How To Find Gold

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hey guys my name is jason with non-baker  mining and metals and on today's video   i wanted to do a little bit of a follow-up uh  a couple weeks ago i made a video where i went   up in the hills and prospected on a quartz  vein and i have uh the sample here behind me   of the quartz that i ended up getting and so on  today's video i'm going to crush this stuff up   see if we can find any good gold samples in it   and then also pan it down or maybe run on the  shaker table get the gold out and figure out   how much uh gold we have in in this sample so  we're going to do kind of an ounces per ton   uh calculation on it and if you guys are coming in  the middle here i'll put a link uh to the previous   video in the description as well as up here in the  corner of this video so check that out first if   you haven't if you guys have seen that one already  let's get going on this one and we'll figure out   how much gold we got in our rocks so the first  thing we got to do here is i got our oar in the   bucket and we're going to take a weight on it the  blue bucket weighs 2 pounds so we have 26 pounds   of ore to start with so next thing we're going  to do is we're going to run them down this little   four inch by six inch laboratory jaw crusher it's  gonna crush down and go in this uh drawer here it   crutches down to about i don't know a quarter inch  three eighths minus and so uh i know there's a lot   of free gold in here and a lot of some some really  nice maybe specimen stuff so i'm gonna crush it   into the drawer spread it out on the table and see  if we can find anything uh that's that's really   good high grade stuff that we can take out of  samples and the rest will deal with some other way all right so now what i want to do is i'm just  going to screen him through a quarter inch screen i don't want to get all the dust  and all the junk out of there that's something else there now now we can have a nice clean court so   we can kind of pick through on  the table and get a look at it okay so there's the stuff we're gonna pick through   and there's kind of the fine  stuff we'll just crush up and   run through our table or a pan or something so  let's see if we can find any gold in this stuff all right let's see this works now in that other video i had  some pretty nice specimens and they all went through the crusher  so all the gold that i found up there   all those pieces are in here somewhere well this is kind of daunting  here it's kind of like a three-dimensional puzzle i  want to look at all the sides   but i got a lot of volume to look through here so i'm gonna just kind of  pick through this stuff and   see if i can find any any gold  sticking on the faces any pieces all right well this is this is pretty  encouraging see if i can get this in focus   this is like the 10th rock i picked up   and right there this little piece of  gold sticking out of the corner of it so hopefully i can find more of that stuff all right guys i've hand-picked through  some of this stuff well most of it   i haven't gone through every single piece uh but  i've been spreading it out i've been looking at it   and i didn't really know what to expect but i'm  disappointed there's not more visible gold in   here when i was up there on the hill and you know  breaking open rocks and i was figuring you know a   rock this big that had a little bit of gold in the  corner there there would be a lot more inside that   rock and so once i broke it down to this smaller  size and had a lot more surface area to look at   i'd see a lot more gold and that's really just not  the case i picked out a few little rocks here that   have some gold on them but i was hoping to get you  know some big pieces some nice specimen pieces of   gold out of here uh which i didn't so i'll show  you what i got here is our little specimens   and then i'm going to take this over to one  of our uh fine grinding vibrating tube mills   we'll crush it down to powder and then i'll  pan it out and see actually how much gold is   in here and then we can do kind of an ounces  per ton analysis of it so here's a few pieces   i did find there's some gold there a little bit  of gold there a little bit of gold on that corner   some of it's hanging around with this this gray uh  mineral here and some of it's just sticking out of   the white quartz like like that piece and you know  this is this is probably the best piece i found   as far as size um but you can see i mean  that just the huge volume of rock i have   and i it's just you know i was hoping for for a  little bit better um but let's get this over and   we'll crush it up and see what we can pan out of  it so one thing i just was thinking about while   i was getting ready to pack the coarser stuff  up is there may be some gold or a lot of gold   that actually broke out of the rock when i  crushed it and is in this fine stuff this   is the quarter inch minus stuff um so i mean you  know obviously some may have gotten knocked out of   here but but not all of it they're still if this  rock was really really rich you'd expect to see   quite a bit of gold in the rocks um in the  courser stuff so anyway just hope just hoping   against hope that i can get a little more  gold than what i see in the rocks there one other thing i did forget to mention here um  i took one piece that had some visible gold in it   and i sent it off to a friend of mine that  has a rock saw and so when i get that piece   back from him uh hopefully it'll be cut up  in the slabs and we'll see some uh some vg   some visible gold and that stuff um so when i  get that back i'll i'll put a shot of that in   but right now we're headed over to  grind that stuff up and pan it out here's a piece that i took to one of my friends  with a rock saw and this is one of the higher   grade pieces that i had but if i think i can  get this if i if i get it just right in the   light you can see all the gold so little specks  of gold or maybe it's better to do it like this but all that all that reflective stuff you're seeing there  is all little pieces of gold see it there so the stuff's really high grade but the gold  is so fine i mean a lot of it's real small but let's keep uh working on our stuff  we'll see how much we got in our 26 pounds   here is our little vibrating tube mill we're going  to use and this is just literally a steel tube   that's i don't know about three feet long maybe  one foot wide you can see the inside of it there   and these are the steel balls we use and so what  i'm going to do is i'm going to get the steel   balls loaded into this chamber and then i'll close  this plate i'll add the ore in down the top here   and turn it on and just let it go this this  one right now is set up as a closed system so   i'm just going to turn it on it's going to shake  for a while and then i'll i'll clean it all out   here's our material i'm going  to run i'm going to keep it dry   and i'm not going to add any water because i  found that it's a lot easier to clean out when the   material is dry for these batch this batch system  i got it set up for now we have tried it with rods   uh in the past but we found that the balls  actually work a little bit better and here is   an example of like a screen that you can put over  the end and the material will crush and then once   it gets as small as that screen it'll come out  of the mill but let me get some of these balls in   here and i'll take a video what it looks like with  the the charge loaded up and we'll start it up so there's our charger balls loaded in there  and when i put the cover on it'll come up to   about halfway a little under a half maybe um but  there's that now i got to get our ore in there   and there's been a lot of interest in these  lately these little vibrating tube mills because   it sounds like they're pretty efficient uh they  don't take as nearly as much power as a ball mill   and what i'm gonna do eventually or start playing  with is when i when i get a charge in there and go   on i can i can trick a little bit of water down  in there and i don't know exactly how much but i   would flow the water down through and i got an  end plate kind of ready for it i'd turn this i   don't know half or a third or wherever and as the  water flows through and flow the fine stuff out   and so you add water and coarse material in  here constantly and it's constantly flowing   out the back side onto a shaking table or down  a sluice box or something but this might be   a really nice way to finally crush material  with low energy and without a ball mill so let's throw our our ore in  there turn on see what happens so so all right it's been half an hour i'm just gonna  take the end off and we can take a look and   see how much we got crushed here here's a look inside and it looks like  all the materials in the back there   it may have shifted it may be dipping down  downhill that way and it all runs down to that end   but i'll pull some out and we'll see what it looks  like here's what this stuff looks like it's kind   of interesting it's a lot of it's really really  fine and then there's like some big rocks in there there's a few little pebbles but yeah it's like   it crushes a lot of it to super fine  and then it leaves some bigger stuff so i'll let it run like i said it's  been running about half an hour   i'll let it run another half  an hour and check on it again   okay guys it's been a little bit over an hour  and now all the materials on this side so i don't   i don't know i don't know why it migrates back  and forth in the middle like that but um it's it's   over here now uh so i'm gonna start picking out  these balls and i got a little bucket here so we   can we can gather all the material in the bucket  and uh take it over and pan it see what we got okay i got all the balls out there's still quite  a bit of material kind of stuck on the sides here   so i'm going to turn the mill back on let's  see if i can vibrate some of that all loose   uh but i have noticed that it just gets caked  on here on the sides and i'll be interested to   see this is just a mild steel tube and i want  to know if there's a bunch of steel filings   in the in the fine stuff that we crushed  or if the the uh the ore makes kind of a   padding on the on the inside here and  protects the steel from getting eroded   uh the other thing here is this stuff is really  funny it's it's it's super super finely powdered   and then a big rock and there's no  there's no sand or anything it's just like   there's a bunch of super super talcum powder stuff  and then like big rocks in there so i don't really   know how that happens if the if there's a little  bit of the ore that got you know kind of like   hidden in the bottom or over on the side or up  against the end plate and didn't get crushed   but there's definitely some bigger stuff so i'll  have to go back and screen that stuff out maybe   through like an eighth inch or a 20 mesh screen  or something but let me turn this thing back on   and see if i can vibrate the rest of that stuff  off the walls and get it scraped into that bucket all right guys we got our stuff back here to the   other shop i'm just going to do a  quick and dirty pan on this stuff and see what we can get out of it  and then we'll run the tailings   my panning tailings over on the shaker  table hopefully once it starts stops raining   and uh we'll see what we can get out of  the panning pailings there's some nice gold i want to see if that black stuff is magnetic   but we started with 26 i probably ended up only  crushing about 15 or maybe 20 pounds worth of   stuff so that's gold from 20 pounds worth of or  not too bad let's see if that's just magnetic here   here we're going to use our old  magnet in the bag trick here there's some steel there but  i mean i ran all those balls   and i ran that vibrating mill for over an hour and that's that's really not very much  steel or magnetics coming off of there there's a really nice little  shiny piece of gold there so that's pretty nice well now what i wanted to do  is take our padding palings and run them on this 4x8 shaker table that  we make see if i can scavenge any gold from my panning tailings and i'll  be the first to admit that wasn't   really a very good effort on my part   to pan that out so i wouldn't be surprised there's  quite a bit of gold left in here percentage-wise but i had it here i thought you guys might  like to see one of our shaker tables run and   we'll come out here and run our sample and we make these and sell these  and so if you're interested in the   shaker table or really any other  mining equipment check out our website it's got prices and stuff we got a bunch  of videos on there about how it works so you can see here there's a  little bit at the end of the grooves   coming up this long groove if we had  more material it'd keep keep working   its way along and the gold would work its way  up out this long groove down into the water bar   and down into the this is where the number  one and the number two concentrates are   but i want to get out of the rain so  i'm just gonna brush this down and   get it in one of those cups  and then we'll pan it out okay just uh cover all our bases here there's  a little bit of rock that uh state is gravel   i'm going to run it down through this little disk  mill here and that'll help crush it down finer   i've never done it damp before  i mean that gravel's kind of wet   i hope it it crushes it down fine  enough and makes enough dust that it   can go through um but we'll see  what happens let's give it a try you can see how this works one disc is stationary  the other one spins the other one spins and   the stuff is fed in the middle and out the edges but man that was kind of torturous we  got our stuff crushed oh man it's just   it's one of those days where you're just fighting  everything the weather the machines the ore   all the stuff but by god we're gonna  we're gonna get through this we're   gonna get through this together  so i've got the last of our ore   gotta crush through that disc mill so now i  gotta pan this out i have not all over my face   pan this out see how much gold's in here we'll  combine all our gold together and we'll melt it   down into a button get it weighed we'll figure out  how much gold we got out of that 26 pounds of ore   this might be the sloppiest sample i've ever  done but we're still gonna go through and we're   gonna get a number at the end all right guys  well i panned down the stuff that went through   that little disc mill and a couple exciting things  here here's a piece pretty nice little piece there   and it went through the disc so it's  super flat um another couple pieces there   that are pretty good looking but here's  a few that are kind of interesting it rolled them up into a little ball and so those are kind of like little nuggets  there's a few of those around one there one there   but uh man what i really wanted was to find  something like that in the rock that would   have been a really nice specimen i mean  it's been flattened out now obviously but   that would have been a really nice little piece  of gold to find sticking out of the quartz   and even these little balls that got rolled up um  but now i'll i'll combine all our gold together   and we'll get it all sucked out and i'll show you  how i'm going to melt it down into one single bead okay so i'm gonna take this little  snuffer bottle i'm gonna suck out as much of the gold as i can get  trying to keep it more or less clean and then i can just pan it back down again look at those look at those pickers out of there now i take just a blue shop towel here i'm going to take out my straw cap the end with my finger and move it back  here a little bit so you can see better shake all that gold down to  the tip of the snuffer bottle and then leak it down into the bottom of that get it down the bottom of that shop towel just do that a couple times  get all the gold out of there there we go take your shop rag squeeze all the water out of it as best you can and then we'll go put it in our repelling furnace so this here's a chunk of bismuth we've  got a little bit of fines down there   i'm going to take some bismuth and put  it in with our shop towel and our gold and that's gonna alloy with all of  our gold in there and make a puddle yeah let's not get too carried away here  so i'm going to add some bismuth in there a   couple pieces maybe 10 or 20 grams that'll alloy  with our gold and in our furnace because bismuth   is not a precious metal we're going to get it  up real hot and it's going to start oxidizing and once the bismuth metal turns to bismuth oxide   on the top of the little button we're going to  make a little bead we're going to make in there   the bismuth oxide will be absorbed by the  cupel this is cupel the bismuth oxide is   going to get sucked into here and all the  precious metals the gold and the silver   aren't they won't be absorbed into the cupel so  they'll stay as little gold button on the surface   and uh when the whole process is done the gold  button will be sitting there solid the cupel   and the keypel will have turned kind of a dark  gray or dark brown color from all the oxides right now we're burning off  the rag there all the carbon   and pretty soon we should see some silver  liquid pouring out of the bottom of that rag   there it comes that'll be the bismuth and that's  going to alloy with all the precious metals   in there the gold primarily is what we have  we'll check back on it in a couple of minutes   and all that rag will have burned off and  we'll have a nice silvery puddle in there   that's forming oxides on top that  are being absorbed into the cupel all right let's take a quick peek  at our golden bismuth in here so there's the puddle the  rags been totally burned off now that puddle's oxidizing away leaving the  gold behind so we'll check on it a little while   should have a nice pretty gold bead in there all right guys let's check on our bead here it's  been in about half an hour so it should be done yeah there it is there we go we're cooled off  a little bit of water here and there's our gold bead let's get a weight on her see what she weighs all right there's our bead it weighs 0.73 grams  so let's do some math we'll figure out how many   grams per ton that is right so if you take our  original 26 pounds that i hiked out divide that   by 2 000 pounds and a ton that's how many tons  you get you take 0.73 grams divided by our tons   comes out to be about 56 grams per ton  so a little less than two ounces of ten   which is awesome all right guys well thanks  for watching our video hope you guys enjoyed   it uh it's always fun to run a sample like  that and see how much gold we got in our ore   so if you have any questions or comments  you can find our contact information   in the description below so thanks for  watching and we'll see on the next one
Channel: mbmmllc
Views: 230,803
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Keywords: mbmm, mbmmllc, black sand concentrates, fine gold, flour gold, gold concentrates, gold mining, gold mining equipment, gold mining plant, gold ore, gold ore processing, gold panning, gold prospecting, gold recovery, gold sulfides, gold recovery plant, metal de oro, mina de oro, mineral processing, mining equipment, precious metals, sulfides, gold mine, gold rush, high grade gold, how to find gold, panning gold, find gold, high grade gold ore, gold deposit
Id: f-WD4mPMFwk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 2sec (1742 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 24 2021
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