How to get found on Etsy in 2021 | Tips to run a successful Etsy shop | How to use sale samurai

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i have some very exciting news today i have just upgraded to an iphone 12 mini look at this cute little thing this means that our channel is about to experience a serious quality upgrade are you ready see you on the other side welcome to hd now you can see the lens on my shirt hello everyone welcome to art business with nes i'm nes and i'm a professional illustrator and etsy shop owner today we're talking about etsy and specifically how to get found on etsy i think this is a story we're all familiar with i had a couple of failed shops before i had my current successful shop and we all know about the feeling of putting up a bunch of great products on our etsy and then just sitting back waiting for the sales to come and they're not coming so today i'm gonna give you my best tips to actually get found on etsy and get your product out there and into customers homes but before we get into it if this is your first time here and you'd like to see more videos like this about etsy for artists then make sure to subscribe to this channel and hit the little bell the bell sends you a notification every time that i upload a new video and this way you're sure that you won't miss any of the advice all right let's get into it so first of all to get the most out of etsy it's really important to understand how it works you can and should really do your own marketing to bring your own traffic to your shop things like social media paid ads a mailing list and all these sort of things that we'll talk about in other videos however the main difference between having a shop hosted on etsy and a shop hosted on your own website is that on etsy it is a marketplace and you can take advantage of the traffic that comes to etsy those customers can't find you through the etsy search even if they've never heard of you there are several things that you can do to help increase the chances that you are going to come up in search for those people and that is what we're talking about today if you ignore these methods and don't do this at all then people might not find you in search and you're literally leaving a lot of customers on the table etsy uses many different factors in their algorithm to decide whether a shop or their products will come up in a search for instance a very important factor is popularity and sales etsy wants to show customers products that are popular and that have already been known to sell that's just common sense that's why it's very important to do your own marketing especially at the beginning and not just rely on etsy search you really have to get that ball rolling before you can start counting on these people finding you in the beginning you will have to find them other factors include your reviews so the more reviews you have and the better they are the more chances you have of coming up in search whether you offer free shipping or not we know that etsy favors free shipping you can work that into your price whether you're in the same country as the person who's searching because they want to show that person some local sellers and many other things so i know that some of this can sound a little bit discouraging because you don't have a lot of control on some of those things however there is another factor that will help you come up in search even if you're a brand new shop with no sales at all and that's relevance basically if a customer is looking for a painting of a pineapple etsy wants to make sure that they're showing them exactly what they're looking for and they do that by using tags titles and descriptions to match what the customer is searching for so if you optimize your tags titles and descriptions to be super efficient then you increase your chances of coming up in search this is called search engine optimization or seo for short and seo is so incredibly important if your tags titles and descriptions aren't optimized then you won't show up in search even if your product is exactly what the customer is looking for so today we're talking about the best seo tips to increase your sales tip number one research first my first and most important tip is to do your research first before anything else and i do mean before anything else even before creating the product itself so let me tell you a little anecdote i've told you that i've had previous etsy shops that i've crashed and burned the last one was a nursery print shop i launched that shop with a collection of 30 different black and white nursery prints so i created all of those 30 prints which took a lot of time and when i was finished then i started looking for keywords and that's when i realized that the keyword nursery print is extremely competitive there's like a million other listings that are using that keyword but if i went more specific with black and white nursery print then the search volume was extremely low what this means is basically no one was looking for black and white nursery prints or wanted them this would have been really nice to know before i created the entire collection so keyword research isn't just for when it comes time to add your tags to your etsy listing it's incredibly important and useful to find the kind of products that people are interested in in the first place you're much more likely to make sales if you're creating something that people want and are actively looking for i'm going to show you exactly how to find that out later in this video tip number two long tail keywords there are two types of keywords short keywords and what's called long tail keywords so an example of a short keyword would be balloons and an example of a long tail keyword would be red party balloons the long keywords are basically a lot more specific so that is why etsy favors them etsy has gone on record in the past numerous times telling sellers that they should be using long tail keywords so this is something that we know is the best practice to follow long tail keywords are also much less competitive imagine trying to rank for a keyword like art very difficult but pineapple art maybe you have more chance tip number three repeat your keyword in your title description and tags to increase your chances of the algorithm picking up your keywords a great trick is to repeat your keywords not just in your tags but also in the product description and in the product title how that works is if you're using your keyword in all three places you're telling etsy that this is a keyword that's very very relevant to your item now etsy allows up to 13 tasks you can't possibly repeat all 13 in your description and title this brings us to our next tip tip number four focus keyword since you can't possibly repeat every single tag everywhere then a great tip is to use a focus keyword this is a keyword that best describes your product and you will repeat it everywhere to really tell etsy that this is the keyword that's really important but this means that your focused keywords needs to be extremely strong it's okay if not all of your 13 keywords are excellent however your focus keyword should be the bomb tip number five beginning of your title the etsy algorithm puts more importance on the very beginning of a product title basically they assume that the keywords that best describe your item will be in the first 40 characters of your title so the thing to do is to put your focus keyword at the very beginning of your title so don't start your title with something that isn't searchable i see a lot of artists starting their title with something like my eternal blossom dream in peach or something that's not searchable you should probably lead your title with something like 8x10 art print and then maybe something like cherry blossom wall art those are things that people are much more likely to search than your obscure title for your art piece you can still put that in the description if you like tip number six fill out all of your tags and attributes as mentioned before etsy allows up to 13 tags they also allow for filling out attributes things like color occasion or product category those things also help etsy match the customer with what they want so if you want to increase your chances of showing up in search it's very important to fill up all of your tags and all the attributes information you'd be surprised how many sellers don't do that and if you're not you're wasting chances to get your products seen and finally tip number seven sweet spot now we've talked about having strong keywords but what does that mean exactly what you're looking for first and foremost is a high search volume if there are a lot of people looking for this kind of product you have a higher chance to make a sale because there's a higher demand the second thing you're looking for is low competition or as low as possible if there are already millions of products using a keyword it's going to be extremely difficult to come up in search competing against all the other products that already are making sales there are only so many results that fit in on the search page and the customer isn't likely to go much further than page three so if you can find a keyword that a lot of people are searching for but not a lot of sellers make products for then this is your sweet spot this is a magical zone that's going to give you the best chance of making a sale especially when you're just starting out now you don't have to do this for every single one of your products if you have several products that are using a less competitive niche then people are going to be able to find your shop through these products and once they're on your storefront they might pick another product to purchase maybe something that's in a more competitive category so not all of your products need to be in a non-competitive niche especially later when you're an established seller then you can go for these competitive keywords because you know that you're going to be able to rank even if it's competitive but in the beginning aim to create several products that are in less competitive niches to give you a chance to come up and search so how do you actually find out all of this information about your keywords you use a specialized etsy seo tool i use a tool called sales samurai and let me show you exactly how that works and how i use cell samurai to do my product keyword research sales summary also have a massive black friday sale going on right now so if you're interested i'm gonna leave the link to that in the description below if you use my link you can get a six month membership for only 39.99 that's the equivalent of only 6.66 per month which is extremely affordable for this tool this is only available until november 30th 2021 so if you're interested hurry up so you don't miss it this is an affiliate link so this means if you get this product using my link i also get a small percentage and it helps supports this channel so when you win all right so let's jump into sale samurai alrighty so here we are in sales samurai and the first page here is a tutorials page so if it's your first time in the app you definitely want to watch these tutorials get yourself familiar to look for good keywords there are two main tools that sales samurai offer so first of all there's the search option that's right here but there's also the chrome extension and that's one of the first thing that you're going to want to do is install this chrome extension because it is very powerful let me show you how that works so the extension allows you to do some keyword research directly into etsy let's say that we're typing uh vinyl stickers okay so etsy is gonna pop you some recommendations here and you see the app is working on something here so the search volume just popped and these are keyword suggestion they have 483 keyword suggestion so let's click on that and these are populating right now but as you can see they have come up with a bunch of related searches for this keyword and we're going to be able to see directly in here what is the search volume per month and the competition so that's really amazing and so so useful what i recommend doing when you're first doing your keyword research is to enter something quite vague very general such as vinyl sticker and then it's going to give you suggestions like this and using this then you can get more specific about what it is that you're going to be creating so for example vinyl stickers it has 1033 monthly searches which is not too bad anything over like 400 is quite good depending on the niche however the competition is over 600k so there are 600k other products that use the keyword vinyl stickers but only a thousand searches per month there are so much more competition than there is interest basically so already i see here girlfriend vinyl stickers as 647 searches per month but only 1200 competition now that's a one to two ratio that's pretty good some of these here down here 427 monthly search for only 109 competition that's really good cc vinyl stickers over i don't know what that is so you can actually click directly on it to go on etsy and it's going to show you what it is so i guess cc is coco chanel in this case this is a trademark obviously so we wouldn't be able to use it so you do have to be careful with the keywords and make sure that you look like what it is before you use it so this is how we would use the extension now inside cell samurai in the search tab here you can do a basic search which is a keyword search or you can search for a single listing so i could enter the listing url here and it would come up with a bunch of information about that listing the tags that it's using how many times have been viewed how many times it's been favorited etc etc that could be really useful in songwriting but we're talking more about keyword research today so let's say i'm looking for digital planner this is what my shop sells and when i started my shop two years ago this keyword used to be not saturated at all digital planning was a very very small niche but nowadays a lot of sellers have started selling digital planners so now it's become a very competitive keyword so as you can see here digital planner first of all it's going to tell you if it's a long tail keyword or not which is great because that's one of the things that we need to search out so digital planner is a long tail keyword you have the check mark here search volume you have 500 searches every month which is great however competition is 50 000. and the number 50 100 is actually the max on this counter so it's actually probably a lot more than 50 000 this is maxed out so this is way way too competitive so usually what i would do here is take this keyword and type it in to etsy and use the chrome extension to get some suggested searches and help me out finding ideas for digital planning keywords that would be a little bit better to use however you can also get some ideas directly in here using these tools it's not quite as quick and efficient but you can sometimes get other keywords because the chrome extension will use the words that you've already typed so digital planner but it won't necessarily show you things like digital journal or related searches like this that aren't using the same words whereas in this tool it will and this section particularly on the left is basically tags that are often used in combination with the tag digital planner so something like good notes which is the app that we can use to do digital planning digital journal good notes stickers those keywords would not show up using the chrome extension but here they are right here so let's say i decide to look digital journal instead i'm going to type this in and see what we get alright so digital journal no dice it has only a thousand search volume which is not too bad but it's less than digital planner but it's also still maxed out so this keyword no dice it's no good either in the list of suggestions down here you can also click on etsy search volume here to organize them by search volume this can be helpful see here on page two i have five minute digital journal so i'm gonna try this one it seems like it's more specific it might be less competitive and woohoo bingo baby five minute journal digital as over a thousand monthly searches but only 128 competition so this is something that people are searching a lot but not many sellers are offering so this is a really great keyword to use once you've found a keyword that you like you can also click the little heart here to add it to some categories in your favorites let's say i add this one to my category digital planners and now the keyword is favorited so i can get back to it later if i want if we scroll down this page it also gives us more information about this keyword so the average views of products that use this keyword average likes average photos it's going to give us the most popular listings here so this one for instance over 11 000 views and almost a thousand likes for this listing also what's interesting 17.57 and i love that because see four dollars seven dollars so the most expensive is actually the one that's most viewed and that really confirms my theory that on etsy price isn't everything at the bottom here we also have the price spread so it's going to show you what most people are pricing i don't find this very useful at all because you can see that most people are pricing very low but i don't think it tells us all that much because it doesn't mean that they're the most popular just because they're cheap as we found here so this is the keyword search in a nutshell it's very simple but very very powerful using this you're not shooting in the dark anymore you know exactly what you're doing to create your products and then create your listing i also want to show you very very quickly some of the other features of cell samurai one of the best that i really love is the listing creator all right so here you enter your focus keyword let's say five minute digital journal next and you have basically this listing here okay you fill up all this information and you're going to be able to see this is exactly how it is on etsy basically exact same thing instead of building your listing on etsy you can build it here but as you build your information it's going to tell you which one of these best practices you're hitting so it's going to be reminding you if there's something that you're not doing right and this creates a listing draft directly into etsy so you don't have to copy paste or anything like that it automatically creates it in etsy which i think is just amazing you can also connect your shop so you can see a bunch of information about your shop competition tracker here you can enter shops in your same niche that you want to keep an eye on or keywords that you want to keep an eye on see if they become more competitive later so you can see if you want to keep using them you have your list of favorites at the bottom here you have a calendar that tells you a bunch of unofficial and official holidays like the chaos never dies day and you have a calculator which is very very interesting you can enter all of your information here price shipping price if you're offering a discount labor cost material cost you enter all of this and it's also going to calculate your etsy fees and tell you what is your estimated margin so this can be really useful to help you when you're creating a new product when you're deciding on the price knowing exactly all the etsy fees and all of the other costs will let you know if you're getting enough profit from the price that you're thinking of so this was sale samurai it's a very cool tool to help you grow your etsy shop with my link the black friday deal is only 39.99 for a six months subscription this is the absolute cheapest that you can get an etsy seo tool anywhere on the internet so it's really really worth it and i know that it can be really scary to pay for stuff like this at first before our shop is successful because it's a risk right i definitely feel you on that but every single business has startup costs right and investing in something that can help you increase your chances of success is really worthwhile in my opinion is so much more risky to not get the tools that you need so if you're serious about your etsy shop i definitely recommend getting some help with an etsy seo tool and if you're interested in opening your etsy shop for the first time i have a couple of more resources for you that could help first of all if you use my etsy link to sign up to etsy you can get 40 free listings when you open your shop so i'll leave the link to that in the description below if you're opening your shop for the very first time secondly i also have a free etsy guide that you might like it's called 101 etsy product ideas for artists it's a comprehensive guide that gives you ideas and inspiration for the kind of products that you can create as an artist that go beyond just the basic art print as i said it's completely free and i will leave the link to that in the description below but that's it for me today thank you so much for being here for watching this video i really hope that you enjoyed it and if you found it useful and if you did then don't forget to like comment and subscribe to help our small channel grow thank you for watching and i will see you in next video bye bye [Music]
Channel: Art Business with Ness
Views: 1,010
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to become a professional illustrator, how to get started as a freelance illustrator, How I make money as an illustrator, how to get found on etsy in 2021, how to get found on etsy, how to use sale samurai, sale samurai, etsy for artists, tips to run a successful etsy shop, how to sell your art on etsy in 2021, etsy SEO in 2021, How I sell my art on etsy, tips to start a successful etsy shop, how to get more etsy sales, how to sell art on etsy, etsy keyword research
Id: IaOh7b3oXNI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 14sec (1454 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 23 2021
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