Landing my DREAM Job in HR After College! #HRTips

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hey guys welcome back to my channel thank you guys so much for stopping by of course if you do enjoy this content make sure you hit the subscribe button below also like this video and share with your friends if you haven't already make sure you check out the other videos on my channel I recently just purchased a home and I basically have been documenting the entire journey I wanted to take some time and I actually had to make some time because life has been totally busy but I wanted to make some time to go ahead and film a sit-down video related to human resources so a few months back I actually posted a vlog I'm a day-in-the-life blog of an HR professional where I had to go and visit some of my accounts who are in the LA area and I received a lot of questions a lot of feedback even a couple emails from other people who are either trying to get into HR and people who are currently in HR and trying to look and just some people trying to figure out exactly what HR is and understand my journey and how I got my foot in the door so I figured I would make some time to film this video to be as transparent as possible with you guys tell you what I actually do on a daily basis how I got here and where I'm planning to go so if you are interested in this video stay tuned so if you don't know if you haven't been following my channel or if you are new to my channel I did graduate from Auburn University War Eagle in 2013 and I have a bachelor's degree in interdisciplinary studies which includes finance and human resources so initially I wanted to go to law school I thought I wanted to be an attorney but I did an internship and actually got a job after graduation and basically determined that I didn't want to do law anymore i sat for the LSAT at studying for the LSAT and it was just like no maybe this is what you thought you wanted to do but this is not your calling this is not for you I'm so rewind I started at Auburn in 2008 and while I was at Auburn I am from Atlanta so of course I did have out-of-state tuition and with that comes bills so my parents paid my rent but it was my responsibility to pay for my cable and pay for my lights and if I wanted to go out and pay for that and food and just learn how to be an independent adult so of course my sophomore year once I actually got my car I found a job and I started working at Best Buy and I started out as a cashier at Best Buy my new offering is a very small town so Best Buy was like one of the best places you could work there so cool I started as a cashier and I was a cashier and I was pretty good like I was really good at what I did and you know as I got to know management like hey you know how can we hire more people during the Christmas season or the busy season or the holiday season and so me and one of my close friends we actually interviewed on the same day got hired on the same day met each other at Best Buy both went to Auburn both majored in HR so we came up with this really cool idea about basically like a bridge program for students which means we would go out we being best by employees but go out to our University so we would go to Auburn and we would set up in the Student Center or we may have something on the concourse where we were basically recruiting and that's not what I knew of it at the time but essentially recruiting students to come work at BestBuy for the holidays hated them because that was the busy season so I did that I did get a little bit of experience with interviewing of course when people were hired we had to train them so it was just pretty normal I still play that I go to law school still didn't really know that was HR but I actually liked it so worked at Best Buy for like four years graduated do my internship got a job doing work comp which essentially was going to be my avenue to go to law school and we had a case where we represented which is an ambulance company the paramedic was basically responding to an accident here in Atlanta she got hit by a car her lens had to be mutated she was supposed to get married and it was just like it just changed her whole life and every single time I will open up that case or I would look at the reserves or anything related to that particular person it was all about money no one really cared about her Lavigne no one really cared about her new life because she no longer had legs and I think when I got off the case she was about to lose one of her arms um nobody cared about that so I would go home and be so stressed out I mean I would lose so much weight my hair was starting to fall out my face was starting to break out I just couldn't morally I just couldn't be a part of it and I was like no I don't want to do this whatever so I was like oh I remember when I was in college I really liked recruiting and it was super rewarding to be able to offer someone a job and essentially positively change their life let me see if I can get back into recruiting so while I was going to work I was applying for other jobs at work and I applied to be a divisional recruiting manager for a trucking and logistics company I'm which is based out of Green Bay but there's an office here in Atlanta and I remember I went for the interview it was a black guy who was like the divisional manager over everything and I interviewed with him and he was just kind of telling me everything and I was like yeah yeah you know interview you just show your skills whatever anyway I got the job and that was my saving grace so I had already had experience and recruiting not even knowing that it was recruiting and essentially in training and development and talent acquisition because I had already done all of that stuff at this file so Pickens which is his name and we still keep in contact he was a complete blessing to my life saw something in me as a young black educated girl gave me an opportunity I went to that chuckin company and I cute okay I performed well I was at work all the time I didn't necessarily call out I was good at what I did part of being an HR means you have to be super organized and just by nature I'm a Virgo I'm SuperDuper organized I'm a I could talk to anybody so whether you're a truck driver or a VP or an executive or whatever I can talk to any type of people so I work I was making like I don't know $50,000 which if not it was a lot for me because I was fresh out of college but it's not a lot so then I was like now I need something more like I really want to get into HR I really want to I really want to get out of recruiting because it was to the point where I was talking to truck drivers every single day and it felt spell repetitive right because they really weren't able to hold I don't know some of them weren't able to really hold my attention and the conversation was boring and we really couldn't talk about anything and we really just related about the same old thing so it's like okay I think I've outgrown this let me try something else so a generalist position came available at a behavioral health center here in Atlanta apply for that position got that job it was so hard not to leave the trucking company but to leave Pickens because he was like my mentor but Pagis good graces went there got there the job was totally different not the job the job was what they said it would be but the people were totally different than how they were in the interview the HR director was totally unorganized it was only us two she would be late to meetings she would we would need something she wouldn't tell me about it things would be last-minute it was just not how I was used to working because like I said I'm SuperDuper organized so while I was there I would say you know maybe get out of this so I stayed there for like six months I with all the work and I would apply for other stuff and I've got another job at a payroll company so I went into that job and there I was the talent acquisition director or something I don't knows like $60,000 so I went there and I stayed at that company for two years and while I was at that company and it's a small company they have five locations but it's really their thought process is really small it's nowhere near a corporation but when there came in turn their whole recruiting process around they had an HR manager at the time who for whatever reason decided to and so that's when the door opened for me but I negotiated an HR director title so essentially I was simply a HR manager but it's such a small company and they only have a few locations why couldn't I be the director and I knew in my head that wasn't a place that I wanted to stay for long and I can use the Director title to boost my resume so boom got the director job I think my salary at that time went up to like 68 maybe somewhere around there so yeah got that job and really enjoyed that company really like the people who really liked what I did I was doing in Devon a lot of unemployment stuff in that Lane but the owners of that company were unethical so we would have times where employees would come and complain about sexual harassment and other types of harassment but the owners would do literally nothing about it and I couldn't do much about it either because it was against them and so that's when I was like okay this is totally wrong I can't be a part of this let me go so I interviewed for the job that I have now I've actually been in my job now for a little bit over a year and I did six interviews to get this position it was the hardest time ever the interviews were so tough I did not think I was gonna get this job let me tell you guys but I was planning to go to Mexico what the July weekend we were going to Mexico and they literally spit me and offered the day before we were supposed to leave and I only remember that because I ran to the place to get the drug screen done because I was going to be out of town for the next week but now I work for a behavioral health company I am an HR business partner I support contracts that are out in California as well as Hawaii I'm Georgia Texas Kentucky South Carolina North Carolina um and yeah I literally do a little bit of everything this is a huge corporation it's a fortune 500 company we have different segments so we have a talent acquisitions department we have a payroll department we have a compensation department we have a bit of its department everything is under the HR umbrella but we're all split which means I double and dabble in a little bit of most of it but I'm not necessarily responsible for all of it I'm the business partner so my job is to strategically assist the business with leadership and I have to be that support between the two if you guys know of course if you follow me on instagram you do know I do work from home we do have an office here in Atlanta Georgia I go into the office maybe once a week or once every two weeks really just depends on what's happening but my accounts aren't really there I have one account there but my other accounts are not there so I don't necessarily need to be an office but definitely love love love what I do love the company that I work for I love the people that I work with love the flexibility love our mission I love everything about my job I will say it is difficult because I do support California and Hawaii but I am in Georgia so the time can be tough right because California is three hours and then Hawaii is five hours so usually when it's you know twelve o'clock in the afternoon for them it's five o'clock for me and I'm logging off so sometimes unfortunately that means I have to figure out you know what time I'm start work what time I want to end work because I like to be available for all of my staff but yeah I am totally blessed to be in this position my salary is more than I could have ever thought that I was going to make and it's only going to continue to increase because I'm only going to continue to strive for a bigger and better but yeah I'm so grateful so blessed like I said I've been here for over a year now and I just love I just love what I do and it helps when you love the company that you do what you love doing for right so yeah that is my journey that is how I got into a charm I will tell you if you are trying to get in a charm the best thing for you to do is figure out one of the different ways that I mentioned so under the umbrella one of the different avenues I would encourage you to take full advantage and jump hit in one of those I personally think the easiest one to get into is recruiting because usually you can get into recruiting if you have like a management type background or a sales background um if you are into payroll or like if you're currently an accountant or something the best route maybe payroll for you if you're into legal entities and laws the best route for you may be compensation or benefits but yeah I got in your recruiting in here I'm here stay but love recruiting that's my first love but totally love what I do now way more but yeah I hope you guys enjoyed this video I hope I Hampshire all of your questions I'm sure you guys are going to want to know if I can offer any advice to those of you who are looking to get in the field if that is the case leave me a comment below and I'll film a part two to this video but until next time peace
Channel: Chantenique
Views: 15,477
Rating: 4.9405942 out of 5
Keywords: Landing my Dream Job in HR After College, Landing my Dream Job after College, Jobs After College, Working after College, Dream Job, How to Land my Dream Job, How to get into HR, How to get into Human Resources, Working in Human Resources, HR Tips, College Major, Auburn University, Career Path to Human Resources, Human Resources, Life After College, How to Graduate College, How to choose a major, I got the Job, Working in HR
Id: tD7QddhFfns
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 51sec (1011 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 05 2019
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