How to Frame a Wall | This Old House

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[Music] nathan austin bailey this guy knows a thing or two so you're in very good hands with norm i guess i'll leave it to it just don't scream at him huh take it easy all right good luck guys now framing isn't a complicated process but it's all about the details we want to make sure our cuts are accurate in length but nice and square and we want to make sure that we use nice straight lumber so that's one of the first things I want you to do just pick up the two by six and sight down the edges and what I'm looking for is a nice straight line and no twist if it's twisted to set it aside we'll use that for blocks all right so these are the first two pieces of our wall this is the top plate and this is the bottom plate or sometimes called the shoe now I've done the layout I started from this side 16 inches on center so every place you see an X is a stud they go all the way down and then we skip this section because there's a door opening and then there's studs are the rest of the way and then when we come back I mark the top plate would seize and they stand for cripples and they're going to fill the distance between the top plate and the top of the header so there's no need to actually make the marks on the bottom now we also have already snapped the line for the exact location this blue chalk line right here so now I'm going to use a plumb bob to locate the line on the ceiling I dropped it down just like a half-inch whoa perfect just put a mark right next to that line we'll do that on each end right now actually you put Jane do you move it that's pretty good mark it on the left side of the wine all right there's a chalk line I'm gonna stop the line end to end and that will locate the top plate making it perfectly plumb and straight nice and tight okay now I'm just gonna flip the top plate on top of the bottom plate now I'm gonna stand on these to make sure they're down tight and we want you to measure from the two plates with the strapping and that'll give us our stud height length ya 107 and a half and a seven and a half okay how about on this end one oh seven and a half good now this is all new framing so every studs gonna be the same length no I don't like to have to measure every single stud take my square mark it and then cut it because sometimes it'll vary a little bit so I make a little jig took a piece of strapping and I added this block now what I want to do is measure the length of our studs from here and cut this to length okay now you just take the jig and you flip it over and put it up against the end nice and tight flush with the edge and Mark the end all right so now you have a mark now you could take your speed square and Mark that all the way across but if you like to use your speed square to guide your saw just use that mark at the starting point is the square of the time [Music] so we can side inhale it now [Music] [Music] [Music] alright guys now we got to stand it up and because of this beam that gets a little tricky bottom in hold on hold on gotta go to the tops gotta go to you there you go alright alright keep it outside in line let's see if we can walk the bottom in some more okay oh that oh that stopped on the other end alright let's tack this in that's good like it alright that looks good now when we get the pocket door hardware we'll put that in and then this wall will be ready for wiring and Blueboy nice job guys it's a lesson thanks for watching this whole house has got a video for just about every home-improvement project so be sure to check out the others and if you'd like we can see click on the subscribe button make sure that you get our newest videos writing your feed
Channel: This Old House
Views: 212,962
Rating: 4.8764668 out of 5
Keywords: This Old House, Ask This Old House, DIY, Home Improvement, DIY Ideas, Renovation, Renovation Ideas, How To Fix, How To Install, How To Build, Newton Generation Next, Norm Abram, framing, 4-6 minutes, This Old house clips, This Old house series, This Old house episode, How to Frame a Wall, Frame a Wall, How to Frame a Wall on This Old House, Frame a Wall on This Old House, Abram teaching the apprentices, Norm Abram apprentices, Framing 101 with Norm Abram, Framing 101 Norm
Id: KGJaA5u9Yj8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 11sec (311 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 08 2020
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