Building a Client's $3,500 AI Chatbot LIVE

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in this video I'm going to be building one of my own AI automation agency clients chat Bots that was worth three thousand five hundred dollars live for you guys watching over my shoulder every step of the way this video is going to be hugely valuable to anyone who is new to the AI automation space and wants to very quickly wrap their head around bot press and stack AI how they work together how to build chat Bots and Bot Preston you're going to see the end result which I was able to sell for eventually three thousand five hundred dollars and how you guys can take the exact same Blue Plate and template and start to sell it to your own clients onwards of course if you're new to the channel my name is Liam otley I have my own AI development and AI automation company called Morningside AI we help businesses both large and small to build custom coded AI applications and entirely new AI products but we also work with businesses as automation Partners we'll be doing head to toe analysis of every part of the business and how we can apply AI to reduce friction to decrease expenses and at the end of the day increase profits and for the current month of June Morningside is on track to smash our goal of one hundred thousand dollars in Revenue just to give you an idea you have the kind of numbers that we're doing with this business model and for our custom coded application side of things as well and for my regular views you may notice that um again in a different location I'm actually in Amsterdam in the Netherlands with my business partner for a few days we've got some meetings here before heading out uh later this week now before we get into actually building the bot you're probably going to want to know what this thing does and sort of a bit of context around us so to keep it brief this was a client that worked with us at Morningside he has a SAS platform that works with martial arts businesses to handle their leads and handle their systems and products and things like that and what this bot that we were creating was meant to do was be placed on all of the different sites of the SAS customers so that he could have some kind of AI chat bot element that's going to take caption information from the users since you figure out what they're looking to find on the site help direct them to the kind of products and services and booking Pages the point of this chatbot was to be able to be easily copied and pasted over all of the different clients that he has with the SAS business and the main functionality is to collect information from the potential customers who visit the site and guide them along a personalized conversation so that they're able to find the correct products and services and get pushed to the conversion event which in this case is a booking a booking page to book a class we also built in a lead capture aspect so for more the information that we're asking along the way figuring out the intent of the user why you're speaking to the business what you'd be interested in then we can capture all of that information with their lead the email and name and then essentially enrich that lead with the data we've collected in the earlier part of the chatbot once we capture this information we're using zapier to send it directly to a Google sheet now I can actually show you what the finished product is going to look like down here so I've just put this onto a test website here is the embeddable little bubble down the corner which we can easily put onto client sites we can click that and it's going to pop up with the bot hi I'm Joseph your AI martial arts assistant from Superstar martial arts what brought you here today so let me get through these nice buttons which are built into the UI you don't have to mess around with it too much martial arts for myself and since it's going to guide us along a conversation click some important information and then try to push us through the booking pages so that's great a martial arts program was designed specifically for adults so it's making me feel like this is a what I'm looking for essentially okay I want to learn self-defense do you have a martial art in mind let's do MMA great choice MMA combines different martial arts which are great for self-defense so it feels like it's personalized and feels like it's it's making me think that the product that they're going to sell me is ideal for what I'm looking for which is self-defense and I'm an adult would you like more information on how to get started sure tell me more best way to try our program is to see what's right for you and then we can book a trial here by clicking this link and that will send the potential customer straight to the booking page do you have any questions regarding getting started now here's the lead capture if I say email me the info so we have a info pack essentially you can send out so now I can provide my email and my full name and now what's happened in the back end here is that we've taken all of that information we've taken the answers that I said which I'm an adult I'm looking for self-defense classes that are MMA focused taking all of that information attached it to my email and name and then they have that in the Google sheet to start their email marketing too now you may be thinking this doesn't sound very AI enabled but you'd be wrong this last bit here is really the key AI functionality which is a open loop of being able to ask questions to a knowledge base so do you have any further questions yes what we have is a knowledge base that's been ingested and put into stack AI but also into bot press as well what would you like to know I can ask questions in the large space which is what um Marshall art do you offer now it's going to query the knowledge base do you have any further questions yes can my eight-year-old start classes yes children as young as four can start classes and the program is great for kids age four to fourteen do you have any further questions now this is an open loop we're essentially able to ask questions to this knowledge base until we have all levels of information that we want and the final thing I want to mention before we get stuck in is what tech stack we're using so essentially we're using bot press as the base of this application to handle the logic and to handle the general sort of deployment and and UI of the bot as well using the custom code blocks within bot press we're actually able to make API calls to our stack AI functionality which is super easy to create I'm going to be showing you that in this video as well so we're going to build the bot press application from scratch and we're also going to build elements in stack Ai and I'm going to show you how to connect the two so you can essentially have all of the amazing functionality of Stack Ai and sort of land chain visualized and how you can connect that into your Bot press using very very simple API calls that any beginner can understand now I will say there are so many different applications and platforms that are coming out to solve this problem of building chat Bots and having complex AI functionality that this is subject to change and there's sort of new new technology that I'm finding out about basically every day with another code hey guys just jumping and recording this a few days later bot press has actually just released their important export feature meaning that I can actually share the bot that I build in this video with you guys so if you watch it all you'll be able to see how to build it you'll learn how to use Bob press and stack Ai and how they work together then at the end of the video I'm going to explain how you guys can get this exact same bot template download it import it into your own botbras account and start to use it and sell it to your own clients and have fun with it so it's going to be available at the end of the video sort of just jump in and let you guys know that now so here we are inside bot press what you want to do is sign up to an account in the description there's a link there it's an affiliate link so you will be helping me in the channel out if you click on that once you're logged in you're going to want to click on create a chat bot uh it's not actually allowing me to do it right now so I've just cleared one of my older projects and then you're going to edit it it's going to give you a few different options as to the kind of templates they offer but for now just start on completely from scratch so you can follow along step by step and once you get inside you should be looking at something similar to this now I will show you the example of what we're building this is sort of the end product that we're going to be working towards so we have two different trees here essentially this takes a a bunch of information from the user and then we have a sort of custom merge based query here's our stack AI integration using a custom code block so a lot of work here but we are going to be able to get through it within the scope of this video you guys are going to be able to have this as a template that you can then use for your additional clients or for whatever purposes you want you can modify it whatever you want if you go along step by step with me here now this is going to be the perfect video for many of you beginners because we're going to cover a lot of stuff in a short space of time all of the different elements that you're going to use most commonly how to handle routing how to handle custom code blocks how to set up API calls to stack AI how to push leads to a sheet using zapier we have a zapier API call in here as well so a ton of value a ton of good golden nuggets in here for you guys to be able to take the exact same code and put it into your own applications so we can get started let's start by placing our first node here you can drag out and drop standard node for the sake of speed here so we can rename this node up here by clicking on this we can call this hello what we're going to do is add in our first text I'm going to be going through this fairly quickly so at any point if you need to pause the video just to copy down what I'm writing then feel free to do that but I do need to keep the pace up or this is going to be an hour long second text Block in here paste that in and now we need to get an information capture which is a single Choice here so this is going to allow us to capture some information from the user in the form of a button click so here we have it as a single choice and we need to ask users so when it's asking for the information you need to ask the question which for this case is going to be what brought you here today and we need to create some options for the users to select so we can click here to this little plus icon we can say Marshall art for myself then we can hit enter martial arts for my child and then we need to create a variable so we're actually tracking and saving what they reply to this so we can add a new one and call this uh who for and now when they click one of those buttons it's going to save it to the variable that we can use that information later on for creating personalized messages or for adding to the lead form when they submit their information now down here you can actually test your chatbot what we can do is start the conversation by saying hi and here you can see how each of the elements actually displays so we have the first message the second message and then this Yellow Block here which is I'm going to ask the question and it's capturing for the who4 variable then I'm able to select what I want so martial arts for myself okay we can go on to the next node so I'm going to call this one why you here add a new text block paste it in here feel free to take a read then we need another single Choice with the question of why are you looking to learn martial arts so this is asking for a little more intent from the user and the first option we're going to provide users with is I want to stay fit and the second one is going to be I want to learn self defense now for this particular node we don't actually need these to have separate routes essentially so we can click these two little buttons here and that means that it's not going to sort of split them based on the answer we're just going to continue on regardless so we can add a transition here just using the expression now you do have this AI aspect up here so you can type things in like no knowledge like no answer from knowledge and it's going to try to generate the code but I find a lot of the time it doesn't work too well so take that out of here in this case we're just not going to need to write true here that'll wrap your head around how these transitions work essentially we have this condition here and if whatever's in this comes out as true then it's going to send the user to the next node so if we can just hard code in true it'll pop up as always so that means it's always going to be true you're always going to send users so they send this message they take the user input and if it gets the next block it's always going to send to the next one and there's one thing we forgot to do on our capture information here which is to create a new variable which is going to be why lessons and enter to create that now on this new node we can change it to which Marshall art and click here we can add a new code block so this is the first time we're using a custom code block by bot press a quick breakdown on how these things work essentially you're able to access the variables that you've been sitting within bot press which if you click on the background here you can see we have two variables of who4 and Y lessons now Within These code blocks you're able to access those variables by typing workflow dot then the variable name so here you can see if the Y lessons variable which is this node here was set to I want to learn self defense then we're going to go workflow dot next message so the next message variable which we can create right now add a new variable and call this next message a description the next message for the bot to send add that and we're going to set the value of that next message variable to whatever we want so in this case it's going to be a message that's related to or a sort of complementary to the user's previous input that they provided of I want to learn self-defense so this is how you can essentially take what variables were captured previously do some logic with it using an if else block cross which case statement and then as you'll see we can use this variable in the next node now if you don't have any experience coding don't freak out because all of this stuff is super super basic JavaScript and you're going to be able to ask chat GPT to generate all of this I mean you're going to be able to use this example here as just some basic stuff but chat gbt is able to generate basically all of this no matter how complex we get so you're going to see that later as well next card we need to add here is going to be another text block so and we're going to make this our next message variable so this is the magic here that you can actually get it to print out or the bot to send a variable value so by us setting the value of the message here so we go workflow dot next message we can set it and then send it straight afterwards this is just the first step towards making more and more advanced applications with boardpress so now we can grab another single Choice have another single Choice here and the question we want to ask is going to be do you have a martial art in mind we're going to add a few different items here kick boxing MMA and karate now we can again turn off these different little routing options and we want to create a new variable here as always this is going to be type of martial uh just to give you a quick look at how this is coming out already I can say hi okay now we have some buttons martial arts myself great it's going to send the message it's going to ask for the next bit which is here why are you looking to learn martial arts I want to learn self-defense okay and now it's going to send the personalized message which is knowing you can look after yourself is more important than ever these days so it's taken the input that I provided and it's giving me a customized message based off what that value was and then setting the next message variable so we're doing uh sort of less nodes but we're using the custom code blocks we set variables essentially and by doing that we save a huge sprawl of different nodes all over the place we can simplify it down by using those custom code blocks do you have a martial art in mind I think we're going to go with kickboxing great and now we're up to where we are here so we can add a transition another expression again we're going to set this turn off the AI and set this as true so it's just always going to transition up to this next one we're going to start off with a large conditional block here so what you can do is add in a execute code block now this looks quite complicated but it's essentially the same thing as we've done before it's just on a bigger scale so this using a switch case statement the way these are generated you can do it very very easily so all you need to do is provide chat GPT with a breakdown of of what the structure of your of your chatbot is so say I have I have variable of who for and these are the options and I have variable of Y lessons and these are the options and I have variable of type martial art and these lessons then it's going to be able to end the math do essentially all of those different combinations and you can say can you give me a switch case statement or a FL statement that's going to be able to give personalized answers for all of these different combinations of variables that they might have picked up now so the whole point of this execute code block is to save again a ton of different nodes that are required we can simplify this down and use the same process of going at next message so depending on what the user's input has been up to that point we're going to essentially set the next message to a customized message so if they were selecting four martial arts for themselves which is the first question and then they also said I want to stay fit which is the second message and then they said I want to do kickboxing then we can sort of combine all those inputs and write a personalized method which is great choice kickboxing is an excellent martial arts for Fitness we offer classes every Wednesday where that experienced coach Mike so this is making it feel like everything that they've said previously is leading them towards the sale and what they're asking for and the products that we have it's a perfect match what they're trying to do then we set the next message to this message and then we send it directly afterwards so so if I restart the conversation and I start again hi martial arts myself I want to learn self-defense I want to do karate excellent decision karate is one of the best martial arts for self-defense join coach join every Friday to learn these techniques so this is the personalized message that's coming out of this big switch case block next step is to take some more user information so we're going to add a single Choice block here the question is going to be would you like more information on how to get started the options we're going to have is sure tell me more I have a question so we're going to take short tell me more down here new node down here new node and we're going to change this one to link to trial this one down here update it to check knowledge now for the link to try out the first text that we're going to add on is just a text card here so this message is going to be sent after they've said uh yes I would like some more information so you can click on this that's the message there great the best way to try our program to see if it's right for you is to take advantage of our special offer so here's an offer that I've just hard-coded in I've just written it in but you can actually put variables in there that the client's able to easily change out depending on the bot so if this is duplicated for multiple different clients websites then they're able to easily change that variable and without having to get in manually and change all of them at once then we need to add in our information capture again asking them a question the question this time is do you have any questions regarding getting started so the options we're going to have here is yes no and then email me the info so three options here Shuffle this down then what we can do is connect the yes route down to this check knowledge node down below we can take the no to the end so essentially they've said do you have any questions regarding getting started and then they've said no we can wrap that to the end because they've said no they don't have any questions questions and then finally we can take the email me the info and just plop a note up here for later now we get on to the more exciting parts of this app which is the knowledge query function which is the AI aspect of this chatbot what we're going to set up is not only a bot press knowledge query but also a stack AI knowledge query so this is a system that I've created and I find works best and this is what I get our developers at Morningside to do as well essentially you use the bot press knowledge query which they have built in which we're going to do in a sec as the sort of initial knowledge query so it's going to ask a question to pop press so hey can you give me a quick answer and if what press comes back with no I don't have an answer which is quite common then it's going to send an API call to one of our stack AI applications and then run a knowledge query using gpt4 or 3.5 turbo and then send us back an answer and in most cases if botbras isn't able to answer stack AI will be able to answer it because it's just using a better model and as a better sort of embedding system and and Vector database setup so the reason we have them layered like that is because bot press responses can be quick and snappy for the very basic things but if it's a bit more of a a curveball question we can pass it to stack aisle form back and if stack AI isn't even able to respond to it then we have another fallback so it's sort of a three-step fallback system for custom Modge queries and then finally we'd say I don't know if that's if we still don't get an answer from either of those first step is to set up our bot press knowledge querying so what we can do is actually create our own knowledge base within bolt press so you can come up to the left corner here and click add knowledge base what I'm going to do is add a knowledge base Source we're going to add a document so what I can do is get the frequently asked questions file or the the support document file from the client in this case I can upload it here as a text file now in your case you're not going to have this I can't give you this data unfortunately but when you go and use this template for another client you can get their q a information or their FAQs in a text file which is just structured question answer question answer then upload it here and you'll be in the same spot as us right now you can write a little description okay so just a little blurb there that you can add in we can also rename this to be knowledge base let's make this super it's the it's knowledge base so it's literally as easy as that to set up a knowledge base with bot press then we need to come over to this agent section which is a new feature and make sure that the knowledge agent is on enabled and this answer on start load is off so make sure that's all set up then we can go back to our main zoom in on this check knowledge node and click this button here which is going to enable knowledge answering now this now this knowledge based querying within bot press can actually be pretty confusing at times but just know that when the query comes in and hits this if this is checked it's going to attempt to query the knowledge with that information that's just arrived so first step for us is going to be taking a single Choice here so we're going to set the question that we asked them when they arrive on this knowledge query node as what would you like to know and we need to change this from a single Choice which is going to be a button into raw input so whenever you want to receive input from the user in the form of a message or just a sort of freeform response you change it to Raw input and it's going to just capture that text as the value so we want to change it to a raw input and we want to catch this value as a new variable called question then we need to set up some important routing depending on if the knowledge base within Bob press was able to give response so we can add another expression here a transition you're going to need to set your transition information to exactly as I have on screen here which is a label of no answer from knowledge so you can easily see that this transition why it's going to be triggered and then the condition is going to be if the knowledge agent which is the agent up here if it has responded so that's going to determine if it hasn't responded then we're going to take them down here so that's what the little exclamation mark means here so if we have not received the response from the knowledge agent essentially it's tried to query it but it's come back as I don't know or I don't have an answer for this question then we need to add another transition here which is going to be always true whenever you transition into the top of your block here it's going to start at the top it's going to read from the top down and here we can see if there's no answer from the knowledge base AKA we're going to ask a question the knowledge base doesn't have response it's going to take it down here but if this condition here doesn't evaluate to true then it's going to go on to the next box so we have the setup here so we receive a question and it's going to ask the bot press knowledgebot so the way this Czech knowledge node is working is we're asking the user a question of what would you like to know and then we're going to query the bot press knowledge base and if there's no answer from the knowledge agent then we're going to route down to this next one which is going to be our stack AI query we have that condition as true and it's going to be always and then we can create a new node just down here this is going to be further cues this is going to be stack AI query sorry to interrupt guys but if you are enjoying the video can you please hit down below and leave a like if there's any value that you're getting out of this it would mean the world to meet and help me reach more people like you and help them build businesses like this back to the video for the further cues we're going to add a single choice on here do you have any further questions and the options here are going to be yes and no and if they have further questions then we can just send them back up to the knowledge query so this is when we start that infinite Loop of them being able to ask question after question and then if they say no we're going to take them to the end now we can give our bot press knowledge base a test what I'm going to do here on the stack AI queries add no answer from WordPress knowledge page so we know that if it's heading down to the stack AR query then this a statement is evaluating to true so we're not getting a response from a bob press knowledge base if you want to test our knowledge query we can just whip through this and we can say hi martial arts myself I want to stay fit kickboxing I have a question what would you like to know now we get to ask a question to the knowledge base and I'm going to say how old do my kids need to be I'm actually going to add a transition onto the bottom here just for now so that we can easily test this change this to True how old do do my kids need to be to start lessons so this is within the knowledge base let's see if we can figure it out kids can start martial arts classes from the age of four great that's a correct answer what martial arts do you offer oh I'm supposed to click a button there actually what I can copy and paste this in what martial arts do you offer so it's doing a pretty good job of answering using the bot press knowledge base I'm going to say I have further questions now if I say something like what color is the sky this so this transition here has worked correctly the knowledge agent didn't respond and it sent us down to the stack AI query we'll receive this message so that means the bot press is answering correctly now we just need to set up our stack AI API so that we're able to answer more difficult questions using the same information now to do this part of course you're going to need a stack AI account but it's free to sign up there's a link to sign up in the description once you're in here with an account you're going to be able to scroll down to the document and database templates super easy to set up click on the document database q a and then we're going to click on the document q a here so in just a few clicks you've got the entire document query system set up I just need to click to upload here up upload that same document that I had from the client that's going to take it a few seconds here to just learn once we've got the OK there then we can play around with this prompt a little bit a quick explain it on what's going on here this is a input node so this is where we're going to be sending our query from the user so it's going to be essentially filling this up programmatically once we get the import it's going to query the documents it's going to return some of those documents that are relevant to the query and it's going to insert it into this prompt template here so the question is going to be coming from the input and then the context is going to be coming from this here so it's inserting a couple relevant chunks say ask about what kind of martial arts do you offer it's going to return a few chunks that are relevant to that query insert it into this context via this variable here then we're also going to insert the user import and say okay now answer this question given this information we've retrieved from our document so we have a little opportunity here to do some prompt engineering I think GPT 3.5 turbo here as the model is completely fine I have the prompt here you can take a look at that essentially answer the question quickly this is who you're from and always try to bend the app to make it sound like we are the perfect solution to the problem now I can give you a quick example of this in action so if I say my son is two years old can he start lessons so if I click run up here we can see what the response is going to be we typically start teaching martial arts at 4 to 14 but we do offer two child children as young as three so you've got a nice answer which is tailored to the user's question which is not really what WordPress does this is actually using a language model like GPT 3.5 turbo to really bend that and make it a personalized response and this personalization of the answer to what they're actually asking is the main advantage of using a stack AI query over the native bot press one once we've done this quick setup within stack AI all we need to do is click to deployment and I can go to document q a here you can see what the JavaScript API call looks like now if you're not technical don't freak out I'm going to be giving you the exact code that you need this actually doesn't work directly bot press is a little bit weird and you have to dumb it down quite a bit so the code block that we're actually going to be using is going to be available in the description I have a little document for you has to be able to get all of the code that I mentioned in this and you can just copy and paste over or use to give the chat GPT to answer to generate more similar ones so going back to bot press now I'm going to grab an execute code block I'm going to paste in this code here and then I'm going to go back to stack Ai and I'm going to grab this URL so getting back over delete that comma so we've set up the endpoint correctly now I just need to add my Bearer token which is my API key which you guys won't be able to see but you can get your API key for stack AI by coming up to the right corner and going to Keys then copying your key and heading back and pasting it in instead of these three dots I'm going to create a new variable called API response up here for response from just we can save that and so in here you can see we're going to be sending off as our input so this is to the input field of the stack AI application we're going to be sending the question that we captured here so when the user asks us a question we're going to capture that and save it to the variable of question if we're not able to answer from the bot press knowledge base it's going to come down to the stack AI query we're going to use that same query send it off as part of the payload and we're going to be using this workflow.question as the input then what we receive back as the output is going to be captured in this API response variable that we just created so that we can use it in the next steps we can add in a text card here and then set it to API response so that's going to be the response from stack AI we get to print that out as a response to the user's query and once we have replied to them with the stack AI response we can delete this routing here we just need to click on this little red line and then we need to take this always just up to the further questions so that we've replied to the question now we take them back to this node here which is going to say do you have any further questions and it starts it all over again and if they say no it's going to take them to the end and if they say yes it's going to take them back up to the knowledge query and we say what would you like to know so we've got this infinite Loop running where we can ask questions to the the knowledge base and then it's going to go to the stack AI if it isn't able to answer it and then at the end if they have no questions they can send them off to the end of the chatbot with the custom knowledge base query out of the way we can get onto the other interesting function that you guys will probably want to see which is to be able to capture leads so we can start here with a text we start the process of lead capture off with this question here which is uh when we say great the best way to start a program we start off the process for lead capture with this single Choice section here which is do you have any questions regarding getting started one of the options is email me the info so then it's going to take them to this node up here and we say sure we have full information pack on all of our classes and offers next card we put in is going to be the email capture so you want to ask them a question up here of please provide your email below this is automatically set to being an email address you want to add this to the email variable and that's going to save that then we can add in the full name person name [Music] then we ask please provide your full name that's going to be saved to the name variable then we need a custom code block to execute the zapier query this is the code that you're going to need right here I'm actually going to create a new variable called zapier success we're going to set this to a Boolean save that and so inside this execute code block you can see we have the zapier success value so we're going to set it as false initially we're going to take all of this lead data which is saved to our variable so the workflow name the workflow email the workflow who for all of the information that we've captured already we're going to add as the payload for this API call then we're going to try to make a post request as API here using the URL provided now in this video I don't have time to show these atheist hit up side of things but it's very straightforward you just create a zpu account you set up a custom web hook you're going to be able to get an API endpoint that you can put into this field here I've actually deleted half of mine but you'll be able to paste that directly into there essentially all you're going to be doing is setting up a custom web hook or API and allowing to send data to it and it's going to push it to a Google sheet so you need to create a Google sheet create these these column names of name email who for ETC and that the the data is going to fill out that sheet and the way that you tell it to so go with this APS set that up and then you're going to be able to come back and paste in the URL that they provide into this part here and then when that comes back as a success it's going to sit the new variable as true and then we're going to be able to move on to the next part of the application now we need a little transition here which is going to take us if this has been successful so we can type fzp success is true and the AI feature here was able to actually get this right for us now if that poster crisp went through and it came back with a zps success is true we're going to go to a new node here we're going to create a new bit of text added on after they've submitted their information and the zap has gone through correctly we say perfect we'll be in touch with you shortly and then off make them a offer of 50 off you can sort of insert anything you want in here and after that we want to again transition we're going to ask them if they have any further questions so this is going to be an always so we can set that to true and then grab this end and send this all the way down to the further queue so it's going to be going from the standard two down to the further questions and ask them if they have any other questions and as a basic fallback what we can add in here is a text mentioning an error occurred a boarding and then we can always send this to drop in another expression here we can make this true this is essentially error handling we're just going to take this to the end if the zapier a post request doesn't go through we're just going to send it to the end of course and in later versions of the app you can set it up so that it fails much better than just sending it to the end but for the scope of this video I can't show you the full setup like that zooming out on our application it seems that we've almost finished it off there's just one little part to do left which is to fill out the bottom half of this which is if you've chosen that it's martial arts for my child so we can very very quickly pass through that now I don't want to drag this out too much more name Mr why are you here to come in and add a text card that's great we have an excellent kids program here at Superstar martial arts single choice in here I'm going to ask them why do you want them to learn martial arts training and we can save the user input to the Y lessons variable which we used previously as well we can reuse that in this part of the application and then we're going to ask them a few things give them a couple options options we're going to give them are build confidence build strength learn discipline all of the above now that we'll capture that information we can actually turn off all of these custom routes and then we just hit and always so once they've received that information saved it to the variable we can route this always set this to true and then we get the next node save this one to why martial arts kids we're going to add a custom code Block in here first I'm going to paste this in here you guys will be able to get all of this it's the same thing that we're doing before which is based on what they've asked this is the same process as in the adult tree which is above have been over that it's just hitting this next message variable to a personalized message depending on what they've answered in the previous node then of course we need to add our next message response at next message the next card we need to add in here is a single choice so we can drag in a single Choice here we're going to say the question as do you have a martial art in mind we're going to save this to the type of martial art variable that we've created above so you might be able to tell that these are mirroring each other but we've just gone for one side as with the kids and one side is with the dots the options that we're going to have here kick boxing MMA karate same as above we can turn off all of these connectors and then we need to get an always transition down the bottom true send it up to the top and with that final connection I think we are ready to go uh we have finished things up here from a high level what we have built here is a chat bot that helps customers to get information about the business to find products that are best for them to help them feel like it's a personalized process of getting to the right class or finding the right martial art for what they need and Etc finding the right class for their kid we have ai aspects of custom knowledge based querying using bot press and stack AI we have uh lead capture that sends to a Google sheet via zapier integration here and then the beautiful thing about bot press is once we've finished all of this we can very very easily just click publish in the top right corner here we can see we've successfully published the bot now we're able to go back to our home page and click on the we can refresh the page and click on Integrations and then we have all of these options as to how we can actually hand this bot over to the client so in this case I was using a web chat so here you can see we can go to the pre-configured and copy this link paste it yeah and then we're able to chat to our chatbot on a hosted web page so we can send this link to clients so you can have a chat to it they can send this link to their own clients whatever they want to do so we can say hi then we can go through all of the things that we've just set up so maybe we go down to the child throughout this time we have an excellent kids program here why do you want them to start martial arts training I want them to learn discipline discipline is a foundational aspect of all martial arts what martial art do you have in mind why not karate karate is well known for instilling discipline and its practitioners we have classes every Friday with our discipline coach John would you like more information on how to get started uh I have a question do I need to be fit to start classes no you don't need to be fit to start classes people are start at varying Fitness levels Etc do you have any further questions no I think we're good so that's one way of interacting with this bot just one example you can go back to bot press and you can take the script tag and you can send this to clients and they can put it on their website and it will pop up as I showed you at the beginning of the video you're going to be able to add this handy little UI and actually customize this UI if you want to take this a step further but this is going to be able to be put on any website that your client wants and if you want to get fancy you can even experiment with some of these other deployment options that you have from bot press that can help you to provide different services to your clients and make more money so that is about all for the video guys well done for making it this far I hope you've been able to follow along and get something similar to this duplicated in your own bot press so then you can make edits to it you can play around with the different features and I know it can be sort of overwhelming getting started I hope this has been a nice entry point for you to get familiar with bot press to get familiar with stack AI familiar with the kind of integration you could do between the two and I urge you to just keep playing around keep experimenting keep trying to build different types of chat Bots and exploring some of the other features like the AI side of Bot press Etc now over this has been useful for you you're definitely going to want to join my community Discord which is available in the pin comment and the description I do workshops there every week and weekly q and A's we have the biggest AI automation community in the world at this point because we've started it within that Community itself we've just started to see our first set of community members getting their first client sign so we've got a wins Channel set up there we're starting to really see some great results from people and if you want to get in there and be worthy essentially get your information from the source and be around the other guys and girls who are hungriest to get this business model working and I'll be in there replying the questions as well so essentially if you're not in there what are you doing get in there and and start extracting some of the value that we're giving away for free daily if you haven't already watched my best niches for AI automation agency videos I'd recommend you go and watch that now it's very very useful for you to figure out how you're going to need to approach starting your first AI automation agency how you can pick your Niche sort of framework and criteria that I use and that I recommend for people on the Discord to use as well so that you can get off on the absolute best for possible and set yourself up for success and as always if you're looking for more information Asian on AI automation be sure to subscribe to my channel because that's putting out videos two to three times a week on this exact topic as valuable as I can possibly make it as you've seen in this video and of course join my Discord as I mentioned but you can also sign up to my AI automation newsletter which is going to be available in the description and the pin comment so if you want to get a couple times a week my tips and tricks sent direct to your inbox you can sign up to that down below that is all for the video guys I'm going to need to go and have a massage after this it's been a very big session but thank you so much for watching I hope you got something out of it and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Liam Ottley
Views: 143,480
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ai automation agency, ai automation, automation agency, how to start an ai automation agency, how to automate businesses with ai, ai business automation, automation, how to make money with ai, best ai business model, best ai business ideas, how to start an ai business, how to make money with chatgpt, online business ideas, best online business for beginners, how to make money selling ai chatbots, how to build ai chatbots, ai agency
Id: KxXUtKejeGY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 54sec (2214 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 24 2023
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