10 Best TROUT FISHING Spinners & HOW TO Fish Them

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what's up everybody and welcome back to another addictive fishing video today we have a very special one in this tour very informative and very fun kind of episode here today we're going to do more of a tutorial style and we're going to go through 10 different trout spinners and show you which one works best and where it can work best out here on the creek river or stream so let's get to the tailgate let's check these things out and let's get to fishing so the 10 spinners i picked for today's challenge really are like the 10 spinners i could find there's probably not more than about 10 or 12 different spinner makers out there on the market so going from left to right let's see if i can get all these correct i have my r b spinner i have a mep spinner i have a panther martin i have the old faithful rooster tail i have a blue fox i have this weird fish thing i have a steelhead by bud spinner i have a thomas spinner i have a danielson fish thingy and then i have a vibrax number two spinner as well and that is what we're going to be using today so my goal is to go from hold a hole and keep switching these things around and see which one fishes best and ultimately which one catches the most fish so let's get this started so the rod that i've chosen for this challenge is one of my favorite ultra light side fish in a long time and it's a very affordable one it's the akuma sst this isn't a seven foot with a two to eight pound line rating i have a 3 000 a little kymar reel on here with my 15 pound addicted enforcer braid and i love this stuff for throwing these little lures like this because it has such a smooth cast and it goes through the guide so well especially on a nice rod like this so okuma is one of my favorite rods you don't have to use them of course but this is one of my favorite and the sst is very affordable the other one will be the celilo rod and then you can really take another step up and go to the guide select pro models of the okuma trout rods which are very very nice and have a great warranty with them so what i'm going to do on that indicted enforcer braid because i don't want those trout getting line shy is i'm gonna add a 10 pound fluorocarbon to that so i'm going to do that by using a little blood knot now blood knot is one way to do this there's two or three other knots that you guys can use there's an alberto knot there's a double uni but i like the blood knot because it's quick and easy and it's the one that i'm best at tying and that i think is the most important part about doing any kind of uni knot where you're tying braid to any kind of monofilament or fluorocarbon is just do the one that you're best at tying and the one that you've learned the easiest so that's what i'm doing blood knot six or seven times over one side pinch it off six or seven times over the other side back through my hole and bammy we're connected there you have it the blood knot that's a nice strong knot a good thing to do is wrap around both hands give it a good tug if it doesn't break it shouldn't break on a fish okay and as we look over here i want to see some comments below what do we start with i don't know i'm going to start with my favorite the alma mater the old rooster tail this is a perfect color and today there's a lot of different things that we could catch in this river or this creek that we're fishing there's trout there's steelhead there's salmon uh there's cutthroat there's smolts there's all kinds of cohost molts and a little summer steelhead smolter different little trout that are gonna love these spinners so i'm gonna start with my favorite one we're gonna step through the run and then we're gonna start working our way up and down the river trying to find a spot to catch fish and see which one of these things works best [Music] so first rule of thumb to finding water that you can actually catch trout on any of these spinners is finding that trouty kind of water obviously we have this big river behind us and it doesn't matter if it's a big creek or a big river finding the areas that those fish can live and hide and have a great little protective area where food comes to them easily is what's most key where you see we have this big river here i'm going to wade all the way across and you can see this dark little green seam that's coming down that far bank that's where those fish are going to congregate and you can see how most of the current and most of the water coming down the river is shoving up against that bank there's a foam line there's shade there's a there's a deep green pocket and that's where i want to focus my efforts first so i'm going to wait across the river and start trying these different spinners through this little avenue okay here we go cast number one of the day i'm going to start my cast right at the head of the hole here and i'm just going to slowly work down this thing trying to cover each little pocket that i can and and covering that ground is what's most important a lot of the times finding those fish and moving to them and not having them move to you or trying to sit there and cast into the same spot all day long is what's going to make you more effective and actually end up catching you more fish so fishing a spinner correctly is probably half the battle a lot of times i see too many people just cast and retrieve cast and retrieve and that is not the best way to get these down in front of a fish the thing about a spinner whether it's a trout salmon or steelhead is that it's an aggravating presentation it's getting down on their face that spinner is flashing in front of their eyeballs and it's giving them almost no choice but to bite it because it's in their face it's in their zone and they're aggressive they're they're survivalists they want to kill whatever comes in front of them so the best way to do that is always cast it either 90 to 45 to you to the bank so right here i'm casting about 90 degrees straight to the bank i'm keeping my tip low and i'm reeling only enough to where i feel contact for that spinner and i feel that resistance of that blade spinning and then i'm only reeling enough to make sure i can keep feeling that i'm not pulling that stuff out of the strike zone i'm not directly reeling that spinner right back in i'm slowly following it with my tip keeping my tip low so that that spinner keeps falling and slowly reeling just enough to make that blade spin and keeping it in the strike zone for as long as possible and that's what's key i'm going to switch to these spinners all day long and we're going to see which one catches fish best but none of these spinners work at all unless they are down in the zone in front of those fish so using that technique we're like 90 to 45 to the bank tip nice and low pointed directly at your spinner and just reeling just enough to feel that spinner blade spinning you can see that tip of my rod start to bend just a little bit and then reeling only enough to keep that spinning and keep that action going is what makes these things the most effective so let's keep working down i'm going to give this about another 10 casts and it's time to change spinners [Music] [Music] okay time for a change we're going with the panther martin now we're getting into a little bit deeper water and that's kind of the thing that should be the thing that you guys take away from this video is using the different spinners in different types of water is what makes all them effective i'm going to go with my old faithful panther martin right now because this water is getting a little bit deeper and a little bit slower so i'm going to want something that's a little bit more weighted and a little heavier that will get down quicker and in front of those fish whereas the rooster tail especially the size of the one that i had on works very well in the faster moving water because it's going to be able to stay up off the bottom and keep fishing through those bouldering and through those faster sections so now that we're getting deeper i'm going to go with the old pm and see if it changes our luck [Music] okay no love in spot number one let's go find a new hole [Music] okay new spot new ambitions we're gonna go with a couple different styles of spinners i'm gonna throw that rooster tail back in my pocket because of course that is my favorite but we're also gonna grab a totally different style this time i'm gonna go with the steelhead by bud very flashy very sexy very nice let's get out there see if we can find a fish this thing's gonna work a little bit better in this kind of slower deeper water because it's heavier and it's got that nice silver flash to it so when you're fishing this deeper stuff where you have to get it down and in between all the boulders and everything you want to go with a little bit heavier spinner something that's not going to get kicked around by those boils and those royals from those rocks and it's going to get down in those faces of those fish and be good and flashy for them so here we go still by bud gear up [Music] moving along through my options no bites as of now but i'm thinking those two is we're pretty low in this river system and a lot of times in the summertime like this you'll see the trout migrate to the upper ends of these rivers where maybe some of the salmon are spawning or where the water might be a little bit colder so i'm not disappointed yet i'm not i'm not going to lose all hope because we're going to keep moving our way up in this river system into more of trout country and again which might be higher and higher in those river systems especially if you're fishing in an area that has salmon and steelhead those trout are going to follow those salmon to areas that they're going to be spawning so here we go next option blue fox [Music] so through my options that i've gone through so far i can say the best ones that i've liked and and that i fish the best in water like this one is this spinner right here that i have on this blue fox the rooster tail has definitely been i'd say the most effective as far as getting down into the into the zone and fishing longest through those little areas can't say i like the steelhead by bud much that did not fish very well and uh of course the panther martin got down and dirty no matter what but i think we just need to put these things in front of some fish but what i can tell already from fishing some moving water is that the bell body blue fox the panther martin and the rooster tail are the most fishable in stuff like this well no fish on the blue fox let's move up river [Music] [Applause] now we've made it down to a little slice of heaven here everybody and this is much more like what i'm looking for when i'm fishing these mountain streams like this for trout something with a lot of broken water a lot of cover for these fish because they're only predators coming from the sky so they want to be able to sit somewhere that they're comfortable that food is coming to them and that they're not going to get eaten themselves so i'm going to start picking my way through these boulders i'm going to stick with my blue fox spinner here my little yellow one and i'm going to start working my way through this boulder patch and if i don't get one i'm going to switch to a different spinner and try it all over again and work my way through and i'll be very surprised if i don't find a trout here work my way up go right behind each one of these big boulders make sure to keep that blade spinning the whole time and just work it through every little pocket i have available to me the one right back here oh that looks good that looks really good let it just swing back behind this boulder sit right here in the dark zone [Music] oh i just had one just slammed it okay i gotta get it right back in there that was the perfect cast got it right in that fast water i pulled it over here into this little bit of the soft water area come on find it again i missed it that time i was a little off on my cast oh there he was again son of a gun he chased it down that time okay i gotta go a little bit closer on this cast right there that's the cast come on blue fox come through dang oh oh there he is i got him got him oh he came off oh proof though you all saw it i saw it little saw it first fish on the blue fox in the fast water we're going we're looking good oh there he is oh dang it they keep coming off on me that's all right we found their number we found their number we found the spinner that's working i'm gonna make one more cast with this and then i'm gonna switch to a different lure dang it got one on the blue fox time to try another one i think we might go back to let's go back to the rooster tail here now this can be a very good way of switching up and finding the best things that are going to work and confuses those trout you don't want to get them used to just one lure you want to be throwing different things at them give that hole a little bit of a rest if you did get a bite and you and you spooked them a little bit and then switch up your lure and get right back in there with something different okay here we go [Music] nada and this rooster tail is doing a really good job of staying down in the strike zone again if i'm fishing a spot like this and i start to see that thing get kicked up to the surface because of all those hydraulics from the rocks i want to make sure to switch to a spinner or something that's either heavier or something that's a little more hydrodynamic that's going to drop down to the bottom and stay in that strike zone okay one more cast and we're moving on [Music] okay here we go find ourselves another little sex pot beautiful little spot there should be a trout in here all we have to do now is keep switching up our spinners and find what they want [Music] i'm noticing this rooster tail already is getting kicked through that little zone pretty quickly so i might be switching up to another spinner here really quick i'm gonna do one more cast with it and then change my presentation seems like those boils are a little too heavy for this spinner so i want something that's gonna be getting me down a little faster okay one more to the far side i'm putting on a new spinner okay changing it up let's go with something crazy here something that i've almost never used before this one kind of has a fly look to it it has a little flashiness has like that kind of metallic look to it like a normal little bait fish might piss something off out there but one thing for certain overall that this thing is really heavy so it's going to get me down in that turbulent water hopefully right in front of the fish [Music] now this one i'm not getting a whole lot of vibration from and i think it's the style of the blade this is more like a colorado blade more than a french blade and those french blades at time i feel work a little bit better in the moving water like this so i'm gonna keep giving this colorado blade a try but i can already tell this isn't getting the thump that i want in this fast water [Music] okay moving down into the main part of this hole let's see if there's any trout living in here i'll start my first cast not quite too far i want to be able to work this inside to get these fish that might be closer to me first rather than casting all the way across the river potentially hooking one and then spooking everything that's in here on the near side a little bit further [Music] oh that was something something smashed me right there something hit me right there ladies and gentlemen [Music] okay nothing on the fishiest maximus spinner time to switch up i'm going with the r b so this one's a little bit bigger a little bit heavier definitely going to be getting down into that strike zone a little faster and i'll be able to fish it and a little more a little more accurately behind each one of the pockets and boulders because it's not going to be affected as much by the current so we got a dual color blade we have it gold and silver the old double treble let's give it a shot [Music] now you can see already the difference in that that french blade compared to that colorado blade you can see just by the action on my tip how much more that blade is spinning and catching the current and creating a little bit better action for those fish you can see that weight on the end of my line you can see that blade flashing really really aggressively out there and i think that's what's going to make these fish bite a little better rather than such a subtle presentation there he was son of a gun oh that one felt heavy too that might have been a steelhead that just grabbed this or a really big trout let's get it back over there that was very very fishy i got slammed right there ladies and gentlemen right there dang it first cast and let that be said a lot of times especially when you're switching around lures and presentations always have your guard up on those first couple casts many many times when you're fishing spinners in any kind of water whether it's for any species of fish those first three casts are gonna be the most important so never let your guard down and always be prepared on those first couple casts for a fish to bite even if it's in a place you don't think there's gonna be a fish [Music] there he is got him everyone got him on the r b on the r b it came through came through oh and there he goes well that'll be said the r b worked that was a green with a double trouble blade a little gold little silver first good fish of the day that last one was pretty small that was about six inches long but it worked time to change see if another one works [Music] [Music] okay now that we got one on the r b we've come to a new spot and it's time to get weird and what i mean by weird is weird we're doing this little meps with a little fishy thing on it who knows what's going to happen but my goal on this video is to go through and try all 10 different methods or all 10 different spinners and see if we can catch a fish on them i know which ones are my favorite once again i've kind of said it over and over again throughout the video the rooster tail and the panther martin are hands down two of my very favorite spinners out there but it doesn't ever hurt to try some new stuff like i always say being versatile and trying new gear is what makes a good fisherman a good fisherman not you not being that one trick pony that only uses one certain kind of spanner that up one color and goes to the river every day and tries to catch fish if you go and you have that versatility and you try new things ultimately in the end you're gonna learn a lot more and you're gonna catch more fish so let's see if this weird fishy thing works okay here it goes first cast with a weird fishy thing [Music] i got one he's chasing i got him oh god that thing clobbered it the one i expected to work the least just got a fish i think he's gonna come back for it though that thing chased it down from a half a mile away let me get it back out there oh there's one right there i can see him sitting there i can see him sitting there didn't want it i can see a big fish sitting right there in front of me you guys this is gonna be a great test to see which one of these spinners works the best okay it's gonna go right in front of him didn't want it looks like a really nice rainbow trout okay i'm gonna try one more cast didn't like it okay i'm gonna try one a little bit further and then i'm switching lures again okay this is going to be a great attribute this is going to be a great test to which one of these spinners is going to work best you guys i'm going to get rid of this one really quick i'm going with the maps i'm going straight to the maps he's not moving at all he's just in his little lane there just feeding away looks like there might be a couple of them okay here we go maps engaged didn't turn at all [Music] oh he went right for it he didn't grab it though okay this is exciting this is exciting that's a really nice trout everyone this might work oh want to chase it down there's a lot of trout right here in front of me everybody i finally found them it's taken a lot of searching today a lot of miles driven but i think we finally got in the fish okay this is the telltale didn't move one thing i can definitely say so far is the meps has a really good action i'm getting a lot of good vibration out of that spinner blade it's getting down there quick and deep even for how small the spinner is oh my god just have one chase it again man there's something about the commit commitment of these fish today they're going after the spinners they're absolutely hammering them but they're not committing to them and actually getting stuck by the hook so something is definitely weird i think it's going to be a color thing we're going to have to change up and it'll be one thing all of a sudden i feel like that these fish are going to really start biting okay i'm going to move down just a little bit or maybe let's change one more time before we do we're gonna go to the weird double spinny thing this is a thomas the thomas double blade let's see what the thomas double blade can do weird little lure two blades on it some gold let's see how it works very interesting action there i like it though i do like it i had one on the double blade come on come back for it so so far what i'm seeing is a very similar reaction from all the fish every fish is biting this stuff but what i'm noticing is that a lot of them aren't committing so i'm wondering which one is going to draw that line which lure is going to actually get those fish to completely smash it and hold on to the hook okay so the thomas didn't get them we're going to try one more one more option here and it's the little vibrax blade just the silver vibrax old faithful no color no flash just the old silver number two spinner see if old school gets it done [Music] [Music] got him got him got him oh on such a unique oh such a unique style too i put the weird one on the little the little fishy magnet one that the little rubber fish on it i could see a trout sitting under the log actually the spinner had no action here so let that be said that sometimes it doesn't really take the actual spinning action to catch one here but i caught the first fish of the video come on let's put them to hand let's put them to hand it's a really nice rainbow here everybody really nice rainbow oh he's in some line okay oh what a beauty what a beauty on the lease on the least attractive lure we have wow so crazy a beautiful hatchery trout rainbow nonetheless on the goopiest lure in the box i still love your rooster tail but i might have just found my new favorite see you later buddy and there it is on the goofy fish magnet i think that might have had something to do with it i've been losing a lot of these fish and i can't really tell why but who knows it worked well last thing on the list to do is rate these bad boys and i'm gonna go through a one to ten system i'm gonna go with my favorites first fish ability second and third all out just effectiveness so i have to say number one for fishing for trout i have to go with my good old faithful rooster tail but the one that caught the most fish today was the r b spinner so i have to go pretty much a draw between the r b and the rooster tail rooster tail obviously has to come in second place for the amount of fish hook today but the mvp of the day has to be the old wiggly tail meps this one really surprised me guys he was the underdog he came from behind and he won this is the actually the only one that landed the fish and i would have bet i would have been a losing man if i would have put money on if this one would have caught fish at all so this is our mvp for the day of course my very favorites are the uh the old pm panther martin the rooster tail the blue fox actually did pretty well too we had quite a few fish bite this one but the ones that didn't do well i'd say my least favorite ones of the day were the bud spinner the steelhead by bud the meps fished very well but didn't get any bites and this guy sadly comes in last place with the old fish tastic and the fly tail but let it be said you saw the versatility in all these spinners today and you saw how each one of them fished differently in different water but all of them got a bite and pretty much all of them caught fish so let that be said for when you guys go over to the store and go to shop before you go out on your next child adventure all these spinners are gonna work but some work better than others given the situation if you guys want to see more fun trout tutorials just like you saw here today go up here and click this link to this next video go down here hit subscribe turn those bells on please give this video a thumbs up and comment below and you can be the comment of the day just like this person right here thanks so much for watching everybody you stay fishy we'll see you out there
Channel: Addicted Fishing
Views: 129,845
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: trout fishing spinners, 10 best trout fishing spinners, best trout spinners, fishing for trout with spinners, fishing for trout, trout fishing with spinners, spinner fishing for trout, trout fishing, spinner fishing, trout spinner, trout spinners, addicted fishing, trout fishing tips and techniques, fishing with spinners, rainbow trout fishing with spinners, brown trout fishing with spinners, cutthroat trout fishing with spinners, trout fishing how to, trout fishing tutorial
Id: 3e4-8kAtDbU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 29sec (1649 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 27 2022
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