roll on that and so instead of having that perfect 14.6 percent it now will go down which I can then say all right this is going to be garbage I don't want it the life uh is also rolling mid the total armor rolls okay um yeah so 725 is the highest break point so after that it's not going to re-roll anymore I believe unless someone corrects me um but I know right here again cool down reduction is the most important for me and uh on my current how am I at 14 and so this will just be an overall fail essentially um for that right there additionally this is a sacred legendary Helm and not an ancestral legendary Helm which is the final piece that I did want to bring up um so you can see that it does have for instance a lower Max life role it appears while the cooldown reduction the total armor rolls are the same it looks like the max life roll is actually lower so there's still some things I'm learning out about items and such um but sacred is going to be you know this could be great to give to whatever however due to I'm not going to complain about the game but it's required level 100 because I found it at level 100 and that's just whatever thing so ultimately this becomes a worthless item had it binked eight point or 10.9 percent total armor and nine or 14.6 cooldown reduction even with the less Max life I still probably would have considered upgrading this and putting it on uh because if I could have rolled the crowd control duration um though it looks like it did roll perfect on that then I you know potentially would have um you know either used it or we rolled that into intelligence or Max man or something great I learned right there it is garbage and so it does go in the cell bin right there moving on all white and blue items are trash they have not uh made them useful in the game and so do not worry about those they will just always be garbage um rare items right here you can see that armor my current armor is only 790 plus 25 so there is room for more armor right there additionally I have fire resist on my armor um so my armor has room to be improved for sure however right here we're getting pyromancy skill damage conjuration skill damage whenever you see two like skill damages or something on skills that you don't use and then it's always just worthless struck always Savage upgrade items I didn't really care I've got enough materials and everything it doesn't matter to me um this one right here has some Frost skill damage but remember that gets added in the big damage bucket so it doesn't do as much same with cold damage both of those are pretty worthless to me there um I'm moving forward and I'm going through and this is a pretty good example of something where I could say okay again Mana cost and resource generation are nice I do want cool down reduction on here will power and lucky hit chance will you have a barrier is pretty like math for me it's okay um for weapons and for um if you have like a focus for a source or something the DPS is very important so that is something that you do want to focus on is making sure that you're having really high item power right here so this would be a decent tank off dropping 30 item power but one thing we'll note is this does have a an affix or an aspect that is decent it's not perfect but it's decent enough it's one that I use and so I'll go ahead and keep that for unique items a lot of them unfortunately I just don't care about because they just don't give things to to what I use and so we just will sell that here is a staff and this is a decent uh staff right here we can see it has vulnerable damage so it's a low roll it has Critical Strike damage and it's a high roll and so those two things are really great however it also has lightning Critical Strike damage at Perfect and basic skill damage at 40 percent if I was a lightning character this would be really solid because I'm getting vulnerable lightning crit and crit strike and basic so if I was running like Arc lash or something like that then I could use that however I would probably keep this and re-roll on the basic skill damage um right there just to try and get a higher percent of it even because 40 is pretty low that being said it's only 773 item power which again is a decent tank off in damage overall and so once I hit something like that I know that every staff Beyond is going to just be lower and lower and even if it rolls all the affixes I want if it's 50 60 item power Below on a weapon it's just not going to be worth it for me now it can move to the wands and again we go up this is 813 item power so slightly better but it has ultimate skill damage which I don't care about damage over time which I don't care about overpower which I don't care about and this one is just unfortunately not going to be there same thing right here this is not really giving enough of what we're looking for damage to Frozen stunned crowd controlled enemies are all nice mods but if we again think about damaged buckets all of those three will go in the same bucket where are I already have tons of damage whereas I would rather have intelligence I would rather have crit strike damage which you can see on my current wand I would rather have damage that spreads across those buckets brings those other buckets up because my damaged two bucket is always going to be filled the highest which means damage 2 is going to be worth the least for me additionally unstable currents isn't really anything I care about so we will drop that and now the item power is starting to get lower so I'll be selling all rare wands at this point and basically what I look for on legendaries is aspects is there an aspect that's worth extracting is it something that I think is good enough or is it one that's perfect in which case I like to extract perfect affixes just in case I want to like change my build up later on I have a perfect affix moving to gloves we can see again that my current gloves don't have the highest item power but what do my current gloves have perfect crit chance near perfect attack speed perfect ranks of ice shards and really solid lucky hit chance those four things are all Godly which means this is an amazing set of gloves those are like my top four things that I want on gloves right there I hit my perfect clubs and great rolls on it as well so this is great for me and even if there's better armor it doesn't really matter now the ones that we have over here again Fireball Frozen orb incinerate if there's all of these plus skills and they're not ones we use they just really aren't going to do much for us this is a lot of stats this is charge bolt strength again stuff I don't care about if you hit if you have gloves or something that's already really solid and you find new gloves that have two affixes at least you don't want then they're pretty much done right they just don't matter at all so here meteor firewall potion drop rate it's garbage I like that aspect but that is the worst role of that aspect so I don't care for that looking at boots again look at my boots four to teleport I use it for the frost Nova I use it 21 movement speed fantastic three to Flame Shield I use it all of that is usable by me and the stuff that I care about so it's hard again to upgrade boots because I need at the very least them to have like plus you know Max Frost Nova already on them uh and and so it's just it's hard to to Really find much better so a lot of the affixes are just not great Right Moving speed after killing an elite or stuff versus injured things like that a lot of it's too situational um and so I'm really looking for like flat movement speed plus to the main skills that I like all of this stuff like Mana cost reduction is nice but even things like all stats it's like I would much rather have my int be much higher there and lastly when we get to rings and amulets the biggest thing I can say is sacred remember are going to have some lower affix roles um so be careful around there using sacreds for instance if I go to my stash I have a great example let me just go here really fast this is a great example look at this ring Max life crit strike chance vulnerable damage and crit strike damage on top of that crit strike chance vulnerable damage are perfect rolls crit strike damn or uh critstrike damages medium and Max life is medium this is a fantastic ring right here but you know what its problem is it's sacred and what does that mean it's just not going to be able to roll as high as the other one right look at that crit strike damage on the sacred rolls 15 to 22.5 percent but on an ancestral ring it rolls 21 to 31.5 percent right same with vulnerable damage it only rolls up to 24.8 percent so even though I maxed it there my ancestral ring is just better now that being said item power on your ring and amulet doesn't matter at all it is I'm pretty sure it's entirely worthless but it's at least for the most part completely worthless maybe it has a tiny bit of worth um and what do what does this do for us what does this mean for us it means the item power needs to be 725 plus so the sacred ring can roll the max stats but it has to be 725 plus which again you're not going to get for the most part so basically just be going after ancestrals for for all of this and for pretty much all of your gear that's going to be an important part make sure you go after the ancestrals because if you are going um after sacred or after low item power items it's not going to roll as high right so this is where the item power does come into play but again once you get to that 725 plus I believe you're in the clear I think everything after that is gonna be good um like I say for the most part that's all ancestral so you're really just looking for ancestral pieces um right here and so now I can look at something like this and I can say okay this is a decent ring great crit strike chance and crit strike damage rolls but I don't have vulnerable damage I do have damage to crowd controlled enemies which is nice so on this ring for instance if I re-roll the max life and then I upgrade it then this can be really great right I can reroll Max life into vulnerable damage I could get really good vulnerable damage on it and then this would be a fantastic ring and then I just have like damage to crowd control instead of damage to Frozen which is going to be a little bit better anyways for this build now I might have slightly less to the resistances at the top or something but again nobody really cares about the resistances at the top um so this ring right here is the ring that I just need to upgrade and enchant over and over again but before I do that I guess I'll make that the other video um so that'll be another video I was just gonna say the enchanting order and all of that basically you want to do your enchanting first before you imprint and upgrade actually just before you imprint I don't think upgrading matters um so yeah hopefully that gave you a good sense I just wanted to go through my inventory and give you a sense of how I look at all of the gear how I look at the affixes that I've rolled what could be better what could be worse what it all means um if something hits that item power that we like or not everything hopefully this was helpful and gave you a better sense of it again with every character you're going to have a slightly different idea of what you're aiming for but the main piece is that you're still going to be aiming for are on any of your weapons or rings things like that crit strike chance and damage unless you're running no crit strike but again with it being its own bucket it's usually a good idea vulnerable damage which is just too important every class needs to roll that cooldown reduction pretty good on most everything because again trying to get your cooldown reduction stuff some sort of resource is usually not bad bad whether it's resource reduction for the cost or a Max Mana or whatever that's not always guaranteed on every build but usually it's pretty solid and then when you get to certain armors having like your attack speed is always helpful having your lucky hit chance if you are running a lucky hit chance build be very knowledgeable of if Lucky hit chance matters or not on a sorceress it's very good and then stuff like damage reduction versus close damage reduction from burning whatever it is with my enchantment every skill direct interim skills applies burning damage so pretty much everything is always burning as soon as I hit it once which means that damage reduction from burning and such is now much more important and then of course your Basics like total armor percent cooldown reduction I mean Max life whatever your base stat is that stuff can be really important um so again it will vary on characters overpower fortify that stuff can be important on you know your Druid or whatever um but you need to again just think about these things a little bit and and they find a guide that maybe gives you a little sense of this is at least what you want to be aiming for um and they won't always be perfect sometimes you'll find that oh wait for my character I actually like it a little bit more if it does this or that but that's all whatever I will stop my rambling here and let you all go mwah if you have any questions feel free to leave them in the comments below don't forget to like And subscribe YouTube peace everybody
Channel: MrLlamaSC
Views: 93,711
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch
Id: ndngj0FFmUE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 0sec (1800 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 17 2023
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