How To Generate Creative Attacks in Chess (Lesson with IM Levy Rozman)

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so you want you want stuff for for white yeah i think that predominantly because i feel like you have more of an ability to kind of i guess dictate the the way the game goes you do i i i'll i'll tell you right now what what got me from like 2200 to 2400 was spamming the queen's pawn with a bishop move okay so you can basically play if they play knight f6 you can play trumpowski which is pretty fun um and then if they play if if they play anything else you can play some different aggressive london systems so not like the boring london uh but you've been playing c4 right i have been i've been mixing it up a little bit because i feel like with c4 i have the um i have a tendency to just lock myself into like closed games uh because i basically here's how it works right like i used to trade every time i was given the opportunity last time we had a lesson you're like you shouldn't trade so much so in my brain i'm like never trade so i end up in these games where there's like 12 threats simultaneously on the board but i never respond to them um but so so anytime like people challenge like the the c pawn if i do the english opening i just keep pushing further and further so i've been playing a little bit more e4 lately okay okay and what are you facing the most are you facing e5 yeah e5 and c5 for sure probably okay so that that has that has never changed right yeah that's that's still and then against this did you just play knight f3 yeah okay so have you heard of the vienna uh not not to the best of my knowledge no okay so after this we'll get vienna chess trending on youtube okay um it's my favorite way to play against e4 uh against the e4 e5 okay uh the vienna you play knight c3 and uh okay we'll make a move for black um i mean i know it's so tough already i mean you know typically i i would if i were playing the black pieces i would be like oh why did he do that what a terrible blunder i guess i would probably i would probably play knight to c6 yeah just copying right yeah so the the the setup in the vienna is bishop to c4 followed by pawn up and then pushing the f pawn two squares all right yeah so the idea long term just conceptually when you castle like the rook is there yeah it's already on the file okay because you you can trade this pawn or even push up all the way um but here's here's some massacre that i'll show you so for example bishop c4 what if they copy you um okay so they did bishop to c5 yeah now you have this move which doesn't look like the world's biggest problem i guess they have to respond maybe with the g6 so g6 is already a bit of a success for you because you've weakened the structure yeah and the best move here is to slide the queen back to f3 through ending the mate yeah yes threatening the mate uh there's already a lot of traps so i've had people blunder night here checkmate this is pretty bad yeah it's pretty bad it's pretty bad uh and then if they play something like queen f6 you jump in with the knight and this is a big problem okay because they're attacked yeah that makes sense so something like take take this is a weakness and then you try to like push up with your central pawns but this this is hard because you have the advantage but it's like not so clear why yeah but the point is that you know for instance you can even get like the bishop pair and then just take the center and you're you're slightly better but the position is hard to open up yeah and you've i guess you've created that sweet diagonal too from like towards uh h8 yes yes there's this and this both diagonals you get the bishop out this way or open the position up uh my favorite here is if they play queen f6 okay hold on no okay i think i think aggressive think aggressive don't think oh my god that's hanging that would of course that would be my first option um well i don't know i guess there's like two things the when i think aggressive all i think of is like bishop takes f7 that seems pretty bad but what like doesn't knight to f3 it's a move you want to do anyway and it blocks the checkmate yeah but we want to get we want to get weird as your community okay star started saying all right so then they probably you would expect queen takes f2 yeah so the funny thing is this is already losing for black four moves into the game okay you like that i would imagine yeah no as long as i'm playing the white pieces yes so knight here they take yeah you go king d1 now i've had people try to mate me here and that's not mate right that is you just take them yeah you play they play queen f1 five seconds go by you don't take you want to embarrass them for playing queen f1 and then they resign because they're like why is that not me uh and this is already very dangerous for black because this is under attack and so is this um and uh there's one more thing hidden here so for example if black plays like king f8 okay so getting out of this you trap the queen oh that's neat yeah queen like here d3 and c3 okay and this so you can continue the attack on the king yeah that's really nice that's that's that's pretty much exactly the sort of thing i was looking for perfect well i'll see you next time yeah good lesson uh the the thing is that like you get the copycat thing sometimes uh but more often than not you're going to get and then the thing is like you would investigate this you know you would use the opening explorer to check kind of like what are the most popular moves uh and then the computer as well like we can't just do this and then you well in your case you have to play like 40 other games because you're like god gamer so but if you were like a chess professional you go review with the database and the engine and then the whole thing but if they play the two knights so play against me try to implement the setup here okay so d3 f4 knight f3 so you would probably do yeah d3 i can develop to c5 b4 let's just say i play a bit more passively and then we would play f4 you're happy if they take most people here they don't want to take they'll play something like d6 probably then we would do uh knight to f3 yeah yeah yeah yeah you don't you don't need to commit this pawn just yet there are some positions you you shut the gate on the bishop yeah and then you just push g and h yeah yeah yes exactly but generally speaking castles castles is very good okay for white like white as white is happy uh here one more useful move that you can play before you you play f5 uh a3 is always useful since this yeah okay so black can like go for your bishop but even like with with a3 they could as well right but the point is that you would you would hide oh okay yeah all right yeah so you would go back to a2 yeah so a3 bishop back but i got to tell you even a position where you lose the bishop pair still really nice like for example you you want like an aggressive attacking weapon for white but how how would you develop your attacker that's the thing if you're a good attacker you have a good instinct for attack so how would you develop the attack here for white um let's say i go like here so play this against me okay i would start to okay so my my initial hunch would be something like i want to uh lock in all of your pieces queen side so i would probably consider pawn to f5 okay yeah f5 is good it's a good idea um why is this not a free pawn by the way okay why is that not a free pawn so that's something i probably should have looked at but well that's we take that for granted like the central tension sometimes yeah why is it not a free bond um well i think you for one you lose something on the position in my opinion like i think the f5 ends up being stronger if not in material like in terms of your ability to not not just your ability to develop attack but their inability to defend as a result yes f5 will shut the door on them transferring pieces over but but to play devil's advocate this will open the rook in the future it's true so it's you know is there like a is is there a trick if you play i play it out like if you take with the knight then maybe um check ah okay yeah that explains it yes if you get here you'll it's easier to visualize but the pawn is gone yeah the pawn has moved uh and uh i mean that would just be tragic you go hot stupid and then they go here and you're like damn it yeah and then yeah i mean you just you guys yeah that wouldn't work okay so f5 but like even better what about what about after that like what's the plan um so i don't know like i have the ability to move and you can like can you see the arrows that i'm drawing right now yep okay well so one thing i would be thinking about is like we definitely want to move like the g h pawns up to to kind of bolster the attack but um maybe a little gimmicky but i love the idea of at some point getting our queen probably not to there because of the knight but on to the g file and also because you can't you you have to move the knight first yeah yeah no i mean like a mid-term i guess yeah not immediately but but having some pressure on the g-file and then you know you can move your your bishop down and they can't take because of the discovered check um but i think for sure i would be more looking at in the future moving like maybe uh h3 then g4 and then trying to push them even further yes you've got to be a bit careful because even if you land the pawn on g5 like i can stick around yeah if i go this way you're very happy you just run me over yeah but even look even in a perfect world if you get all three pawns like that it's still not clear where you have to make the break uh yeah every every attack has either the pawns going first or in certain circumstances they don't go first the pieces are the ones that have to go first okay i if that makes sense right because the pawns could destroy the yeah yeah um i actually think in this particular case it's slightly better to begin with the queen okay like into like here to g3 yeah okay yeah queenie one going to g3 h3 g4 and then like escorting the queen to h4 okay is also good it's better i think to not kill this tension yeah right because f5 completely kills the tension whereas this is constantly there so black for example cannot push in the center because that would just result in the loss of yeah upon with an attack on on the night for example um by the way like you know i i don't necessarily want to just spend like an hour just studying the the vienna sure yeah of course i want to give you but this is like the general gist of it is like you play bishop c4 and then d3 f4 and it's really good and you can get a very similar position against the sicilian uh there's a few different ways to do this so you can play knight c3 on the second move okay and then depending on what black does here for example like if they copy you i really like positions you go for this trade okay and then you build up a wall of pawns on this side at the same time you can play something called the closed sicilian what do you usually do against the sicilian um following this i would probably do knight to f3 and they would usually do knight to c6 and then you push d4 yeah okay so the open sicilian it's like you trade in the center whereas this way if you go for closed and play like g3 and by the way the only reason you don't go here is because they can just go e6 d5 yeah okay and then they your bishop just doesn't quite belong uh on on the square c4 in these positions although i have to tell you uh you could still try to do it you know and still go for this vienna kind of setup with bishop c4 it's also possible okay even against the sicilian so feel free to mess around with this throw in a3 so you can bring your bishop back and then d3 uh i can't draw this f4 arrow yeah you're right i can see why you struggled in fortnite yes i know i mean it's just outing me in front of thousands and thousands um so the other way is g3 and by the way you can play the vienna like this too you can play g3 bishop g2 okay and then let's say d6 bishop g2 long term you'll build up a massive pawn wall so in practice that looks something like this you know h3 castles even like g4 get like really hostile uh or like knight f3 castle i don't know you know the best plan for black in these positions is to attack you with the b pun so something like rook b8 d5 b4 that's the best plan and what you do is you just do your thing over on that side you like mirror it yeah yes and then whose attack is faster they attack a bunch of pawns and you attack the king so uh it's a it's a pleasant position for white okay this is what you can do if you play e4 uh at 15 1600 it is so much coming down to openings like i've noticed yeah if if you attack people you can get some very pleasant positions uh but okay i mean life is short so play different openings yeah okay so we'll play d4 yeah if knight f6 play the trempowsky okay so bishop g5 now you had talked a little bit earlier about trading this bishop for the night uh and then your game plan if that trade is to happen you want to trade if they have to take with the pawn yes so for example if they play for a king's indian snap snap we like it yes and now rebuild on the lights on the dark squares so something like this rebuild oh like to lock down their their bishop yeah exactly you can go g3 bishop g2 here also uh one other thing that you can try which is kind of fun let's say like d6 is h4 okay because they've castled right uh and uh yeah and and they have to play h5 if they like completely disregard you and you get h5 it could be really unpleasant to be black here because they probably are going to push to g5 then you would do h6 and they're bishop h6 doing nothing yep uh that's yeah and and the other thing is like if they play not g5 like this you're happy because you'll have the open rook okay so you succeeded this is very nice this is exactly what you want and then obviously you can castle or keep your king in the middle because your king's actually pretty safe yeah it looks interesting i like it right so this is another way that you can you can uh apply pressure but i have to show you my favorite oh okay i think in the next week if you play d4 knight f6 bishop g594 you play this line i'm gonna win a game in like 20 moves or less i'm calling it now so we can have a montage this is as as white as i would hope so i don't know i hope the other guy's not winning in 20 moves okay okay how do we reply to this rather this is the main line trembowski they put the knight in the middle they attack your bishop um don't move your bishop defend it with the h1 okay so go ahead this is called the raptor variation which you should be a fan of right okay it's a basketball thing we there's a little uh east coast west coast rivalry in canada in basketball i put it aside because i have no other options so i'll allow that one oh i see of course uh hockey would be would hockey be an east coast west coast rivalry uh yeah more so i mean though here's the way i see it like you you live in new york um you might not be aware of it but or maybe you are but essentially like the world revolves around you so anytime you turn on the news it's about new york anytime you watch a movie you're like hey there's like the empire state building that's what it's like in canada but with sports it's literally like no matter what's happening it always starts with toronto even if it's the toronto blue jays spring training it doesn't matter if something incredible happened in edmonton or if the vancouver canucks are on like a 10 game 10 game winning streak i i don't mean to i don't mean to cut you off but it is edmonton after all yeah [Laughter] i went to edmonton there is nothing in edmonton you know any any alberta slander will uh that'll get you far on my on my channel i got no problem oh good so good good yeah i played a chess tournament there was the worst experience of my life but there was really good fried chicken place i do i had no idea yeah yeah i played the edmonton chess international or something along those lines um no i i i agree i don't think too much like east coast west coast i think more new york against the world okay yeah yeah until i move i don't know what's gonna happen but uh raptor variation i don't know why it's called that but it's called the raptor variation so what's what strikes you as natural here for black um were i black i feel like i would play d5 that's a very natural move okay so what i'm going to just basically before we like look at the pawn moves in the center it's to basically show you is what happens if this happens uh like i feel like we we like it because of the open h file yes we do like it because of the open h file we like it so much uh we like it so much because the open uh h file we have an idea here so for example let's say they go d5 now okay we have g6 okay yeah they they if they're gonna take they have to take with the f pawn obviously yes otherwise yes i mean i feel like they probably just would right oh they would because actually we have a really nasty threat which is rook takes pawn look at that what if they did um like f6 instead though oh it's the same thing yeah okay good point yeah like f6 you can take and uh you can they can't stop the queen all right so that i i'll watch this again before i do my next session because that would be a lovely trap to get someone in for sure yeah they they have to play rook g8 which is equally depressing so you know this is uh this is a very unfortunate position let's let's put it mildly um so knight takes g5 all of these ideas uh exist after after this happens which they just don't expect because it's such a weird move yeah um if they play g6 themselves again you have to think about this from the perspective of you gave away your dark squared bishop so taking the full center isn't always the good thing it's better to play on the dark squares okay so what you do here is you can build up a big mass of like knight bishop even this pawn comes up so something like f4 bishop knight and then you start to expand in the middle that's really interesting actually yeah because i definitely would have played uh e4 instead of before yeah i think yeah and by the way you you very well could i mean i'm i'm just saying like from my experience if you play e4 uh master player will play like d5 and then c5 and shred open the position as fast as possible that makes sense because they have the bishops they have the bishops so you know now now you're not fast enough but if you can create a little peculiar structure to restrict their play there's also some cool um there's like cool other ideas in these positions so if we go all the way back to to here and you play knight e4 h4 and they play c5 you keep the center closed so you play d5 okay and there is a fun idea here again queen b6 and uh you can sacrifice this pawn by playing knight d2 take and then g6 again you go for the same idea okay so you take now you are down two pawns but you're gonna go here here here or you can instead of moving the knights put both pawns out then knight and bishop and by the way you could put all three pawns out if you want so you wouldn't want to do like like rook to b1 not yet not save that yeah okay yeah because you the queen can get to a more useful square um but i have had games that go like for example e4 you know knight a6 because my opponent thinks they're slick right yeah i play like you know rook b1 queen a2 bishop c4 queen a3 rook h3 oh that's c i never would you're not even focusing on that part of the board at this point yeah that's neat yeah and i think the evaluation here is white is completely winning so despite being down three puns uh like you just chase the queen away and improve your position very slowly i think queen a5 and if i'm not mistaken the best move here for white is uh king f1 but you don't have to remember that yeah it's more of a it's a computer move in my opinion but yeah you know if you play f4 and normal moves you should be fine and you're just much better because black's position is impossible to develop it's just like everything is stuck if you go d6 to open the bishop the rook pressures the pawn so it's really hard to move you play d6 how is this bishop ever moving yeah no it can't do anything yeah and if e6 you can take now that bishop is not moving and you've opened the center for your queen so this trempowski with uh h4 and them taking can be awful to deal with yeah and moreover that just seems like fun to play yep like i i think i got to the point and this is why this is the inspiration for asking for more like creative attacks to begin with i was playing a lot of like five and ten minute games that just end up like completely closed in the center and it's you know you feel your brain getting like more wrinkled as time goes on but you're also like ah you know if i'm if i don't care so much whether i win or lose and i'd rather just have like a dynamic game i'd love to get into more positions like this where they they're a little bit uh more i don't know dynamic for one but also like maybe you give up some material in order to create some some interesting attacks like in a lot of these positions you're down sometimes one or two pawns and yet it's it's totally fine it's one of the reasons yeah i play the way i play i i've always kind of wondered what if i got more principled and played more solid it's never happened but i'll let you know if it happens got a lot of people i don't know why like three or four people are writing what if black does this black does this black's an idiot like i don't know why it's everybody asking me about this move you just think yeah okay i don't know um they're maybe they're like they they saw it getting crazy from white and they're like yeah well what if black goes just totally nuts you know and another question is like okay what if they don't take right we do have to look at in fairness positions of if something like this happens so um of course we leave this for the future uh and this pawn will still serve a benefit of being advanced because we will often times castle queen side and then play g4 so we'll team up those two pawns okay uh and so for example if something like f6 you're just fine on the square you're fine if you ever get attacked h6 you're fine go back to this square uh the game plan for you to target this knight if it ever comes to the middle uh is e3 and bishop d3 okay so you asked about d5 which can happen in a variety of different situations for example d5 now e3 and your next move is to get this knight out and by the way your next move is to take the knight if you have a chance okay so i guess like the way after you do like um you know the bishop trades night to seat he puts a lot of pressure on the pawn it's harder to defend okay yes it's actually almost impossible to defend one more very fun thing people will develop their bishop okay g4 okay it's fun like i said you know they can't retreat to to g6 i suppose yes i suppose they could but it would be bad it's actually very bad it's like depressingly bad because there is this and now you have the open h file again yeah yes um and then fg you can go f4 by the way this move sets up bishop takes pawn check yeah oh and then okay i see you see i'm telling that this is really this fun like these positions are a lot of fun uh by the way uh somebody named oliver cornelius donated and i and i'm just shouting it out because it was directed to you they said uh been following you oh since 80 000 subs cool to see you collaborate with levi it's not my name but [Laughter] it's close yo that was a long time ago that was like that was like 2012 so that's it's been a while i'm assuming they meant you because they said yo nl then they said ah okay yeah and my name's not levi either so yeah yeah so you know it's i don't know who was directed at but i do appreciate it um and i think uh you do as well yeah but the this is these positions are so fun uh you know c5 is the most critical thing if black attacks the center with two pawns uh here i like bishop d3 and so again whenever they take we know about this kind of idea you basically never take on c5 yeah i thought so you just you you want to keep it together here with c3 uh and for instance queen b6 can be the most fun and exciting here you kind of have to know what you're doing or else you can get destroyed uh you take the knight okay if they take on b2 uh there's a few things but probably the easiest thing is just to move the knight like this yeah then if they take you can take uh and i think that is the best move but you can also just get developed as fast as possible like this yeah because they're in all likelihood you don't expect them to be able to defend that pond long term no he's right so yeah so why waste the time now i guess yeah and by the way people here will like continue to make pawn moves so they'll continue to like try it away at the center uh and uh what are you're only down one pawn so if you just get castled and take back you're not i mean you're just doing very well because yeah no development at all for black uh but there is the way i studied this back in the day is yeah like i i did have to learn what happens exactly if they play kind of like d5 c5 or if they play c5 and i go d5 and we know here you just go here and you play uh these kind of hg5 positions and if not what you do is you try to build up as big of a center as you can so e4 knight f3 uh not worry about losing this and if they don't take that pawn you just put the bishop here and laser beam down the board okay which is kind of nice this is nice because black can't develop naturally black can get very stuck uh i think in the original positions the most fun is when you get this and then they play like you know the bishop to f5 to me this is easily the most fun thing because you can play g4 and have so much fun yeah no that looks really cool g4 and then this whole h5 thing if this i think you can take but i also like getting a position like this this is also very fun just this massive pawn wall trading the bishop on d3 knight f3 c4 all the space open rook but what happens if they don't play knight f6 that's what i was gonna say yeah what what happens if they play uh d5 like like probably 85 percent of players at my level would respond i would actually say at your level people are trying to play more for nimso and king's indian so they will play knight f6 a lot uh you well you you know this is how it's gonna work i'm gonna teach you trump you'll never get a trunk but i can finally start playing uh the dutch defense on on the black pieces maybe maybe we can just push that the other way yes uh um okay so let's uh we obviously know that we have the queen's gambit um but let's let's let's go for the london okay let's go for bishop to uh f4 okay so the london can be played uh in uh in two ways completely london in two ways number one you can just play the boring london with e3 knight f3 92 and so on or you can play the more fun and aggressive london the joe bava named after georgian grand master bador jobava or as chad likes to call it the mama variation because i don't know job is too hard to say it's a foreign name it's scary right yeah the idea of the drew bava is to play knight c3 so let's say black plays knight f6 you can play knight to c3 i will do so go ahead and do it familiarize yourself okay it's no secret you are trying to play knight p5 right uh and you would think what kind of dummy is going to fall for knight b5 but what's funny is that you're not actually necessarily trying to win on c7 although that would be nice uh and you have to be a bit careful because for example if they play c5 okay you you can't just go here because of check yeah okay right so that that wouldn't quite work uh you have to go knight b5 to make them play the move knight a6 so for instance like knight b5 then they have two choices they can play knight a6 or bishop here and if bishop here you just get the two bishops can't really hate on this position yeah no i would prefer that position for white for sure just play like e3 bishop d3 and you can kind of play it in the style of a trompowsky where you wait for them to castle and you can start some sort of pawn storm on their king so you don't castle short just build up the center like this sorry the bishop to d3 um but in a perfect situation what happens is they get the knight to a6 which is terrible yeah and you are ready for c6 c6 can also happen early so you can't even play knight b5 uh or a6 one of these moves can happen for example and you try to castle queenside so you can play like queen up and long castle or and this is this is the even more fun one this is like the mike tyson put the head on the chest and just start you know so this is this one is the most exciting you go like e3 they play some move let's say i don't know e6 or okay let's be principal bishop f5 you play knight f3 and you're about to see what i mean by head on the chest you play like bishop e2 and knight e5 okay and the point of this is just chug away with the pawns like this so g4 right okay because you're defending yeah yes and if like knight d7 just g4 h4 keep coming this is already losing for black okay see it's funny because it looks kind of i mean it looks better for white but it uh i mean it doesn't seem like my my initial hunch would be like it's off by maybe half a point or a point it's plus two okay yeah so it's good it's like the reason being that you're threatening to trap the bishop with the pawns so if black like for example takes you can take and black's best option here might be to somehow sacrifice uh some material um but uh if black doesn't even take on e5 and plays like this the point is that you just destroy their structure and that pawn's really weak yeah one two moves this way and also g5 just for good measure just to completely eradicate any and all hope of ever moving any pawn literally none of those pawns can move so it looks really good it yeah it does i i would imagine that it it brings some good results the other benefit is if they play a very early bishop g4 you have f3 okay just like in the other kind of trompowsky position g4 and h4 all of a sudden you are just running them down the side of the board and if they stop you you just use this crown as a space advantage so you get your bishop out get your queen out get your night out castle probably this way open the center it's a really nice position uh i think my the most success that i had like beating people of equal level was between 2100 like 2150 and like 23.50 just playing d4 and moving out my bishop and trying to like implement this live action uh you know i wonder um there's a couple ways to do this we can play someone from chat okay alternatively what we can do is we can just jump you can jump in the pool oh and i can just get that person refunded after the game how does that work like well like we're gonna win and technically we're not supposed to talk about a game in a rated setting okay i see uh but i can just message steph and be like yo refund that person northern lion you know gets a you know taking dogs for cheating oh i see yeah i'm cool with whatever you think is the the best way to do it without uh getting me a foul of terms of service no no you're you're you're all good we did this for pogchamps too and i mean it's it's the best way to learn that that's that's the thing uh is there anyone in chat who's uh 14 15 1600 rapid chess just write your username and i'll start the game you don't have to do any challenges i need a username guys i you can't oh well no offense taken gm hikaru is giving a chess lesson to league of legends legend bjergsen right now uh according to the uh chat so sorry i gotta i gotta go oh you gotta play uh bjergsen or no she's gonna gotta watch yeah that's can't miss entertainment a chancellor live on twitch they're going to uh i think they're talking about like checkmating with the king and a queen which you might be rusty on but i went through that yesterday because we were playing hand in brain and uh the i was the hand and the person that was the uh the brain didn't really know the the mating patterns for like king and queen or like rook and uh so i was like i'm just gonna take over and then so i i cheated my way to a win really okay well that's was that with dan no that was with with rob so dan is a 170 elo which you know there's some work to be done uh rob i think he's like 900 or something okay okay fair fair i see what you're talking about you you you see it in the in the game chat yeah yeah yeah yeah there's this there's this uh okay i got it all right i uh i should have started the game okay i should be playing i literally just forced the game uh let's go pawn we'll do a little hand and brain here um let's see what the opponent plays oh bishop now guys do me a favor when you play two people on stream uh just a small favor just don't cheat thanks bishop so you're going to get this move h6 a lot because people are going to be like what the heck is this but h6 is a waste of time because you were going to play that anyway okay uh okay now i'll say pawn nice so your opponent took with the e pawn sometimes they take with the g pawn in these kinds of pawn structures you you actually can play c2 to c4 just for extra space okay sure and then it's uh your bishop can go to g2 okay that's not a very good move pawn that's kind of an unnecessary check uh all right hi so many choices i don't what do we do um queen oh okay let's go bishop this is so much more like pressure when you it's so much easier to be the person who's obviously better in the uh in the pair because then you're like ah whatever happens i can just uh you know i'll just blame it on the other person i remember i had to play some hand and brain with ikaru it was the most terrifying experience of my life yeah i feel very judged now no i don't listen i've taught chess to five-year-olds i mean listen i was in a i was i taught a class where a kid literally shot his pants i mean i've seen it i i'm we're good um okay well you gotta you gotta i mean i guess we have a bishop move here but we have to move our queen so okay uh i would have stayed a little bit more hostile but that's fine that's why i i think i asked for the lesson because i have a natural predilection towards cowardice you're doing this [ __ ] again with pr what is predilection you know like like a tendency yeah i i mean if i if i knew i wouldn't have asked tonight this man really just hit me with predilection dude it's a good word it's a great word great word i'm gonna use these words on lucy after and she's gonna be like what uh let's go night okay yeah let me think about this for a sec yes exactly okay opponent really doesn't respect you i'm just gonna say um this is a real serious lack of respect uh we can go pawn so and we have a lot of time so we can talk about it like e4 yeah nothing wrong with it at the same time uh i'm gonna say king okay um and i think here i my tendency would be to castle on the king's side so that if they take we take with the f pawn and get an open file king side is totally fine i was going to say queen side is more spicy and if there's anything i compel from you today i'm not saying it's better i actually have no idea it could be more dangerous but i remember if we got a pawn storm on the king side we have to castle the other way yeah okay so the lesson i mean kind of in general all the openings that we're doing today involve some sort of pawn storm attack so uh i would have i would have liked a long castle but i can make this work fair enough make this work uh who do you think is better in this position i feel like i much prefer white's position the the one uh like light squared bishop for black is not developed and then the dark squared bishop is not doing anything right at present yeah correct queen e7 it's an interesting move uh rook rook okay i definitely feel like this is where i start to make a mistake maybe okay oh okay we'll talk your thought process out loud people loved that last time so okay so i mean when it comes to rook um my first thought would be either you know from f to e1 or from a to e1 in order to reinforce the pawn capture i think that that's probably fine but it's not that spicy and i also i guess i do wonder i'm like why if he wanted like to do something along the e file i don't know maybe not i was thinking that like just pushing the e4 is a little bit more active but uh but maybe not i'm kind of saving e4 like we will have a moment we can play it but for now you might as well play rookie one because think about it this way you would much rather he take your pawn right yes so that's why rookie one is better because you keep the tension as we talked about earlier actually so yeah rook ae one like for sure yes we want to leave that open in case he does take yep which he probably wouldn't you actually make a good point that if we ever play e4 why did we move our a-rook well but i guess in the future if we push the e5 we have still more power in the file so it's been 12 moves and the opponent is very dead set here on on on kind of attacking us down the e file and i think what i'll say just in general is when you get positions in the trempowski everything that person just studied in their 400 course that they pay for on the nimso indian goes out the window okay yeah um it just goes out the window like you you go bishop g5 you take all that study is gone uh which is good for us okay this is a an interesting one like right off the bat i feel like i don't care about their night uh basically at all like it doesn't do anything it doesn't do anything first thing i'm thinking is is it worth pushing the queen side pawns right so b4 a4 b5 c4 something like that uh i'm going to say i'm not going to say anything i'm going um you got plenty of time let's go bishop i have a plan do you see my plan i uh well if you if you have a 1500 level plan i think i see your plan that was not my plan so my plan was to bring the bishop back to b1 okay with the intention to play queen d3 uh okay h7 yeah which is something that that we i mean we don't have to go bishop and then bishop again and then queen we don't want to we want to keep trying to make progress yeah bishop b5 you like your king kind of your piece is pointing more toward their king that makes sense um let's say pawn here now walk me through your thought process of pawn uh definitely my thought process for pawn is we would push to b4 to lock in their bishop so bishop b6 um yeah bishop to b6 at which point i am well one thing i do i guess i was thinking like what if the knight captures on on b4 but i oh it's just that's just free material for us okay um yeah i mean if they had bishop to b6 i guess we would probably follow with with a4 yeah but then black will play uh pawn out right the a pawn yeah then i mean we would we would retreat i guess we would probably just go to maybe i mean you only have c4 and d4 or d3 i should say i think you'd probably go c4 b4 a3 and c4 actually looks really scary for black like you're just going to push these pawns oh and lie and lock away the uh yeah because the thing is when you're trying to trap a bishop you have to have a centralized pawn like b4 okay you gotta choose which way you're gonna go trap it like you gotta you can't go both you can't go a4a5 and c4 c5 you got to choose one okay so you you like uh like b4 then c4 more yes the problem is that if you play c4 you lose your b4 pawn because you're oh if you're not playing tonight yeah okay that makes sense so you'd have to play b4 a3 and then c4 okay at the same time i'm actually thinking to push in the center more so you think possibly like like e4 or d5 yes your queen side structure here is more to control your opponent's movement it's less about trying to push that side forward it's more about negating the effect of the dark squared bishop and the knight in these kinds of positions so it's like a scale like a fence so yeah e4 for sure definitely definitely e4 here okay and that's kind of a lesson by itself you don't over commit your pawns because you let your opponent get back into the game yeah because i was thinking like like if we ever move d five which would be something that i would definitely do um sure you like resolve the pin but it doesn't matter if you end up having to trade but it really makes their bishop stronger correct yes and uh well now you have a big decision uh you're gonna trade the bishop or not probably not okay so bishop i think it's better for us to to have it for more of an attack in the future yep and i mean i kind of wanted on like long term i feel like having it on c2 is kind of nice so i actually don't mind if the line goes like again i don't know if you can see my arrows but i don't really mind if the line goes like bishop to a4 then they play b5 then i go to c1 so i would probably i think i would fall back to a4 okay so when you when you look at bishop to a4 yeah what is black's most forcing move in that position b5 no okay there's you're you're going to attack but there's a there's no check is there a capture there's uh there's pawn captures for sure so there's knight takes d4 okay which attacks your queen and if you take the knight what do they take they take my other name uh if you take with the pawn no their light squad bishop oh yeah no they're okay fair enough yep so we would maybe we would trade instead then oh you mean right now yeah no i you you just don't have to go to a4 to get to c2 oh take ourselves off of the diagonal that the bishop has this on yeah yeah okay so instead uh probably i i mean i guess between d3 and c4 i tend to like d3 more which makes me think that maybe if we want to get spicy we might do c4 you could go over c4 c4 is actually not bad but in general that long diagonal to h7 okay is where this game is going to be yeah but you could you could do either so i'll leave it in your in your in your hands all right you chose d3 yeah which goes to show when i said bishop a couple moves earlier i just wanted to slide it back yeah yeah going that way yep uh black is very passive here so here's a fun exercise how many squares do we control or can capture on in our opponent's position oh and they blunder immediately okay well i mean we would probably do d5 yeah just go d5 i was gonna say pawn but yeah very nice now that's that's such a strange move queen e6 i don't even what was the idea of that move yeah i i don't have an answer for you but i do it all the time so no yeah now now and then maybe not in 10 minutes but in in in three minutes or one minute for sure uh pawn so what they want to do because i see this all the time is uh they're gonna do a cheeky bishop to h3 that we can't capture because of the discovered check but also generates very little for them it also is just not even a threat because our queen is protecting actually now that i think they'll probably i don't know we'll see no bishop h3 is a plan no i i feel like it's it's definitely bad for black i'm just i'm wondering what they're going to capture with but i don't think it matters yeah this is uh let's go for pawn here okay see if we're on on the same page let's go for pawn here well i know you're not going to want me to push b4 that's uh kind of a given i guess the bishop just goes back yeah probably in that case i i think like the only thing you would be looking at is something like that yeah that is if you played like h3 i wouldn't have that's the other that's the other one that crossed my mind but it just it doesn't do i'm not necessarily saying the move that we're playing now is like winning or anything it's just just a fun sneaky move uh how about a night move here okay now this is where it gets interesting so let's just take an audit here for a second it's tax season soon i would think my my initial hunch is knight to e4 okay um to put a threat on the light squared bishop i feel like i kind of hate the response bishop to b6 leaves our knight pins i'm not really that concerned about like losing it necessarily although i suppose it could happen um no because they wouldn't do bishop to b6 because we would just take their queen hold on so if we did knight to d4 if they were to take we would take take take take swap it yeah i mean i i no we couldn't take their queen because our knight would be pinned to our king hold on yeah you were right i was right the first time and but it's still okay we get pinned we can just move out of the pin it's not it's not the end of the world uh no knight d4 is a very legitimate suggestion of other knight moves which are good but you have many knight moves which are good actually every knight move you have is good except knight g5 and even that move is not that bad that's the one i was looking at is kind of like a you know a clever like who knows how this develops but um okay so do it it's not the best move but yeah no i i i don't like uh i definitely would not do i think um actually i got to tell you the more that i'm looking at it it looks good you think so like like knight to knight to g5 they take we do like queen the h5 maybe uh-huh f6 okay but then we're winning because you have queen bishop and rook all staring at the king like you you you might not be able to the hardest thing there is this evaluation step they play f6 you go like what do i play now but you're winning i i can you know i saw a quick way for you to to win it there so play knight g5 whatever have some fun have some fun it's um yeah wow that's actually a hilarious move it's not even bad at all [Laughter] this is what i've been trying to do more in in the games i'm playing on youtube it's like we could fight it out in the middle for you know and eek out like little half pawn advantages on position for a long time or we could you know maybe i'll get in an advantageous position but be a position or be a piece down and and see how it goes this is absolutely unnecessary by the way uh chat members this is uh what we're doing is bad but you know hopefully it works out uh it's it it looks really bad for black so we will have our second plan here now at this point you also can look around and go do i have anything better but it doesn't look like it i mean queen looks like the only move and when you when you when you go like all weird like this i miss clicked oh no i was like i'm just gonna i'm just gonna put it down and i placed it in the uh i placed it into uh i would say not the best position it's an unrated game so oh it's okay i would rather my rating go down so i play uh worst people on youtube in general ah i feel physical pain we could we should analyze so yeah you could you could resign the game i don't wanna that's okay okay let's analyze that then i was like you played queen f3 and your reaction wasn't like physical like like repulse so i i have i've grown uh accustomed to losing uh just in life so do so uh due to a technical issue is almost as close to a win as i get on average i've invited you to an analysis board uh i don't see it actually i will i think it's probably because i clicked analyze myself okay one second ah yeah yeah yeah that's why all right um you send the invite again if you can yes i like saw the queen go to f3 and was like wait excuse me um so in this position knight g5 kills our advantage a little bit the best move is either knight c4 to just trade this bishop off okay or knight d4 now i was thinking knight c4 just because this is a very big weakening yeah positioning sense and then we're good we just we play whatever we want here uh knight d4 is also good knight g5 and if we had gone here the best move for black to not get mated immediately is to go here all right but yeah queen h6 looks good but even taking this pawn okay yeah and like you just said rook f6 so if d-e you have like rook f6 this is just lost for black like this is just lost this is next right like when you get on the cusp of attacking decisively like this you have to sacrifice somebody yeah to open up the king that's actually insane so knight g5 at first the engine hates it but then once it gets to this position it realizes it's completely lost for black so the computer at first is like this is idiotic and then it's like wait this is like this is winning like knight g5 is just winning what can i say and this is what you wanted to do this is actually one of the moments in life you should have gotten weird that would have been so nice man if you like found this attack to just and the lesson here is that you have three attacking pieces and he has one guard barely the queen's barely a guard right so since you have three attacking pieces and he has like half a guard you can even include your rook as part of the attack you're winning because you have three or four more you know kind of ways to get in this is just totally losing for black that is amazing because your next move is this you sacrifice and it's game over what if uh what if he doesn't take the knight though oh in the beginning yeah well you're you're hitting this so what else you gonna do i mean if if the other lion is like a complete wash um why doesn't he just like maybe play queen to e7 okay and then you do well you i mean you would probably you would take the pawn i i would presume maybe with the rook on f7 if you take with the rook what does black play queen takes f7 no i can take something else oh queen takes uh g5 yeah and then actually i'm not so sure what the heck is going on so the knight has to take um uh this is also a wash okay yeah i think this is also a wash like queen h5 i mean just th this is terrible because you're up a piece and the king is collapsing um you don't have a knockout punch yet but still rook f7 queen g5 is a big problem actually for why it's amazing what one move does yeah yeah because now this is under fire it's not they can't do it but the rook is hanging which is a bigger problem so if you play something like rook here now i take here oops yeah no it's bad and the bishop is coming hey all of a sudden you're the one that's gonna get destroyed how fast yeah i mean it's and again it's just is that a sneeze it was yeah i'm back uh so [Music] it's just like noticing what they can take what they can uh attack and but that was a good that was a good first experiment yeah no that was fun and and we lost on a misclick which is mathematically it's a win basically here i was really hoping you would play this move which looks like it does nothing okay yeah oh no that's actually i i think i can see yeah i was like maybe he the opponent will just miss that that's our point uh of course it's not it's not the best thing to do here uh the best thing is to play bishop d3 and then knight and then slowly develop but yeah long term it will be this kind of diagonal attack and a pawn storm on the king side i think the biggest moment of the game came right here where i said castle and this could have been fun okay whether it's good or not is an entirely separate subject but fun is the most important thing that's what i'm trying to get at for sure people will tell you i have a i have a bias against cancelling queenside for sure let's do let's uh jump in go seek a 1510 game do you know how to do that in life chess uh you know what i bet i can figure it out what i have been doing is just waiting for people to challenge me uh and then when their rating is close then accepting it nah this time you just you get challenged just being online yeah well when i'm streaming at least yeah see people learned i i yell at them if they do that now [Laughter] sorry just ignore but so i'm following you you can you can go to the top play area there's a little area you can click that makes it 15 10 and oh i thought you meant like 15 10 uh elo okay hold on one sec uh no no no the time control 15 yeah i'm always like okay custom challenge time 15 10 standard unrated play oh you could do rated but okay okay we managed to pretty close so this guy this guy's been yelling in my chat to play you for a while so he finally uh he got the sniper what are you playing against e4 right now i'm still playing the caro khan okay would you like to uh get weird oh absolutely yeah okay fantastic uh d5 the scandinavian not quite okay i mean they they take we don't take with the queen we don't take we play uh you you could play so there's a gambit here called the one of the greatest names in all of chess the klusterbauer okay it sounds nice uh it's uh it's sacrificing another pawn with c6 and there's also the portuguese gambit with knight f6 okay um you choose this seems much weirder yes uh they don't have to take they can you know play a normal move like knight f3 but taking is fun the cluster bar uh video uh i haven't made a video on this yet so it doesn't exist no one's ever heard of it oh okay oh they're scared they are scared uh we can implore them to take by playing knight f6 now it's like nah like for real though take what are you doing are you stupid take my phone uh they can continue not taking um you know it's hard to play gambits with black that's just the truth is that it's it's not so simple um and someone's asking if you would do well with the king's indian defense the truth is like it's hard like it's it's a hard defense to play uh so you have a choice here if you play c takes d5 you're in a car con again yeah it's kind of funny you can play knight takes just for unique yeah i mean i don't mind i think actually you could have also played bishop g4 and continued to allow your opponent to play into the gambit i do i'm trying to get better about leaving stuff unresolved so that you can kind of use it as a pressure point later yes holy [ __ ] that's a statement that can be said about relationships too my god oh my god for chess that's good probably for uh for relationship that's that's bad advice so there you go chat life advice here yeah i mean these gambits with black are fun but uh it's hard to be hard to be aggressive with black if white doesn't want to engage but knight d5 is perfectly reasonable let me take with the c pawn ah let's stick with the queen you think so yeah okay i guess normally like in the scandinavian it kind of sucks because they would play knight to c3 but as that night no longer exists there you go they can't monster reborn it back up by the way speaking of monster reborn are you ever going to get into the trend of opening 30 000 worth of cards uh we we were like on the cutting edge of that but before the moment actually struck twitch i think we weren't opening 30 000 but we used to open a lot of magic uh the gathering packs and stuff like that um but we we definitely i'm too cheap is really what it comes down to like i would even though it's a business expense i guess at that point i'm like i don't i don't think i have the cajones to to spend that kind of money on paper like uh it's pretty crazy how much they do it and i and i saw somebody on um on tw on twitter be like um you know i'm gonna do it i'm gonna try to make money and they responded like ludwig and some of these guys responded they're like nah dude we're just idiots yeah yeah and the opening is monetizable too so yeah uh let's go uh let's go bishop here okay yes we have a lot of ways of developing very easy position to play feels like uh so when there's a new like brand new person that shows up yeah on your like twitch or something what do they say are they like first time watching live i usually watch on youtube like what it happens yeah we'll say like chess is having that a lot right now oh yeah we're just learning about twitch it's funny too because i like my perception was that like chess had like a huge moment like in the summer like around maybe may or june and then it kind of like among us ate it a little bit i guess for the general audience and then fall guys i suppose and then the queen's gambit has brought it back like like two times or five times bigger insane i mean it's a netflix show right like in international so it's bigger than just twitch there's a lot of like youtube viewing and uh let's uh let's just play night here but a lot of people from queen's gambit yeah and it's one of the reasons i even launched like a beginner's course because uh but like beyond beyond twitch like for google ads i mean oh you're typing in like you know how to play chess beginner chess course or something like that so i think you like i've watched a couple of videos and like i've used the commands in your chat because like on the business side i'm i'm interested in that sort of stuff it's neat that as a like a chess teacher you also have like an like an e-commerce play as well that goes alongside of it that most streamers have like no access to at all like unless they write a like an ebook that's like i am also like here's how you become big on twitch or whatever yeah and like i didn't i never thought about this stuff you know before the boom um let's go king i think it's exciting you know i think you probably want that then well yeah king d8 or yeah those are the only two uh it's true it's true you know but the thing is like i've always had this kind of a concept because i i taught chess so obviously i in chess the world of chess you make a course for a website that's what these big websites their biggest uh their biggest asset is their email list they have 500 000 people and they all share their list and drop like what they do is they'll price the course at 250 but have a 5 000 day long sale where the course is on you know what i'm talking about is a thing yeah and the courses are like 30 hours of video you know and it's like a made by one of the top players in the world i'm like no one needs that i don't even need that i never watched 30 hours of video uh and uh and they charged like a lifetime royalty fee and i just went i'm not gonna do that i'm gonna do it completely solely through my channel and before the boom of course there was people buying but it was small and uh yeah the e-commerce side of it is is very interesting it's really neat for sure queen and i'll just let you decide what the hell you're doing here so um okay um there's a couple of there's a couple of things i kind of like um one of them would be uh i think we just if we go like to e4 my plan would be to put some more pressure on the the d4 pawn at some point but i think we just kind of get chased so i kind of like um h5 for the queen you know we we make the diagonal a little bit stronger even though our intention is probably not to uh to chase them and if they played like h3 it's probably well it's definitely materially bad but to take with the bishop we don't have great attacks developing maybe but we we've completely opened up their king side in exchange for two pawns so i would say h5 is kind of that's my take right now well i agree with that i like that it's not guaranteed to just you know potentially destroy them immediately but i like it let's do that then yes yes yes of course very nice and it's of course oh go ahead i was going to say f5 is also maybe possible but yeah this is good okay uh what were you gonna say well i was gonna say it's interesting for me too because i have this background of playing like semi-competitive chess for a while when i was younger like i i'm at that level where like i will beat anybody who has never studied like with a 100 efficacy rate 100 of the time but then like really when you get down to it i'm kind of like an average player for people that take it uh seriously but i always wondered like people would ask me to play chess on youtube and i'd be like i don't really see it like i don't think there's gonna be much of a market for like a 1500 level player on youtube people are are loving it it's like the most entertaining series according to my audience uh right now which is super weird because i'm like i don't see the appeal of watching a an average chess player play chess but uh some i don't see the appeal in a lot of what i do and that hasn't stopped me i guess to this point so i i think that's one thing that we don't we don't appreciate like uh you know i recorded my first ever tick tock right by the time it was done like 50 edits of like you know cuts and like sitting there and like by the way lucy really wanted to do it so she's amazing and thank you to her um but like we were getting through it and i'm just like dude this isn't even funny like should i even post this like you probably have this because you make videos all the time so it's like luckily with chess i could just i could just do my thing but i got to tell you like i have moments where i am four or five minutes into my one take recording and i just kill it i'm like this isn't good and it might be it might be but i'm not happy yeah and uh i don't know i i will tell you that uh i am hostile at myself when i screw up a recording i can see that i'm not like oh dang i'm like damn i'm gonna destroy everything in this room okay queen a4 is a really good move that is a very good move um i gotta think i did not want to think this game king okay easy enough that means i don't have to think yeah king c7 wasn't gonna work but uh take a look at this yeah queen e4 is a really good move it's a very good move and then how did the how did the tick tock do like numerically it was it was good i mean i put it on like twitter instagram and people liked it they were mostly excited that i'm on let's go let's go king again but they they they enjoyed it and they were like uh oh my god you're finally on uh you know on tick tock and here's the i can't decide what the hell i'm supposed to do on tick tock like do i do chess do i do half funny half instructive i don't know chess tick tocks are garbage i like i'm sorry your tick tock page oh my god they're killing it on twitter they got grade grade memes on twitter yes i haven't seen their tick tock presents but the thing so i started doing tick tock because of a friend of mine well dan who actually you're familiar with maybe from the hand and brain stuff or from among us now that i think about it um he was like you should get on tick tock and like half of the stuff that i posted on tik tok when i was still active was like it died but then some of it just randomly gets sucked up by the algorithm and it gets like like millions of views yep it's crazy okay in this position just before we yeah uh pawn we we we have we have to act okay now basically so there is like one and only one move here that basically the ah no there's a couple that don't get us wiped off the board so what are you thinking um well i kind of like hmm let me think for a second in terms of uh of being aggressive i feel like like you would play e5 um but i think we are at a material disadvantage of course but the knight is kind of weirdly in play are we well like they if i if i go if they take with the pawn we take with the knight they take with the bishop we would not take with the queen maybe we would take their knight after that with our bishop well you're also looking a lot at e5 but e5 is a great move not because you want to take back on e5 if that makes sense uh when the d-pawn captures we could use our knight to capture c5 yes so you you really relieve the pressure and you go and attack the queen so yeah e5 is a fantastic move all right let's send it yes and i like how you just said it it's crazy i was like drawing this arrow on my screen and i'm like this is the only move that when you play a game you can't i can't see yourself oh okay so it's only if we're on an analysis board but um our opponent just played this move c5 and and again i think the point of c5 was to play like b4 b5 just last move they could have played b4 b5 it would have been unpleasant if they stormed our king but this is not terrible and yeah you have to be timely or else had they played the move b4 already your pawn on c5 would have been untouchable or their pawn on c5 it's true yeah uh speaking about tick tock uh we made a video at the beginning of the pandemic like we were laying in bed and lucy just like put the phone on me and it was like you know you look like harry potter that's it it was like harry potter and then it was like panning to me and it blew up in like 30 countries it almost has a million views and every week people around the world would be like writing messages about it in their language oh that's funny it's crazy it'd be like french german russian just all it was fascinating to watch um is knight f6 a bad move no but it's too slow knight f6 doesn't accomplish anything for us okay that is a very direct threat on our rook uh is your by the way is your instinct to your bishop yeah probably bishop to e7 i guess but and then i also i don't know i was looking at it for a second and i'm like oh what if i just played uh what if i played bishop takes c5 now then we're getting we're getting mighty interesting but it might be a little too a little too unscientific wait a second you might be a genius [Laughter] i didn't even think of that i was like yeah bishop he said it's my lazy brain you know just bishop whoa bishop all right you have my blessing okay let's let's give it a try let's see how this will work do it we'll see what happens after what a move this is what i'm trying to get going more in the series which is probably why i'm losing a lot more but eventually i think it's going to develop into like uh like it's going to be nobody's going to want to play against me because there there's going to be no such thing as a casual game where you just make like obvious moves you're always going to have to be looking like 10 moves deep let's uh let's go let's go bishop here because we should honor our bishop for surviving and and just plant him very nicely like on on v6 i think so yeah just bishop back to b6 and uh you know if you end up trading the night for their bishop and not losing your dark square bishop you have a huge advantage because your bishop is so strong wow i think so what hap i haven't published the video yet but i took that like personality test and uh i don't know if you've done it yet not yet free content for the future for sure but i was thinking about it but so many people are doing it i try to you know well maybe i'll do it i honestly it took like five minutes so i don't know i i've been like that with content in the past too i've been like uh you know everybody else is doing it so i'm not gonna do it this year i've tried to just like do it and people are like ah we love it and then one guy is like i already saw somebody else do this and you're like yeah okay whatever but yeah i was basically like you're boring and i was like i'll show them it thinks you're boring well i thought it thought i was uh you know it was like you like slow positional games where you get a small advantage and then squeeze them for the whole time uh-huh let's go night by the way so we can just play the move and of course they will take with the pawn so ah no that's not going to be me but the problem is it has the same questions for everybody which i suppose is the point of a test but i would like it to maybe be more robust uh but it's i did it a long time ago but now i yeah now i can farm it for content so before you suggest something i want to run an interesting line by you all right god help me no what if what if we took on f3 okay i hate it already but no wait no i i thought about it for two seconds and i realized it sucks never mind it was gonna be like there and then they would recapture and then we would go like bishop to d4 but it's actually insanely bad because our queen is there which i didn't even think about so it also like we we don't want to trade our bishops our bishops are happy this was gonna this was gonna be worth it if the situation was completely changed it would have been worth it it was a totally different position let's go pawn then let's go pawn uh well you know what i want you you listen think about that personality test and what harm it caused you psychologically so if i wanted if i wanted to go insane here i don't know i actually have no idea um so i'll talk it through hmm what would i like to do with a pawn uh well i hate uh f6 because we just lose a pawn i think yeah um and so then you would think does h6 do anything not really does g6 do anything i don't think so i think it's actually actively bad um a4 is a5 i should say is kind of crazy i don't know uh what it accomplishes uh c5 kind of similar i i'm uh you missed the move you missed a certain one pawn move maybe a3 or sorry a6 no what's your g pawn using g g5 okay yeah all right yeah i i don't like it but your elo is like 800 points over mine so let's let's see where this goes well well i want to hear why you don't like it uh i i mean i guess we don't really care too much about like the the e pawn but i don't like blocking the queen off from the horizontal coverage of it fair so i'm just basically relying on the attack to matter more than the e pawn okay that makes sense i could be completely wrong i don't know that's that's the beauty of the game yeah this is sort of an issue huh this a4 move opponent wants to just destroy us and take our soul look at that i uh you know i was thinking in this position to take the knight and then push through our g pawn right yeah ah but then a5 is like this this is the issue this a4a5 makes us act a lot more urgently because think about it that pawn's going to go a5 and then it's going to go a6 and then we are in trouble yeah because if we push the b pawn then the c pawn is just hanging yes exactly okay so yeah let's let's play bishop and uh try to make something happen here um okay like you want to do the trade i think we have to i think we have to act and then push the jeep on yeah okay yeah yeah yeah we have to this this was the idea to play g5 and then play g4 okay who knows maybe g5 was an awful move but uh sometimes like i you know i i i think what the best move is and then i'm like do i want to force it into the position every move i didn't think g5 i thought actually rookie 8 just bringing the hrook to e8 and targeting the e pawn positions ago but as far as like finding the best pawn move i thought it was g5 uh but well i don't like this seems okay to me like the idea of maybe like what i'm looking at here is bishop takes on f3 we we push to g4 let's say they fall back to e2 we could play bishop to d4 and then probably we get the pawn yeah definitely we get the pawn and it threatens made on h2 mate is good if we can take oh yeah we can definitely be able to take no e uh g4 with bishop d4 is is is is really nice i am assuming they make no moves though which i think is uh not a reliable strategy but you have nothing like there there's nothing they can do i mean you'll just play g4 bishop d4 and then you will take the pawn so you actually calculated everything correctly okay well yeah yeah i don't see why not i was more concerned with queen takes in which case i think we actually might have had to trade queens and go to the end game okay which is not what i wanted to happen but it would have been instructive at least this way we continue to create attacking moves so they can't just they can't just go attack us that's the downside of all the misclicks for sure is that they don't get a lot of end game practice uh i was going to ask you actually at 15 1600 is there you get end games or resigning no uh you get like a lot of end games and actually like the the first chess book i ever bought actually was like this huge like yasser zero one yep end game book so like i would especially because i was an only child and we had uh 56k internet i've read that like all the time and played out the scenarios so i feel like i typically uh actually do like a lot better at the end game than my opponent at this level yeah because a lot of end game is intuition actually maybe i was i wanted to do this for today but i've been just insanely just i'm just busy out of my uh you know what i don't yeah i i i don't know why i said you know what i i don't have a filter with swearing i just felt like right there i don't either so they feel free i i just i didn't feel like cursing i don't know god looked at me and was like come on enough um yeah so i but but for the next lesson what i'll do is i'm going to prepare positions and give you a minute oh you have to tell me the move like you have to tell me what you would play and that's called an intuition test it's a bishop because that's what you plan so everything you said is coming true okay um i think that'd be i think that would be awesome yeah that's that's actually like formal training but at like 15 1600 i have the most fun because that's where you can see the the best like growth i can leave you at a position that you've never seen before never seen the opening and you still find the best move that's like how you know you have you have it have it what the hell is that move bishop uh yeah like we went off not necessarily but oh i guess you think you think they might do oh oh my god how did that queen what i'm like angry that that even happened what i i thought that they would do queen to h3 i thought bishop g4 instead of queen g4 oh yeah it also makes more sense i'm actually just kind of angry i like i don't that was so they actually played so well that that was a great let's let's let's do one last game okay i don't even know what the hell just happened in that game that that was i mean they hung mate in one like what are we i'll give them a thumbs up though that was uh yeah it was a good game and i do i hold on like i want to toot my own horn i'm on my own side of the analysis here i want to look up two things one of them is that how the computer felt about your g5 pawn move oh sure yeah and then the other one is if they were like eugenious when uh when we captured the knight with the bishop and traded and then pushed the pawn to g4 and moved bishop to d4 let's see so they they really like white's position uh temporarily for sure and then they loved that e5 move that yeah that we both came to and then yeah you you e5 is the only move actually basically yo they love bishop takes c5 too i'm like that we that i thought was the aggressive move which is kind of that's very vindicating i've got to say that was beautiful i i told you i didn't even think of it i was like just push me seven what is there even two secret is you don't have to know if it's good if you have someone else that'll vet the move for you and you just suggested like what if we did this that would be amazing ah yeah you said bishop c5 and i looked like you know i did the dog thing like you want to go outside and i was like wait a second bishop c5 is some [ __ ] houdini [ __ ] look there you go there there there's the actual the c5 oh my god that's they hated that they love that they like this okay well hold on g5 the the computer they don't hate it instead of it they like f6 but i actually yeah i didn't really i mean i don't know to to me i i'll give my 1500 seal of approval to g5 um and then they don't really like the bishop trade but they love everything that came after it from us from them they not so much because they got checkmated but uh here's here's a here's a good one actually when you played g4 uh in that position right before the end yeah what if white plays bishop takes c6 yeah that was actually something i was uh considering all right let me let me think about this i feel like um you escalate maybe um like maybe you do pawn to g3 okay and then i would take with the pawn with the h pawn yes i have no choice yeah that's true and then i would uh respond to the original threat so i would probably in hindsight i would do something else okay i mean the only the other thing that i would think that is pretty good there is uh rook to c8 yes yes that's winning that's why bishop c6 doesn't work um it looks like it works because actually taking is too dangerous yeah nobody gives them too much i think a5 and uh actually i think you just straight up die i don't like if you move your bishop out of the way i play a6 and it's mate you literally get mated ouch ouch ouch ouch bye-bye um so you have to like sack the bishop or something yeah yeah rook c8 this is a really nice idea ruxiada they're just pinning the bishop to the queen and uh that's you know i have to say it's still not a joke because take on b7 queen can hang around queen b4 so a5 uh but they hung mate so what can we say yeah lucky yes we could do uh one more yeah yeah uh let me get back in the into live oh my god like like eight requests all came in at once no no no you listen we gonna hit that 15 10 button and okay yeah i think i think i'm good to go on this i'll hit it all right i am in oh we have black again that's upsetting uh dutch defense baby i remember yes i have gotten to play it a few times mostly it's in bullet i'm not you enjoy it uh yeah i think i need something a little bit more open honestly like i play into it but then i tend to get kind of rolled over but i should really watch the first lesson over again to be honest okay well let's play knight let's let's see what you're doing wrong maybe which one are you playing i always yeah i always play g6 after this more or less probably like 99 of the time okay but this is good but they actually okay pawn okay i mean we'll see more open versus d4 is is honestly kind of difficult um trying to think what what you can play the beef eater the name uh appeals to me it's i yeah it's my it's my last youtube video but it's a it's a very close position so bishop um it's just d4 is a closed system i think inherently because it's like impossible to open it unless you play a gambit but i don't want to i don't want you to be playing canvas like against d4 because all gamuts against d4 basically suck so there you go except budapest but you have to it has to be allowed um i'm trying to think is there any like the london you're not going to make an open game against the london it's just it's if they want to play the uh i can't even say the v word i would get to s if they want to play uh the v word opening then um yeah i think we'll be okay in many ways i feel like d4 is already the v word opening well i mean i did just show you some cool aggressive things earlier so yeah you know um yeah it's it's yes it's the twitch staff opening exactly okay well king i wouldn't say that but chad behave i didn't say it it was chad that was that was just a message from chad to highlight bad manners yeah that was you see look over there i have chat on screen so that wasn't me i was just um i think earlier uh one of uh there was staff here watching saying that they love both of us and they enjoy our lesson so oh that's nice yeah okay uh here's a here's a good moment which way would you block this check uh i kind of like well so originally i feel like e4 uh kind of controls more space and it's definitely covered but i kind of like uh e6 because it leaves the possibility of d6 open in the future in case they do like knight to e5 yes do you think e6 is the play here it's more flexible yup okay my man my man i'm starting to the gears are starting to turn again for sure i got to stop playing so much bullet though like i'm losing i'm like i play bullet and then i get frustrated i'm like oh it's not enough time and then i play 10 minute but i play all my moves in three seconds because i'm so conditioned from from playing bullet yeah bullet uh can be fun though that's like i recommend bullet to people who have time management problems no i'm serious like i'm dead serious like uh you know i know people who play 10 minute games and they're like i'm fine losing on time if i played a good game literally verbatim something i said in the last video i reckon i'm pretty sure right yeah i'm like no like that's that's not good okay let's go uh let's go pawn okay i'm just thinking um he wants to go pawn so i mean so my first touch is d5 again but i actually i don't want to give up the space for the knight to just immediately go to e5 so instead i would start thinking that what does he want me to do and i'm almost thinking that what you want me to do is either d6 which now that i look at it i don't really like because i don't think we're going to develop along the e file anyway or actually h6 to push g5 later i want both you want it all okay yeah so i can start h6 you think whatever you want to do h6 is sl is a little bit worse if the opponent knows why but if our opponent knows why i'll probably report the opponent for cheating our opponent looks like a very nice uh older man who's playing what time is it in spain like 11 p.m listen there hopefully a little bit inebriated for my sake generally i mean that inspires people sometimes i'll tell you right now at like you know if i'm playing chess over the board i play better if i if i'm a little buzzed really yep i the last time i played over the board chess seriously i was like 13 years old so i have no it's probably not drunk yes yeah but some of my opponents maybe uh of course chess tournaments you have like 13 and 40 year olds intermingling 40 year olds offering to buy certain substances for the 15 year olds it's chess it's a beautiful environment for your kid to grow up playing um yeah i don't know if i told this uh last time so i apologize if i did but it's such a weird intermingling of like not not to be rude but like middle-aged kind of like outcasts sometimes and then also like kids who are just like i don't know what's going on in the world at all i'm like 12 years old i remember one time in in our club tournament maybe like around one or two i got matched against the guy who was like 55 and maybe within the it's like two hours a side or something like that and within the first 10 or 12 moves he just hung his knight and he just stood up from the table and went like i don't know why i even show up to this [ __ ] anyway and walked out of the of the whole venue didn't didn't resign he just left and then like i just had to sit there and wait for the clock to to tick down for two hours and he never came because because technically he can just come back like it's not over yeah uh then you can't be like um like my opponent's gone well sucks uh i i have had yeah i've had interactions with you know i was uh i was a young kind of like energetic kid so i'd be getting up i'd be you know oh yeah um so and uh which must have irritated people uh if you were for sure yeah for sure because i would be yeah beating them and also you know doing well seven so i remember i had an older guy uh be like uh stop moving around you know so much he was like stop doing uh by the way okay let's try to figure this out um we could say pawn okay we never finished so which i would probably do g5 yeah i like g5 in this case the sacrifice does nothing okay it's not it's not scary but it will be a little unpleasant to defend but it's it's it's not so scary um and uh it's funny because as i grew up playing the game this older guy would crack his knuckles really loud at the board and he had one of the worst habits of any anything that you could do as a chess player he i we used to call him the grand master of the post-mortem oh i know where this is going yeah yeah like the game would be over and this man would be like you know i think i was like winning here you know like he's like a master level player okay this man got to the point where in between rounds at tournaments he would analyze with a computer come up to you like weeks later and be like you remember our game i could have done this and i was like this guy's a [ __ ] lawyer like this guy has a job like he is studying a game coming up to you weeks later and politely telling you that he had a better move somewhere in the middle and you know when you're like 12 years old you're like i've lived 10 of my life since since that game happened yeah man like it's it's wild like as an adult you like you lose a lot of you know i guess respect i don't know what the right word is like uh i was once doing homework before a round because in the marshall chess club you have like a weekly evening round at 7 00 p.m on mondays and i'm sitting there like doing my my intro to business whatever you see this old russian guy camping on a dad and his kid and the kid's like 1200 old guys like 1700 comes over starts like coaching the kid and he's just saying garbage i'm like barely paying attention he's just saying like totally incorrect things um now let's say pawn again we're slow slow crawling here okay um i feel like i would probably do d6 now yeah yeah we basically want to play e5 okay so we have to you know that's how we're gonna open things up here um d5 like you said it's okay but it but it's not the best i mean the guy was saying things like you know two pieces and a pawn is not worth a rook what that's like 95 of the time worth the rook uh and the kid's like oh okay i had to intervene i had to like be like no dude just don't listen to that guy please um but what was um you did you play nationals or state scholastics as a kid or did you even get like that yeah no i play i played what in canada would be like the equivalent of the state level so i like locally in my age group just tore it up and then uh well like like super locally tore it up regionally tore it up and then at state level just like usually finish like two and a half or three out of five okay so and i was kind of like ah losing is not as much fun as uh just literally showing up and winning in like 20 moves every game so yes that's that's kind of where i washed out kind of annoyed here by our opponent's bishop it's not allowing uh something to occur in the position that we would like let's go night okay i would assume i feel like uh you know knight to c6 is kind of always good i was actually i was thinking knight to d7 now i realize that just hangs the pawn which is horrible yes be careful yeah so i mean i would say knight to c6 yep knight c6 and uh could play knight c6 there's also knight e4 which has a cool trick so how does that how does it develop from there so if you put the knight in the middle oh [Laughter] wow uh very clever so i'm not gonna lie i didn't see that but it doesn't work so maybe i didn't see it because my brain just realized it doesn't work so we can't take yeah so so what's the move here for black uh i got two options uh d5 i really like i think yeah that's just it that it's just it because the i our opponent just missed that he got so excited to play the movie just didn't realize we have d5 now the queen's hanging in the bishop so we win a bishop yeah and our rook is open so rook is open yeah i was going to say when the knight hopped into the middle to e4 our opponent couldn't take it twice because we would have forked the queen and the bishop in the center oh okay yeah i didn't i didn't look two moves ahead it's pretty advanced for me it's pretty advanced for me too i mean it's uh i uh the reference to the nationals is that now it's a crazy environment like parents have to leave the room because the parents used to get into fights oh i totally believe it yeah uh yeah but i think this is the same thing for all sports and scholastics like parents are just crazy uh dad's it's actually a cultural thing all cultures act different at chess tournaments and that's where it kind of like you know gets exacerbated like i'm i don't want to get cancelled i'm really scared i understand it yeah so so so i'm just going to say you know there's certain there are certain groups uh that that like the dad stands at the board with the kid to intimidate the other kid until they're forced to leave there are cultures that are more talkative so they they will speak to the kid but in a nice way not in like a you know undermining way yeah uh but they'll be like so where do you go to school what's your rating like what do you do at school you know like uh what sports do you play do you play any instruments and uh it leads to kids being like so where do you go to school i have straight a's yeah you know like makes kids uh be really weird i think there is that that level of chess to begin with for sure i'll let you choose what do you want to take that with well you know my propensity god damn it please i swear to [ __ ] god please don't play queen takes d5 okay but in that case then uh let's do that yes of course the queen's gotta go we got staff in the chat so hopefully you know everyone's keeping it cool um but uh no you guys would think that chess in an instrument means harvard it doesn't mean anything i mean it if you gotta i think right now what's very trendy uh is um you have to have like a way of giving back through the thing that you do really well so you have to open up some sort of you know non-profit through chess or give back to community through chess actually for you you probably have like zero interaction with a college like period because friends are in their late 20s early 30s right so and they don't have a like unless they have siblings do you have like no like so i'm an only child but like the only i'm trying to think i most of my friends are like the youngest in their uh in their family and then they have kids but their kids are like not even high school aged yet so so i i have i was in university from 2006 to 2010 and then from that point onwards i don't know what they do now yeah like meet like uh if i my little brother's in eighth grade so it's gonna take a long time uh and uh what i was going to say is uh i worked with a friend of mine on college admissions and it is insane in the united states like is it insane in canada because i don't remember i feel like it i got really lucky that i went to like a rural high school um where it seemed like that was really toned down where it was just like as long as you've got like as long as your marks are maybe in the low 90s you can pretty much go wherever you want within canada but i i think that for hyper-specific undergrad programs it might be a little bit more uh intense like if you're auditioning for like a music program where there's like two spots for your instrument or or something like that then it's crazy but if you're just getting like i just got a biology degree and they were just like ah he looks like he knows how to read so go ahead okay uh what are you thinking in this position by the way yeah i actually clock sticking so i yeah no i i appreciate it um i i don't have um nothing too fancy i guess one one thing i kind of like the idea of is somehow moving the f knight in order to open up the file uh that way we can get an attack on their knight also maybe even you know we get some support for the bishop if we wanted to move the bishop to f5 uh to to get a little more control of the center and an attack on the queen um so i it's a little weird for sure but i kind of like knight to h5 and then if they were to do let's say g4 we would just take their knight and engage the trade there's one drawback of this move though okay hold on yeah i don't see it well their night is guarded oh by the other night yeah fair enough but i i love the first part though okay i want to move the knight and then we really i mean like i think e4 kind of sucks uh d seven does it does it doesn't does it hold on why does it suck let me think about it so if we played it out oh can you see these arrows or you just no but i'm drawing them yeah as well um yeah okay now that i think about it it actually like their queen is is trapped if they take the pawn on the last capture i guess if we move bishop to f5 yes yes and also if you don't see that trick you have like queen e7 first and then knight e4 okay um so yeah so yeah okay in that case i think the knight to knight d4 is kind of interesting yes yes uh but yeah caught like chess college it's the current ecosystem in in the united states there's there's a collegiate chess scene but they import talent oh really i didn't know that yeah 90 of the kids there end up on visa from like europe uh or asia and they have like im or gm titles and they just get free tuition at not like uh crazy high tier institution but a four-year school so uh i know people who came here as like 24 20 rated players and now they're like 25 50 gm's okay pawn obviously it's good stuff yeah it's crazy and then bishop uh f5 oh i feel bad for this guy man yeah batman he's i would have done it too i would have been like this idiot just let me have a free pawn and this is after he opened us up with that uh like open pawn that we had available and then tricked him there too yeah that's a little bit of a bummer oh man i thought we were gonna be like a long i mean this this game is not not not a really good example of the dutch because it was just a really weird he never castled for example i don't know i should have five and yeah he's a but yeah i will write staff and they can refund that's good yeah because he i don't want to ruin his friday night or thursday night on christmas eve i know right oh my god he's like a welcome christmas with a queen trap in the center of the board uh well i mean we have a queen move here yeah um like i feel like queen d7 is totally fine yeah it keeps the uh it keeps the queen trapped yes if we take there's a check on d5 and okay i mean being up two bishops is good but being up in queen is better being up a queen is definitely preferred than two bishops are you planning to stream more after uh it depends like if if this is the end of the lesson i might do like another half hour or so and then i'll you know pass it on to my wife i'll i'll probably isn't pat doesn't pass on mean yeah but like i'll pass on our internet connection to her okay i was like wait a second i okay yeah i was like i didn't know you're gonna feel really bad if i die in the next 45 minutes you're gonna die like oh yeah that's not yeah well i mean i mean that's just why i'm gonna go enjoy some pizza after this with wine i mean okay um of course it was correctly used damn it like of course i you know it's funny lucy heard me say that i was gonna use that word you used what was the word used earlier yeah uh predilection i i still don't even know what the hell that is uh and uh she she wrote me a message and was like i already know that word for the gre so oh cool yeah you think so i think what were you thinking i feel like if i just take their well i guess if i take their bishop it relieves the pressure and they can do queen to d5 but yeah i was thinking sneaking night because we we maintain we maintain the attack i'll trade you these like you know like chess tidbits for like five words a stream it works for me yeah so like i'm just walking it through knight takes what do they do they're not gonna take with well maybe they take with the bishop it doesn't matter they still have to do something with the queen yes so they can't actually take the knight with anything like they can't take it with the queen because you take you know you've eaten you feel bad either way um cause they kind of got themselves trapped here but this always happens at like in these 15 1600 level games is that someone gets trapped and they will never just take the the l on it they'll always like try to dig themselves out of it and if you watch the graph it's just like it just gets worse and worse and worse over and over yes it's it's very true they get very intense tunnel vision rather than just like using uh yes guys there there is a queen move here everybody i'm very glad you guys see that yes that's true there is that there was a brief way out um so i guess what i was going to what like i had a train of thought and it literally exploded our opponent has disconnected his train of thought has also has also gone out on top of everything else he's he's disconnecting reconnecting and has no time yeah it's rough i feel bad yeah um it's probably you know he got like a tablet for christmas and he just they're like hey go to you like to play chess and then little did he know he was going up against the two-headed giant well mostly you i'm just i'm backseating for the most part uh you know what you can do you can offer him a draw do do do you want the rating oh no i don't care about i think it's unrated anyway no oh oh you seeked it on rated games yeah yeah people play unrated i is a lot it's a popular game apparently that's i noticed like people in in chess like so this is a thing from other games but they get ladder anxiety where they like get to a rating that they're happy with and then they don't want to play ever again because they know that they're gonna have to go up against equivalent opponents um so then they then they play unrated that being said i think this is rated because it does say i'm gonna get 10 points if i win ah well there you go um you you yeah that's a fair point that is that is very much of your point well i felt that over the board i haven't felt that um online but i felt that over the board for sure i feel like if you're a chess content creator for you less so i think because you have a reputation for being good and you know like that's part of the marketing for me whenever i lose especially if i lose off camera i'm like that's great because i get uh you know i play worse people tomorrow oh for me it's i mean there's like a group of like 150 people i just play all the time oh it's like the same you know it's very rare i get a guy i'm like i have no idea who this is and then it's an account made six days ago which is 37 and two which is you know a kid with a another tab open yeah that makes sense so it's uh that's generally how it goes at my level i played a tournament on earlier with a 700 rated player who won going 17-0 i think i saw i was watching i don't know if it was today it was like two days ago i was watching you and you got matched against uh like a 700 who beat a 2100 in the previous round and then you were just like i'm not even gonna make a move uh so uh yeah so that was that was reverse i played a guy in my level who a game before lost to an 800 uh but beat me with 99 scored oh okay and was writing messages during the games like oh i'm sorry i'm sorry topolof yeah i that's just this it's kind of a unfortunate ending but the the guy i'm talking about got banned on both accounts he came back on a second account uh the second of which was named the very powerful sagondis oh okay yeah that was his account name and he was belligerently pushing for the platform that begins with the letter l oh yes no i i i was there for that yes yeah so we uh we don't we don't like those guys very much for the way they behave but uh um and i don't know if you know this but you know cheating is everywhere and apparently the number one rated player in iran parham maksulu won a tournament uh actually on leeches like a day or two ago and his account is closed wow so no one knows what the hell happened but that's the current rumblings i know i i brought this up during the first lesson and again i don't know what the drama is like in the chess world so feel free not to respond but i love the story about the uh the latvian grandiose not drama just guy just cheated he was but he's like the photo of him i don't know what happened that somebody got like a spy cam photo of him over the toilet stall like uh looking at his phone yeah yeah yeah there was just suspicions for a long time basically that a guy like in his late 50s was you know 99 win rate there was two things going on number one he was finding tournaments no strong players registered so he'd go and get a point per game yeah nothing wrong with that yeah i mean there isn't i mean you're kind of you know weird but whatever uh but the second thing was yeah like he was beating everybody so they found him you know using uh yeah using using a phone and it was a pretty embarrassing picture but he came out like recently like three four months ago with an interview he said uh i have cancer and it was like you know it was like i don't want to say what you would expect but it was like you know the guy started acting really irrationally because his life was like falling apart you know that makes sense it kind of sucks to like read that you're just like i feel less bad now he did cheat but you know it turns out i'm the jerk at the end of the day yeah it's like you know we were like oh he's a [ __ ] cheater you know scumbag and it's like the guy's like you know battling cancer and i was just laughing because somebody in my in my chat said there was a woman who did that at the olympics and snowboarding and i don't know i'm just picturing her like in the toilet looking up yeah how to snowboard or like what's the best trick or something but that's the crazy thing about peds in chess is that the the things that are banned the most are like adderall and uh the number one is modafinil oh i've heard it i don't even know what it is modafinil is what the movie limitless is based on that it's actually like shown that chess players if they use it can improve their elo by 2 300 points like performance wise so it's very much a banned substance uh but oh we got happy holidays from toronto in my chat i'm sorry to report um but no shout out to toronto as well uh let's uh maybe we do something i don't know before the new year if not then then uh in 2021 but
Channel: Northernlion
Views: 166,668
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games
Id: hF3q2sTnt9Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 122min 54sec (7374 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 26 2020
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