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what's up everybody and welcome back to another addicted fishing video today I'm here to teach you guys and I'm going to show you in my opinion one of the most exciting and fun new ways that there is to go Target trout if you guys want to learn more about that stick around it's going to be an awesome episode [Music] [Music] so like the thumbnail said everybody we're talking twitch and Jigs and I have to think and give a big shout out to my man Bill Herzog who is the guy about two years ago two winners ago we went out and filmed an episode here's a quick little clip of it oh there we go holy crap that is a real red side trout right there and this man showed me something I never thought was going to be true I've twist jigs for salmon I've twitched jigs for steelhead I've tried to basically Target every species that there is with a twitching jig and I never thought about trout this guy showed me the ways and I'm about to show you guys the ways what we're talking about today is twitching sculp and Jigs and different styles of sculp and jigs different colors and kind of different lure presentations for any kind of trout species that there is swimming in North America or anywhere in the world the thing you're going to want first is the proper rod for fishing this technique I use a very light rod with a very sensitive tip one because it's really fun when these fish hit and two because it gives that live action on that sculpin jig the idea of this Jig Is We're fishing a prey to a predatory fish and that's exactly why we're using these patterns and we're using these styles of lures that look just like the actual fish that is a sculpin or some people might know it as a bullhead we'll put a little picture of that little critter right here in the corner and these fish a lot of times the bigger fish in a river system or in a lake system are going to be carnivorous and they're going to be feeding on these bigger kind of prey like this like a sculpin or other tiny Bait fish the rod I'm using here today is an Okuma SST we're sponsored by Akuma here at addicted and I absolutely love all their ultra light in their trout rods in particular the saliva series works really good but I love this SST it's a great bang for the buck and this one is a two to six pound seven and a half foot rod and I really love that two to six pound because as you can see that Rod has a ton of flex behind it and when I'm working that little jig through that water column and I'm making that thing swim I'm really getting a good action off that tip and when the fish does bite it this thing loads up well gets that hook stuck in their mouth and it's game on that's a big one yeah yeah yeah yeah that's a big one yeah the Reel I have on this is any kind of 30 series reel if you're talking to Okuma or a 3000 Series reel if you're talking any other kind of brand I like to stick with that smaller reel because on such a small rod you don't want that big cumbersome 4000 or 40 series or 50 Series reel because it's just too much weight at the back end of that rod and you're going to have a hard time getting a good presentation with that what I have on here for line is a gray addicted enforcer braid I love The Addictive enforcer braid we make it with tough line you can find it on our website and it's a really really great line for this kind of fishing because it's it casts so smoothly through your guides and that 20 pound seems heavy but the diameter of this line especially in the tough line and that addicted enforcer is very very small so a 20 pound really fishes like a 10 if you're going to be using any kind of fluorocarbon or monofilament I love having the 20 pound because one you really have some backbone and some good strong line to be able to fight the big fish that you might be catching on these Jigs and two the amount of sensitivity that you get when you get with that nice braided line is absolutely imperative to one not losing your jig and two feeling the bite when these fish hit so one of the most important things on this is I'm not going to tie that braid straight to my jig itself one because trout are pretty weary creatures especially the big ones trout can get to be very old and I've seen trout and I've caught trout that could be upwards of five to ten years old even so these things have seen a lot but they've made it through a long life they've seen lion they know what's bad and what's good for them and so being able to tie a bumper on or any kind of fluorocarbon or monofilament bumper to the end of that braided line is very very important here I have a 10 pound tough line fluorocarbon bumper I've tied that with a blood knot there's a multitude of uni knots that you can do here there's uni knots surgeons knot Alberto Knot the blood knot just pick one that you can tie well and if not tie a tiny little barrel swivel in between there so that you can add that clear line that's less intrusive at the end of your line before you tie your jig on my bumper here is probably about seven to ten feet long you don't want it to be too long because then it'll get kind of cumbersome to cast so I have about a seven foot bumper of 10 pound fluorocarbon this is tough line fluorocarbon straight down to my sculpting jig now the business end the meat and potatoes if you will and it's The Jig this one's a little wet because I've already been fishing it today and we've been nailing fish so I'm going to pull out of my pocket the box of goodies and there's not a lot of places to find these I've actually there is some videos here on addicted fishing where I actually tie these on camera and there's even a couple on the stay fishy Channel if you guys didn't know I also have a second Channel kind of a spin-off of addicted and stay fishy adventures and I've tied these on camera a few times if not there's a few other tutorials online from Bill Herzog himself the guy who showed me how to do this on how to tie these jigs so it makes it kind of a fun and very hands-on experience being able to tie up your own jig these are very simple it's just a rabbit for jig and go out and have fun catching fish on it very gratifying experience but what I have here is a box full of goodies these are my ties here some of these other ones I've gotten from friends and other people that some custom jig tires and the key is again to have very natural very very natural presentations if you again put a couple of pictures of sculpin here in the bottom of the screen you guys can see how I'm kind of matching that color contrast some of them have red gills some of them are lighter colored depending on where you're at the country or what kind of rock bottom that these things have because these things live down and in between all the rocks on the bottom of the river so that being the case that's how they hide so when they come up and out and they start swimming around that's when these fish are going to be preying on them and swooping in and grabbing them so you can see I have a multitude of different colored heads I got my black I got my like kind of a peachy colored I got my very very natural colors and again I have my very typical scoping patterns here and in different sizes I have eighth ounce and I have quarter ounce not too often do I find I need to go over a quarter ounce of weight because I want this thing to fall down slowly I want it to look like a real fish swimming and I don't want it to look like a steelhead or a sandwich egg that's jumping up and down super fast I want this thing swimming just like a little sculpin would coming up off the bottom looking for food and then getting nabbed by a big old trout so another quick look at the Box take a look at my box it's a good one and now it's time to fish come on Tiny [Music] all right that's how to do now first and foremost the beauty of twitching a jig is there is not a single piece of water in the world that a jig could not be fished in from Rapids to walking speed water to literally in a lake this is a very effective method in any kind it's just how you're going to fish it it's how you're going to present it and how much time you're going to let that thing sink if I'm fishing fast water like I'm here I'm going to be focused on keeping that thing off the bottom and out of the Rocks if I'm in walking speed water I'm going to focus on searching for bottom finding that happy medium in between letting it sink all the way to the bottom and getting that nice rapid presentation back to me and if I'm in a lake situation I'm gonna just be swimming this thing like a normal fish so we're going to step through each style of water as we go here hopefully finding fish in each of them and what do we have behind us is rapid watch and learn so in a situation like this where we have moving water I'm going to really refrain from casting anywheres above 90 degrees across and 90 degrees to me is straight across the river if I'm going to be saving my 45s this would be 45 up this would be 45 down and if I'm fishing any sort of moving water like this I'm going to focus more on The Swinging presentation I'm going to cast it 90 degrees I'm going to let that thing sink and I'm going to work it across my 45 degree angle rather than casting an upriver trying to let it sink and ultimately getting snagged in the rocks on the upriver side which is going to be really hard to get out so the way I'm going to start this is I'm going to go close I'm going to cast just basically to where I can't see the bottom and as I come across here I'm going to let that current do the work I didn't give it any line that thing hit the water and I'm just going to make very small very subtle jigs all the way back here it's not a twitching jig like you're fishing for salmon we don't want that thing to shoot much more than about two to three inches at a time it's going to be going just like a little fish swimming off the bottom trying to skip around the rocks and ultimately getting in front of those predatory fish so now that I'm in that closed cast I'm going to go a little bit further I'm going to go about one third of the way across the river and as that thing starts to catch the current and swing I'm going to keep my hand off the Reel I'm going to use that current to my ability waiting to fill for that bottom waiting for that thing to stick and I'm just going to slowly work that thing back towards the bank a lot of times what's going to happen with a jig presentation like this is these fish are going to see that jig and they're going to track it and follow it until they find that perfect opportunity to hit it so in that case I want to make sure to fish that all the way into the bank to that last point that that fish is going to have to be able to come and grab my jig now that I hit that one third I'm going to go about halfway across the river I'm going to wait till I feel the bottom there there was the bottom and I'm just going to start swimming it we're just swimming just like Dory just keep swimming and in a situation like this where we have a lot of current it doesn't hurt to just let that thing swing also just like you would imagine in that little sculpins down there trying to fight the current he's getting pushed across swinging into a little soft spot where those fish are going to be sitting and then Whammy I made it all the way into the bank and I'm actually going to fish this one up just a little bit further up the bank here okay all right now that I've worked that little area in front of me I've casted about 40 to 50 feet out I know I've swung my jug 40 to 50 feet down I'm going to take about 10 big boy steps Downriver find a new rock and do that same method of close middle far and Swinging that thing down as I'm getting further and further down into the soft water looking for the congregation the fish is going to be foreign I have a lot of depth right in close to me here so I'm going to make that first cast only about 10 to 15 feet out I'm going to work that area first that those fish might actually see me because I'm obviously making a lot of commotion on the bank here a lot of times if you have clear water you want to be stealthy don't wear your construction shirt don't wear a big white sweatshirt maybe wear a camo shirt or something that blends in a little bit more with the bank next to you so that you're not scaring those fish that you're fishing right on top of I'm gonna go about 10 more feet out and here I have just enough current to not reel I'm just going to walk that thing over nice and lackadaisical helpless little fish out enjoying this day [Music] [Music] oh there he was it was our first bite smacked it on the fall and that's normally going to be the case here guys it's not going to be so much as you're twitching up when you're going to feel these fish if you let that thing fall if you get into those soft spots and let it go down towards the bottom and you go to lift that's when you're going to feel that initial bite so the key is to not really set too hard once you do fill that bite you're just going to lift Your Rod tip real as fast as you can and bring that line tight to that fish's mouth and let him do the rest of the work and setting the hook all right we've worked that little section I'm going to go about another 50 feet down river start off with my process [Music] foreign foreign we've made our way down into quite slower water I didn't find any fish up in that faster stuff but I think it might be is my jig may not be heavy enough to get down and stay in front of those fish one thing I do notice a lot of times especially in the moving water is if I can keep my jig in front of that fish for more than two or three jigs at a time a lot of times that will attract the bite more so than if it's coming past them at a rapid rate well that is is because it almost pisses them off I think it gives him a couple seconds to really look at it see that it's there gets them agitated and then they strike so what's changing though as I start getting further and further down into the slower water is I'm not casting quite as much as an angle across the river I'm casting a little bit more up probably about 10 degrees up River of 90 degrees and I'm just slowly letting that think it down to the bottom and I'm flirting with those rocks in the bottom a little bit more than I would in that fast water and that is because I have that speed and I have that ability to keep that jig going up and around all those big boulders so I can start casting a little bit further up to get that jig down and closer in front of those fish still sticking to my close middle far and covering water that's the thing about this presentation we're hunting for the big fish we're not necessarily looking for any of the small little stalker trout we want to find those big guys so we're going to keep our methods moving we're going to keep our systematic casting and we're going to keep moving down river after about every four or five casts and covering the whole spread that we have in front of us foreign [Music] damn it all right so we broke off and if it's not obvious enough we're in the boat now and what can really work especially if you're in an area that you can go to both sides of the river sometimes switching angles on these fish can really work well I was fishing from the deep fast current side and this time I'm on the slow current side casting into the deep so let's give it a shot see if our odds change okay same method especially now that I'm actually going with the current like if I'm on a bank like this where I can actually walk and Fish A lot of times fishing that thing through like that allowing that jig to have a lot longer drift can really up your chances because again this is a presentation where these fish will track these things will see it from a distance they'll come over take a look at it watch it make sure it's wounded make sure that they're able to actually hit and kill that prey and then they'll hone in right at the last minute [Music] swimming swimming we're enjoying our day we're trying to be eating [Music] got a really nice soft part of a piece of water here we're getting down into the into the zone there he is got him got him oh he just slammed it had a boy little finally fine oh that's a nice fish too look at him what a beautiful rainbow oh wow just stung it right in the nose oh here you have it everyone there it is oh wow what a nice fish there you have it folks beautiful little Wild Rainbow munching on the old sculp in there wow what a great fish see you later buddy well there you have it everybody the bite is obviously a little off today we fished really hard for that fish but I want to show you guys how amazing and how effective this thing can really be so here's a cut to some clips of how effective this thing can be in very similar water conditions to what we're fishing today oh man Bando bendy is Maximus what a cool looking fish in the sun first fish ever on addicted fishing caught on a cookie dig a trout that is check this thing out so cool Rod he's all bent up I don't have a small one here kitties this is a large suture look at the health and just the chunkiness of that fish everybody holy smokes oh yeah all right it's not the biggest one in the world oh oh man very fresh too in the in the slackest watering casket that was neat [Music] that's gorgeous look at the spots in his fins what a day out on the water everybody I want to thank you all so much for joining us here on another amazing tutorial and let's see those comments below what you guys think of the trout twitching do you think it's going to work do you think you'll have fun doing it and do you even like the idea I know it's one of my very favorite ways to fish nowadays especially for trout so I highly recommend that you guys all go out there give it a try try tying some up at home for yourself kind of a new fun activity and again thank you all so much for tuning in this week until next week same time same place you all stay fishy we'll see you out there [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Addicted Fishing
Views: 32,348
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to twitch jigs for trout, trout methods, trout tactics, trout fishing, trout fishing tips, trout fishing lures, trout fishing techniques, trout fishing tips and techniques, trout fishing tips and tricks, how to catch trout, fishing for trout, trout, trout fishing for beginners, addicted fishing, trout fishing tutorial, trout fishing how to, how to trout fish, how to fish for trout, addicted fishing trout, fishing, jigs for trout, trout jigs, fishing tips, trout tips
Id: VjY1k7a6sSM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 5sec (1085 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 30 2023
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