How To Fish For Trout Using Trout Tube Baits (HIGHLY EFFECTIVE!)

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hey what's up addicts out there thanks so much for tuning in to another addicted fishing tutorial before I get this video started make sure you guys drop a comment below we always love to hear where everyone's tuning in from in all the different areas around the country and make sure you give this video a thumbs up it really helps us a lot if you guys can smash that thumbs up button today we're gonna be talking trout fishing ultralight trout fishing in particular and what we're going to be going through today is talking about how you actually fish these trout tubes to be more successful out on the river nice little secret for you guys alright so first things first guys we're going to talk now Brandin rod it really doesn't matter as you guys know we all love Okuma Okuma fishing tackle is one of our partners they make some really amazing rods so what we have here is the same raw that you've seen in a lot of our tutorials if you haven't watched any of those make sure you guys head over and watch we got all sorts of other trout tutorials on our channel so make sure you guys check those out but guide select Pro they make this rod also in their SST model but basically what it is it's a seven six two to six pound ultralight trout rod so you're basically just looking for something that's ultralight something that 7 to 8 foot range that's what you're looking for so now let's talk real reels as well it's not as important that you go out and pick the specific brand but as you guys know we love Okuma these little r-tx 30 s's they work perfect in my opinion on the trout rods if you want you can even go down I think they make this in a 2,000 range you're looking for that two to three thousand drains when you're going for trout that seems to be right in that sweet spot of what you're looking for we spool all of our stuff with braided line we like to use a 10 pound test braid the reason we use it a little bit heavier as you seem to have less tip wrap less wind knots and it still will just zing that cast out there as far as you could ever want to go also it makes your presentations versatile when you're using braids you can fish a float you can fish underwater you can do all sorts of different techniques so that's why we really prefer the braid but there's one one key important factor to using a braided line that you want to make sure you always want to put a top shot on there so what we've done is we've double uni knotted a section of fluorocarbon top shot this is pline fluorocarbon this is just their SS leader that we use for salmon and steelhead so this is a I think this is a 10 pound a 10 pound SS fluorocarbon you could literally go down to as much as 4 pound if you wanted if you're fishing for these ultralight trout in these little tiny creeks like we are today but I always like to have a little bit heavier line because you just never know when you're gonna hook into that big fish or some of these creeks may have steelhead in it as well so I always like to be just a little bit heavier so if I do hook into something big I have a chance to land in it so now let's talk about the actual business end of things so today we're talking a little bit of a unique technique this is something I learned a long time ago and you've seen it become more mainstream in the trout world and what it is is we're actually fishing little tiny plastic tubes so we're teaching you today how to target trout with tubes and specifically we're talking with a float you can use all different types of floats this right here is like your standard float that everyone's used in for trout fishing I'll show you how to put that on as well but you can also you know we're coming out this year with our Mustad adicted floats these things work extremely well for trout fishing if you want to use this style float as well so you can use just your basic little red and white bobber or you can use the Mustad float which is basically just any sort of fixed float system I like to use a fixed float system for this technique so any sort of float that you can a fixie 8 on the line and be able to slide and move up and down quickly that's the kind of float you're going to want to use so that's why I like these little red and white bombers because basically what we're gonna do here you're gonna take as you can see on these floats they got these little metal bands in here so what you do is you put your finger on the bottom band and you're going to push down on that clip and you're going to put your line in there and you just want to get it right underneath of that piece of wire there just like that so as you can see it's sliding up and down on the wire now you're gonna put your finger over the top same thing you're going to put it down like that boom and now as you can see you can slide this float up and down the line you want to be make sure your gentle with it you don't want to ruin that leader material but you can easily adjust and slide up and down your fluorocarbon as needed now what we're gonna talk about here is the business end of things so we have trout tubes so these are a few of the brands that I like to use these are trout traps and then they have a little bit bigger which is the trout stinger literally it does not matter there's 50 companies out here that are making these these style of lures just get yourself a nice little mini tube you can go with like a yellow sometimes I'll go with yellows and browns and stuff like that to mimic things kind of out in the wild you know whether they're eating nymphs or anything like that but also I found that even just brighter stuff like pinks and yellows and oranges some of that sometimes that's really what what will entice the bite from these fish is just using some different stuff out there that they've never seen before but I think for today we're gonna try the little yellow one and see if we can't hook a couple trout on the little yellow one here so what we're gonna do here you take this little tube the beauty of this this setup and using this whole setup is that it's simple super super easy to fish [Applause] it's literally you got your rod and reel you got a bobber and a little tiny tube and that's all there is to it and where these come in handy is when you're fishing areas that you can't use bait you know these things will mimic of some sort of natural bait that's in the water so if you're fishing a creek or a river somewhere for trout where you can't use bait that's where I really really like to use these little trout magnet things here so we're gonna just tie this guy on here real quick let me get nice clean-cut there we're gonna get sometimes it's tough these things got really small little eyes on them we're just going to do your basic little fisherman's knot here five to seven wraps around itself here and then right back through the loop and then with fluorocarbon one important factor always make sure you wet that knot before you cinch it down you do not want the fluorocarbon to burn on itself that's a no-no no and then just pull that tight and there you have it I mean it's frickin looking pretty tasty I have seen this technique in particular really really do well on trout so let's see what happens here so the major thing that I love about this little trout tube setup is you can fish it in all styles of water whether you're fishing like current and riffles in creeks or whether you're fishing in lakes I have seen this thing really produced fish in all sorts of scenarios so what we have here is we have a little waterfall on this Creek and you have in the base you have a nice deep pool so I'm hoping that there's a few Chow kind of hanging out that want to eat on this this trout magnet thing here so what you're going to do is you just gonna in a scenario like this it's kind of just going to be sitting stagnant not moving a lot so you're gonna want to be giving it the action that it needs if it's not if the trout aren't biting it just by that initial fall from the water we're gonna cast up in there and see what happens so there you can see there is a little bit of current here in this waterfall so as you can see this is where I really really like this technique you can see that truck that bomber is just sitting there floating around and you can imagine a trout looking up and thinking that that thing's a nymph or a bug or something in the water that's that's kind of floating around waiting for them to eat it so again let's do another recast and try to get it closer up into that current scene here and I'm actually going to lengthen my lengthen my float out there and because we have a double uni knot here you're going to want to make sure that if you do have a double uni knot of Top Shot here that you actually put your float on the braid so you can slide it up and down better so we're gonna go a little deeper just like that I'm going to cast right up into the juice up there no love no love let's try one more cast here so again if you're fishing in areas like this that your barber if your barbers not moving around a ton I like to just kind of move it just give it little twitches give it little moves and kind of get that tube kind of moving around in there and see if you can entice bites from fish they're not wanting it right now in here though all right a couple little casts there with the yellow one didn't seem like they wanted it but as you guys can see basically what you're doing in a scenario like this is you're you're casting it out there and that lure starts to sink down you're just kind of letting it do its thing you're kind of letting it move around in the current letting it just kind of work itself if you're in a lake scenario what you'd want to do is reel a little bit more kind of reel let that tube come up and then sink come up and then sink you would be putting more of the action on it yourself where when you're in a current scenario the current is going to be doing more of the action for you so in a scenario like this where this waterfall drops off there's a lot of current disturbance down there so you can see your float kind of moving back and forth moving towards us moving backwards usually that's enough to entice the bite what I'm gonna try here switching colors here alright guys so we tried to yellow a little bit get it out there what we realize is it wasn't getting down so this is another little trick that you guys are gonna want to know when you're fishing these things in that little little tiny thing I thought it had a look enough weight to really get down there but since this currents kind of really upwelling I decided hey let's switch colors and let's add a little bit of weight you can either use a split shot I actually just put an inline in here this is just a Dave's tangle free weight but you can use a split shot you can use the Dames tangle free you can use whatever I prefer split shot because you can just crimp them on there and and switch their sizes easily but unfortunately I was out of them today so what I did I just went in line and then I switched my color to a pink tube so we're gonna give this a whirl a couple casts and see if they want that instead and we'll find out alright guys and gals watching so that's pretty much the setup it's super super easy to do and it really is super effective especially in pressure in areas where you're seeing or trout are seeing a lot of the same stuff over and over again I like it preferably in creeks and runs where you get a lot of moving water where you can cache your float out there and you can watch your float kind of move in down river with that tube kind of floating downriver with it because I think it imitates an imp or something else like that floating down the river just a plastic version of it so super simple setup you just got your ultralights trout rod ultralight trout reel some super light lines so you can make sure you cast good I like to use a braid again so it'll float you're going to go that you're a fluorocarbon Top Shot to your bobber inline weight if you have to or a split shot you can clip on there and then just make sure you get yourself a bunch of different colors and sizes of these tubes you want to be really prepared when you get out on the river a couple more little tricks that you can do in this Creek particular you cannot use bait so we're not going to fish any bait in here but what you can do is if you want and you're in an area where you can use bait what I like to do sometimes is I'll take I'll take the super gels from procure they make a ton of different ton of different flavors that you can choose from here we have garlic plus and trophy trout which trophy trout's one of my favorite but basically all you're gonna do is just the super gel super gel it's literally that just like they say it's really really potent so you don't need a ton of it just a little dab literally that's it that's all you need just that little bit of it and your dial another trick you can do coke here also makes these little eggs here they're kind of like a cured salmon egg but basically you can take these little eggs here we're just gonna pop one of them out of the out of the jar here and you just take it right here on the hook just like that and again this is going to be in areas where you can use bait it's just a little extra entites mint little extra attraction onto your under your tube that'll help these fish bite on a tough day so super versatile I really like to do that a lot with it so hopefully you guys learned a lot today thank you again so much for tuning in we appreciate you guys if you guys want to see more of these trout tutorials make sure you guys tap that subscribe button down here below you can see the little neon glow glowing at you and make sure you tap that subscribe button drop a comment below let us know what other tutorials you want to see here if you want to get out more and do more of this trout stuff we'd love to hear from you addicts we'll see you guys on the river [Music] you
Channel: Addicted Fishing
Views: 59,663
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: trout fishing, trout, trout fishing tips, float fishing for trout, float fishing rig, rainbow trout fishing, stocker trout fishing, trout fishing creeks, trout fishing rivers, how to catch trout, fishing for trout, trout fishing tips and techniques, trout fishing in creeks, addicted fishing, fishing addicts nw, creek fishing for trout, trout fishing tubes, fishing tubes for trout, fishing, rainbow trout, stocked trout, creek trout fishing, river trout fishing, brown trout
Id: cjytRNe56zM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 37sec (817 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 02 2019
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