Framing Tips: Tying Walls Together, Window Sill Trick, Wanes in Lumber #15

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it's wall framing day guys it's thursday today friday we have trusses getting dropped that means we need to work quickly and get this upstairs framed out tour we can put a roof on it [Music] we've got all the walls up here laid out we have all of our header packages our stills top crips bottom crips cut and ready to go we're gonna bang out all the exteriors today ideally by end of day we have all of our exteriors up where our trusses are gonna bear and then any interiors we've got we can bang out once the roof's on but that's the plan for today if you're new here subscribe button is down below any questions regarding framing drop them down to get to it you'll see a lot of people drop they're still in right here and then pull a number over lay out the sill once it's in place don't do that just take the thing up here flush it out to both kings does and simply transfer your marks just like that it's laid out and you're good to go you always want to nail yourself to the back and now you have layout when framing any rough opening you want to think about the wanes or the bad spots on your lumber you always want to put those sandwiched in between two pieces to where you have a nice flat surface for your window to mount so very good [Music] these blocks that are in here for perforated shear will have a strap that runs all the way from that post there to that post out there all the way through top and bottom job site right now looks like a stinking mess we have stuff everywhere but once that wall's up we can put stuff up against it everything that's in here goes to something we have top crips and a header top crips and a header that might be scrap don't look at that we're gonna have to do some shifting around though because we have to get the back wall out there taken care of then this wall those ones can go up this one here that one there and then at that point we can do some interiors but the center wall here runs clear from that end all the way to here so in order to get this framed we have to have this one here out of the way that one there out of the way it's a big puzzle figuring out which way to go we were going to share this thing on the ground but the walls on the outside are a little tight we don't want to have to try to fight it so we're just going to go ahead and stand it we'll run scaffold out back shear everything up there we're going to have to run scaffold anyway to side it so we'll set up our stages out back we can share the thing once it's up we'll be good what's up uh single yep [Applause] so the power line got moved from hanging down to going up and now we need it to move back down what a coincidence so that's one massive perk of being able to use the trust jib right there is just by tilting up he can lift there you go if i die would you go to my funeral yeah i don't know i'm just asking yeah that's cool thank you i'm really glad to know that let's go up [Applause] we're good you guys might have to assist both sides [Applause] tilt more go up hold rock that way [Applause] i love my job rock we'll be set [Applause] it's gonna go up guys [Applause] let's take the rest ready okay i'm holding this side okay tag team online block steve go for it right there i got you i'll hold it out pin it right there block left side always on a joist there we go pin your bottom all right yep we're good out to here pin here pan up to here [Applause] roll with it deep [Applause] bend those over all right guys let's show you how walls are tied together you got my cp for here yes i'm gonna hop up top you're gonna bust that freaking that brace [Applause] [Music] good so i like to pin the two plates then run tp nice and tight channels cleared i don't like that nail bless you that's how you tie walls together top plate will come over this way go on to this wall here that sucks both of them together nice and tight and locks them in [Music] do [Music] we are in the same area where i passed out from heat exhaustion when i was like 17. it was 115 degrees we were out at a winery building away it was drier than heck and it was hotter than heck i don't know what happened i remember standing up on the scissor lift i got down off the scissor lift and as soon as i got down and stepped on flat ground i just face planted into the dirt and that was it i was drinking plenty of water so stay hydrated if it's hot like this we're gonna get this wall up behind me here and then we'll work the rest of this place it's coming along good though okay oh oh all the way vertical think about clock there we go come on [Music] that's a lot better we got you we're good rock [Applause] rock [Applause] plate level [Applause] there you go fox hold that it's got a mile nail it far side way out push out here t nail it nail it okay get those tops off ladders in here [Music] you walk forward [Music] opposite like you're supposed to move the foot that's dragging on the ground you're supposed to put your heel up and then drag the flat foot past it right i don't know down and then this one up and then you drag this one down right i don't know [Music] don't want to [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] you'll see us do this quite a bit you can see a little nail sticking out of here we toenail all of our plates down to the red line once we're ready to share the wall this prevents it from moving and not only that it's going to help it for when we go to stand the wall it'll lock it in there and hold it for us a lot of you guys have asked me how we fasten the second story walls because we don't have hold downs and anchor bolts like we would on a concrete slab it's very easy if you guys recall when we did the floor system we had that rim board that goes all the way around the outside of this place so you know that if you shoot through the outside inch and a half you're going to not only go through sheathing but you're going to go into that rim as well since our joist all run like this so we pin down into the rim and then not only that you have the tji's that run underneath it if you can look at the nail patterns in the sheathing to know where the joists are you can also pin your bottom plate into the joist this is going to lock everything in to prevent it from moving once everything is sheared around the outside we do have connections that will tie a bottom plate to the rim below and then top plate for the first story walls to the rim above we'll talk more on that later though once we get to it but i'm gonna go ahead and head on out of here guys hope you enjoyed today's video if you did i got sawdust in my eye please consider subscribing down below thumbs up if you enjoyed it thumbs down if you didn't um if you haven't watched the rest of the series please go back to the beginning link is in the pin comment down below and watch from the start until now you might learn a thing or two you might not who knows see you guys next time [Music] uh oh hey
Channel: MattBangsWood
Views: 183,209
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: construction, building, how to frame, how to build a wall, building a house, framing a house, wood framing, new construction, wood house, carpenter, american carpenter, contractor, carpentry, larry haun, fine homebuilding, skilsaw, makita, tools of the trades, construction apprentice, carpentry tips and tricks
Id: UBsD4mT40q8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 50sec (1250 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 16 2021
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