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hello to the pointers thank you for joining me again for another video ah the essay everybody loves writing essays don't they well i'm sorry but it's compulsory in part one of the writing of the cae cambridge english exam also known as the c1 advanced and there are a lot of good videos on youtube that can help you with this part of the exam but in this video today i'm just going to share five of the most important tips in order for you to get the best score possible in this part of the exam okay let's do this tip number one is regarding the preparation and it's to practice practice practice practice i know you've heard it before and you will hear it again but really it's the best way to be as prepared as possible for this part of the exam you need to develop a strategy for how you're going to approach the essay and also you need to know the timing you need to know how much time you need to dedicate to each part of course there are two parts to the writing paper so i always recommend you dedicate fifty percent of your time to the essay and fifty percent to part two but some students prefer to do it in a different way dedicate more time to the essay and less time to part two or the other way and that's why you need to develop your own strategy and the only way you can do that is by practicing and by practicing with real sample exams and you can find those on the official cambridge english exams website and also they have a special website called write and improve where you can do a writing exercise in this case an essay submit it and immediately you get some feedback so i'll put the link to that website in the description of this video but yes every time you do a sample exam time it see how long it takes you try to do it within the 45 minutes and work out a strategy of how much time you you dedicate to the planning how much time you dedicate to the writing and how much to the checking i always recommend 15 minutes for planning 20 minutes for the writing and five minutes for checking i'm going to explain why i think you need so much time for the planning right now because that's tip two so yes tip two is plan well so when you sit down to start the writing part of the exam and you you look at the essay task if you just start writing without sufficient planning you'll probably find that first of all you'll write too many words or maybe too few words remember the word limit is 220 to 260 words you may find that you don't answer the question you don't do the task and that's very important because the examiners are looking to see that your essay is relevant to the task so the content of the essay is relevant to the task and that the target reader is informed now the target reader in the case of the essay is your your teacher you're always writing the essay for your teacher so if you write without planning you may get a little bit lost or you may not be able to finish what you're writing in a concise and coherent way so as i said i recommend 15 minutes for planning now many people think that's a lot it's a bit excessive but the more time you spend planning the less time you need to spend writing because i mean to really plan quite thoroughly what you're going to write in each paragraph now the structure of an essay is very important you need to write an introduction paragraph two or three paragraphs answering the task specifically and then one conclusion paragraph so in the planning you can really think about what content you're going to put in each paragraph of the essay because the examiners are also looking at you have a logical ordered and coherent essay so it has to flow and have some kind of organization to it it's very important with the essay and you'll also need to use some kind of cohesive devices or linking words which i'm going to speak more about in a moment but let's move on to tip three now and tip three is to really think about and pay attention to the register of the essay now when i say the register i'm referring to how formal or informal the essay is now an essay is fundamentally an academic text and you're writing it for your teacher as i said so it needs to be relatively formal and most importantly it needs to have a consistent register so the style of the vocabulary and the the flow of the text that you're writing in must be consistent throughout the text if you're very formal in the introduction you can't be informal in the conclusion for example and of course there are different levels of formality so you need to keep that in mind you have to maintain the same level of formality the same register from beginning to end of the essay okay tip number four now and tip number four is to think about and pay attention to the vocabulary now you're at an advanced level now so you need to take the opportunity to really demonstrate the impressive vocabulary you can use and a wide range of vocabulary too but always appropriate and relevant vocabulary so depending on the task set you have to use vocabulary that is specific to that topic so for example adjectives i really recommend that you learn or revise as many adjectives as possible so you're familiar with as many as possible because you don't know exactly what the topic will be for the essay so some adjectives you can use in any essay you may be able to use some which are appropriate in any topic but the wider range you have the more ready you'll be the more prepared you will be to really uh demonstrate your level in in the essay and also while we're speaking about vocabulary you need to use cohesive devices now cohesive devices are basically linkers and linkers are the words that help the essay to flow some linkers are very basic like firstly or first of all secondly finally in conclusion but you should be using more advanced linkers too like nevertheless or however or further more moreover in addition on one hand on the other hand these will really help with the structure of the essay so that your essay is logical and ordered as i spoke about before and also so it flows when the examiner is reading the essay it has a flow to it it's just it's easy to read so you really need to demonstrate a good range of vocabulary obviously you have limited words maximum 260 words so it's going to be difficult to to fit as much vocabulary in as possible and you shouldn't just throw in any vocabulary just to try to impress the examiner it needs to be relevant and appropriate of course but um it's an opportunity so take the opportunity be proactive with your use of vocabulary okay the last tip number five and this is to check your essay at the end so you should have about five minutes at the end to go back and read your essay through and check of course the spelling look out for any grammar mistakes think about the word length i wouldn't recommend that you spend time counting every word of the the essay the word length is a guide you need to be as close as possible but if you write a few more words than the 260 or a few less words than 220 it's not that important as long as you have included all the information that you need to and you haven't included any irrelevant information that's why your practice is so important because the more you practice the less necessity you'll have on the day to be counting your words you'll just know how many words are in four paragraphs in with your handwriting so use this time to check but don't count the words specifically but also and this is something that people don't really do as much as they should when checking your essay just read it through as if you were the examiner reading the the text or really as if you were the teacher because this this essay is written for a teacher and just check that it flows that it's logical that it's ordered that it's relevant all the information is relevant that you have answered the question that you have done the task these seem like obvious questions to ask yourself but when you're nervous and a little stressed on the day and the time is ticking sometimes people forget to do this they forget to really answer the task to do the task so these last five minutes are a good opportunity to go back and do that really take advantage of every minute in this part of the exam guys remember that learning english isn't only about passing an exam you should be learning english in general for your life and when you finish the exams you're going to need to continue so with that in mind i've started a new youtube channel it's called english matters with ben gill i'll put the link in the description and have a look at that you may find some interesting videos there not about the cambridge exams just general english learning videos which you'll find useful i think another thing to mention is that i have a fantastic telegram group and i say fantastic not because it's mine it's because the members are extremely enthusiastic and proactive in helping each other with their preparation for the the different cambridge exams so the fce the cae and the cpe so if you're interested in that i'll leave the link in the description send me a message and i'll i'll add you to the appropriate groups okay guys if you have any more tips about the writing part one of the cambridge advanced exam put them in the comments i'll be very interested to hear hit the subscribe button and i'll see you in the next video take care bye
Channel: To The Point English with Ben.
Views: 9,003
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Keywords: c1 advanced essay, c1 advanced essay writing, c1 advanced writing, c1 advanced essay tips, how to write a c1 essay, how to write an essay, how to write a cae essay, cae essay writing tips, cae essay tips, cae exam tips, c1 advanced exam tips, cae essay how to write, essay writing tips, Cambridge English exams tips, how to pass the cae exam, how to pass the c1 advanced Cambridge exam, how to pass the c1 advanced exam, tips to pass the cae exam, tips to pass c1 advanced exam
Id: jeT1HTBfjgE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 52sec (652 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 02 2021
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