How I Made This Scene In UNREAL ENGINE 5 - Path tracer

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hey everyone it's Tom Ash here in this video I'm going to show you how I created the scene in under engine using the path Tracer this is not really a step-by-step tutorial instead I try to Showcase my workflow that I use on a daily basis so let's jump in first of all I gather some inspiration Pinterest Instagram is a great place to start or favorite site of mine serves as a really good source of inspiration I've chosen a building that caught my eye I want to model a similar structure and bring it into an unreal space the project has plenty of reference photos which are really helpful during modeling once I know what I want I dive into the modeling process here we are in blender I import the reference images I downloaded for the building and use them to create a model I won't go through the modeling phase in this video perhaps in another tutorial and here is the finished model the building is mostly empty I've only added curtains to the windows since we'll be creating an exterior scene creating a proper UV map is crucial to avoid dealing with it later in Unreal Engine I export the models in fbx format naming it beach house in the geometry section set smooth in face and then it's ready to go after completing the model and exporting it I dive into unreal I created a new project and then a new empty level then I make a folder and drag the house model into it in the popup window I uncheck the generate missing collider option and don't import any textures or materials to the project I select them all and drag them into the viewport after importing all the fbx files next I organize the selected models into a folder for easier management later let's enable the hdri background plugin this will be used to light up the scene after a quick restart I drop this sector into the viewport and arrange it to my liking meanwhile I noticed that there's something wrong with the frames of the windows and doors they have inverted normals I need to fix this I go back to blender correct the mesh and then reimport it replacing the old one now it's looking good after that I set up the camera it's an important step because we need to know what will be visible in the camera to avoid working with unnecessary details I want the 2 to1 aspect ratio so I adjust the sensor accordingly I found the 20 mm focal length to be suitable quite close to the reference image once satisfied with my camera angle I lock the actor's movement to avoid accidentally changing it now let's talk about materials I mostly use quickel Mega scan assets which are free to use in un real engine but I also obtained some textures from which is a paid option so I created a simple glass material I have set the blend mode to translucent and the lighting mode to surface forward shading I added the gray shade to the base color for metallic I connect the parameter with a strength of one and for specular a parameter with the value of 0 66 for roughness I connect lurp node with a 0.05 strength parameter into a input and the multiply node in the B input then I connect the blue channel of a mat stain texture from Quick cell to the a input this channel contains roughness data I connect the parameter into the B input to control the strength of the stain finally I connect the parameter node with a strength of 0.4 to the opacity after applying the glass interial to the window mesh the result in the viewport is quite ugly to fix this we need to switch the translucency type to R racing in the pr process volume I drag the pr process volume into the viewport first I set it to Extended then I switch the translucency type to rate [Music] racing so after that I apply materials to the house it's a pretty straightforward process I'm not dealing with the repetitions of the textures yet I'll address those later using deos creating a much more realistic appearance now my scene looks like this after that I replace the HDR background I download the free hdri from po Haven which I then drag into the hdri back gra Cube map afterward I adjust the parameters to my liking Cub Map size intensity and [Music] rotation following this I add a plane to the scene and apply a water Shader to it I found the Shader in the engine folder it will work perfectly for this scene as it will be distant from the camera and can be rendered with buff Tracer we've reached the point where we have placed our main object into the scene and set up our camera now it's time to populate the environment with smaller objects in quickel Bridge I select some assets that I can use in the scene additionally I search for trees on the Epic Marketplace and I'll be adding them to the project I'm also importing the Nordic Coast collection to give my scene a rocky Coastline Look So I placed some rocks which already provided a select Foundation from this point on I can focus on the details I start kid bashing smaller assets aiming for a more detailed and realistic [Music] appearance [Music] after that I scatter smaller branches and leaves in the scene using the Fage painter I try to capture the details from the reference images I aim for natural Randomness the scene is slowly coming together but it's still empty I paint grass and flowers around the rocks to make it more visually [Music] appealing now some trees I'm trying to create a pleasant [Music] composition and more [Music] grass this is how the scene looks now something's off the textures on the house are too repetitive I'll address this with decals which I also downloaded from the meas scan Library if you don't want the decal on a particular mesh simply uncheck it in the details panel unfortunately you'll have to do this separately for each mesh there are no Reflections in the window of the building yet I create a material from an alpha Channel PNG and apply it to a plane I set the material blend mode to mask and I drag the alpha channel into the oppacity mask we are nearing the end of building the scene I use the spotlight to illuminate the building more making it stand out a bit more from the background since the house is our main object I play around with the settings a bit here with the construction of the scene complete all that's left is to prepare for rendering I create a level sequencer and throw in my camera actor I set the desired length and FPS rate and animate the camera's movement before rendering with path Tracer make sure that Nite support is turned off on your meshes this is a crucial step as the path Tracer doesn't support Nite forgetting this can lead to ugly blurry meshes in your render disabling Nite will significantly increase the demands on your computer resources so it's important to turn it off only after you finished your [Music] seam let's set the PA Tracer you find these settings in the post process here are the parameters are used the most important one is to uncheck the noiser later in the Vinci resolve we have better options for noise reduction if we want the wind to move the leaves of our vegetation in our path Trace render we need to set it up unfortunately I completely forgot about this and I only noticed this mistake after I rendered the entire scene in the detail panel of our Mega scan trees check this evaluate word position offset in rate tracing so when we are done with our scene it's time for rendering in the movie lender queue I select my sequence delete everything in the settings add the AER extension PA Tracer rendering and anti-alias syn set the Ania sync to 36x 36 if you're unsure about the render settings set a smaller value check the override anti alas sing option I want my final result to be in the resolution to achieve the best possible outcome I render my scene in 4k because scaling down a 4K video to HD produces a much sharper and more detailed final result than rendering directly in HD once satisfied with my settings it's time for rendering which will take a [Music] while after rendering my scene I performed the final touches in the Vinci resolve this is where our house truly gets its photo realistic look so here we are in Da Vinci I added some flying particle stock footage to get more movement in the scene these are my postprocess settings I reduced the noise played around with the curves performed some color correction added a glow effect Vig yanning and some f on the top you can also add a touch of chromatic aberration if you want and here is my final result so this roughly covers the work stages for creating this scene I hope you find some useful informations in this video and if you enjoyed the content consider subscribing to the channel I will post more videos like this in the future see you soon bye-bye
Channel: tamas_nagy
Views: 81,232
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Unreal Engine, Path tracer, Tutorial, Photorealistic, UE5, Tamas Nagy, Yoshimura House, Quixel, Megascans, Unreal, Pathtracing, Archviz, Render, Modern, House, Beach house, Workflow, Chill
Id: Ev6Bt8P76b0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 8sec (728 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 25 2023
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