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in part three of the speaking paper for the b2 first and c1 advanced so it's fce and cae cambridge english exams you will be given a diagram very much like this which you will have to talk about with your partner for two minutes and then you will have one minute to speak about another question where you'll have to come to come some kind of a conclusion to make a decision seems quite simple right yeah more or less but i'm going to tell you how to do this part of the exam and also how to get the best score possible in this part of the exam okay let's do [Music] this so welcome to another video in my series on the cambridge english exams where i give you lots of tips on how to pass and get the best score possible in the exams and today we're looking at speaking part three but only for the fce and cae the proficiency exam has a different part three so i will make a video about that in the future so speaking part three is a collaborative task so it's the first time in the whole exam that you will be working with a partner and that's why as i've said in previous videos it's a really good idea if you can find a friend a schoolmate a colleague a family member anybody who is taking the same exam so you can do this part two together um not only prepare together which which is a great advantage but really do the exam together so what do you have to do in this part of the exam well who better to ask than cambridge english language assessment so this part tests the candidates ability to engage in a discussion and to work towards a negotiated decision they also say it's an opportunity to show the range of language and ability to invite the opinion and ideas of their partner again very important and also they've used this word again opportunity that i spoke about in my last video this really is an opportunity this the whole speaking part of the exam is an opportunity to demonstrate your your level your vocabulary your grammar your pronunciation people often get very nervous but if you see it as an opportunity you have a more positive mindset towards this this part of the exam so as i said you'll be given a diagram like this which has a question in the middle and then five prompts around the outside so five areas to talk about related to the question and you'll have 15 seconds to read the question and the prompt so i recommend that you pay attention to the vocabulary because you can use the vocabulary in your answers so in this example what are the advantages and disadvantages of communicating in these different ways use that use advantages disadvantages communicating in different ways in your answer and then with a different prompt have face-to-face meeting write a letter chatting online having a video conference giving a lecture it's all vocabulary you can use in your answers and then you'll have two minutes to discuss these prompts with your partner so try to speak about each prompt each area you may run out of time because two minutes passes very quickly especially when it's divided between two people but it's not a big problem if you don't speak about all of them try to speak about all of them but don't don't worry if you don't it's not that important and then you'll have another question which you have to speak about for one minute and the idea in this question is that you try to come to some kind of decision together with your partner so it's about negotiating and collaborating that's those are the key words here but you will not be penalized if you don't come to a decision you may not agree with your partner or he or she may not agree with you but it's really more about the process the negotiating and the collaborating more than the final decision now of course in this part of the exam you depend a little on your your partner you may have a partner who is very shy or very nervous um and doesn't speak much or on the other hand you may have a very dominating partner who speaks too much and doesn't give you a chance um now the first thing to say about that is that the examiners are prepared for this they they know how to look out for this type of problem with your partner but a big recommendation i i give is that you should try to take control of the conversation without fighting because if your partner has seen this video he or she will also try to take control but obviously don't fight but i would it's better if you can be the first person to speak so you may say something like shall i start or let's talk about this first and then you have control so then you start speaking and then you can ask for the opinion of your partner i mean if you do get a very talkative partner you may need to interrupt and i'll give you some vocabulary for that in a moment but let's start by looking at some vocabulary for giving your opinion so of course you can simply say in my opinion you can say i believe i think or i don't believe i don't think and i would say a little bit more advanced you could say the way i see it etc so because you're going to be giving a lot of opinions i would learn two or three of these expressions maybe some others if you have some other ideas but don't always repeat the same sentence or expression because the examiners will be looking for a range of vocabulary remember you will also need to know how to ask your partner's opinion so here is some vocabulary for that you can say how about you or simply what do you think or more advanced where do you stand on this or would you agree so again you may need to learn three or four of these expressions just so you have a range to to really demonstrate your your your vocabulary sometimes in the discussion you're going to need to agree with your partner probably not necessarily but probably so some vocabulary for that simply yes absolutely but i couldn't agree more it's quite emphatic a more colloquial expression and quite advanced is you could say you nailed it there you nailed it there you're absolutely correct there that's 100 correct and you can say i agree 100 again quite emphatic and of course sometimes you may have to disagree in fact i would recommend you disagree sometimes don't just say yes i agree fantastic yes that's right it creates a better discussion if you disagree sometimes so some good vocabulary for that is i beg to differ i'm afraid i can't agree with you there more diplomatically you could say i take your point but or good point but so then you're not you're being a little bit less direct you're accepting they they said something interesting and valid but you don't agree with it now as i said you may be unlucky and get a very talkative partner who may dominate the discussion so you need to know how to interrupt you need to be quite assertive so some vocabulary for interrupting could be sorry can i jump in there can i add something sorry to interrupt or perhaps a little more direct is hold on a second so yeah you have to be quite assertive if if your partner is just not giving you time to speak because it's your opportunity to it's your time it's your exam and you need to to find an opportunity to demonstrate your level to the examiners and finally some vocabulary for concluding for when you you're ready to take a decision or maybe not take a decision okay so i think we're in agreement that so in conclusion we think or if you can't agree you can say quite a nice expression to to say that is to say i think we're going to have to agree to disagree so that's a nice way just to accept that you're not going to agree to anything you're not going to come to some kind of conclusion together and that's fine it's not a problem as i said earlier so a few extra tips i want to give you now to to really get the highest score possible in this part of the exam one is try to practice active listening so what do i mean by active listening well when your partner is speaking obviously you'll be thinking about what to say yourself but your body language um should be showing that you are listening to your partner you're not just looking forward or looking at the the diagram try to make some kind of contact eye contact with your partner turn your body to show that you're actively listening to him or her that you're paying attention to what they're saying nod which is this action or shake your head which is this action depending on what your partner is saying just to show that you are really listening and pay attention and smile when necessary these little things just demonstrate to the examiners that you you are confident and that you are really engaged in a in a discussion it's not just for the exam you're performing an act for the the examiners but also try to relax and enjoy it as much as possible i know that sounds very very difficult to do when you have so many things to think about and it's a stressful situation you will probably be nervous but what the examiners want to see especially in the cambridge advanced is a natural and fluent discussion and the best way to do that is to prepare very well as i've explained in a previous video practice this part of the test with a partner as much as possible if you don't have a partner then just practice it in front of a mirror or however you can but it gets easier the more you practice it really especially with the times you have a limited time for each part of the exam so the more you practice the better okay if you have any more questions or any more tips that you would like to share please put them in the comments because we can all help each other in this and check out my other videos now i have a lot of videos on the cambridge english exams and subscribe so you don't miss any future videos okay thank you for joining me and i'll see you very soon [Music] [Applause] bye
Channel: To The Point English with Ben.
Views: 4,586
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Keywords: cae exam tips, cae exam tips speaking, fce exam tips, fce exam tips speaking, cae exam speaking part 3 tips, fce exam speaking part 3 tips, b2 first exam tips, c1 advanced cambridge, c1 advance exam tips, c1 advanced speaking part 3, c1 advanced speaking 'part 3 tips, b2 first speaking part 3 tips, how to pass the cambridge englsih exam, how to pass cae exam, how to pass cae, how to pass fce exam, how to pass fce, how to do cae, how to do cae exam, how to do fce exam, cae
Id: kE-v96UezVg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 52sec (652 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 21 2021
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