How To Get In HR with NO Experience... Casual Glam Makeup Look + Hair + Outfit | Natashia Pickett

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hi guys welcome back in today's video I am doing a chit chat get ready with me and the questions that I will be answering is how I got my foot in HR I do have a lot of tips that I would like to share with you guys today also if you're interested in changing your career path I think the tips and advice that I have in this video would definitely help you as well [Music] you [Music] now I am doing my makeup but all the products that I used in this video are not gonna be mentioned I'm going to leave them down in the description bar but if I was going to work this is exactly how I would do my makeup so I'm just going to spray my face really quick before I get started so let's quickly just break down HR there are so many different jobs that come with HR that I think you guys would be excited about so the first one I want to mention is recruiting if you like talking to people you want to help people get jobs I highly recommend you getting into recruiting there is talent acquisition you can get into benefits and benefits breaks down into leave of absence Olo ways as well as FMLA you can also do workers comp you're mostly gonna work with legal if you're in workers comp so if anybody gets hurt on the job you're basically gonna have to deal with the employee and the insurance so that's a great opportunity as an HR generalist you will touch pretty much everything PA UPS you will help out with benefits workers comp you will also get into investigations unemployment that kind of stuff so if you're interested in being a generalist those options are always open HR assistant HR coordinator kind of go hand in hand you mostly deal with PAF so personal action forms those forms are promotions demotions termination status changes with an employee's personnel file you do a lot of Excel work so you do a lot of reporting for the company sometimes you do reporting for managers or payroll if you guys just like filing documentation I'll tell you a lot of companies still use paper I've only worked with one company that was electronic an HR coordinator also does exit interviews and sometimes a lot of companies tend to outsource doing exit interviews so they'll get another company to do that because wow I didn't know that was gonna be white basically an exit interview is when someone from HR or like I said a third party reaches out to you asking hey why did you leave company so was there the pay benefits were you just not happy what management that kind of stuff so sometimes employees are scared to say you know what happened so talking to a third party that has nothing to do with the company per se they feel more comfortable talking to them I also forgot to mention payroll HR and payroll go literally hand-in-hand you do everything together as I mentioned PAF the personal action forms if an employee gets terminated or if there's a pay rate change that kind of stuff you're dealing with payroll non-stop so let me give you a little bit of background information about me I come from retail prior to all of this so I worked at Walgreens for about eight years for some reason I always thought I was gonna work at Walgreens for like ever one thing about Walgreens or just any type of retail job you're not gonna learn the office experience meaning using outlook using Excel using PowerPoint once I left Walgreens in 2013 I got a job at ATT and abt is a security company so a lot of you guys probably have ATT security and I was the person who actually talked to the technicians regarding an installation so once they were done with the installation they would call me and I would give them confirmation on that job system that ADT use you could use your mouse when talking to a technician but the managers wanted you to move pretty fast when I was giving confirmation to a tech it literally only took me like a minute because I move so fast using all those hotkeys that the managers taught me and using those hotkeys actually helped me get a lot faster on the computer and just in other areas as far as like Excel and doing certain things in Outlook so I think those skills actually helped me a lot so I'm happy about that and one thing I will say about being in an office environment be computer savvy have some type of computer skills that is so important and the reason why I say this is because when I used to train I remember helping people that very used a computer and I know that may sound crazy but they never turned on a computer didn't know how to unlock the computer using user name and passwords that was very hard for people I would highly recommend you knowing a little bit about computers if you are trying to work in an office setting and this doesn't just go for HR this is any office another thing I want to put out there and this is kind of like a disclaimer for any job especially to me an HR if you have any biases you don't like a certain type of person you don't like a certain type of religion you don't like working with people HR is not for you now I'm not gonna say that I haven't seen people and I haven't heard people's biases if you enjoy talking to people helping people hrs for you if you don't enjoy that because when you are in Human Resources you are dealing with those employees you may not deal with them every single day but you will start talking to these employees also if you know anything about Excel try to brush up your skills with Excel we do a lot of reporting in HR a lot of managers need a ton of reports to track their employees if you do know a lot about Excel the little formulas that you can use I track a lot of stuff in Excel as well especially if you're trying to get in payroll get comfortable with that I know you can go online and watch some YouTube videos so once I decided I didn't want to train anymore and that was actually a very hard decision for me I started looking for other jobs but let me tell you guys I have found every single job that I wanted on indeed so I highly recommend just going to indeed typing in an HR assistant HR generalist or just typing in Human Resources and seeing what jobs pop up that has been so helpful for me so I happen to find a HR scanner job on Indicom and it was a tenth job so I was working through a temp agency and basically it only 20 hours a week but I was scan their HR document and get them into an employee's file can I also mention maturity is a huge thing for me as well working in HR you're gonna see document you're gonna read statements that are insane HR you have a huge responsibility to keep that information quiet you should not be talking about anybody's personnel file with anyone outside of HR so you do have a ton of responsibilities and like I said you're going to see everything in HR about the company about the employee don't say nothing that's none of your business for basically three months all I would do is scan and document so they would give me a stack of papers I would do their onboarding paperwork I would also scan in there I nine drug test any certifications that they had so I ended up talking to my manager and I said you know what actually kind of like HR kind of like what I'm doing can you guys teach me a little bit more when I say the girl that I work with taught me so much like she went over and above for me and I didn't realize it at the time of when I was learning all this and so I did the onboarding so I would enter in a new hire get their i9 information make sure their I nine information was correct I also handle compliance for them as well so I do reach out to different locations their supervisors requesting their location address as well as sending them posters to put up in their location because we have worker comp issues so if an employee got hurt on the job you can go to that poster get that phone number and call about it I had to stay on track with that and I did track that through Excel they also had me doing PAF so promotions to motions termination status changes pay rate changes I did all that communicated with the managers to get the correct information so I could process it for payroll remember payroll works hand in hand so like I said the girl at this job taught me so much she also taught me how to write professional emails and I know that may sound crazy sometimes we want to talk the way we talk in real life but you have to bring all that back you're in a professional setting so you need to talk professionally especially in emails and a lot of stuff can get misconstrued in an email so I try to get my point across very nicely but if I need something I make that very clear I would recommend going online and kind of seeing how people write emails just to get a better understanding I work for this company for about a year and four months and I still work through the temp agency so the temp agency paid me but I just work with the company we never had an issue it just worked out that way so once my temp job finally ended I still want it to be an HR but I kind of wanted to bring it back to filing scanning all that good stuff I didn't want to be pushed into doing PAF's and all that stuff doing compliant I didn't want to be pushed into that right away so I said let me go find another follow job let me tell you I found it so the next company that I ended up working for I was a HR well I was basically the file coordinator and so long I would do is file and pull files for managers investigators that kind of stuff I would just pull the files and let them review it I would say a week into that job I was you know getting the company caught up this company also had a ton of paper as well they were not electronic like my previous company so therefore I was basically getting you know a file and building the employees file that way the file room that I worked in it was pretty big it was a it was a good size but just seeing all that paper when you walked in you're just like well and also I'm one of those people I have to know why I'm doing something so I get a better understanding of what's going on like how does this report affect payroll how does this report affect the manager is that kind of stuff so that's kind of like how my brain goes I have to know why I'm doing something in order to make it make a lot more sense for me within that week let me tell you I was breezing through stuff because the previous job taught me so much about how to file documents meaning where everything goes where new hire paperwork goes where their background checks should go because that's gonna be in a totally different section where offer letters job descriptions that kind of stuff everything that you sign when you apply for that job how to properly document that information I actually handle unemployment at the current job that I'm in right now and this is all I'm gonna say about mine employment cuz I don't want to get too deep I don't want people asking me questions about it remember how you quit a job how did you quit the job can definitely determine your unemployment so like I said going back to the previous job I started doing their personal action forms and that was basically all I did for a long time because we were kind of behind with that information when you're doing with PAF's I try to have a 1 to 2 day turnaround meaning I need all my information within those 2 days so I like to get my information quick and another thing if you are working in HR build relationships with managers I'm going to tell you now I've dealt with some managers that only talk to you when they need to and if you don't give them that information now they'll start seeing your manager they'll start seeing the director on you I've dealt with some characters so I would say PAF's can be very stressful at times but for me I like to build relationships with those managers therefore when I need something you give me my information right away the girl who did compliance for this job ended up leaving and so I had to take over compliance and I was very hesitant on compliant because it was medical compliance I didn't understand flu shots hepatitis B shots and these in the job that I work for they were security officers in hospitals so it was certain things that the employee needed to have in order to work in the hospital it was so much paperwork to go through besides you have to file compliance separately than a regular personnel file because of HIPAA laws remember I told you you can also do leave of absence I'm not too familiar with leave of absence like the rules or policies so therefore I can't really speak on it but there's a ton of information online that you can look up if that's a build you want to get into you will be doing what the employee almost every day sorry I have to be quiet when I do my eyeliner let me just kind of bring it back for you guys working in an office setting you want to bring as much of your experience to the table to make a company want to hire you because for one if you do not have a degree or a certification in that field experience does help being able to properly communicate verbally as well as written remember I got on to a temp agency getting all of that experience without having a certification without having a degree and if somebody is willing to give you this information and they know you don't have a degree but they're just trying to help you suck that information up it's going to help you in the long run don't keep telling people well that's not my job this is not what I was to be doing this is not what I signed up for don't get into the habit of saying that and that's not any job sometimes I get certain things are not your job but if you learn that little tip that can definitely help you get further sometimes I want to be like I don't want your payroll I don't want to do these people's checks but let me tell you learning that information you can utilize it in so many different aspects of your job networking is always good try to get a little more involved in the company you never know who you're gonna see if you're at a volunteer event you might be working with the VP of HR you might be working with the CEO of the company you just don't know and so I also say be careful what you say how you present yourself I totally forgot to say this social media if you think companies are not looking at your social media you got a whole another thing coming I try to avoid anything posting as far as like company even if I'm upset with something at work I'm not gonna post it on my social media companies look at social media believe it or not I've seen in my stories previous managers I've worked with we didn't even like each other and you're checking on me so I would be very careful I pressure to so that at the beginning of the video of what you post it's actually like a really fun job and honestly I don't think I can work for a company without knowing all of the little secret and what goes on behind the scenes I know I can't say anything but it's just like good to know when working in HR you kind of got to be cool with everybody because you never know when they're gonna have to help you or when you're gonna have to help them so HR is a very tight-knit group now that was to come on here and tell you guys HR is not a stressful job I really enjoy talking to employees and I also really enjoy communicating with managers and building that relationship where they can trust that if they send me something I will be able to properly execute their request and that makes me feel good so that is why I really do enjoy being an HR and I know you guys are watching me do my makeup right now and if you think I'd look like this every single day that would be a lie but I would say you are the representation while working in HR and you never know when an employee's gonna come up to you I work in corporate office so I deal with a lot of professionals I deal with legal I deal with the CEO the VP of HR I see these people every day and so I do want to look as presentable as possible I don't want to sound shallow but appearance does make a difference I'm not just saying this from an HR standpoint I'm saying this for any job so the burning question that you guys all want to know what do I do every day so basically I'll just give you a run-through when I log into my computer the first thing I check of course is Outlook remember you need to know Outlook and how to email I mean anything can come through my email throughout the day a manager asking a question time cards why didn't get paid that kind of stuff can come through there so you just filter through the emails and get them to the appropriate person another project that I work on are i9 I do a lot of audit so once I'm done with the unemployment and viewing I nine we are the frontline employees so we have to know everything that's going on with the company just in case an employee asks us a question we are all aware so a lot of meetings happen in HR I work with a payroll to make sure that employees get their w-2s especially if they termed it like the previous year I do a lot of data in trade throughout my day so you do have to make sure you're putting in correct information so as of now that kind of like sums up everything I do so I'm just gonna do my lips really quick I hope this gave you a better understanding of HR look at these heatless curls poppin once I take my two braids out though I do kind of like pick my hair just to get rid of my part and blend everything together I try not to comb out the curls too much since they are a heatless let me also mention cuz I totally forgot to say this remember I told you guys appearance is important I'm not saying that you have to be dolled up like this every single day but right next to me the office that I work in the senior VP of HR sits right there like her office is right there so as a reminder the CEO can walk by legal can walk by directors I sit right there so if you guys want to see my outfit so let's go ahead and start with these shoes first so the heels that I have on are from Target they do have a low heel which is very helpful because you are walking around all day and you don't want your feet to hurt but you still want to look cute the leggings that I did get are from Target as well these have a zipper on the side as well as a button to get into these and they're super comfortable a turtleneck that I have on and I know you guys are thinking why are you wearing a turtleneck in the summertime if you are working in an office environment it does tend to get really cold especially if you're just sitting on the computer all day so I try to wear long sleeves all the time in the office it comes in handy I promise last I try to pair my outfit with a cute purse this kind of just brings the whole look together especially when I'm going to lunch as I mentioned I do not dress like this every day so don't think this is the standard of how you're supposed to look but if you are attending a lot of meetings that day you make sure you look presentable of course you may be expedient I hope my advice and the tips that I gave you if you are interested in HR I hope this was very helpful for you I'm happy that you guys can see the umbrella of Human Resources and how it trickles down you don't have to just be an HR generalist you could work in payroll you can work in benefits talent acquisition you could be a recruiter there's so many different job options in human resources if this video was helpful for you please do not forget to give me a big thumbs up also by sharing my video this helps me get to a wider audience so I would be so grateful if you could share this video and also subscribe to my channel before you leave you guys know I miss you when I'm not here I love you guys and all the support you show me and until my next video [Music] my baby we can do this [Music]
Channel: Natashia Pickett
Views: 4,779
Rating: 4.8961039 out of 5
Keywords: How to Get In HR, casual glam makeup, how to get a job in hr with no experience, how to get started in human resources, human resources career, human resource experience, Want to work in Human Resources, how to dress working in HR, casual glam outfits, human resources, human resource functions, makeup tutorial, day in the life of human resources, working full time in colorado, human resources opportunity, casual glam makeup tutorial, office work attire, Working from home
Id: Xlv9pEZeoKs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 58sec (1378 seconds)
Published: Wed May 13 2020
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