Reacting to Unbelievable 290 Elo Chess Video

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hey youtube welcome back everybody seemed to get a kick out of the last chess react video i did where i reacted to uh my good friend daniel's 190 elo chess mastery he has come back i'm proud to say with a video called the best bullet chess streak of our life i'm very excited uh to see how this goes his elo is almost doubled from 190 to 290 i mean don't think about it too hard it's kind of almost doubled um which puts him almost back at the level that puts you at for default if you say that you're an absolute beginner but i i believe in him let's figure out uh let's see if he he can actually get it done i did watch a little bit of this last night but i didn't see i didn't see enough to form a full opinion yet gentlemen how many games of bullet chess can we win in a row i'm gonna set a minimum five in a row chad doesn't believe we can do it i know you believe we can do it here we go it's not fair because on youtube yeah you wouldn't uploaded it if it was less than that okay he's opening with f4 the bird opening followed by a b4 um there's there's a lot to not like about this opening mostly the fact that it opens up this incredible diagonal um that can be exploited and then also like this incredible diagonal that can be exploited um this is a little yeah we'll call this the vampire opening because it's got twin fangs but i gotta admit it's got a nice little like it's a little off because the chess board is eight across but it's got a nice little symmetry here right off the bat um i have no idea what his game plan is except move fast but he is uh so far so good another thing that and this video is going to be two hours long if i stop this constantly but another dan classic is doing pre-moves in the early game um despite not knowing what your opponent is going to do and if you're playing bullet chess i would really just advise um not doing that until you get to the end game because like what it what if he does something that like threatens a piece or something like that right like you you're gonna find yourself unable to react and it's moved three it only takes like one second to figure it out anyway not lose on time but something tells me he's gonna keep going okay so that one he actually waited to see that the pawn would be covered and then he still made the blunder and then that pawn just gets taken okay and then he could have pawned us i don't know what he's talking about what what does he mean when you say he could have pawned us too much time we're ahead on time that's good we got time missing he could have moved up okay so he's blundered his knight but look at this an incredible you thought it was merely a night blunder but after they take the night he has the queen and their knight forked absolutely beautiful 900 iq making attacking and defensive moves simultaneously look at that he's burning clock he's making him think it's a good strategy it's a genuine strategy why is he thinking about moving that pawn instead of taking the knight okay he he can't even move the pawn because the bishop would have him in check who's burning clock now just take the knight brother okay i got you i got checked out just take then okay you could also move i got you oh okay you could put the knight under even more pressure i suppose is another thing that you could do there we go he lost the rook to do it but he finally took the piece we're gonna beat him on time here no big deal he's he's a simple minus nine right now with a little bit of a clock advantage basement here worried about like we're getting placed i don't know if he knows what that means but if you're worried about your positioning one of the things i might suggest is not just moving before your opponent makes their moves just every piece on the board getting captured but i think he actually will win on time there this is a situation in which there are no good moves in my opinion but that's okay because i think he's literally just gonna time them out oscar oscar you're making it too easy on him baby [Music] one of the least deserved wins i've ever seen in my entire life but something tells me that we're gonna see a few more of those all right this time he's playing as the black pieces e4 e5 it's almost a real opening okay so now he's he's doing another uh patented geezling strategy which is just copy whatever your opponents do um a highly recommendable strategy uh in bullet i suppose if you don't know what you're doing it's hard to make a major mistake if you just you know do exactly what your opponent does until they put you in checkmate because it's kind of hard to mirror that one get it we gotta have a plan here you gotta have a plan what's the plan i look forward to hearing it you can take that but take this nothing wrong with this but don't who i don't like to just take the bishop man you go okay you got two pieces under threat now that's that could be worse it could be worse he's still escalating you just take the bishop just hey let's go i didn't think he was going to be able to do it take me this is actually kind of an impressive game he does a little rook take the let's go dude he resigned that deserves actually deserve it win he won on pure skill two in a row we are too good the mandergen says enough is enough you you beat me that's not enough we want five we want five gotta play the time game forty percent of the way there versus roxy 214 dan is a heavy favorite he's got a hundred extra elo here burning some clock here okay they're they're trying for uh the the simple fools mate or scholars make the blocks puts a little thread out personally i would have done knight to f6 take his queen just take dude come on there's nothing to react to there's no criticism to offer enjoy your check i think he's reacting like exactly the way he should react um okay get the pieces in the middle you never lose good editing too 200 iq editing andy all right they are basically contemplating whether or not they're going to resign with that no i wouldn't i wouldn't he did not see it and then he sacrifices his queen for the bishop anyway which i think was what he was worried about happening but because he got to do it on his own terms then it's okay all right now he's sacrificed his bishop but if he takes okay well you know again i'm not trying to rag on him but if you just walk it back a little bit here you know if the king takes the bishop it's not good but then if your knight takes this pawn you get a rook so you don't need to just i mean engage in this tomfoolery like look at the look and especially you love a fork right this is almost a fork right here it's like a spear you're only hitting one thing but it can't move let's check he is still up by two points all right let's make that one point probably check baby check baby i think dan falls victim sometimes to like um a beginner trap of thinking that check is like the strongest move you could possibly muster and uh case in point he's actually making the enemy king like one of the strongest pieces on the board take that that's a good move can't move there just move it up one okay i don't even know what happens here rarely do you see the enemy king across the entire board set it up set it up all right so he's just going for a time victory again that i wouldn't there's no point in even criticizing it yeah the king's just gonna take the rook wait did hold on there's no way this guy said that's checkmate checkmate baby let's not check me actually kind of a clever move um because he thinks like by moving up the this will be check and then it would be mate but this thing's no longer protected by the bishop but it's you know i give him points for uh for the discovered check that's that's a you know like an intermediate level technique there you kind of got to back this up i mean if you just moved this over a little bit sure but anyway that would have been a really impressive check mate if he moved the rook first it's not checkmate time's done anyway yeah nothing to worry about keep it going keep it keeping it keep it going keep it going keep it going that's three in a row he's now with his ratings 310. it's like the road to 400 which again i'm pretty sure is where you start okay f4 like i have to f4 is like not as far as i remember at least it's not the worst opening i mean like g4 is is technically worse and i think so is like h4 and a4 um but it's pretty scary like this is i mean it's birds opening and uh the most famous bird played basketball so i think that tells you everything you need to know about its merits as a chess opening australia best of luck you big guy it's like the sixth most popular opening i you know i could honestly see that but like e4 is like 48 of games and then d4 is like 40 and then c4 is like 16 or something like that and then everything else is like just a little sliver just just shaving the foam off the top but anyway i like it in bullet maybe he's he's putting people uh on the back foot right off the right off the get-go don't push me here thank you i i have no idea once you get into this and you see that there's no name for the strategy that you're on you know it's uh you know it's an interesting one all right so this you know we're not going to apply too advanced of characteristics to this um but let's look at this okay dan does f4 on move one then knight to f3 then knight to g5 then he moves a move four he moves another pawn i guess it's so that he can have his knight here without being captured uh and then he uses his knight to capture in six moves he has moved his one knight four times only to sacrifice it his opponent on the other hand has developed a bishop their other bishop has the ability to leave and they've castled after this bishop takes daniel has effectively moved two pieces total it's uh to call this slow would be an insult to molasses how do you like your checks but he did put him in check he did put him in check open up the middle you can never lose here we go i like that take it no hesitation to be fair and bullet you probably want no hesitation but he just doesn't even ponder not taken he's like as soon as it's there we're going for it you got to respect it one of the things i ask myself when i watch these games sometimes is like does dan have a plan beyond just timing out the opponent say goodbye the vast majority of the time the answer is no i think but he's i got to admit he's getting a little bit better i want to count our chickens but we're coming for you you know what actually a pretty interesting move put the rook under threat i would probably try to close up the center here i said maybe sure maybe why not you know that's four in a row baby that's four in a row that's fine i all i want to see out of dan is like a single checkmate victory keep it going keep it going if i could see a checkmate victory i would have in a row i would be more polite than i've ever been before with respect to daniel's chess we can go t to t here okay so he's going he's going symmetrical strats for the start the briar's gambit sure okay okay we're behind look it's any any you have to pick your battles when you're watching this you know um you there's a lot of things you could you you could criticize but like how how far do you want to go into it like would f3 be what i would uh operate in this situation no i mean i don't know maybe stockfish is going to say that it's the best possible choice but you know i think you got to recognize this isn't the sort of thing we want to nitpick right here given what we're going to see later okay check huh i think that's a great move stop the check because they can keep swapping and then it is beautiful honestly nothing wrong with that and now you find yourself up by a piece already and now you look you got double attack on that pawn in the center battle strats you got the strats uh i'll bring it up all right that's a dan classic trying to starting to think he's doing it on purpose he's not but now he's got their now he's got their queen the game's over [Music] it just gives me a little heart attack every time safe okay sure sure time we gotta start pre-jacking we have to start pre-jacking is kind of so pre-jacking for anybody that's not familiar uh with dan's parlance is just take just block the check take the bishop man block be checked pre-jacking is entering a pre-move so you make your move instantly um without looking at what your opponent did in the first place um i i don't think you have to pre-jack oh my god just just placed it right in front of the rook but i don't think you have to pre-jack in bullet what you could do instead is try to threaten the checkmate city and as a result of that you know you could win faster than timing them out to be honest if you have a good attack also probably not a good strategy to not even know whether or not it's your move but he's tied on time they're tied on material i just what he tried to move the opponent's king and then just sacrificed his bishop for no reason hold on hold on i i kind of just glossed over that let's let's walk through this sequence here very quickly um okay so he does this for presumably no reason he threatens the rook which leads to a fork which is fine it happens all the time then he does nothing and then he tries to move the opponent's king to capture the opponent's rook i actually i don't understand but if you could actually execute that strategy it would be unbeaten all right then he decides you know what just take their just take their pawn with my bishop for no reason he's down a lot of material this is actually a great move i don't know about that one like uh that's five five okay i do need to talk about this as well again i'm not trying to like punch down um but you look at this sometimes and you'll be like hey five blunders that's like not so bad and like that happens all the time yeah but like it's really it's a 15 move game which really means that there was on any given move there was like a one in three chance that he made a move that was considered by the computer to be absolutely terrible maybe close to the worst move available on the board and that yeah it doesn't even include trying to use the enemy king to capture their own rook as if the enemy king moved like a knight but i i gotta admit that's four in a row all right here we go he's going for five in a row now scribble knots you got to respect about dan he doesn't just play the bird opening he's very confident in the bird opening he he has his own aviary but every once in a while he likes to he when when the money's on the line when he's going for his fifth win in a row he says let's get serious and do a real opening see ya very very classic opening here the chagoran variation totally fine i think the blackmart deemer this is not about moving pieces it's about speed okay he loves f3 and f6 huh about more blocks kind of kind of weird but not necessarily bad take it we're coming for you i mean at 300 elo while we're at way we're he can't lose [Music] it really makes you wonder though like what's up with his opponents that you just feed him clock over and over and i guess the answer is 287 elo overall dude just move the pawn d d5 d5 oh it's okay it's okay [Music] you hate to see it no i wouldn't i wouldn't that's that's the sucker's bet right there killing him on time we cannot get trapped okay duty bomb clouded can you believe it king e2 the most powerful move in all of chess okay he's in check this is where you burn a lot of times sometimes good block with the bishop opponent doesn't really do all that much dan offers him a pawn for free just out of respect just out of a mutual level of respect and he challenges the bishop you know what it it's looking pretty good his opponent only has two seconds left that's seven in a row okay that was good oh i thought he was going for five craig from italy best of luck to you now there's someone with a 392 elo owns a business take that you won't interesting the nimzowitz defense okay you know what he didn't end up doing it so i'm not mad but look look at where this man's head is at okay two knight to c3 reinforce that e4 pawn move three he attempts pawn from b2 to b5 not a legal move but you absolutely have to respect the audacity he it's this is a you're watching a dreamer you're watching a man who's who's not afraid to set his sights on the moon so even if he misses he lands amongst the stars although i will say i do wonder sometimes if dan wouldn't be the guy at uh you know like a middle school chess tournament that would actually try this move and then if his opponent noticed that it's illegal he would be like oh sorry i didn't know just i'm not saying he did i'm just saying that i encountered some people like that in my middle school tournaments maybe try to move the light squared bishop to capture a dark squared piece and then when you're like that's your light squared bishop they're like oh my mistake i'm on to you interesting develop that king side even further i suppose i don't know i mean to be honest i i kind of like dan's position here i think that's fine that looks pretty good bishop to c4 queen to f3 and go for that classic white bishop to slide into the dome dude the editing is so good all right he's already made them blunder a piece look at that look at how developed he is compared to the opponent his opponent's done nothing they're ten seconds down on time they they move their queen for reasons unbeknownst that's an interesting attempt to do that what are you gonna do oh that that freaked me out go for it jerk okay we're behind on time now he's behind on time he's behind on time and material oh no no no there's no way he could possibly get himself get himself out of this one except the check into the incredible fork oh daniel daniel it's your favorite move in the game it's right there knight from a7 to c6 look at this it's not just uh a fork it's like a tri-fork czech rook and queen it's a beautiful fork i thought i thought you loved looking for the forks i mean to be fair you have 15 seconds but still [Music] press them okay it could be worse we're in trouble here we're gonna have to really that's a bit of an understatement all right interesting move definitely okay this you know probably the bishop might have been a little stronger but that's so you gotta take the queen you just take the queen pre-jack oh my god how there's no way right with four seconds left oh okay i guess if he goes 20 moves in the future maybe not prejacked oh my god the time advantage is coming back i gotta get a check here i actually think he's right i think if he puts him in check he'll win oh my god i don't believe him they think like 20 moves in the future only a 290 elo could actually play 20 moves in the future man that one got the blood pumping a little bit bring it back and bring it back bring it back uh that one we shouldn't have won that one but i'm glad we did lucas who's gonna tell him 418 elo okay d4 he does the the minkes defense i didn't even notice i've never even seen this before the mccainis defense minkus i've always wondered so i mean this is probably not the right time to study it but you know okay one d4 knight to c6 what do you do if they do um d5 how do you how do you follow this up knight to b4 knight to c3 and then you're like oh crap uh i don't know let's find out cavity right now okay you don't have to worry about it he reinforced his pawn for and blocked his knight in for don't take it reasons that i could only understand if i were at 4 18. all right seven in a row come on daddy okay well you know what he's the knight's getting the workout that's for sure he's in front of us he's going for the oh dude the check actually queen fork baby queen to a5 is so [Laughter] you good it and we're giving them the eats right now [Music] and now we're boxed oh that's so good the editing in this one is really it's taking it to the next level dude you've got to do queen the a4 check okay i mean it's much worse but that's okay queen the queen the h4 check i should say is so good send them that's good send that's great if you if you have a piece that dan can take 100 he's going to take it it's like bart simpson poor bart always throws rock right there we're coming for you daddy good old rock never fails cersei's she's playing on on pure animal instinct 410 elo are you kidding me oh he's gonna win there's no question he doesn't look it's not even chess like i know i'm being a gatekeeper he's not even moving he's not even thinking about the moves he's just moving as fast as he can and he's got eight wins in a row we gotta be nine and oh here we go here we go it's absurd what do we got cam bruel it offends my sensibilities okay e4 and e5 okay he's going for the cheeky mate the uk uh-oh i don't like this don't like it but dude what if he takes c oh okay it's a you know cam we i think we had a good defense new players love to move the queen it's just that simple that's good cersei defense i don't mind that i don't mind that some of these moves are not it's not all but photos that's not how why hey i'm not even gonna pause but it just it doesn't do anything i'll swap queens we got so so much thinking and then the moves don't there's no purpose okay you gotta go in for something i'm not i'm not about right now i'm not about the music is so extra too check and we could be in some serious trouble he's so worried about check it's always what is this dude okay god look i'm really trying i i really am am not being nitpicky like oh you're missing uh positional advantages and stuff like this so like if we just walk it back one move this is the kind of move that just makes you upset right like first off i don't necessarily expect him to see like if the knight goes here now he's forked he's gonna lose the rook because he can't take with the queen or their queen will take him but what on earth is bishop to e2 i just don't understand and this is eight wins in a row like could could you make a worse move and moreo like i know the people are going to be like well he just wants to move fast that's fine but like here but he's got just give it one serious two three four five like he used a twelfth of his time just to just to make the worst move on the board like this is what it's just one of those situations where like i feel like if you just you know moved extremely quickly but with like somewhat safer moves you'd do a lot better i guess technically there are worse moves like yeah queen to c7 is pretty bad queen queen the e5 is pretty bad queen to a4 is pretty bad but uh i mean this is it's it's down there let's put it that way sometimes you just gotta throw but have i won eight games in a row no i've not at least not for a long time okay he did save his rook i can't believe his bishop's just just chilling there too and these of course back here i mean you just this this part of the board does not exist to either player right now they're like we just don't care that was our play the win streak is on the line right now if the queen's down here that's where my eyes are to give them the heat that's that's the the triple digit model the fork dude you got another you got a beautiful fork that wouldn't work because you would just get put in check anyway but i know you love the forks okay he's slightly up on time he's down by 18 points of material there should be no world in which this turns into a win we're in trouble just throwing bodies in front of it oh my god there's no way dude like it's such an easy mate come on i'm not rooting for him to lose i'm just i'm just surprised like let's go one more how are you tied on time and you've got a 20 point advantage and you lose on time even if you blundered your queen by moving too fast you would be up on time and end on material from norway best of luck he's going for 10 wins in a row a safe move i like it the vienna he loves f4 man he spends like two seconds trying to do f4 every game that's fork classic fork hold on hold on i'm not letting them just get away with these i know what it's like when you're streaming okay you know you say things that sometimes don't make any sense i'm okay with that i like that we're a little behind on the times what's forked like i don't think the take is horrible but he's got the king and two pawns that are both protected that's the fork that's not even chopsticks take them that's fork i just don't th the confidence with which he says it that's fork oh no oh no no no no no no there's no way this is like your classic middle school loss your tunnel vision on something else you've given up the classic queen the f2 checkmate i don't like that they got both of these out i'ma no no no no no no no [Music] can i also and again this is not meant to be so rude but it took 10 games to see a single checkmate it really it really puts it into perspective there were nine timeout victories and a checkmate loss i mean i you know he still did he went nine and one no matter what if you could have a strategy that would win 90 of your games you would be the best chess player of all time so oh okay and one resignation one resignation that's fair smurf account we'll take it well you know we set the record want to catch up on the dane eastern show i do want to catch up on the dan gieslings show it's actually what i love about it even more here i just want to go back because it's uh so that's like scholars mate right is the also known as the queen bishop depending on the the colloquial circles you grew up in but what's even better is that this isn't like scholars mate because with scholars mate usually like white moves their queen to f3 and then bishop to c4 to try to get a checkmate here um this is actually like a forced scholars mate because dan gave him and i mean it's a little bit too advanced but uh dan actually gave him you're a little behind on the time the development of the queen with this which isn't that bad as long as you don't let the mate happen but he it's like his opponent was like let's play a normal game of chess and then as soon as dan took the knight on f6 his opponent was like i mean i guess if you're just gonna if you're just gonna give it to me i suppose i'll take it and then you know wouldn't you know like 45 seconds later this is what you get [Laughter] but anyway as always it's it's a funny way to end the video but dan uh no disrespect you know he always goes out there he tries his best and and this time it went very well i mean he he won nine games in a row and did he deserve to win them yeah even though i said no um you know he he he won on time and when you're playing bullet that's that's how bullet goes you know win on time is just as good as a as a win by checkmate at least you know in the eyes of the elo machine now that's probably also why i wouldn't recommend playing a lot of bullet if you're also trying to like learn how to be good at chess if you're trying to learn how to be good at making non-losing moves as quickly as possible then sure more more power to you but uh dan his his ascent to a uh to a 1000 elo bullet player i think is is well underway but for now thanks for watching if you enjoyed the video watch dan's original video check out his other chess content i will link to that in the video description and of course thanks for watching the last video was a big success thanks to your support if you enjoyed it click the like button it helps out a great deal appreciate all your support subscribe if you want to see more chess content in the future and i'll see you next time see ya
Channel: Northernlion
Views: 202,891
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games
Id: wyCcdDGWINw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 31sec (2011 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 14 2021
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