The ABC's of Chatterbait fishing for big bass

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hey youtubers down to my little special place in my little tracker off-road Deal and now today I'm going to show you something about a special lure this is really kind of a cool lure I'll show you the lure in just a second get on my tackle out here get my rods out and we're going to give you the ABCs today of chatter bait fishing we're going to show you a little bit about just what it takes to catch bass from Connecticut to California on the chatter bait just show you what I'm talking about I got a whole bunch of different chatter baits starting with some white one here's a one of my favorite green pumpkin half ounce let me just show you what it is and I know you've seen me fishing these things a lot there it's a it's a vibrating jig it's nothing more than a jig with a blade and I like the jig fish and I like the worm fish and you can fish a ChatterBait somewhat similar to a to a to a jig or a worm the only difference is you can also see us swimming along a regular jig or worm you throw it out there and you let it sink to the bottom and a regular worm you just lift it up and kind of move it along slow and easy and you can do that some with a ChatterBait but if you look at this ChatterBait it's first it's for swimming I can make a long cast with it come right past an ambush point it could be a point of rocks it could be a dock it could be a tree it could be a point of grass and just kind of slowly reel it along BAM they load up on a big time now this last couple months I really had a really great experience with with ChatterBait so caught several bass down at Mexico in the ten pound class I've caught several more bass here in Florida in the seven and eight pound class I've really had a great great year on this ChatterBait legislature what a ChatterBait consist so this is the half ChatterBait and it's the jackhammer series it's the premium model and they have several different prices and price points and models and say z-man has the patent on what they call the ChatterBait now there's other bladed jigs out there there's a whole bunch of them ten or fifteen different people make a bladed jig but they don't call them a ChatterBait they call them a bladed jig okay so we're gonna call this one a ChatterBait because that's what it is it's shuddering and z-man makes basically all the ones for Bass Pro Shop the Bass Pro Shop sells that's made by a Z man and it's a ChatterBait and then they make the regular series for it's about a five or six dollar lure in the half ounce model like this one and then they make the jackhammer series now the jackhammer series is a premium series it's handmade it has a little bit tighter wobble it's just a it's just better built by a little bit and it'll it catches fish just a little teeny bit better almost all the pros that I know use the jackhammer series but it costs like $15 it costs more okay so what I'm gonna do now is I'm going to show you the two ways that I have it will retrieve in a ChatterBait you know it's an ambush you can throw it to an ambush point like those lily pads and you can throw it there and just kind of work it right through there let it drop to the bottom and lift your rod up kind of like a worm fish it's just kind of ease it along okay that's one really good way of a safe fish in an ambush point now when I lift it up and drop it back down it's like a jig it's like a worm the fish hit it as it sinks back down that's the main time they hit it and so be a line watcher it's so so important when you lift lift it up and drop it back down that you're watching that line and then also I put a little bit of back pressure on it I just keep just a little bit of tension on the line so that when they hits it out feel a little tick okay let's talk about the line in the setup because that's really really a big part of it Brett Hite has won three or four great big giant tournaments he's from California actually he's from Arizona I'm sorry but Brett has really set the world on fire and he's developed this jackhammer series for example for z-man and he's won three or four really big tournaments on the on the ChatterBait and what I'm gonna show you his setup this is Brett height set up this is what he personally gave me this line he personally gave me this lure he personally set me up Brett Hite did two weeks ago a while but I've known him for a long time but what he recommends okay this is what he recommends this is 20 pound fluorocarbon 20 pound look fluorocarbon is a little bit more difficult to cast but it has less stretch than monofilament it has more sensitivity than monofilament and it's it's all but invisible in the water it also syncs more so when you use fluorocarbon your line goes a little deeper because it sinks more than the auto filament it has a little bit more sensitivity again a little less stretch it's just a little bit tougher line but it is harder to catch that's the only downside of fluorocarbon you have to have your realistic just right with a little bit of back pressure on your on your breaks you have to keep your thumb on the spool and you have to you know you have to not let the thumb off the spool and that's really an important kind of way of casting a ChatterBait now there's a second way to retrieve that and it's the way that I like it a lot and that is I just kind of slow roll it now what's slower when you're talking about spinnerbait fishing you're talking about slow rolling okay what's this Laurel that's just where the blade of the spinner bait just slowly rolls along so all you're doing when you're slow roll of ChatterBait is about the same thing you just holding it down it kind of Anna put put the rod in the strike position and just reel it fast enough if you really have good sensitive line and a good sensitive rod like I use this good sensitive Emperor Series rod I can feel that blade took don't-don't-don't and that's kind of the slow roll complement of a ChatterBait it's kind of like slow rolling the spinner bait just slows down barely having that blade wobble back and forth and just keep it kind of easing along hey last weekend I went with my my grandson Reid Reid Martin he's in college and we've got this ChatterBait that's very wet in fact this ChatterBait right here was one of them I used half ounce model we're throwing it in little patches of eelgrass and we're just throwing it out there as far as we could we're kind of holding the rod in a strike position we're just slowly reeling alone BAM I catch one almost eight pounds BAM Reid catches one about seven pounds we had a beautiful women we almost won the tournament we had two more of great big ones up to the boat and we 100 was about seven or eight pounds that would have won the tournament we got away but anyway we came in fourth I came in fourth place a lot of big fish that day but anyway we're really on fire on the shouter big deal the week before I was down in Mexico and I don't know how many fish had caught a couple hundred fish on the shadow bait okay let me just show you a few different trailer combinations and a few different size combinations of the ChatterBait himself okay let's start off with a 3/8 ounce and I'll have some white ones just so that you can see what's going on here now here is a lighter ChatterBait it's a 3/8 ounce model and it just watching it in the water I'm just going to kind of live just so you see what it does it's you can see the white really well and you can see that blade moving at all I just want to let you see that because that's a really a big part of this whole system the blade really wobbles around you can see it really kind of just really working you can see it really really popping along and hopping along okay that that's a 3/8 now that doesn't move real hard or fast but with this fluorocarbon line and a sensitive enough rod you can feel that blade wobbling and that's so important to have that blade whopper this wobbling right now it's wobbling it's wobbling I'm just running around slow and easy again that's the 3/8 of an ounce ChatterBait 3/8 of an ounce and it happens to be a trailer that some of the guys use it at Okeechobee if it's not really my choice of trailers let me show you my better choice of trailers let's just look at trailer for a second and see what we have nom we're three eighths of an ounce ChatterBait right here let's go to a five inch swim sink oh yeah I'll watch just don't know just watch what happens I'm gonna cut some of that off about an inch and a half of it all what's my C's okay I'm gonna take this trailer off then I head on there and now I'm gonna take that swim Cinco about three inches of it and I'm gonna put it on the hook how are you gonna see something really cool this dis lights them up son this is the deal now watch this chatter rate whoo man you're talking about something going look at that tail look at that tail through the tail tail is way more active way more active a tail and that that that is a big big part of it that's a real big part of it okay now speaking of active tails there's another combination of sales that I really like and that's a tail that Brett Hite himself came up with let's talk about these tails that Brett has I don't have the light colored ones these are these are the new kickings echoes it's a four inch model and it's a sample its head and come out on the market yet it's a brand new deal and I've got some of them I had some white ones I couldn't find him and I used them all last week and I couldn't find my island but just to show you what this does this does a whole different ballgame again I do have white ones I just couldn't find them let's take that kick in zico zico let's put it on this white here just though there's just all I'm doing is showing you what the trailer does okay I'm gonna put it in with this up top here just like this come through the top come through the top right through here okay now watch this this combination of course it's not the right color but watch the tail the tail is a big deal the tail if you can see it you can't see the tail daggone it the tail is kicking like crazy but you can't see it I wish I had the white tails ah the waters too dark but let me just tell you I don't have the right color tail to show you that tail does the job that's the new kicking Zach oh that Brett Hite has developed and this is the perfect size for the 3/8 ounce for the half ounce for the 5/8 ounce even up to the 3/4 ounces it's a perfect complement for that okay let's go let's go to another combination here let's look at another at another color now here's the the regular zecko now here this isn't the kick Canseco they may have zikos now for three or four years and these echoes this is the one that has this irregular swimming tail this seco and maybe if I show you this maybe we can see this swim a little better this is a the actual tail that Brett Hite won two of his big giant tournaments on and that's the the Zico with yeah you can see that tail a little bit better that's that tail shows up so I couldn't see the other one that it doesn't kick the new tail the new kitten tail has more vibration that has some vibration and it's really really good but it's still not is is it doesn't kick and vibrate as much as that is the new one but hey whether it kicks or vibrates or what it does this is one so many tournaments it's just it's really been a big deal and the other thing about the the Zico is pretty heavy it's a little small swim but it helps you cast a long way I can really make a long cast that way again about half the time I do a slow roll with it just very early really long I can just barely feel that blade vibrate I'm kind of in a strike position now if you notice my rods kind of low I'm kind of ready to set the hook and I'm just kind of just easing along and I got this rod and also see this is a big what they call it push it button I keep it in my side and I keep their out here like this and so when I get in this position one hits it oh I can load up see how I can just I mean if if one there's not a fish that's right but if the point is if they were a fish to bite I'd be in the strike position right here rod low just ready to go and it rotted a little less than a 45 this I can feel that I can feel that Jake oh I can feel that blade just moving it's just the perfect it's this perfect thump it's thumping back and forth uncle it's doing they're gonna do the good okay let me just show you another combination we're getting some combinations going here let's show you on this bigger slightly bigger one this is a little bit heavier model this is a 5/8 ounce model and here's a here's a trailer that I've just fallen in love with it's called the cowboy okay here's the cowboy now this is a dark colored one and you know around here in South Florida we use that we use the black and blue colors I'm just showing you the white one now because the white one's just showing up better in the water but in reality like last week we used a black and blue and the black and blue one in both half ounce and 3/8 of an ounce the chatter baits that's like I want Lake Okeechobee just lists last week well let me put the cowboy on I'll just show you the how how this goes this is really a kicking deal here this thing it really really cuts it up now again I don't know if you can see that tail we can see the tail really good and look at that cowboy tail on this green pumpkin that I like so well you can't see it real well but there is one way to make it more visible and that is by using some spike it products and that's something that's really really important I use I use color enhancing all the time and one thing you can do there that orange I got Reds I got all sorts of different colors but a standard color really standard color and in a psychic thing is a is the chartreuse now what you do with the chartreuse is is you dip it just a little bit in the end the tail you tip the death tail down in there best you can she got to get the dye up on the tail and that should that should do it right there now you want watch you saw how hard it was to see now watch this I'm telling you folks this makes it a lot more visible this chartreuse color really really lights it up and sometimes in the fourth the waters a little dingy these chartreuse is really look at that you can see the chartreuse coming along really really good you could really really really see the chartreuse look at those tails this is a little quarter ounce that's just a little bitty thing if you notice the head is just really small quarter ounce that's perfect for Lake Okeechobee and it's like in that much water in the waters just just a foot deep that's great okay now you go here's the 3/8 ounce and kind of a white and that's a vast Pro Shop but it's still a ChatterBait it's still a ChatterBait that that z-man makes for the thing it's the same thing it's the same actual bait and then we get up we've got graduate up a little higher that was 3/8 this is the 3/8 and a black-and-blue okay three-eighths and a black and blue and now we're going to a 1/2 ounce the 1/2 ounce and that green pumpkin is just 1/2 oh well anyway chatter baits is one of my go-to lures it's one of my favorite lures it's a difficult thing to master hable once you master the shadow bait fishing you'll have the time of your life and possibly catch the biggest bass of your life hey listen I post every Wednesday at about 6 o'clock in the afternoon and I I also post another video which is usually fishing oriented on Sundays and then on Fridays I do what's happening rolling kind of it's a recap for the week and please keep watching hey I love it doing these these videos and we'll see you again soon
Channel: Roland Martin Outdoors
Views: 226,130
Rating: 4.9102917 out of 5
Keywords: Roland Martin, Roland Martin Outdoors, Fishing With Roland Martin, Scott Martin, Scott Martin Challenge, Bill Dance, Jimmy Houston, Bass Pro, Bass Pro Shops, Tracker Marine, Nitro Z21, Favorite Rods, Fish Brain, Yamamoto Custom Baits, Power Pole, Jack Plates, Spike It, Frogg Toggs, Mega Strike, Swim Bait, Fishing, Bass Fishing, Lunker Tv, Knot Tying, Fishing Knots, Largemouth Bass, Smallmouth Bass, B.A.S.S., Chatterbait, Braided Line, Z-Man
Id: Qs5jO73W_Xs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 34sec (1054 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 25 2019
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