How to fish a plastic worm plus a giant Bass

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hi folks Roland Martin here welcome to my YouTube channel you know I have a lot of requests from just all the time on the best ways to fish a plastic worm not just any plastic Worm but I you know I fish Cinco's for years but I'm I'm talking about plastic worms in general and I want to give just a little bit of a of a how-to format on what I consider the best way of fishing it now today is kind of a windy day and I'm going to just show you off the dock of my backyard a little bit about the ABCs that a fishing worm but I'm going to also take you to Missouri because last week I was in Missouri it was a lot colder the wind was blowing a lot harder and I caught a giant bass and I'll show you that in a little bit too okay let's talk about the the combination that I'm using right now you hear me talking about my favorite combination well because I'm using a favorite rod and reel that's the name of the the company favorite rods and favorite reels but it is my favorite as well now the rod that I really like for my worm fishing particularly a Cinco or a lightweight five inch worm of some sort this happens to be the seven foot one inch it's the medium heavy action it's a little over seven foot that's a really really Stout rod and it's got a lot of backbone now I'm coupling that up this is a very important uh aspect about the fishing I'm coupling it up with 20 pound braid now braid is the key to some of the best worm fishing you can ever have it is far more sensitive you can feel the strikes you can set the hook way better than ever before and uh you have just no line stretch and it's just strong you know 20 pound braid but here's the other thing about braid it casts farther it casts farther because it's a smaller diameter than say monofilament this 20 pound braid has a diameter of about eight pound test regular monofilament so it throws a long long ways I can feel it 100 feet across the canal okay coupling that up with the Reel now the Reel itself you need a good size Reel with it with a nice adjustable drag now this drag I can adjust it pretty tight and so when I'm around the heavy cover say at Headwaters or Lake Okeechobee or any kind of the heavy places I can around the Reeds and the in the hyacinths and the lily pads I can really get that thing tight okay that's what's that's one thing a good adjustable drag and the Reel itself I like a spool that's fairly wide because the water the spool the bigger the spool the better cast the bigger the guides I think it casts better I I like a large Gathering guide and of course this Rod here tapers down pretty good it's not the micro guide this Rod does not have Micro guides it says a fairly small guide but I don't like the micro guides I don't think they cast as well plus I don't like the microgrides for the simple reason that you can't cast a leader now this particular combination I'm not using a leader but in real clear water I will take on this 20 pound test line This 25 pound test braid I'll tie if say a 15 or even a 20 pound test fluorocarbon leader now with micro guides a problem with the micro guide is the knot won't go through the guide the the The Knot's too big and so I don't like micro guides on a spinner reel I don't like it micrograds where I'm using a leader okay I'm not using a leader today so I could use a micro guide okay let's look at the worm itself now oh by the way this reel is the 2500 series I think yeah I think it's a 2500 series but you can see how big it is 25 yeah it's a 2500 series The 3000's a little bigger the 4000 a little bigger than that but uh 2500 to 3 000 series is the size that I like okay now let's let's look at the worm this worm is a really really big deal let's just take it off the hook and start from scratch now the wind's blowing a little bit and so I've always said when there's no wind I just use a spot a straight plain hook absolutely no no weight just like that just straight right to the braid right to the hook that's a four ought ewg hook and uh okay it's a it's a medium wire it's not the heavy super super wire it's not it's not that heavy a hook okay but it's a nice heavy hook it's heavy enough okay 20 pound test line okay now today there's a little bit of wind and last week in Missouri when I caught those big fish there I'm using that it's a 30 second of an ounce little lead weight it's a little teeny lid weight you can see it against my chest it's just just small small little bitty weight just really small anyway that little bitty weight slides up and down the line now for a for a worm this one's kind of torn up I can use the senko I could use any number of worms uh Bass Pro Shop of course makes a a stick-o kind of a worm it's about the same size anyway this is the size worm I like a lot a nice why I like this size worm it's five inch it has a good bulk to it and it has a lot of weight and it means I can cast it a long ways okay to rig it properly I'm coming through the head of the worm about half inch or so and turn it like that and come through and get it on the shoulder of that hook get it on the shoulder and get that knot actually in this case I got the knot just under just under the skin of the okay now the shoulders right there and then see how this see how the hook comes out right there the hooks just kind of coming out I'm going to come in right here where my fingers are and come through and now the whole Hook is kind of just on top and I can kind of skin hook it just kind of skin hook it just a little bit so now the hook is All Laying straight that's the whole key to this this operation I'm going to re-hook it let me get it straighter you want this worm as straight as you can so you might have to re-hook it okay I'm going to come like this come like this and rehook it it's just straight as an arrow straight as an arrow that's what you want okay now the slip weight comes down just a perfect perfect complement okay now with this wind first of all I want to tell you because of the 20 pound test line I can throw this thing a country mile I mean I'm all the way across the canal I'm cleaning across the 70 80 foot Canal okay so that's but you know the fish here's here's the funny thing about fishing everybody that comes up to this canal or comes up to a lake it comes up to a pond they want to throw as far as they can out to the middle well that's not necessarily where the fish are you know if you notice the shoreline is there's a there's the melee pads right here there's some grass that sticks out there's there's some more lily pads here there's a log right in here there's rocks on that other Shoreline there's probably more bass within 10 or 15 feet of the shoreline than there is out in the middle of the of the Pond yet everybody wants to throw out there and I'll and I'll occasionally throw out there as well because there are there are in fact right down here there's some rocks right out in the middle that I know that I know where they are and so that's a kind of a cool deal but for the most cases because I'm I'm a sight fisherman oh one hit one hit my worm I just started reeling it in one hit it he's got he's got it he's got it he's got it I got it I got him son oh man are you talking about a good fish I had a good big pass on holy moly that was reeling in real fast and it hit it so then whoa you're talking about a good fish dang gone hmm the heck oh that was a good one I don't know let's try that again that was a huge fish it was really a big bass I've let it sink way out in the middle and I was reeling across the top and I got close to the edge and all of a sudden the bass hit it and I I gave him some slack and I don't know I just didn't hook up I just didn't hook up with them I don't know what happened I just don't know if you notice it's hard to see in the water but there's scattered lily pads right through there are some scheduling pads up there and with the spinner Rod even though I can throw a long ways I'm not going to throw too far I'm just going to throw up kind of to the edge of these pads right here just past that bush see that I'm in the pads right there I'm actually in the into lily pads I'm just going to just kind of I fish a high rod now here's the whole thing about worm fishing you don't want the fish to feel you you want to be able to feel the fish and the best way to feel the fish is to hold a high rod hold a high rod now this is not in the strike position I'm in no way ready to set the hook so all I'm trying to do now is feel the fish and I have the high rod so that if I get a strike the fish can actually feel me as well so I'm going to just kind of just work it slow and easy and I've noticed I keep a hot rod I keep my rod from 45 degrees to 90 degrees when I'm working it in 45 degrees to 90 degrees I don't much drop it much below 45 degrees and kind of twitch it kind of let it sit and you know we can also just kind of just let it soak a little bit on the bottom sometimes you can just stop it and that's that's a good approach we call it dead sticking it you know if you want to dead stick it you think look a nice little pocket nice little Cove nice little potential spawning area I'll throw it in a dead stick it it's just actually not moving at all and that's kind of what I'm doing right now no no fish no no bite okay now there's some more lily pads right here again I can throw it out there a little bit now I just kind of I watched the line I'm a line Watcher now I know the wind's blowing a little hard today it's hard to see the line but nevertheless if you watch the line they can see the bow in the line the first indication is that twitch on the line so I have good polarized glasses and these happen to be prescription glasses uh by the flying fisherman series and so I can really watch the line and I'm really watching for twitch and he'll open the rod High kind of did stick in it a little bit just kind of fishing it slow and easy now one thing about a shoreline fishing you can fish slow as you want you're not moving in a boat and so actually the shoreline fishermen can sometimes catch almost bigger fish because it can fish slower sometimes slower than say a boat fisherman okay I kind of did stick it along keep my rod between 45 and 90 degrees now I'm not getting a strike here and I didn't think I'd get a lot of fish here don't I don't think but say I get a strike say I get a strike what am I going to do okay so there's a couple steps number one I want to set the hook within three seconds and the reason why I want to set the hook within three seconds is that you'll gut hook a lot of fish now I do have pliers and I can turn the hook 180 degrees I can I can unhook a gut hook fish about 98 of the time and he'll survive but a lot of people don't know how to do that and a lot of people wait too long and kill a lot of fish in the process so we don't want to do that so so you have to be quick about this you have to hold the rod high as soon as you feel that tap tap tap you got to drop it in the strike position and within three seconds set the hook now I have a long handle of this Rod if you notice what I'm doing or at least what I have done sometimes I'll get the rod I'll get the rod in in my stomach like this and I can really put the put the put the pressure on on a long hook set on a long cast for example I mean I can I can come in like this and I can really set the hook by by Levering it right here and that's a heavy rod and that's 20 pound line so I can really set the hook and really get them in there drop it Dead stick it like I'm talking about now recently I was out in Missouri like I mentioned and uh I had a really exciting thing I was using this exact combination this exact worm the exact hook and I and I threw out in the canal along the edge of the of there wasn't a canal it was actually a pond in Missouri and I was retrieving it slow and easy and I had a couple other strikes of some smaller fish but anyway I finally set the hook on a monster bass so watch this you want to see a big fish hey coming up huh they don't miss that I got them that time I got them I got them son I got them I got him oh that's a big one well that's a big fish oh son oh look at this guy look at this guy guys whoo son that's a big old bass that's a big old bass huh yeah look at this guy this is a nice one oh that looks a big desk look at this size of this thing oh son whoo well it's a big one that's a big old bass it's a big old basket down this this back look at this look at this guy look at this guy oh son now that is a trophy fish this is a gigantic Bass look at the size of him look at the size That Bass it's about eight and nine pound bass that's a giant oh there's a strike okay come on bass come on bass let's see what you got oh yeah nice Bass nice Bass now we're talking now we're talking a little Bass not much not much of a bath not near as big as that big giant when I caught and in a Missouri hey but he's a fish nevertheless a couple pounds and very easily to hook them out okay I want to show you how to unhook them they swallow it but that's not a real problem if you have the right equipment and I have these nice pliers and if you come in to the through the Gill I come in through the Gill and I take that hook it's hard to see it but I'm going to take the hook and I'm going to come right through the Gill and I'm coming through the I'm coming through the Gill right through the side and I turned the hook all the way around 180 degrees when I do it pulls right out pulls right out no blood no mess I got the hook right out there's no blood in the fish the whole the whole secret was to come through the Gill and kick the hook and turn it 180 degrees okay well that's not near as big as that big jaunt when I just caught in Missouri that one was about nine pounds on this is just a little small one hey but it's nevertheless it's representative of how they hit and how they they bite and and I've called you a couple of the ABCs of fishing so uh I appreciate it Hey listen that's it that's kind of that's it for my video but listen if you would hit that likes button because I tell you Johnny Morris and and all the people at Bass Pro they love those likes the people at O'Reilly's I just have some great people the people that favor rods they they the monitor all this and every time I get a like that's a feather in my hat so please hit the likes button thank you very much and thanks for watching I hope I've shown you a few things about my way of fishing a plastic worm
Channel: Roland Martin Outdoors
Views: 443,977
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Id: nDQ71FgyJ_E
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Length: 16min 59sec (1019 seconds)
Published: Mon May 08 2023
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