How To Find Arrowheads. Simplest Ways

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heck no buddy this is clegg's adventures we're the new channel up and coming check us out right on man [Music] come on behold buddy oh man oh wow this land would have gone straight across it is all there dandy wow took a spill welcome back to clegg's adventures today i'm going to show you multiple ways to find arrowheads and artifacts where to look what to look for and how to find this stuff last time we used a simple stick to find arrowheads this time we're going to use simple rake and i've got something in this bag right here that is totally going to change the arrowhead hunting community forever stay tuned you're not going to want to miss this one and just a little tip watch your poison ivy at the river got it all over me face [Music] okay we're at the first stop on the list this is one place i want to show you that you can find stuff you don't have to be really close to a water source or be on a big river to find artifacts right now we're up in the middle of the woods on top of the mountain and i'm going to show you this technique that you can use to find stuff let's get started right up here right now we're on the side of a steep hill clear up on top of the mountain you want to look for any high area with a flat top on it on the top of a hill that's flat because what happens over the years erosion washes this dirt down off the hill and a little bit of the edge gets washed down and you'll start to see stones exposed you'll see sandstones little stones exposed here and there in the dirt suspended like around this tree right here you can see all of these stones starting to get exposed when this dirt washes off of them and they're heavier so they just lay here so what we're going to do we're going to get our lawn rake very easy method and we're going to rake back these leaves on the side of this hill then we're going to wait for a hard rain to wash it off and we're going to come back and we're going to check and see if anything is eroded out of the hill or if any natives lived up on this flat on top of the mountain here okay i haven't even started to rake yet i want you to look at this laying right on top with the other stones this is a piece of work flint so definitely we've had uh natives living up here at one time this is a really steep hill so there's not many leaves on it we may find something we may not hear before the rain after it rains it's a lot better because it washes it all off okay so i'm going to rake some of these leaves back and show you what we're doing here hands on [Music] i got one over here i was looking these bare spots like below these trees before i even raked because i didn't want to cover it all up with the uh rake there's a lot of this dirt that's already washed off here you can see all the stone in it see how the stone just lays out on the top we're going to rake this all off and then we're going to come back after it rains i got one right over here where was it my eye off of it oh right here it is right here it is i was looking this see these bare spots right behind this tree or right under these trees look right here check this out let's grab it that's a definite arrowhead definite arrowhead that's not a bad little point it's got a snapped off base on it it was broken the edges of the brake seem fairly rounded so i'm gonna say it's a fairly old brake if there's sharp edges on the brake it's fairly new brake i'm gonna go over here and check the rest of these bare spots on the steep parts before i rake it hard to tell what we'll find okay i didn't find anything else over there on those bare spots so i'm gonna go back i'm gonna rake the rest of these leaves off and we're definitely gonna come back here after we have a hard rain to see if we got anything it's getting hot out here now i'm gonna head out to the second spot where i'm gonna show you another place to look that's very productive i found lots of points in places like this get down off of this hill i better turn my hat around backwards case i fall down okay we made it off the hill let's head over to the second spot now i'll see you there okay we're out of the creek now creeks are good to hunt but you got to pick the right creeks you never want to hunt a creek that's between two hillsides two steep hillsides you won't find anything there but what you want to look for are creeks that cut through flat land all flatland ancient man didn't have the option of digging into the hillside and living on the side of a hill so they always lived on flat land and above this creek right here is all flat land but there's something else special about this creek but not just this creek you can find these places on any creek but i'm going to show you what you want to look for in the creeks to make it a good creek look for the gravel bars and that's where you'll find the points or the artifacts but there's something else that you want to look for when hunting a creek so check this out you can see there's a creek coming in from the top under the road into the main creek which causes all this gravel to build up those are the best places to look yeah i just wanted to show you that because these are the best places to hunt on creeks if you have two coming together like that it's like doubling your odds of finding something we got something laying out right over here check this out where is it i've taken my eye off it again okay right here it is now a lot of this gravel right in here has come out of that side creek matter of fact i would say 99 of it but look at this right here laying out in the wash it's going to be made out of crooksville chert i'm going to say it's a mid-arcade point maybe five six thousand years old it's a very nice point now it has a little bit of base damage right here but i'll take it anyway and look at this this is odd now normally arrowheads or spearheads dart points will be ground on the base they would take the point and grind it across the stone like this to dull the edge so it wouldn't cut back into the shaft and we've talked about that before in previous videos but this one's odd look at this i don't know if you can see it i'm sure you cannot but on the top of this one it has been ground like that it is not broken it is not reworked but it has been ground on the top for some reason now you know there's probably a number of reasons that could have been done i know maybe they were trying to make a drill out of that a big fat drill but who knows but somebody ground that tip for a reason i wish i knew let's walk in here and we'll check the rest of these gravel bars then i want to take you somewhere else that you're familiar with i think if you're new you're not familiar with it but i'll take you down there and we'll try out our new uh whoa good thing i didn't fall down we'll try out our new uh invention check this out somebody has left like a brand new fishing pole laying down here at the creek with the bait on it and everything i'm not gonna take it i'm sure they'll be back soon as they miss it look over here you ain't gonna believe this lay em right out in the wash check this out now it's broke but amazing piece anyway look at this can you see that right in the wash let's grab it get the slime off oh yeah oh that would have been beautiful look at this snapped right across the middle it looks like it would have been a i'm going to say a jack's reef pentagonal knife something like that pentagonal piece looks like a jack's reef bottom these are a little bit newer but um i'm thinking it would have been a knife really nice some of the serrations still on the side there cool piece there's a guy up on the bridge up there watching me every time somebody sees you looking at the ground they want to know what you're doing i guarantee you he asked me what i'm looking for never fails what are you looking for oh yeah gold you finding any oh no big nuggets are you jacques cousteau heck no buddy this is clegg's adventures we're the new channel up and coming check us out well good luck to you yep thank you never fails hey we checked the rest of the area out and we even employed the secret weapon which i'm about to show you here in a minute so we're gonna head down to the river now and i'm gonna show you a few more tips and uh where to look there let's get down there okay we made it down to the river water looks like it's dropped a little bit so that's good down over this hill here slick wow took a spill dang the grass is slick good thing i have my hat on backwards right now we're standing on the beach of the ohio river it's a very large damned river that's ohio over there this is a damned river so before the river had the dams in it you can see the land is way up there and that bank is probably 25 feet high but every time this river floods the water goes up and eats a little more that bank away where the natives were living up on top on the flat land and the stuff were washed down here in the sand until it gets down to the water and then it stops right here at the low water level i'll show you what to look for when you're walking these beaches surface hunting the sand's pretty deep down in here but in some places it's not so deep and you can see the base clay underneath all the sand and muck that's where all the artifacts and stone lays right down on the base at the bottom of the sand and muck but if there's been a lot of wave action it rinses some of that sand off near the water level and stuff gets exposed you can see this wash and all these stones getting exposed now this is sand here and this is the base clay you can see right there that's what everything lays on that's what you want to look right here this wash right at the water level you see these stones here most of them are busted up campfire stones ancient campfire stains and you can tell them from a regular rock just by looking at them the campfire stones are reddish sandstone usually and they're all busted up just from freezing and thawing over time i got a real nice uh campfire stain right here it's a whole one actually it's a big one i still have to get it out of here sometime but you can see how that is read and fired on the top and this one's really cool but it it even has a nutting stone hole started right there if you're wondering what nutting stone is nobody knows try to make a uh a hypothesis for yourself here's more of what i'm talking about these red fired stones you can see how they just gather on the beach here the larger stuff will stick up above the sand but the smaller stuff if you want to get to it here if it's not at the water level washed out it's a lot of digging and sifting under here i'm gonna walk up here where all this gravel is and show you the invention i've come up with it's been weeks in the making and i finally perfected it you're really gonna like this let's see what we can find and i want to tell you before you see it it looks kind of corny but we're not going for looks we're going for artifacts i want you to meet klig's adventures excalibur one i have taken a pair of safety glasses used my knowledge of telescopes and lenses and built a pair of telescopic lens glasses that i can search on the ground for arrowheads if you're searching on gravely areas you'll know already that the closer you are to the ground the better it is i just took some regular safety glasses cut some tubes i put some old binocular lenses down behind the glass lenses on the inside of the tube and on the outside i was able to find was hard to find but i was able to find it some small parabolic lenses with a focal length of only like an inch and a half when i put these glasses on it puts my eyes within 10 inches of the ground i can scan and see anything it's an amazing device i know it looks kind of corny like i say but we're not going for looks we're going for artifacts [Music] we got a swan it took about 20 feet 20 feet i got it marked with a stick with these glasses i never i am totally positive i never would have seen this i want you to see what was sticking out under this piece of bark i marked it with this stick so i wouldn't lose it right under this piece of bark right here i can see a tip sticking out i never would have saw that without the glasses let's pull it up out of here come on behold buddy oh man oh wow this has got to be the smallest arrowhead i have ever found in my life look at this thing super small it's a little triangle bow and arrow point that is the smallest point i have ever found in my life that is very cool never would have saw that without the glasses let's go right up here i saw some flint earlier i'm gonna try it with the glasses just to see what kind of game changer it really is you ain't gonna believe this i'm walking up through here where all this gravel's at i didn't have the glasses on yet i got two hematite pieces and i know just by seeing the surface of them that they're rubbed and they are within two feet of each other this has never happened here well maybe in the sifter but uh never just surface hunting check this out here's the first one i wasn't sure if this was just a natural piece of hematite until i got down close and looked at it i'd assault with the glasses on right off but i can see some rubs on here on these high spots you can see where it's been rubbed oh look at the back it is totally rubbed down there's a lot of iron in this it's a type of iron ore that the natives rubbed on stuff to get paint or make tools out of this this is the tool grade stuff right here they were trying to get some of the pigment out but they just couldn't get it all rubbed out but you can see the facets on that where they have rubbed that down now normally if you find one of these most of them are really red and they they don't have a lot of iron content in them but it's more pigment and they will rub this on rocks to make paint that's a very cool piece but here's another one sticking right out at you i see two facets on this let's pick it up it is totally rubbed all the way around every surface now there's one part they didn't get they didn't get rubbed out right here but every surface of this thing is rubbed facets on every surface and even rounded on the top and you can see on this how much iron was in that you can see the little red places they were going for trying to get that pigment out sometimes they get pretty uh trendy on this stuff tried to stylize it that is a very nice piece that's going in the case right there that's going in the case all right let's get the glasses back on because there is extra thick gravel right there and it's going to take some very close eyes to find something in that if there's anything there i got to keep telling myself don't bend over the focus gets out i have it set just for my height now i know i look like a dork in this but i don't care you ain't gonna believe this we got another one with the glasses look over here i'm gonna scan these rocks over tell me if you would have seen this without being focused one inch from the ground tell me if you see it it's just here it's all there it is all there dandy it looks to be like a mid-arcade dart point it's sharpened down a little bit but it's all there very nice i'd say that's five six thousand years old it's not a bow and arrow point this was on a dark darts were a lot longer and they were thrown with atlatls that whipped the dart bow and arrow wasn't even invented yet very happy to get that very happy to get this okay i'll search the rest of that gravel there i didn't find too much found a little uh fish and lure we find one of them every time we found a uh fired bullet must have hit a tree or something and what looks to be either the base off a drill or the base off an arrowhead butt snapped right there what a bummer i'm gonna go on down to another gravel area that even has produced more artifacts and see what we can find down there stay with me these glasses are a total game changer total game changer just wait till i come out with the cleggs adventures excalibur 2 edition i got another one with the glasses another one it looks nice i think it's made out of uh i don't know if it's kashak and flint maybe just a a local river flint here right here do you see that you can see the corner of something sticking out right there and i can see a tip right here let's pull it out oh yeah right on man check this out it's another bow and arrow point a little bit bigger triangle this time but it's all there and it's a nice one check that out very well made very well made i love finding these little triangles can you imagine that thing coming at you at 300 feet per second it'll stick right through you now these bow and arrow points to triangles are not so old not as old as those dart points that last one we found these points are probably the newest bow and arrow points after the notched ones this could uh date as early as uh european contact this is probably one of the last stone tips made by ancient man before european contact man you ain't gonna believe this check this out look at this it's another faceted hematite piece oh it's another nice one totally faceted on every side very nice now we pretty much know that the natives well we're pretty much convinced that the natives use these hematite pieces for tools and for making paint we really don't know how advanced they were on some of this stuff they may have had little simple machines for for tool production but that's one thing people always relate natives with only tool production making airheads and hunting i'm sure there was a lot more to it than that i mean these were people they had lives just like everybody else i'm sure there was killings drama fights weddings would really be nice to go back in time just to meet these people and see how some of this stuff was really done heading out for the water they'll start picking up the pace now they see me coming they're still coming off the hill oh that one stumbled look here they're still coming off the hill they're fast you ain't gonna catch em you get too close they'll hiss at you here's a few things i didn't show that i picked up along the way i just don't like showing brokes too much but you gotta pick them up if you find them you never know you might find the other half even though i never have you know just some broken tips we got two broken triangles on the bottom there and a lot of other broken pieces a broken base in the middle and a couple of shattered arrowheads can't all be killers i have another place that you can find arrowheads and artifacts something you probably never even thought of before let's get up there and i'll show you i don't look to find anything there right now i've been checking it i haven't found anything yet but there's several places like this that you can look in your area to find stuff so let's get over there right now and i'll show you what i mean make sure you subscribe if you like this stuff we're gonna have all kinds of adventures coming up real soon i just want to show you someplace else that you can check that you may have never even thought about before we're out here on a back road in the country and i want you to look at this we have flat land up here in this field and normally this land would have gone straight across and started down a little bit right here and then it just drops over the cliff side to the creek but you can see when they made this road they cut down into the earth and brought it up through here so this is a good place to look this goes hand in hand with our raking the leaves back off the top of the hillside what you do all you got to do is look these sides every time it rains and once in a while you'll find something exposed washed out of here that was under the ground at one time i got a buddy that lives out in the country and he hunts nothing but roadside cuts like this he's got a heck of a collection right here's a good example a lot of leaves don't gather on these steep cuts like this and things will get exposed just as these rocks are right here every time it rains so that's just another place that you can look for arrowheads in your area just back country road cuts that's gonna do it for us today i hope you enjoyed this one consider subscribing i got a lot of good videos coming up a lot of new ideas always trying to find better ways to find artifacts and treasures we'll catch you on the next one
Channel: Clegg’s Adventures
Views: 88,097
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: k0hgYW-MALI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 15sec (1815 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 27 2021
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