Vocal Coach Reacts to Dimash Kudaibergen - SOS 😱

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hey guys I'm Tara with Tara Simon studios and by a very very popular demand I'm going to be reacting to the drumroll please damash or is it to mash how do you say I'm sure you're gonna correct me because you guys are awesome at that I'm thinking it's dommage I've looked up a few ways of pronouncing it although I have not heard him sing before because guys part of the beauty of these reactions from me is that they're cold I have not done research I have not listened to him I want you to get my raw honest genuine reaction so for those of you who have been saying hey you should research as principal I do that intentionally and yes if I if I review people multiple times then I will get to know them thanks to you guys for telling me all about them and I so appreciate that but I just want you to have the most candid reaction possible without any kind of pre-selling or precursors or pre research to what I'm actually seeing here so I'm saying dommage we're gonna review damash right now for all of those of you who have been requesting it over and over in the comments thank you so much this is for you we're gonna be commenting you guys are be commenting and i'm agree acting to DiMaggio's SOS here we go this is a live performance [Music] Wow [Music] Wow [Music] beautiful I'm gonna stop right there for a second I want to know two things did you notice how he took his in-ear out I do that all the time I was actually just singing last night at a place and I did that same thing a lot of times people advise against that I really like it I like to hear the ambient noise of the room as well as the mixed controlled sound in one ear but hearing both ears with the mix control sound kind of makes me feel a little crossed claustrophobic and out of touch with what the room the audience is actually hearing so I enjoy that he did that he really wanted to hear what they were hearing also side note to his first of all his diction is beautiful he's not singing in English but being classically trained I really appreciate just how beautiful he rolls out his consonants through through his bowels too like he doesn't he doesn't let the consonants close off the vowels he actually lets the vowel enhance the consonant by going towards it in a really graceful way that was beautiful his pitch is awesome he's he almost sounds like a female when he's in his beginning part of that song and then when he went low it was like whoa okay you're definitely a man and you're definitely singing alone out here everything so far has been pristine and beautiful I'm really impressed so far really excited or oh my goodness he's definitely been classically trained [Music] beautiful resonation on the top note and the range [Music] beautiful next placement [Music] here's a really nice vibrato - it's not too fast not too slow [Music] [Applause] look that guy was like [Music] total trust here very powerfully except so many different levels of texture and timbre to its ways oh I just need a second hey hey I'll pull myself together okay so that note let's see that's sharp that's the next sharp okay so that for a guy that's for a girl let's forget the fact this guy that in and of itself is a really hard note to mix and that was not had voice that was not like a falsetto note that he hit there that was like a true mix between the chest and head it wasn't and it definitely wasn't belt it was forward really thin yet stuck and locked into placement so hard to do okay not only does it take amazing technique but it takes great courage a lot of singers will be able to attempt that and their technique is awesome but the reason they fall short is because in their thought life they're thinking mm-hmm kind of not gonna get it kind of scared of it kind of kind of don't think it's gonna sound right or come out great kind of feel like I'm gonna crack and then they do the way that he executed that was like this like a tiger pouncing on its prey I am here and I'm gonna get that note I'm owning that sucker and he did so his technique was awesome but also the amount of courage it takes to go for that wide of a note in front of a big audience is huge mad props to him for that that was awesome [Music] that math stuff heavily rate control there [Music] you and I will say that his place been so great by the way this is and this is the same for me as well even though my girl when I sing notes in my head voice it sounds really impressive but secretly you want a secret that's kind of my vocal break not break like register break but like I'm taking a vocal nap it sounds really nice but I don't have to really work hard for it and you can see it in his face too and the relaxed way his hand is that that's sort of where he's sort of taking his vocal nap right there and recharging for the next I don't know insane and superhuman thing that I'm sure he's about to do everybody's like what [Music] gorgeous mix on that boat as it goes lower there's more chest that's added into [Applause] okay now that that's an Evoque I see now that's impressive for a girl to hit so I'm gonna say that he's an alien and he doesn't live here in this world because I don't even have to say about that like for a guy to hit that usually is a boy that's pre puberty and and hasn't had their voice changed yet yes that's possible I wonder if he's trained all the way up through puberty like before puberty and then through it because one of the jobs that I have as a coach training younger boys through that stage is trying to keep that upper register as they are making that vocal transition it happens for girls too by the way but just not as drastically as it does for that boy who has a huge break or that gap and ranged the experience when they hit puberty so I wonder I don't know again don't know him right but I wonder if he trained during that that face and was able to hang on to those notes that he had when he was a boy and never lost them or if that's just something that he was able to do after puberty I guess I would like to ask him so damash if you want to answer my question I would love to hear from you and let's move on that's a knee above icy though guys super high love his musicality and and the way that he's delivering everything using his breath using the consonants using the breath to add emotion to it super powerful yes [Music] ah [Music] Oh [Applause] okay don't worry I'll go back I won't like ruin the whole run here but I have to stop and say what he just did right there was amazing I'll tell you why when you switch from mix to mask and / whistle which she's about there okay on this note that's a really difficult thing to do because what's happening is picture a zipper right picture that you're wearing a sweater and you've got two sides the zipper you kind of attach them both at the bottom and then you pull up right you got the two sides but they're kind of coming together like that mix and mask are doing that right now is he's moving up in his range so as he was hitting that mixed note they were like this and as he went up higher it zipped up beautifully without any snag in that zipper it wasn't like a jerky because when you heard that you like you hear like a flip versus ah where it's smooth and complete right so there was no jerking on zipper it was completely smooth and he moved a lot like he's doing a run right now he wasn't just going to a note so the amount of a talent be vocal control and see technique it takes to do that execution well and healthfully is immense it's insane this guy is um he's from Mars doesn't exist here in the world we're gonna go back and listen to the whole thing so I don't dropped it that's insane [Music] [Applause] my name is Dahlia [Music] [Music] [Music] I mean huh so okay one of the things I really appreciated about that ending to by the way was that he he went into this really breathy place in his head voice but then he crescendoed into pure tone and decrescendo back into breath again so that control and then it just sort of wilts into nothing and yet the notes still sort of hangs there in silence you can almost still hear it if you're really closing your eyes and listening that is artistry that's insane so you're right easily the best singer I've ever reviewed maybe the best singer I will ever review hands down you're the band damash you are insane something that I also didn't get to say during the review of the video was something that I want to say now is that within one person this one kind of little looking guy right there are at least four different types of vocals that I heard I heard a classical high whistle tone I heard a beefy operatic upper mask I heard a big guy like belting it out and then I also heard this pop guy coming out with some of those breathy nose for singers at minimum if I thought about it harder I could probably come up with more but just off the top of my head what really is glaringly obvious as far as his musicality and dynamics and the way he's he's delivering his vocals so many options to choose from as far as delivering your tone are concerned and he does an amazingly artistic and beautiful job it's seamlessly and gracefully going through all of those different vocal characters I'll call him of his voice that's something that's really valuable to use as a singer you know knowing your voice well enough to know what personality you're going to pull out of it at different times in a song or in an album or even sir or in in a recording that you're doing if you're writing something original or or whatever it is to know your voice enough to know when to pull out the character that you want to make the most impactful moment that you can for the audience what an amazing job Wow I don't know about you but I'm gonna be watching this video again just so I can see him he was so great so thank you you guys have been like exclamation pointing his name on comments and now I see why I'm so sorry it took me so long but I'm grateful and I will be doing many many more of damash d mash you tell me and I'll say it completely right the next time but he's I'm now a fan and a super big supporter of his now he's an amazing vocalist and he does it with such wonderful technique such great feeling he's a great example by the way if someone who sings with amazing technique and the emotion does not get lost within that perfect execution so it is possible for those of you who have been saying yeah but you know it's also about emotion yes it is and that's how you do it so if you like what you've been watching guys if you like me please subscribe below our subscribers are insane we have gotten about a thousand a day I'm so humbled and honored for that so thank you so much for sharing and for spreading the word and for subscribing yourself if you need lessons yourself if you want to work on something like dommage I can definitely help you and you just need to click on the link below for that me or one of my coaches will be happy to help also I'm going to be releasing an eight-week course soon and by the time you're watching this it may already be released so make sure you check on the the box below for that link as well if it's not there that means it's not live yet but if it is there go ahead and click on that and check that out that is a great baseline for learning the foundation of my methodology which is called sing smarter not harder that I've developed over the years and it's what my celebrity clients use to hit notes like that and to sing all over the world thanks so much for watching guys and I will see you on the next one
Channel: Tara Simon Studios
Views: 4,109,349
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tara simon studios, tara simon, tara, vocal coach, vocal coach reacts, vocal reacts to, dimash kudaibergen, dimash sos, dimash kudaibergenov sos, dimash kudaibergen sos, dimash reaction, SOS of an Earthly Being in Distress, sos, dimash, Димаш Кудайбергенов, dimash kudaibergenov, reaction video, reaction, reacts, reacts to
Id: 08XxjLpAdgc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 20sec (920 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 12 2018
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