3G Open Root Test by a Welding Student | 6010-7018

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how's it going my world team family welcome back again welding fly duck russendo rodriguez here at south coast welding academy in houston tx check this out for today's video we have a very special guest now he is a current student and his name is austin how's it going everyone my name is austin wright i'm a current student at south coast weldon academy came all the way out here from hawaii today we're going to be showing you how to do a 3g open route right on guys [Music] all right ladies and gentlemen so austin is going to go ahead and start for us what he's going to do here he's going to clean his plate he's going to make sure that his plate is nice and clean with no mail scale he's going to clean the back side of this plate the front his walls and also ladies and gentlemen we're going to go ahead and put a 332 landing and a 332 gap so remember ladies and gentlemen there's different ways to do this this procedure right all right ladies and gentlemen so austin is gonna go ahead and put two tags he's gonna put one tack at the bottom and one tack at the top on each corner austin is tacking it at 75 amps plus or minus what that means that you can go a little bit hotter or you can go a little bit colder looking good gonna grind down my attacks and get started all right everyone i'm gonna attack this up to the 45 and we'll get started on our 3g open route all right so ladies and gentlemen if you look closely you want to make sure that you're at a good 3g position which you don't want is your plate looking sideways going towards you or away from you all right so if you're testing on a 3g that's what they're looking for they're looking for that you're on a perfect 3g you're going uphill good to go all right so what austin is going to do right now he's going to bring up his plate to his comfortable position now if you see his plate is around his chest area all right so you don't want your plate to be too high or too low now when you have your plate too high what happens is that you're going to force it to give a bad angle here at the tip of your rod you're going to be aiming up too much when your plate is too low what happens austin you're going to be favoring the bottom a little bit too much so you want to make this as most as comfortable as possible all right ladies and gentlemen so we're about to start here with austin he's about to start doing his route his open route with 60 10. now we're gonna go about 75 amps plus or minus right austin so what austin is going to do as he's starting to do his his uh his root he's going to keep an eye on his root keep in mind check your gap if your gap is getting too wide or your keyhole is too wide you're going to stop and decrease all right you're going to go down on amperage and if your gap is getting too tight keyhole is too tight too small then you're going to go up in amperage all right on today's video we're going to go ahead and use our xmt 350 fuel pro miller right so austin is going to go ahead and start what he's going to do he's going to lightly feather his first attack okay he wants to fuse nicely to that attack now be very careful because if you grind this tag down when you start doing your route you're going to blow through too fast now austin what technique are you going to use in your route so i'm going to do the stitch and as i go up i'm going to make sure i punch in and then pull it back down okay sounds good so he's gonna use the stitch method all right nice and simple he's stitching up punching through so austin right here he's doing the stitch method he's going up and down up and down breaking through both walls as he's coming down he's touching his puddle make sure that you're you're feathering your restarts nicely it has to look like a slide very thin he's gonna warm up his metal right where he started grinding from all right so you're gonna do like a little mini hot pass warm it up nicely now ladies and gentlemen don't forget that you have to feather that that tack that's on the top feather it nicely and then warm up your metal once you start doing your route and go go to town keep stitching back and forth all the way through all right ladies and gentlemen so austin went ahead and grinded down his root path it's nice and clean nice and even flat be careful when you're grinding you don't want to grind too much right if you ain't careful you're going to end up blowing through so don't thin out your your root pass too much austin explain to me what technique are you going to do here so what i like to do is i like to make sure i start from underneath and then i go side to side up down side to side up down side to side and what i'm looking for is to make sure that puddle is turning gray before i come back down and touch it make sure that when you're whipping it be very careful you're watching that puddle cool down also nice and steady you don't want to over feed over push nice and steady very good touching both walls all the way through same rhythm same pace right now it's very important that that here this is where a lot of people start messing up right towards the end you see that your plate is coming to an end you're almost done so what are you going to do you're going to start rushing the very last part remember same rhythm same speed all the way through everything's good now austin's going to go ahead and clean his hop pass clean it nice and clean get all that trash out from wall to wall i want you to pay attention here so austin just did a hard pass with 60 10. now here's the deal when you go test on the lab depending on the company procedure right they might tell you to do a 7018 hot pass all right so if they tell you to do a 7018 hot pass all you have to do is just like a fill all you're going to do is go water wall all the way to the top using 7018 now austin is going to go ahead and do a fill he's going to start doing his first fill austin go ahead and explain uh to me your technique your angle and so on cool what i like to do is i like to weave the whole thing out so i'll start from this side make sure i get to the other wall but what you want to make sure is that you move fast in the middle and pretty much count to two seconds on both sides wall-to-wall all right you're traveling fast in the middle you're sweeping across and you're pausing on your walls remember ladies and gentlemen when you're doing your fills every time you're using um every time you're doing stick you're always feeding you're doing a constant feed at all times remember you want to strike a narc when you do a restart you strike an arc maybe about a half inch to an inch in front come down find your puddle you don't want to travel too much on those restarts sometimes you won't be able to find that restart that puddle all right this gentleman is so awesome what he's doing right now he's actually starting his second fill all right and what he's doing he's doing that side to side method all right he's making his puddle grow slightly larger than his first fill slightly larger than his first fill looking good side to side all right so ladies and gentlemen so austin now he's going to do his last fill still weaving it across he's doing the side to side method now it's very important now pay attention over here look at his puddle what he's doing here on his last fill he's watching the very edge of his puddle hitting the very edge of his bevel on his walls you see that what he's doing he's feeding his puddle once that puddle touches your bevel move away to the other side what you don't want to do here is go past your bevels and make your your uh your bevels wide too wide remember if you feel uncomfortable if you feel uncomfortable you want to stop adjust readjust and then restart pushing all the way through no rush no rust good we're gonna start capping it right when we cap it we're gonna cap it at 90 amps right we're still using 7018 332 i suggest i recommend that you always make a guideline if they let you use a grinder so i made the guideline right next to the bevel just so i can keep a nice straight line all right very good so austin is doing his first cap now he's starting on the left side he's going from left to right he's doing nice nice and small circles he's following his guideline all right he's keeping it nice and straight nice and steady look how he's feeding he's always always feeding non-stop all right whenever you're doing your circles or your zigzags make sure that you don't open up too much keep your circles nice and tight now if you notice he's doing the circles to his left he's going towards the wall and the reason why he's doing this is because he's favoring the walls all right he knows that his puddle is following his stick rod he's pausing on the wall and he's pushing i'm gonna do my second cap i'm gonna make another guideline right on the edge of my first cup good that way it's nice and straight good very good so he's going to make his line his guideline right next to his cap he's going to do the same exact thing that he did on his first cap looking good austin everything's good you're following your your second line that guy line that guy line makes a huge difference whenever you're first learning right so nice and steady all right austin before we do our next cap now i want you to tell me how many caps are you gonna do i'm gonna do four caps what you wanna do is you're gonna do as many as it takes right that's right everything is good now he's not too worried about what's happening on the right side what he's to do he's just he's just following his guideline but the guideline he just made he's trying to do that cap and at the end he's going to see if he needs another one but also as he's capping this one he's looking at the edge on the right side of his puddle and he's seeing how much uh over he's going touching that line that bevel he's gonna know exactly if he's gonna need another cat focus one at a time one at a time doing one more cap because it didn't quite meet my bevel to the right hand side all right so he's starting right now now he's watching his line he's watching it build up now i know he said he's going to go a little bit faster but he's only going fast enough he's going to see he's going to see his photo build up and that's the sign that he needs to travel right once you start seeing that puddle build up that's how fast you're going if you see it building up it's time to move the more you slow down if you take too long then you're going to start putting a lot of heat gravity is going to start pulling your puddle down it's going to start dripping on you it's not building up too much all right nice little restart did not anticipate he's doing good everything's good looks good oh nice overall came out really really nice um really stoked on what i'm learning here at south coast welding academy ladies and gentlemen if you like this video if you learn all right remember comment like subscribe all right so welding fly deck of proof it looks great uh austin thank you for being here um looks really good so ladies and gentlemen remember check out well life.com for your product all right you want that 10 off use my discount code right welding fly doug all right so thank you uh thank you awesome [Music] you
Channel: WeldTube
Views: 220,764
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Keywords: arc welder, mig, pipeline, welding, welder, welding shop, GMAW, SMAW, welding definition, pipe schedule, cwi, how to weld, types of welding, welder salary, welding symbols, schedule, 40, pipe, welding supply store, Tig, welding jobs, welding schools, tulsa welding school, american welding society, weldporn, weld.com welding tips and tricks, ChuckE2009, learn to weld, pipe welding, welding basics, welding techniques, welding test
Id: exSDjbasiek
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 51sec (771 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 31 2022
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