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[Music] hey y'all welcome back to my channel thank you guys so much for stopping by if you are new welcome my name is Anthony and this is my youtube channel before we get started stop what you're doing make sure you get the subscribe button and turn on your notification bill I upload videos three times a week on Tuesdays Fridays and Sundays at 4 p.m. while you're at it make sure you follow me on Instagram so if you're new then that you probably don't know anything about me if you're an oldie you probably know everything about me I am a Human Resources business partner I work in HR I've been in the industry for close to 10 years now I have experience in all arenas to be quite frank with you I receive so many e-mails diems texts everything from all kind of people asking about what I do how I got in the field how they can get in the field what they should major in and so many other questions related to my HR journey and their HR journey y'all know I'm gonna keep it real with y'all I want us to be really transparent and sit down and film a video just sharing pros and cons of HR with everyone before it's something that you decide to do I think there's a misconception in the industry in regards to what people who work in HR do I get questions on what is HR do y'all just fire people what do y'all do I figured I'd sit down and share some wins and things that I absolutely love about my career as well as some challenges and opportunities and things that I don't really like to be real hopefully you find something this video super helpful if you are interested in seeing what pros and cons I'll share about human resources keep watching so before we get started let's talk about HR HR is different in almost every company it really depends on the size of the company to understand the organizational structure of Human Resources I work for several different companies I've worked for small private companies I've worked for huge publicly traded companies and it's different it's different everywhere if you're at a small company the odds of you having a huge HR team are rare you probably won't have it you'll probably have one or two people in HR usually a manager or director whatever the title will be and a generalist but those two people are usually responsible for everything HR related now if we're talking about a huge organization then usually there's an HR department and it split into sub departments or sub groups under there so you'll have payroll you'll have compensation you'll have recruiting you'll have employee relations it just depends on what organization you're working for I've done both and a little in between I'm going to share my pros and cons generally not based on the size or anything like that so hopefully it's something that's helpful so if you don't know I also work from home and then it's definitely a pro this is probably all news to some of you guys but just because you're in Human Resources doesn't mean you have to be face to face with the employees the leadership team anybody for example I live in Atlanta but the team that I work for is in California and Hawaii some are in Massachusetts some are in Kentucky I don't have to go to an office I literally work from home every day before this whole pandemic happened I was still working from home every day I think that's a little bit of a misconception Human Resources leaders or generalist or whomever we don't have to be in the office we can totally do our job a hundred percent from home which I'm very grateful for I love my home routine I love my home office I love being able to do it I love it from the comfort of my own home another Pro is human interaction so although I'm not physically interacting with different people every single day I am virtually I talked to so many different people on so many different levels every day and the conversation is always different I can talk to an admin assistant I can talk to a supervisor I can talk to a director I can talk to a VP I can talk to a CEO I can talk to any of those people on any given day about anything the conversation is always new it's always fresh and it's rarely repetitive and I enjoy that I enjoy being able to talk to an admin assistant who's in Texas about the weather and about FMLA and about what her plans are for retirement just as I love being able to talk to a VP who was in Charlotte about the direction that she's going to move her team Ian or any type of changes that she's planning in the next six months what budgets look like for 2021 I can have any of those conversations at any given time on any given day and I like that because it keeps me on my toes it keeps me fresh it keeps me learning it keeps it just keeps me going I am NOT into repetitive jobs I will get bored really really quickly and that's one of the reasons why I got out of recruiting I was so tired of recruiting for the same exact job every single day talking to the same caliber of people it just gets oh I definitely enjoy being able to talk to different people about different things every single day some of the notes that I enjoy is my job allows me to be a problem-solver I'm the lace on between the employer and the employees so I usually have to problem-solve and act as a mediator to make sure everyone is on the same page now it's rewarding to me because I can think about things from a different perspective I'm neutral and almost all of the decisions I like to think of myself as a referee right so if we have the Los Angeles Lakers playing the Los Angeles Clippers you know the employees are the Lakers the employer or the leaders are the Clippers I'm the referee on the head referee and I have to act in the middle and say yes this is right no this is wrong yes you could do that no you can't figure it out now that can also be a con because it's very draining to have to mediate between two parties if neither of the parties are interested in coming to a mutual agreement there are so many times that leaders have to respectively agree to disagree and we don't find a solution what's stressful about that is I have to be the person to find the solution if they can't come to some type of agreement so although I love problem-solving being a mediator is difficult I wouldn't consider it a con or Pro but it's just something that kind of comes with the territory another Pro for me is I'm doing something different and I'm learning something different every day there's no day that I go to work and do the same exact thing no day one day I might be working on one type of project the next day I'm working on something different the next day it's something different none of my days look the same I'm always available so anybody can reach me at any time and we can talk about anything and I'm super grateful for that because like I said earlier it keeps my toes another pro about working in Human Resources is the education factor unlike a lot of other careers you only need a bachelor's degree to work in human resources some people prefer a masters some people prefer having an HR certification but to be a hundred percent honest with you a bachelor's degree and experience will get you a long way I know so many older people who work in HR and have worked in HR for a really long time and they don't have any degree because back then a degree wasn't a necessity for this type of job now it is I have a bachelor's degree I don't have a master's degree I'm not interested in getting a master's degree and I'm fine with that I think that's a benefit because I don't have to worry about obtaining a certain type of degree to secure a job only because now I have that experience so you're looking at me with a bachelor's degree from a top university who's been in the industry for ten years versus someone who has a bachelor's degree and a master's and they have no experience who would you choose you know so it's kind of like that you have to think about it from that perspective if you are in college now it doesn't hurt to go ahead and get a masters but if you've already gotten the bachelor's degree I don't think it's necessary to go back to school to get a masters just to get into HR another pro for me is we act as influencers it is my duty and my responsibility to influence the decision of my managers my directors my CEOs my everybody that's on me I have to persuade you or influence you to make a certain decision so that I'm kind of guiding you in the right direction for the organization as a whole I love the fact that my feedback matter so you know I have to kind of give you that stamp of approval before you can go ahead people really really really take in consideration in my opinion in regards to human resources in regards to the direction that the organization is moving towards or any type of decisions that they're making you always want to remain in good graces with HR and you always want HR support slowly because we're working for everybody's best interest and like I said we're not biased so we're gonna give it to you real tell you what we think and then allow you to make the decision we don't make those decisions that's for you to do and the last Pro that I want to share with you guys is you've amazing money in HR okay it's a very attractive salary you can easily make six figures um that's not out of the ordinary for you to make six figures um yeah yes you can make money it's it's a competitive industry in regards to salary how much you make and it's not that it's money it's money to be made okay so yeah it's definitely an attractive salary and that's definitely a pro now also the comments y'all I have one Colin and it just sticks out like a sore thumb and it is the reputation of HR we have a really bad reputation it's like people think that we're the reason why they were fired because we actually have to complete the termination but I'm here to tell you that's not true in all of my years of experience I've never went and said hey that person we're gonna fire them for no reason for nothing I just don't like them we're gonna fire them it doesn't work like this it just doesn't anytime you're fired 99.9% the time it's something that you did and I had to learn that when I first got into the industry because I would feel extremely guilty when I had to serve someone with termination papers until I learned from I don't even know who told me this but maybe I was reading a book or something but it specifically said you don't fire anyone people fire themselves and that's real if you're fired more than likely it's something that you did and if it's something that you did and I know about it it's because your manager brought it to my attention I never reach out to anybody to say hey how's this person doing hey how's that person doing the only time a termination or someone is on my radar is if the manager reaches out to me and lets me know I'm here to tell y'all we don't just pick in the bunch and say hey we don't fire this person that's not how it works now that's for voluntary terminations for layoffs or riffs or furloughs I don't just pick people for that either the manager almost always 99.9% of the time have to recommend who they would like to furlough or who they would like to terminate based on budgets so you know you may have a CEO that say hey we need to cut budgets we need to save a million dollars and 500,000 of those million dollars needs to come from staffing so I need five people from HR I need five people from the lab I need five people from IT five of those people each check out each of these departments give me five people we have to let them go because we have to cut budgets HR is not gonna say okay I teeth I'm gonna choose one two three four five and Shari is gonna say I T give me your five and when I T gives me their five I'm gonna look at their father going to say okay how did you choose this five what process did you use what was your selection criteria and they have to tell me something that is reasonable as to why those five people were chosen it can't be because they don't like them it can't be because they live in California it can't be because they're black it can't be because they're white it can't be because they're tall or short or old or young it can't be any of those reasons it has to be something along the lines of this person is on a written warning and these people score the lowest on their performance review in my entire organization that's fair to me that makes sense I'll approve it that's how that process works I don't think a lot of people understand that so trust me when I say you're not chosen for no reason if budgets are cut or if we have to furlough people or if people are laid off it's a it's a technique and a process that we have to follow that we have to abide by for federal regulations and federal law choose in person a over person B when it should be person a it's not worth risking our organization putting us at risk for a federal investigation any type of lawsuit it's not worth it and most people H are not doing it I definitely am not doing it if I don't agree with that where you're not terming those people bring me five different people because that's not gonna fly so yeah that's like the biggest common our reputation regarding terminations is a big deal I'm it's a big misconception and it's a big con in my book the next con is the job is stressful solid because there is a lot of multitasking you have to be super organized you have to be able to think about a hundred things at one time and you have to be able to think things through you know you have to be able to sit and say okay well what if this happens or if we choose this what if that happens or if we choose something different what if this happens you had to be able to strategically make an educated guess about the advice that you give and that's a bit stressful because there's a lot of pressure it's a lot happening simultaneously a lot of things happen at once with lots of different people like for me I have five hundred people that fall under my HR group five hundred people how the hell can I keep track of five hundred people in five hundred people literally are my responsibility so yeah it can be a little bit overwhelming and it can be very very very stressful at times because it's a heavy workload I'm not even going to sit here and lie to you granted some days are not so busy I might get 20 emails some days are crazy I get 200 emails so yeah that's that's a con to me another con is you have to know your organization and your policies in and out it's so much stuff to learn yeah is so much stuff to learn you had to learn so much stuff on a consistent basis so I might get a question about tuition reimbursement and then another question about PTO and then another question about FMLA and then another question about Corona and then another question about termination I get all those questions back to met and all of those managers are leaders are going to expect an answer timely there's no way that I can go and research all five of those things and give all of those leaders their answers timely or quickly so I have to be well-versed on literally all of the company's policies all of them and it's a lot of them the thing about the policies is once you learn them they're not set in stone because year over year sometimes we have policy changes sometimes we might say hey PTL cap is at 80 hours and then two years later pto cap might be at 60 hours but it's a lot to keep up with you have to know the policies like the back of your hand you have to know them in and out to be successful in the role the last con for me is you have to keep up with everything and everybody I have my calendar on my computer I have a calendar in my phone and I have a calendar like a written calendar that I actually write things in you have to keep up with everybody and make sure everything is steadily going you know if you ask a manager hey make sure you finish this job description and get it back to me I'm gonna have to reach back out to the manager and say hey where is my job description I haven't gotten it yet or if an employee is supposed to be going out on the leave of absence and they haven't gotten me their work from their doctor I'm gonna have to remember to reach out to that employee and get the information from their doctor I have to do that for 500 people it's a lot I'm not gonna hold you it's stressful it's a lot but it's rewarding I enjoy it I think that I am definitely in the career that God meant for me I'm following at my journey and my path and I can't be more grateful so I hope that you guys enjoyed this video I hope that all of our pros and cons gave you a sneak peek into life as an HR business partner or just human resources in general if you have any questions leave them down below in the comment section make sure you subscribe to my channel and follow me on Instagram and until next time peace
Channel: Chantenique
Views: 89,199
Rating: 4.9423423 out of 5
Id: cA6uJvs_vc4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 32sec (1292 seconds)
Published: Fri May 01 2020
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