How to find Bastions using F3 [Minecraft Speedrunning]

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so recently i've been getting into minecraft  speedrunning quite a lot and as a new member   of the community you need to try and research and  learn all of the basic strategies that people use   to decrease their time one of the most common  strategies people use to speed up their runs   is something called x-raying or scanning in the  nether for bastions and after a bit of research   i couldn't really find any good videos actually  telling you how to do this so i thought i'd make a   very short basic quick video for anyone who's new  to speedrunning if the video helps then consider   subscribing or leaving a like but no pressure  okay so let's just say you're doing a speed run   you've come through your portal you want to find a  bastion this strategy does work best for bastions   so you can get some nice trades for pearls  things like that but you don't really know   where to go you don't know what to do uh you've  probably seen some streamers and youtubers do   this they lower their fov and they start doing  all this with their mouse looking through walls   you know and you probably wondered what it is  they're doing um or at least i did anyway and   it took me a while to actually find a good video  that was sort of explaining it um so i thought i'd   quickly make this one just because it's a bit such  a simple thing and there wasn't really that much   content sort of regarding it so what you want  to do is press f3 and look in the top left hand   corner of the screen and you can see the e number  what this is is basically the entity count so this   125 is the total number of entities  that are sort of rendered around you and the number at the front 39 is the amount  of entities that are currently within my   screen or within my fov or field of view so  everything that's within this screen here   that is rendered so it can be through  walls i don't have to physically see them   it can be way over there in the distance  as long as it's rendered within the game   within my screen then it will show up here  basically so 37. uh if i lower this number   down to 30 the e number will obviously go down  as well you see it's gone down to nine and ten   that's because obviously my fov is smaller  my screen is smaller the amount of the nether   i'm looking at is smaller and so therefore  there's less sort of entities and living things   an entity would be like a mob basically so um a  piglin that sort of thing so if i look in this   direction um there's piglens there's obviously  a red forest so there's quite a lot of piglens   and stuff like that over there but we're not  interested in that we want to find a bastion   so what we're going to do is just have a look  around and you can see the e number changes as   i look around so it's about 30. goes up to sort  of 40 over here could be something over there   so we keep looking around keep looking  around 30 so probably not 20 even so   probably nothing on there keep looking around  and so up to 50 so over 50 in this direction   so there could be something over there so what  we're going to do is we're going to zoom in   and have a bit of a further look so you can  see the e number is about 25 mobs so in this   just in this my small area of my screen so  this part of the nether that i'm looking at   through the wall obviously there's 25 mobs or 23  mobs moving around at the moment if i look over   here to the left that drops down to nothing if  i look over to the right it drops down to about   10. so there's clearly something over here there's  something that has lots of mobs in it so you could   just get unlucky and it could just be a bunch of  mobs just just in an area or it could be a bastion   so let's have a look i'm gonna run this way i  think it's probably the easiest way to get there and you'll probably see the e-count will probably  go up as i get closer um maybe oh there you go   you can see there's a bastion down there so  let me just have a quick fly down so as you   can see there's a bastion here be aware of things  like crimson forests they can give kind of false   positives you see if i look here my e number is  about 65 64. if i look over here however it's 40   which is still quite high when you compare it to  over here which is 13. the reason that's a problem   is you could think that you're heading towards a  bastion and you're not you could just be heading   towards a crimson forest because they have lots  of mobs in them so the entity counter goes up   so you have to be aware of things like that but  really um that is basically the strategy to to get   a bit more info to be a bit more precise you lower  your fov so your screen is essentially smaller   um and you look over here you see my entity  count it's gone down to three or four   if i look over here it's gone up to 40 still  so this is the way that you would want to go   okay that's that's basically it it's kind of  as simple as that um if you do enjoy the video   leave a like subscribe if you want to but no  pressure if you want me to make other tutorials   on basic sort of speed running things let me  know if not then i'll speak to you soon anyway
Channel: Square Earth
Views: 52,886
Rating: 4.9769082 out of 5
Keywords: how to use f3 to find bastions, minecraft, speedrun, minecraft speedrun, f3 guide nether, how to xray to find bastions, how to xray for bastions, how to find bastions in minecraft speedrun, fastest way to find bastions
Id: 5jyW9j9GdeQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 5sec (305 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 21 2021
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