How to generate CONSISTENT Characters with MidJourney AI!

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you all really want to know how to generate consistent characters for use in a story in a comic book and some sort of Animation using mid-journey and there is a way to do it but it's not as in it's not as simple as a YouTube comment reply which is why I haven't really replied to you all I'm Addie welcome back to analog dreams today is a mid Journey slash a couple side tool tutorials as I'm going to show you how to generate a consistent character with mid-journey using a method released in their FAQ channels buried deep that I haven't fully tested myself you're going to come along with me but it seems like it's fairly straightforward once you get the process down and given that it can be really annoying trying to generate the same character and getting differences each time I think this will help a lot so first and foremost step one is to generate a person to have a person image not AI generated or not you know mid-journey immediately generated that you're using as your reference like you need a picture of a person that generally stands for what you're looking for so in this case you could use this person does not which uses the Gan General generative adversarial Network to generate fake people and you just kind of keep refreshing until you find one that you like which is something you could do here and these are AI generated so you don't need permission from anybody or anything to use these as your basis because it's it's not a real person like it's in the name the person does not exist so we could use this guy or you could use a photo of a model or something again with permission or for if you don't you know want to go through the process of getting permission you could use a stock Library this is envato elements that's what I have a subscription to I'm not going to sell you on it I just want to use it so we can come over here to stock photos and then we can start looking for one person and we can just start just looking for a model I could search for I don't know what I want to search for let's take inspiration from what we have here someone working on something what you want just to be clear you want a clear headshot you you don't want to focus on any other details right now because we're going to generate that with AI you want a clear headshot that is kind of front facing and not a whole lot else from your Source image here so we have like an elderly gentleman we could focus on that gives a good source image or we could keep refreshing this person does not exist until we get what we want but you want to find a person so I'm going to do that real quick all right I think we're going to use this person from envato Asian skateboarder guy Asian young man with a skateboard looking at camera I'm gonna click download blah blah blah sure all right next up we want to generate a name so character name generator find a character name generator online you can get ones catered to specific like genres you can get them specific you know species races whatever you can also ask chat GPT if you want for a name generator we're gonna just create a name we're gonna go with real names and we're looking at an Asian person I'm gonna choose a Korean name if that's an option Korean names I apologize if these aren't good I am just you want one that you can use consistently to reference your character you're basically building a database of references of your character based on this name so you kind of want it to be a little made up obviously I don't know if these are people's names soul I like the name Soul so we're going to copy this and then we're going to open up mid-journey as per my organization tutorial I'm going to make a new thread here that we're going to reference so we're going to be under we're just going to go under scrap for me for now I'm going to make a new thread we're going to call this character generator I don't know why it takes you to the text field instead of the thread name when you need to make a thread name we're just going to go ahead and open up the full thread View and now you need to upload that image for reference so you can use it for an image source I've shown that before you can paste up to four at least I've heard someone say that you can do unlimited well unlimited but you can do at least four image sources as references in your prompt here from a journey so we do need to upload it real quick I'm just going to do not my favorite place in the world especially on mobile but we'll just do an imager upload and actually before we do that we should crop in on him so and then paste it into Discord and then you have the image right there I can copy link to that image and now I can do slash imagine we're gonna paste in that headshot image and now you're going to generate it basically the idea of this person and their headshot you're going to generate their first headshot using mid Journey so I'm going to copy our name from Firefox foreign not saying that right I know so Hyun woo and Asian male skateboarder in his early 20s with wavy hair and thick eyebrows with a wide nose with a tat uh with a wide jaw with a long neck and for this headshot generation you don't want to describe anything about the scenery about what they're doing about makeup clothes any of that you just want the face and then you want to do in theory uh some sort of descriptor of the portrait so include portrait but then it's easier at least based on the FAQs to use a certain stylization so we'll say pencil sketch and then dash dash s 1250 for just a little bit of stylization and then we're gonna say V4 it may not let me do the stylize with V4 so we will see what happens there fire that off hey it does nope it does not oh stylize must be between zero and one thousand with V4 I see all right we're gonna right click this or actually we're just going to click this imagine and copy our prompt back out so we can try again you will need to play around with deleting what's after imagine to get it to regenerate The Prompt all right so if that was 12.50 we'll do like 500 that might be too much so we want to play around to get the perfect prompt for or like the perfect headshot or relatively perfect first so we'll fire that off give it a second and honestly it's kind of eerie how close we got I really like this one like I think that's it so number three we're gonna go ahead and upscale number three while that's upscaling the whole exercise we're doing here is we're trying to find a select I'm gonna say about four or five group of headshots that really represent what our character looks like in the face that we want to keep recreating with different mediums different stylizations and different image weights so that we are eliminating all of the mid-journey influence as possible so that way when we reference all of those images it's just looking for those consistent elements of the face rather than picking up on its own you know baked in mid-journey looking style or whatever this is less of an issue with V4 but it's still an issue so that upscaled that one pretty nicely we're going to come in here with our prompt and we're going to say the same thing but then we're going to come in here and change that to matte painting we're gonna do a lower stylization of like 250. image waiting isn't really a thing in V4 but you wanna you wanna generate a couple different ones so we're gonna we're gonna as that one's going with the matte painting we're gonna do the same thing but we are going to change the stylization again to say 325 and we also want to change matte painting to photograph let it generate those and then we will come back and see if we need to upscale more or generate more or maybe we use this one that we upscaled as a reference to generate those other Styles as well and just while you're following along just generate a couple other mediums so we've got colored pencil outline matte painting we got normal photograph I'm doing a Zeiss 35 millimeter photograph just to see if it makes a difference you've got ink outline drawing and I'm going to do one more that is a comic book style so I am going to come in here and once again copy our prompt with our image source from our first image and we're going to change ink outline drawing to comic book art I hope that's okay and get that one fired off and now we have a bunch of different references that more or less we're going to be able to pick ones that look like the same person for a bank of photos that reference the face that we're using I will have a link to the guide I'm using by the way in the description down below it's a very long guide with a lot of features I highly recommend diving in but if you just want to follow along with videos that's what these are for all right now I'm going to get some upscales going from each of these so some of these look a little bit different in age but I think that second one really resembles what we're going for with the matte painting with the standard photograph number one is again really doing it for me with the Zeiss 35 millimeter photograph we got mostly same thing but honestly I don't feel like this looks quite as much like our guy maybe number four and then with the comic book art these are pretty good I'm gonna go with number one on that one so we're gonna get these upscaled and then what you want to do is create some sort of document that notes down what the links for all of these so I'm going to dismiss these real quick and we are going to get the links for all of these individual images all right I'm just going to use the built-in notes Notes app to make this easy for you all to get a better link you can react with the envelope react and the mid-journey bot will DM you some details about those images I covered this in my full like course on mid-journey but send the envelope react to all the ones that you want seeds and information on and things like that we are missing one yeah it never upscaled the ink outline drawing one we will try that again because it seems to be stuck whereas we got pencil sketch oh there oh it just never actually drew the ink outline drawing that's weird that one got caught in the process there we go I'm thinking number two is gonna be him yeah that's gonna be it all right come down here upscale number two but then when we go to our dm with the mid-journey bot you can see here we have lots of good information about these the usefulness of this would be if you wanted to modify how the face looks you want to add scars or change one of the elements or something you would use the seed with the dash dash seed uh flag and you could actually take one of these and just ever so slightly tweak it with your prompt so you'd feed it the same prompt but then change a little bit and use the seed parameter and you'd be able to do that with this otherwise you're just making yourself a note here but we will come down here and the cool thing about Discord is you can just reference the image links directly as part of your main Journey prompt like we did before so we're going to take this one copy link and that's going to copy the actual image link come back to our come back to our notes that's going to be number one and actually I'm going to whoa I'm going to title these just so we know so this will be colored pencil of course no notes thinks that's a link but that's fine and then this one will be match painting matte painting because you just want to be able to keep track of your character you don't want to copy image you want to copy link this one's going to be photograph and obviously there's some minor shifts between this guy and these photos of this guy but like it's more or less the guy we're going for right so we have all of this and then we can start generating some new poses the goal is to have a very recognizable face to Mid Journey using similar descriptors that are available in different formats so no one particular medium dominates the style or like change is a characteristic about your head so next we go through and stack however many image prompts of your face as you could swap the portrait for a different kind of shot pick a costume a scenery you know whatever you want to do to change your prompt there and you can build something cool but you also want to use the name you came up with so we're going to say slash imagine and we're gonna we're gonna go wild now so we're gonna copy our image links for our prompts so I'm gonna copy those out of Discord and moving forward whenever it generates the prompt like it did here it will generate a shorter link that's based on mid-journey and you can just use that MJ link instead of the long ass Discord links but at first you want to make sure you're using direct links to the images just to be safe I'm just going to copy all of these paste them in there so now we have a big old fat stack of image source links and then you want to type your name so Soul Hyun Wu comma that is your character you want it to recognize your character and then you just want to you know describe what they're doing so I'm gonna say is a 9980s Punk skateboarder Escape boarding in a skate park that's a lot of repeat words wearing baggy jeans and a beanie wearing a hoodie we're gonna say wide shot full body shot cinematic lighting hyper realistic Zeiss 35 millimeter photo Port well we want to cut out portrait because we're doing the wide shot we're gonna do four magazine cover and we're gonna say stylize 500 actually we're going to leave stylize off now just so we can see the results as it comes in we're gonna say aspect ratio of two by three no three by two because we want that well no two by three if we want a magazine cover and then V4 which I should set as my default I just keep forgetting all right so the good and bad thing about using Discord links is that they get well it's not a good thing the bad thing about using Discord links is that they get really really long so having that many links back to back in one thing just was too many characters for Mid journey to parse uh here we go with using imager links which then just turn into these mid Journey links that we can just use from now on moving forward uh it's still a little too close of a shot for my liking but it takes that same character admittedly we're getting a little bit more stylized jaw lines than I'm necessarily going for I don't know what's going on with his cheeks there but we're starting to get something cool and of course you gotta iterate on everything to get exactly what you want so we're going to take this exact prompt and now we have these shorter links I'm not exactly happy with the first result we got so we're going to paste it in here we're going to look for some things we can do so I have full I have a fully body shot that was a typo uh full body shot cinematic lighting we're gonna do Zeiss 14 millimeter photo for like a wide angle for magazine cover for Action Shot overall we're getting kind of the look I'm going for it's just not getting the exact framing I'm looking for and mostly because it's taking that from the images and unfortunately V4 doesn't let you do image weights and image waiting would let me lower that image weight a little bit to help with the poses that should be fine we're going to go ahead and fire that off real quick so with our link fix in mind I took it to a few swings at trying to get the skateboarding picture that I wanted and honestly overall I am impressed with the dynamicness that V4 can create in the first place for portraits as well as just the overall consistency we are getting in our character every once in a while you know there's going to be some subtle differences but we are are nailing down a fairly consistent look and it's doing a great job generating these wild portraits I had a lot of trouble getting it to break out of the portrait because we are just giving it you know very close-up shots as references but as an experiment I fed the same prompt to V3 and it's Stark how different V3 and V4 are now mid Journey has come a long way I I do love The Cinematic bokeh kind of film look here that they're going for here although my character does look significantly younger and his face is like smaller uh in this specific print but I also started uh trying to feed it some other scenes so we could you know try out some other costumes and stuff so here he's wearing some martial arts uniforms and it looks like he's a bit more in a martial arts Dojo I'm still giving it Lin's things so I also tried one I don't expect it to do well with this but I I made our character an American Founding Father wearing a white wig in 1700 eras 1700s era clothing as a Renaissance painting portrait I we'll see so there you have it lots of goofy images but also lots of pretty neat looking images generated with the same character with mostly the exact same attributes and you can continue to fine tune from there to get better results if you'd like I've got this question a lot I never have a great answer that I can concisely give so I just wanted to make a video walking through it with you all I know it's a little bit more long-winded than if I just taught up front but I wanted to experience it in real time as well I'm also very behind on actually catching up to this channel after the holidays and wanted to just kind of record as I go but I think this was quite the experience and you got to see the mistakes I made along the way which I have having taught video and videos online for 15 years I continue to find that to be a very valuable aspect of user generated tutorials rather than textbooks and things like that when you get to see the mistakes made as they're made you get to work through the reasons why they're not anyway I'm rambling on we got some cool goofy photos including this character as a Wendy's employee which I absolutely love I hope you enjoyed this video if you did you should check out this one on upscaling these images for print or for you know higher resolution play and how that would work out for actual physical Goods that I have printed using AI art because that video was a lot of fun Remember To Be Kind Rewind
Channel: analog_dreams
Views: 10,551
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: My4Oq8plFJI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 50sec (1130 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 13 2023
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