How To Find Gold

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hey everyone my name is jason with mount baker  mining and metals and on today's video we're   going on a little prospecting treasure hunting  adventure so i got a i got a tip from a friend   that there's uh kind of a lost mine up here he  marked it for me on a map and i couldn't find it   on any of the usgs maps or anything but he said  that if i can get to where the vein outcrop is and do a little prospecting on the vein   it's pretty rich and he gave me a few tips i  want to look for so right now we're on our way up   and there's not really a trail to follow i'm just  kind of bushwhacking my way up through you know   this stuff behind me um so hopefully we can get  up there get to the mine or the prospect i i   actually don't know if there's any workings  or not um and see if we can find some vein   and do a little prospecting but uh one of  the first things i'm going to look for is uh is some float the guy said it's a quartz vein and  as i get closer up to the outcrop there's supposed   to be uh kind of a big talus slope underneath and  he said that if you can start finding uh quartz   float on the talus then you're probably getting  in the right direction so we'll keep going here   bushwhacking our way up through this junk and uh  see if we can so we can find some treasure today all right we've been going for quite a while now trying to get kind of my bearings about you know  where i'm at it's just it's just cliffy steep   rocky crap i've taken a few different  uh falls false trails i guess   where you go up and you get cliffed out  and it's just it's just really tough going   um but i haven't i haven't found any  float yet we're getting pretty close   to where uh to where this place is supposed to  be i don't know the tenacity of these old guys   i mean there's you know there's no trails  there's no indication of anything's up here   and they were just these old-timers were just  out here bushwhacking through the wilderness   hoping to find some gold and i even have a map i  mean i i kind of i know where i'm supposed to go   and i'm still having trouble finding it so um  yeah just these guys were these were tough all   right well we're up made it up into this little  clearing and there's a little stream running   through here but uh let's see if i can get this  look what i look what i found see that right there   that is a nice chunk of quartz float so i'll  put the camera around so you guys can see okay this is this is what's exciting this  is what the old guys were looking for   this is uh like i said a piece of quartz  float and float is um a piece of the vein   or the outcrop that is broken  off and rolled down the hill   and this is what the old guys would follow up  the hill to the mother lode essentially where   the the vein outcrops and is still in the rock i  don't see anything really fantastic in this one but that is certainly a piece of vein quartz  looks really nice pretty big so you know the veins   at least a foot wide i'd say but this is our  first indication here that we're on to something   and actually now that i'm looking  around there's another piece right there   there's a little piece there a couple  more little pieces back up in here   so we're uh we're getting we're  getting on the on the trail here   that's a pretty good piece i might  break this one open and take a look   let me get a hammer we'll knock this open and  see uh see if we can get any gold out of it hard stuff i'll tell you that all right so what i'm looking for here is any  any sort of mineralization any sulfides uh or some other indicator mineral in here  oftentimes the gold or the the precious   metals will hang out with other indicator  minerals like you know pyrite or puritite galena   i don't see a whole lot of stuff in this one  but this could have been laying out here for   a thousand years you know and all that stuff  could have been leached out it gets weathered and   and uh you know here it's real  wet it gets rained on all the time   and they oxidize out but man that's a that's  a good find there i'm pretty excited now so what i'm going to do is i'm just  going to follow this i'm just going to go   uphill from here this stuff came from up above me so we'll just keep on going and see we can find one of the nice things about all the  rain is we've got lots of water to drink well there's there's uphill from me and there's i snow it got pretty cold last night and  hopefully i don't get into any of that   because if i'm looking for white rock in the  snow that's gonna be a pretty good challenge oh   look at here a little bit of  nature's bounty huh blueberries oh there ah they're real sour i think they've  been frozen too so they're kind of going mushy oh yeah those are those aren't real great okay hold on let me catch my breath okay so we're   up above the tree line now you can see it's  just rocks and talus and stuff behind me there   but uh i found this here this little guy a  little piece of float another piece of float   so that's a good sign uh we're getting pretty  close we got to be because i'm running out of   walking area i don't i mean there's only there's  cliffs a couple hundred feet above me so this this   is on the map where it says it's supposed to be  um and we got some float so it's it's got to be   above me somewhere so i'll just keep following the  float up uphill and uh we'll see where it gets me   all right guys we found it a jackpot right  here so i can do this in reverse is the vein   going right up there right up around oh isn't it  there we go right around that corner it's a nice   white quartz vein it's uh i don't know anywhere  from one to two feet and uh it comes down here   can you see that right here  all up up there all that quartz   and i just i followed the i followed the float  uphill and uh it led me right to the vein i   haven't seen one of the things um i haven't seen  there's any workings or dump piles or anything   um but i think this is the vein we were looking  for and uh like i said that that older guy   uh showed me how to map where this was and he  actually found this when he's out goat hunting   and uh you know i'm i'm just surrounded by cliffs  so probably a pretty good spot to look for goats   but uh well i'm gonna i'm gonna get set up take  a look at this vein and then we'll start chipping   some stuff off and see if we can find any gold all  right so we found our outcrop and one of the first   things that i like to do well the tendency is to  just start hammering away on the vein and and do   a lot of hard work uh but what i like to do is  there there's plenty of stuff just laying around   that is naturally falling off the vein and  it's it's the same stuff so a lot of times the   surface is weathered it's brown it's you can't see  anything but one of the first things i like to do   when i come prospect a vein is to just take some  of the float that's real close up near the vein   and just break it open and see see what it looks  like um we're in a a little bit of a precarious   spot here there's a there's a cliff right here  on the left side of me and uh you know it goes   way up on the right side as well so i'm kind  of perched here on this little shelf um but   as long as i don't fall off we should be fine so  i'm just gonna start i got my three pound hammer   a five pound hammer and i just start breaking  stuff open and and starting to look it uh   it really helps if you can get it wet i know a  lot of places don't have water sitting around but blowing off the surface always helps me and again like what we saw down below what i'm  looking for is uh some kind of indicator mineral   um if i can if i can see gold sitting right  on the on the surface that'd be awesome um   but what i'm really looking for is some sort of  sulfide mineral something shiny something shiny   that i can get excited about and hopefully it  hasn't been sitting here in the weather too long   to uh oxidize all those those minerals  away i'm just going to start working this   this vein here a little bit  and see what we can find so well the the filming location  here is a little bit difficult   um but here's our here's our vein and i i  wanted to point out something on this spot   because uh when i'm high grading or when i'm  prospecting the first thing i look for is the   indicator minerals but then the other thing is  even though the gold is associated with this vein   it doesn't mean the gold spread evenly out  throughout the vein and almost universally there   are some real high grade zones within the  vein itself and so if you can identify the   high grade areas and not have to worry about you  know breaking out the whole vein um that that is   really to your advantage and so i'm looking at  this vein here and i see you know and and you   kind of got to use your imagination a little bit  but football's down here hanging walls up here   and there's there's this band of quartz then  there's this band of quartz and then there's   another little band right here along the hanging  wall and it kind of comes over here you can see   it it's kind of maybe kind of hard to see but  i'm going to look at those three different bands   and try and break away some of the  quartz from those three different areas   and if i can find you know an indicator mineral  or even some gold in one of those areas and not   in the other two i'm gonna i'm gonna laser focus  on that one zone and uh because i got you know   real limited time real limited uh tools and stuff  so i wanna i wanna make the most bang for my buck   so let me see if i can set the camera up here and  see if i can get get some of this stuff out but   as you can see you know there's i'm kind  of hanging out over nothing here so um i'll   try and get the shot as best i can but i'll if i  find something i'll be sure to let you guys know well i just put my glove under  a waterfall while i was filming   and it's full of water now  okay let's let's try this here i haven't found anything in the float yet okay let's see if i can get this on camera here here is the quartz i just broke out of there  and see how it's kind of rusty it's got rust   stains on it it's got um that's that's better  looking stuff than the stuff that i was finding   on the on the surface and on as float so this  is just you know there's a ton of it around it's   just white white quartz whereas this stuff is  a little bit more iron stained a little rustier   so this is this is what i'm talking about  when i'm talking about indicator stuff   this looks just like bull  quartz to me whereas this stuff   has some mineralization it's got some metals in  it so this is where i'm going to continue looking   and it seems to me that my eyes aren't as good  as they once were so it's a little bit harder to   pick out what i'm looking for uh i don't wear  glasses yet but apparently i might be shortly   um but let me get this stuff kind of broken  up washed off and we're kind of in a good   zone here with the mineralization in  this in this little band i'm working awkward position really is what it is i'm focusing right here on the hanging wall  because it looks like that's where most of the see that dark kind of dark reddish brown stuff i don't really see any gold yet but this lower band here it's just it's just white quartz there's nothing  there's nothing exciting in it there's no   mineralization it's just white fairly boring  as far as the mineralogy is concerned all right   i'm working on getting this big chunk out here  i've been striking out up here on the hanging   wall so if i can get this big old chunk out  i can get a full cross-section of the vein   and we can look through the the cross-section  of the vein but first i gotta get it out all right well we're we're chunking her  out piece by piece here i guess i think oh yeah here we go okay now we can actually take a look at pretty  much the whole cross section of the vein let's see what we got here okay let me get you oriented here we took this  rock from there and this this face went up there   so here's the hanging wall up here foot wall down  here and uh you know you can see there's there's   a section of vein i don't know a zone or a an area  where from the hanging wall down to about here it   looks like there's a zone and then there's maybe  all the way through or maybe it separates here   but this is the foot wall down here and earlier i  was talking about the hanging wall look good and   there was that section but now down here the foot  wall is looking pretty interesting down here along   the foot wall so let me let me break some of this  off and we'll see what's going on down in this   band i haven't been able to get to the foot wall  before so let's uh let's work on this area here okay guys jackpot found some  see if i can show you it's right right down there there see a flash oh yeah we're in the gold now so this is this is the foot wall right here and that gold is right i mean an inch less than  an inch from the wall so um i got it right from   down under here on our big rock and so i'm gonna  start concentrating right here along the foot wall   i'm gonna pry this big one out over here and i'm  just gonna work work this little band on the foot   wall here pretty good and see if i can open up  some more and and get some more gold showing all right guys pretty exciting  stuff here i want to show you   i don't know if you can see it can you see that  big gold chunk sitting right there in the corner big old yellow piece sticking out of there  there you go and i can kind of see it   look at there and this is a really good example  now there's the gold and then there's this gray   sulfide probably pyrite right there with it so  that is a nice little piece and again it came   off the same spot about about half an inch from  the foot wall so we found our our rich zone in   the vein or or a ridge zone um and so i'm just  going to keep working it and getting more gold and i was just looking at this piece some more  here's that piece i just showed you with the gold   here in the corner but if you turn it over there's  a piece of gold right there at my thumb see it   flash it's all it's all dirty but there's gold  there might even be some more gold right there too   so this this spot is really really rich i mean  when you can find free gold just by knocking   the quartz off this is this is a really  good spot well don't hit your hand it hurts   but we're breaking our rock up here and  we're getting some really good stuff   there's uh there's a section down here i  don't know if you can see there there's a   piece of gold sticking out of the bottom of  the rock right there or something here so   i'm working i'm working on this corner here  see if i can get that exposed a little bit anything in here we're up above  the foot wall quite a ways now   in this section and i don't see much anything  exciting so i'm going to let this whole piece go   or put it back over there or  something oh there it goes   it seems like this real white ball quartz stuff just doesn't  have anything in it there's a few little bugs   and stuff little pockets or crystals but i  don't see any really anything exciting in those   i really want to stay down  here by the foot wall and uh so let's see if we can get  this little chunk off whoa okay don't go over don't go over the hill let's break this guy up in smaller pieces oh yeah there's some this piece is loaded here it's got it's got gold all the way through  here around this side and then   on this fresh face there's gold up in here even yeah that's a good piece throw that in  the bucket we've got another big rock here   i'm working along again that couple inches  right above the the uh foot wall there and   i mean almost every rock has gold in it it's  just amazing it's it's i mean i break one open   and i'll see a little bit on the face this is  this is a pretty nice little piece here i don't but i mean it is all laced through there  about an inch above the hanging wall   and you know i got this rock i broke open there's  there's gold in this half and then on the other   half of the rock there was gold too so you know  it's it's going through this one pretty good   and then when i broke it open see all that shiny  stuff in there holy cow it's just loaded with gold   all around that little pocket of black stuff and  it's on it's on both sides it's just it's just   loaded with gold so i'm i'm in the right spot i'll  have to take this back and crush some of the stuff   up see if we can get some more gold out of  it than just what we can see on the surface well we got our big rock busted apart and um i  don't know if you can see but right along here   foot wall good stuff right here and then  junk above it everything above its junk and   same thing here you kind  of got a line in the courts and everything from there down to the foot  wall seems to be pretty good it has a lot of   gold in it and everything above it  junk and then same thing over here   my shadow i guess good stuff to there everything  above it junk all right so let me try this i'm   gonna try and break the the good stuff on  the bottom off the junk stuff on the top   let's see if i can film it and hammer and  not fall off the cliff at the same time well that kind of worked got some separation there let's see what's in here so this is where the goal will be is in that piece  so we'll save that up there with our good pieces   right here's the spot we've been working i'm  gonna work my way down along here in the foot   wall as well and one of the important things  when you're prospecting stuff like this is   you know don't get too hung up on getting in one  spot and trying to find a bunch of gold and stuff   for me i mean yeah i found some some gold over  here i got a good little spot there that i   found some but i want to i want to keep moving  along and see if i can find some other stuff or   you know maybe i'm going to start looking in  the hanging wall a little bit more here and so   um we're just going to keep moving along here and  keep looking but i'm losing my sun my sun's about   to go off over the hill and i'm running out of  light so i got to wrap it up pretty soon but   i've got a pile of rocks here i'm gonna take  back with me i got all the stuff in my hat   and uh so we'll have a pretty  nice little take with us   so let's see what i can find down here and  uh and then we'll probably time to get going all right guys well that wraps up for me today  the shadows are getting long and it was a long   hike up here and even uh uh it's gonna be a longer  hike back because i got a pack full of rocks now   um but once we get back down in another video i'll  i'll run these this sample i got these gold rocks   through uh my little lab crusher and we'll  grind them up take a look at what we can get   out of them for gold and uh we'll do a little uh  analysis on them and figure out ounces per ton so   hope you guys enjoyed the video today thanks  for watching and we'll see on the next one
Channel: mbmmllc
Views: 495,224
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gold prospecting, gold, gold vein, how to find gold, how to gold pan, how to gold prospect, gold mining, prospecting for gold, gold ore, rich gold, gold veins, motherlode gold, find gold, mother lode, hardrock veins, prospecting for gold ore, gold mining basics, exploring abandoned mines, abandoned mines, rich gold veins, mother lode gold, gold rush, lode gold, gold mining for beginners
Id: b9cqqTLbXw4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 31sec (1591 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 03 2021
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