Twitch Rivals CHESS: Round 1 vs Rubius

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mod if someone could put the chat okay let's go pawn let's go bishop okay okay i'm here i don't need the mouse let's go we're ready okay uh let's do a pawn move okay i have to have someone all right ready good thing you're in the hand no problem yes i s the rules i know how to say like any type of feedback so we'll just keep it going let's do a night move uh okay i'm gonna try to mod my chat on my phone make sure it's in emote only i was gonna do i think i heard my opponent go dude what are you doing move or something like that oh really okay okay let's do a pawn move okay yeah the other playing over fast i'll try to be a little bit of a faster brain but if i leave arrows can you see them no i can't see any of your arrows so i'm gonna i'm leaving some stuff for my chat then sounds good yeah i'm not gonna make any arrows since i have no control we're catching up on time though we're catching up on time it's looking good yeah i don't want to just leave an empty conversation but i don't know if we can talk at all about the game oh yeah i understand a bishop move okay yeah rubius is definitely the underdog in this match okay let's do a bishop move okay forgive me good we can probably analyze after yeah yeah okay let's do a another bishop move let's do a pawn move let's do ping ping a night move i wonder how many games we're playing today do we do one of each color against ruby's do you know yeah so it should be it's six games minimum in the group stage i think for all today right and then like i think if you are top top one or top two in the groups go on to like an extra round okay let's do a night move oh so we're playing six games today yeah long day i you know at least it's 10 minutes yeah how often do you practice your blitz uh okay okay sometimes i'm like okay we don't really need to just sit silent let's do a night move um okay so i am obviously you can't react i'm just thinking out loud you think out loud hmm and then i'll give you feedback once the game is over sure yeah well i mean i think we can't lose here this is i mean we could lose the game but i think this particular exchange we can't lose we either get a nice bishop for our knight and create a busted pawn structure on their king's side or we get a uh the pawn on c6 which also threatens their queen um and the knight is is still very safe to just go back afterwards so yeah that would probably start here no feedback yeah just silent the just a natural conversation where you don't respond to anything the other person says yeah it's awesome you know they'll find their chest on twitch is that you can make it social but uh okay let's do another night's move now i'm like i don't even want to say what i'm thinking out loud because i think it's oh that yeah yeah yeah you can talk before you make your move but yeah i know what you're thinking that makes sense okay let's [Music] bang okay let's do a queen move okay maybe i can i wanted to arrow it with my no mouse but it's too fast before i could guess pink okay let's do a night move hmm okay i was afraid of that you're gonna have to think you gotta make the right decision here cuz that one is a little complicated for sure um obviously the exchange leaves us in a decent spot um never mind i don't think this is that tough actually i think i think we would probably just do something like this because wait you can you can't see my camera right i can see your camera yeah but i can't see anything that's going on on the board okay so then i can't react with expression i'm fixating on the board so that the admins don't think i got something going on on the side here you know okay all right let's let me check this one over um let's do a bishop move couldn't agree more couldn't agree more i actually wanted to check out you probably are the highest rated hand in here as well i i really don't want to gas myself up at all no that's true you have like i mean you have a lot of experience considering you played chess club in um when you were younger so like some of the people that were in pog champs they're good and they've been practicing a lot and then yeah you know voi boy i think he won the first pog champs and oh i guess yeah i guess we could play them after today yeah i was thinking for today in our group but they do have gm's as their brains it's true yeah we'll see what matters more this has been a nice game so i wish maybe we could do some analysis after [Music] um yeah this one's a it's a thinker for sure okay let's do yeah i don't think we have we'll do a bishop move oh hey buddy oh one sec my cat wants out i promise i thought it was your childhood i thought it was your daughter i was like i promise i don't have a five-year-old same thing oh we got all sorts of i'm tripping over baby toys and everywhere but you know that's funny i'm gonna see if i can fix my mouse oh yeah take your time oh we got yeah we've got a little bit of time here computers all right should be muted scott so you said you did some lessons with levy before yeah um levy and i did some lessons uh okay let me think here not for a while though because he's been he he knows i'm not his partner so he didn't want to give me any extra advantage that's true oh okay um i'm thinking all right yeah no problem some a few ideas here okay let's do a bishop move okay dude just do something oh hey can you am i the only person that can hear this guy hear who i heard him say do something just move oh are you playing a stream no i don't think so wait there's nobody uh i i can't even move my mouse man so why is he telling us to move [Laughter] because he can't hop into oh i said a bishop though i like making but he can't hop into our call so you must have his stream or something yeah i don't know i mean maybe i have another tab open in the background but it's it's completely quiet except for when he said dude something that's funny i guess uh probably can't yeah i can't look because that's stream sniping so i just i don't know yeah you might have arrows everywhere you never yeah yeah it might give away too much chant did you hear that it uh give me uh hey guys a hey guys an email yeah okay they did hear it it's yeah [Music] so many we'll do a bishop move okay and bang let's do a queen move a queen move okay this one i'm gonna i'm gonna put on the the thinker good good take your time we gotta do some thinking in the skin so i think i'm talking to my chat here i think i'm looking for something along those lines or along these lines i'm a little concerned about allowing that thing right there but but maybe it's not that concerning maybe it's actually fine i am going to do you are so did you hear that is that this guy i don't i don't know am i being trolled or something is okay i i i doubt it's rubious well do they have an accent he's sounding english actually yeah dude chad is that is that his voice he just probably doesn't talk in uh english so it might be random because all i heard is you are so oh you know what no i know i know what it is i i installed a twitch extension that has levy yellow at me if i take more than one minute for my move oh okay i know that is why is alex okay do a a queen move what oh sorry it's nice not a problem not a problem it's probably very light on you oh yeah i was like you didn't even recognize levy's voice what a fake fan including watching up videos it's a because apart from this i only play like one and five minute time controls so the uh oh you like some bullets i do just i trick myself like because of the baby i'm like oh i don't have i have like 20 minutes i'm like i don't i could play one 10 minute game or i could play like i don't know 40 games yeah yeah exactly bullet is great very addicting though okay um i don't wanna i guess let's do a knife a night move okay okay so i think that the the audience favorite is gonna be that but i don't like the way it develops i think i much prefer this and then you never know like you know let's start throwing something like that down there what's your uh bullet rating um i think it's like in the 15 15 50 range somewhere like that solid it's not it's not bad i get timed out a ton like and and i lose to you know like there's basically like meme gambits where if you haven't watched the youtube video you're just gonna yeah you just feed through them and fall for some trick okay let's do a queen move i i agree with your decision i will do this didn't want to give away anything yes it's no emotion in my voice there but you saw it yeah it's hard because the main fun thing about hand and brain is kind of like the emotional part and like your reactions to your teammates moves yeah but yeah you can't really do that but regardless it's a pretty good idea for twitch rivals for a chess event that should uh so i do like a lot of youtube content okay well i'll we'll save it he will after i make my move um let's do a nice move okay maybe they won't see it i see i see it now [Laughter] we were too confident in my in my head in my head i was like like i can't really tell you but i was like oh but then they'll have to respond and then i'll do this this and this and it'll be like and then i'll go here and they'll be forced to do like a this thing and it'll be awesome but you're you know what this is what we were talking this is the beauty of hand and brain that is true okay well the thing is anna is going to carry here but ah we only have one move king yeah all right wow i wasn't expecting that one coming oh that hurts oh that was a rough okay we need to be focused 24 7. okay that was a nice mate i can say gg there we're supposed to we're supposed to yeah yeah yeah oh we are okay yeah yeah what oh my my mouse just came back to life i think they're horrific a lot ah they're so happy that was a pretty looking mate that was a very long i'm not sore about that it was that was a fun game we made a bad mistake well i made a bad mistake it's okay um yeah i don't i thought yeah i don't think i could have said a piece because i couldn't have said king or anything then i just blundered but i i thought maybe you saw it so i yeah i was like well i wanted to handle the bishop because then i could go queen to e5 check they'll be forced to trade queens and then i was like oh yeah wait a minute just yeah just make sure whenever they make a move to always ask yourself what are their new threats um [Music] there you go chat oh my god all i see is all the mods okay yeah i mean that was a pretty beautiful game until we fell for the maiden two it happens um we'll come back yeah yeah you know what it was you got it wrong it was a little overconfidence for sure yeah i think i i mean we're really comfortable but um yeah i didn't think we're gonna fall for it and now that i know that that i'm being yelled at by uh by levy instead of by my opponents yeah oh did you did you offer the rima yeah yeah i couldn't do that okay so we're waiting on them yeah it's okay you saw like you saw most tactics so seconds seconds after i did it i was like i mean i guess that's how it always goes otherwise you just wouldn't maybe yeah maybe next time i didn't want to cast larry king in this position because i they could have maybe opened our king's side and i wanted us to attack the king but maybe i should play a little bit safer yeah yeah next time i'll just have us castle so we don't fall for any king tricks no i mean i wouldn't blame yourself for that we had it we had a good game going there we did we did okay um i i sent the the rematch i sent the rematch uh and i love anna though but i would lose to anyone it would be anna's team i don't mind well be careful what you wish i mean it's up to you in the end of the day let's see if they're ready i think it's still searching like i still got the the magnifying glasses going out there and yeah i think rubius is still just celebrating over his uh his win okay um yeah i don't know i wonder how i bet my sister's game is still going i like checking in to see everyone else of course yeah i i get paranoid because i have display capture on so i like as soon as i get on this window i never change it yeah i mean my list so scuffed up i'm like so what oh here we go here we go okay ready i am ready and i have a mouse okay all right let's do a pawn move yeah so chad doesn't know he told me he plays the karo khan which i don't really know much of the ideas but we're just gonna wing it yeah i mean let's be honest it can't go worse than the last yeah it's nice to get that out of the way yeah let's do a pawn move yeah no more we won't fall for any more mates in two yeah okay let's do another pawn move okay let's do a another pawn move okay chad i can finally make arrows now another pawn move she says okay yo thank you for the gifted subscriptions thank you so i can't say anything well talk after i'm scared to say anything okay let's do a bishop move uh let's do a night move this is theory i don't know the taking lime so much but so they'll do eliminations only after based on our results today right i i think that the whole tournament is like a one day thing so if you get past the group stage you got a long day ahead of you oh i didn't realize that okay um let's do a bishop move i don't realize this is a one-day event i mean i think so yeah let's do a bishop move okay hey i think you kind of gotta otherwise like there's that here a queen move okay hold on [Laughter] yeah yeah yeah yeah i don't know what you're thinking there we go i'm so paranoid now i'm like every move i'm like here we go we have the time oh canadian where are you from in canada uh i grew up in kingston and i live in vancouver now okay oh i i was born in vancouver oh cool yeah and queen move okay i just saw your flag yeah it's good we have time we can't check over everything yeah no sweat just trying to make sure i'm not about to walk into like a a 10 step trap yeah well i think like two moves ahead aggressive yeah i thought about some other alternatives but here's the thing in my head i'm like i don't know what they're gonna say but it might be a complex move uh and maybe it'll give them more time to make a mistake or something as long as if you're checking them over aggressive play is good put them under some pressure so what did what games do you normally stream i i'm a variety streamer so i stream like just about everything um oh okay it's an ambitious move there yeah yeah they are they're i can't say anything okay i'm always scared i want to give feedback okay i want to do a night move okay you want to do a night move here's something i'm going to puzzle out for my own my own chat's sake that looks that looks nice to me that looks nice but i do have to think if i do and they're gonna say the clock is appease dude shut up i can't believe i thought my opponent was bamming me this just yeah through through cyberspace oh oh you made you made a movie yeah i was like wait a second why would it be speaking in english sorry at first i was like i guess he just wants to speed up but then it didn't make sense yeah i installed it like a week ago and then i never thought about it ever since anna was talking about it what is it just an extension for your speech yes or what oh yeah it's just a google chrome extension so it if you take more than a minute for a move it it has uh levy yellow oh that makes sense that's funny um i've realized now i'll calculate a little bit oh please please do you as well sir i'm doing my best here just teasing i'm in the brain oh yeah so i play like just about everything like in the average month i probably play like like 40 or 50 different games what is your top three games like this year i i've really enjoyed uh i mean i played a lot of chess this year and and you you know it's funny i had like a concept about it or a complex i think because i used to be good for my age and then i stopped playing and i was like no one will ever want to watch like a 1500 level player chess oh look at you it turns out people they they enjoy the average yeah i mean 1500 is still above an average like person in the u.s so and on twitch it's also obviously very good so yeah yeah i i think i had a little bit of a an advantage over most streamers to start with and then you know it maybe has slipped away a little but okay um let's do bank bank um do we have anything else okay let's do a night move ah now just um for my chat here let's take a look at something like this you can make your arrows oh i guess yeah you can also mute if you want to like talk more moves but yeah i was wrong i forgot this okay well that's okay good thing don't worry i'll make sure we don't make any mistakes and you don't just play chess right like you're in the among us uh group as well no no i mean we played some among us we're actually like some tournaments but i'm not really good at video games in general but i i do try them sometimes and it's just fun to do other collaborations with streamers but i'm not good at any other game i honestly don't don't let that hold you back because it's never been a problem for me it definitely doesn't yeah but right now there's been like so many cool things you can do with chess and ways okay let's do a bishop move but yeah chess it's been really nice because let's do a queen move oh you think there we go um okay curious how they're gonna play here bang bang bang bang i'm just i i'm breaking into a cold sweat because i know like after rivals they do like the twitch compilations and stuff like that and i'm like oh it's gonna be like i'm gonna be the checkmate make a night move it's okay [Music] [Laughter] okay yeah i don't want to get us uh made it again we make sure i'm careful here okay i um yeah okay let's do a king move okay i understand yeah not gonna take any risks today i also i well you know i'm going to mute for a second yeah yeah go ahead and mute so i should be muted not only do i understand but i understand not only do i understand but i understand okay i'm back all right see what they play i i think i think i'm picking up what you're what you're putting down you wouldn't know but yeah anna i think anna has to carry a little bit here make sure hmm i'm just i'm hoping she says okay she's she did yeah yeah yeah yeah i figured she wouldn't just to be safe okay let's play yeah she had to be very careful there um a night move okay a night move traditionally we would look at something like that that scares me a little bit but that's a very nice space this on the other hand carries some certain negatives but maybe those negatives are actually positives in another direction because we would then be able to do something along these lines the code the negatives so personally i look to this as that we outweighed all the negatives and the positives there i think there might have been a couple of good moves but i i like my piece having another piece covering it in case i have another brain fart at some point yes very very safe play no risk-taking here and then all we need her to do is if she could just utter this word right here then you never know it leaves it leaves the door wide open here what other twitch rivals have you competed in uh so i played in one last year for the card game uno uh which was that that was a good time i'm actually brushing up my uno for a nuno tournament as well oh really well i'm excited i'll have you know i came second last in that so well i can only go up from there i you know you're lucky that one's not hand in brain yeah and uh oh it's funny okay okay ximena bang okay let's do a queen move okay yep okay um uh wait hold on hold on let me think yes because this one oh we definitely don't be a fool okay although i'm hold on we've got time okay so we didn't take your time it follows with that which we then follow with this probably there we have to concern ourselves with this but i do think we start there okay let's do a rook move [Music] and i will use this one let's do and do this plus this this this this okay let's do a queen move okay a queen move there's a lot to like here that's not one of them that's not one of them this you can set your watch to this it's a classic move you could you set up something beautiful there i think we start here sorry yeah but so otherwise than your uno yeah uno and uh i played in an among us one where i came in second last and i played in uh that's that's my traditional role i played in a fall guys one where i think we came like fifth out of twenty which was oh yeah that's pretty good i didn't follow guys and it was that was the first time i used the controller oh really yeah that's why i didn't go very well um okay let's do a queen move okay so i like this for sure concerned about our future perhaps but i think that it's it's sorry i will don't worry about the future okay so we'll start with that did i do this um i'll do this you know okay maybe we didn't move this because here here and that's ugly okay let's do a queen move um okay i personally would like something along these lines i've turned on a premium okay turned it off oh my god you turned on oh you're pre-moved sometimes yeah looks like we're not blitzing it was a diagonal move with the pawn so thankfully it wouldn't have even worked but oh my god there you go these are these are slow games [Laughter] i wonder if they have any blitz in the playoffs i never play 10 minute games anymore because i just have no patience that's the thing yeah it's like it's a snooze right yeah it is these are so slow but it's good solid play okay let's do pink [Music] okay let's do a night move okay this cat he's going crazy come let me see he'll he'll come up and just how many pets do you guys have so we we have two pets in addition to the baby so it's kind of ah house over here but ah it's so cute like the like the grumpy cat yeah he's he's very cute but he's a little shy once a day though he just he demands attention i want to get a pet with my sister but i i don't know if they uh i don't know if i'll put in the time to take care of it but a cat cats are easy okay um let's do a knight move yeah i think he moved the wrong rook that is trying to imply i i think i was looking for rook uh to see three three yeah yep okay let's do um bank let's do a queen move okay there's probably a lot of lots of options here yeah um yeah let's let's not worry too much about time or maybe we have five seconds if i was like an increment is good and we're up on time that's true yeah you take your time honestly i'm uh you know push comes to shove i'm this kind of guy right here okay makes sense and i didn't get uh yelled at by levy there that's true that's that's progress yeah i don't know i guess with hand and brain they have to do five second increment but it's pretty it's pretty hard to flag with a five second increment especially when in the end game you only have like three pieces uh to choose yeah so yeah exactly it's not too hard to make a move and save your time okay let's do a rook move let's do a rook move coming up with some speed another rook move um let's do another rook move and another one yeah okay a rook move yeah king of three there yeah arithmetic a rook move yeah this is a i don't think we're gonna choke this one this one's looking pretty good yeah fun nicely done all right at least at least we're probably like yeah finally we're probably going to take it to even at least i can live with that yeah yeah we'll get a 1-1 we'll see how much time we have in between our next game i'm just glad my mouse is back that's a lot of fun upon me yeah they don't have too many options let's do another pawn move yeah we're not given any counter play yeah and a pawn move a bun move we're not gonna put him in any stalemate a queen move a rook move queen there you go very nice just like being back in chess club yeah yeah you gotta remember that roller technique that you learned as a kid i didn't mean to flex when i was like i could do the i could do the one rook mate as well okay let's see i'm assuming yeah that would probably um we could do a little game analysis
Channel: Northernlion
Views: 92,465
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games
Id: VZ5ZHJey55g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 39sec (2739 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 04 2021
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