Blender Export FBX with Textures to Unreal Engine 5 or Unity

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hello it's marco here i'm lazy but we're going to get this model with its textures within the fbx into unreal engine 5 and also should work with any other game engine unity sucks so there are quite a few things that we have to take into account let's just start off by looking at one of these materials so i'm going to click on this one let's go over into materials metal plane come over into shading and we can see that we've got the texture map plugged into the roughness but we also have it going into a color ramp and that's going into a metallic now if you get one thing out of this video this is very important this will not work do you want this will not work now the reason for it not working is because there is a color ramp textures need to be plugged into the principal shader directly textures need to be plugged into the principal shader directly textures need to be plugged into the principle shader directly okay so this material works this material is stuffed okay stuffed and that's the node preview add-on link in the description but anyway it will not work the only material that'll actually come across is this normal down here the normal because the normal can be plugged into the normal map and that goes into the normal slot in the principal shader that is fine but anything with a color ramp the metallic one will come through the roughness will not i don't know why but roughness doesn't seem to be working regardless and the diffuse because it goes into a mix shader it will not come across across but if we want to go down that route of exporting everything we can select everything minus the empty because i find that there's actually issues if we do the empty and also any lights or cameras this is another thing to remember you can see that we have a whole bunch of objects here just keep this in mind but we'll fix it later on so from here i'm just going to go file export fbx i'm going to go into auto and we're going to change this to copy select this button up here i'm just going to export it as the podracer1.fbx and what i'm going to do is do selected only because if i have that unticked it's going to try and export the empty or the lights and the cameras and so on and so forth i just want what i've got selected to be exported and from here we click export fbx now over into unreal engine this is our scene the one that i just kind of muck around with considering the fact it's called let's break ue5 i'm going to open up the content draw let's bring across my file system windows explorer and click and drag that fbx into here let's just come back over into here and i don't need a skeletal mesh because there is no skeletal mesh let's build it as nanite why not and in materials i've got import textures already enabled create materials good now once i click import got a whole bunch of errors but that's predominantly because of the uv mapping i didn't really do a job any job but now we can see each individual piece has come across not as a whole pod racer but each individual piece so that was something i told you keep back in your mind but from here what i can do is select all these select all the mesh let's click and drag and dump it in here wham bam thank you ma'am we've got our pod racer in however let's have a look at some of the materials but this is now where it kind of gets a little bit silly i don't understand why but slight problem here so i've already done some testing as well and if i open up material 001 we can see that we've got the base color and the normal if we jump over into blender you can actually see that we've got base color metallic roughness and the normal if i remove the base color we can see that that's where we get our brownie color but the metallic and the roughness haven't come across now we'd stupid problem which i don't fully understand but this could be between blender to ue5 so it could be a localized issue the roughness map becomes the metallic so if i were to remove the metallic the roughness will come up into the metallic so let me quickly re-export this jumping into unreal engine let's go in here i've got test open material zero zero one if we open that up now we can see that we have our roughness texture in the metallic so if we've got them both there's a conflict and it just doesn't work i don't understand why i don't have an answer for you but it's because stone cold said so now if we come back into blender and we want everything as one model rather than a whole bunch of individual models we can select everything minus the empty i'm going to select one piece we can now come over into the modifiers make sure we've applied all our modifiers here by coming over into the main window press spacebar to search or f3 or f3 fn if you're on a laptop and i'm going to go apply modifiers let's go apply modifiers and now this should apply the modifier across all our objects control j to join and there we go so now this podracer is one model so hopefully you got what the heck oh it's building textures so hopefully got something out of this little tutorial if you enjoyed it please just you know just just hit the like button i mean you know if you want to do more unreal tutorials let me know down below i need to know yo as i walk through the club and this is what i see okay
Channel: Markom3D
Views: 127,501
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, unreal engine 5, export, blender to unreal engine 4, blender to unreal engine, blender to unreal engine 4 workflow, blender to unreal engine 4 animation, blender to unreal pipeline, blender to unreal plugin, blender to unreal engine 4 character, blender to unity materials, blender to unity tutorial, blender to unity textures, unreal engine 5 trailer, unreal engine 5 tutorial
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 47sec (347 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 16 2021
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