How to export FBX with Material Texture - Unreal Engine 5.1 Tutorial

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hey guys my name is freedom today I'm going to show you how to export the 3D models from your Android engine 5.1 as fbx file and also together with the material texture for most of the time some of the original 3D models in Android engine 5.1s you are unable to find the material textures if you export as fbx it is just an fbx file without the material texture and start from now I'm going to show you the step by step how to export the fbx at the same time also export them the material texture so that sometimes you can bring it bring the materials to the third party software and remap all the material texture in third-party software for any of the 3D models in your Android engine 5.1 as well now you can see this is my unreal editor start this demo I'm going to create a fresh new game project a third person game project I click create at this moment just wait for a while now the unreal editor is loading a fresh new game project here Dance I'm going to use the 3D models in the game project as demo how are you going to export the fbx together with the material now the first step you can see now it is still preparing the Shader and this is our third person a third person game project template if I try to play with the texture is not yet ready the material texture now ready if I try to play you can see the original Avatar the main Avatar is the Mana Queens it's the ue5 mana cream now to find that Avatar it is inside the correct mannequin meshes skm print simple this is the 3D avatar that you are going to export it out right now you can see this 3D avatar already have the materials and textures but you just simply can't find it here right the first step you may just want to export the fbx so now I'm going to clear my desktop without anything right the first step I will just create a fresh new folder then the folder name from UE 5.1 first step of course in this tutorial what I'm going to show you is to export the fbx we export the fbx first right this is the skeletal mesh to export the fbx just right click on that asset actions exports then you are going to export as fbx thence this folder is on my desktop from UE 5.1 the file name is skm Queen simple I click save then click export now the fbx already get exported out if I double click it is going to open by using the 3D viewer right now next if I want to export the material then I have to make sure I open it then click the assets backup materials then the texture size here you all put to zero for it here also two zero four eight then under the properties here it is just once we are going to add a few here then make sure you select everything the first one is the diffuse emissive dense opacity opacity Mass whatever you can see here you all edit and Export it out together specular roughness anisotropy normal dense not enough just add one more tangent subsurface and the last one ambient occlusions now make sure you all get selected already then click confirm at this moment just wait for a while now it is baking the material into the Unreal Engine 5.1 folder here you have to make sure you wait until it finish 100 then have a check right now just close this you still can't see you have to make sure you back to the previous folder and enter this folder again you can see all of these materials already get exported out at the same time you also can see the material instance are here the skm queen simple still the original Avatar next we are going to export all these materials under the skm clean simple folder just right click to create a texture folder right now double click in next from all of this texture you make sure your home you click the first one and hold the Ctrl to select all or you can just hold the shift to click the last one the same row it also gets selected right click it asset action export it export into the texture folder then clicks save you can see you can change the format as well usually we will use the PNG then click save you are going to click many times until all finish all right done back to that folder you can see all of these materials already get exported out then how about the resolutions the resolution is 2048 just because of the you put 2048 at the beginning it is going to export as this size now everything done that means the skm clean simple already exported out sfbx file at the same time you have all of this texture that means later you can just use all of this texture to remap it right now the fbx file already here that means I already successfully show you how to export the unranging 5.1 3D models as fbx file together with the material texture in any other third-party software for example the icons if I import the fbx file for sure it doesn't have any of the material then however I already exported all the material texture here then I can just remap them to check it out drag and drop sometimes it may happens you can see it already have the texture and next what else maybe the head now all the texture already completed maybe inter-party software just go and check so these two the diffuse color should be white now you totally recover it from the original texture and what else you can see inter-party software it also can read the bomb then you should find the bomb from here this this one should be the bomb we can just try it drag in the bomb make it as a bomb to see whether it can read yes now you can see with half of the textures the bum textures the strength you can adjust the bomb the bump string you can adjust it as well if it is the same and also the hit right at the same time you can find other textures materials like the OA what is this this is the metallic metallic dance you can find it from third party software the metallic is set here just replace the metallic now it will have the metallic effect like this see right of course you can delete them if you don't need all of this like metallic or roughness right now everything already recover that's all for today about my tutorial on how to export the 3D models from Android engine 5.1 together with the material texture so that you can complete everything in the third party software if you need this 3D models from Android engine 5.1 and that's all for today thank you for watching if you love my video tutorial if you feel all these tutorials are very helpful through your 3D modeling 3D animation and game developing you can subscribe to my YouTube channel and also turn on the mini bell and select all so that when next time I publish a new video tutorial or sharing you'll receive a notification immediately see you in my next video enjoy happy 3D modeling 3D animation and game developing see you
Channel: Freedom Arts - 3D Animation & Game Developer
Views: 15,037
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3D animation, iclone, blender, vroid, 3d, 3d modelling, maya, character creator, 3DXchange, 3dxchange, tutorial, Tutorial, game dev, Game developer, 3d animator, 3ds, 3ds max, reallusion, Reallusion, How to export FBX with Material Texture - Unreal Engine 5.1 Tutorial, UE, UE5, UE5.1, UE 5.1, Unreal Engine, FBX, Material, Texture, Export, Png, Jpg, 3D Modeling, 3D Animation, Game Dev
Id: z3GyIjf_bp0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 28sec (688 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 21 2023
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