How to EXPAND YOUR ENGLISH VOCABULARY. The best way to learn new words. Morning musings.

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good morning to the pointers um i wasn't planning to make a video today but i thought i'd make a bit of a spontaneous one um because i've just been walking amy my early morning walk as always um actually it's not that early but um and i've just been musing on um on english on vocabulary in particular um now some of you may know that um i recently moved to astorias in the north of spain from madrid but i had been living in madrid for 19 years so 19 years living in spain and speaking spanish so i have a relatively good level of spanish but what i noticed when i came to asturias living in a very remote area in the in the mountains really very close to the coast too and what i noticed was that i suddenly started learning all this new spanish vocabulary which i wasn't familiar with before it was um i guess this is quite obvious because i'm living in a a different environment a different area surrounded by new input and i'm learning all this vocabulary that i wasn't uh in contact with before i had no exposure to that vocabulary so things like for the spanish speakers and for non-spanish speakers i'm not going to translate the words because it's not really important but words like fentero which is a cowbell i'll try to translate that one for you at least but prender fuego even the different types of cows the different types of trees i even know behind me you'll see some mountains or big hills i know that that that mountain is called benthua that's not vocabulary that's just the names of the mountains but you can see that suddenly i'm learning things or i'm absorbing things that i i didn't know before so i'm exposing myself to this new vocabulary um so what's this got to do with you learning english well i think the point i'm trying to make is that to learn to expand your vocabulary you need to put yourself in different situations or expose yourself to different input you can't just always read the same types of books or watch the same types of series or films um or always speak about the same things or read the same internet articles um by doing that you will just reinforce the same vocabulary you already have which is fine but if you want to expand your vocabulary you really need to put yourself in situations where you are exposed to more vocabulary on a regular basis and where you need to use that vocabulary um so a lot of you are preparing for the cambridge exams and you'll need vocabulary that perhaps you're not on subjects that perhaps you're not that interested in so you have to force yourself to read um articles and watch series listen to podcasts um on subjects that yeah that maybe you wouldn't normally choose to [Music] to watch or read about um but i have to include amy in the video a little bit she's just sniffing around and include this beautiful scenery um so yeah that's all i really wanted to say it's just my musings on on the how to learn vocabulary and as i've said in previous videos you can't learn all the vocabulary in the english language so you have to be selective and actively expose yourself to the vocabulary you think you're going to need as i said if you're studying for an exam you don't know what vocabulary you're going to need so you just have to read as many different types of articles as you can listen to as many different types of podcasts not always just repeating the same the same topics the same ideas okay i'll leave you with amy trying to get through this gate i think there must be some cow friends in there somewhere oh she's got through oh dear that's probably a good place to to end the video um okay if you like this kind of video this more spontaneous kind of video with no editing let me know in the comments and i'll make more um and i'll see you soon for another another video take care bye
Channel: To The Point English with Ben.
Views: 1,143
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Keywords: how to expand your english vocabulary, how to expand your vocabulary, learn English vocabulary, learn English, English lesson, English lessons, hao to learn and remember new English vocabulary, c1 advanced Cambridge exam, c2 proficiency Cambridge English exams, advanced English vocabulary, the best way to learn English vocabulary, the best way to expand your vocabulary
Id: -jGpVJs0zxs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 26sec (266 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 18 2021
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