First Wash in 20 Years Lamborghini Countach Most Disgusting Super Car Disaster Detail

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[Music] [Music] oh yeah [Music] mice don't have control of their sphincter as weird as that sounds [Music] few weeks ago i got a call from my longtime friend vinnie russo from we are curated in miami now these guys are the best of the best when it comes to finding restoring and selling vintage super cars they found a lost countach in connecticut so they gave me a call to help with the restoration plus i've known vinnie from the smoking tire podcast and a bunch of videos we've done together in the past so i knew this weekend was gonna be a blast are you excited jenny absolutely excited with all my inspection gear lights paint depth gauge portable tire pump cameras and so on getting packed up vinnie and albert arrived from florida and we jumped in the car and headed upstate we're going to go see this car yay thousand dollar porsche [Music] once we arrived at the meeting spot tony the owner of the car showed us all his files and all the pictures that he had of the car from the day that he bought it you can really see that he loved the lamborghini and he put a lot of time and effort into keeping the files in good shape as you can imagine these records are super valuable to establish and to verify the providence in the vintage supercar world so that is really helpful to the guys at the curated from there we followed him back to his garage to see the sleeping countach [Music] oh hell yeah oh my god amazing oh you wanted a barn find there you go you certainly found one wow once inside you could see that the engine cover and the wing weren't on the car and clearly it hasn't been moved in a very long time the layer of dust and mice poo was thick but i did want to understand a little bit more about the story behind this particular car so we have a 1985 lamborghini kuntak i purchased it in 1988 and drove it from ohio to connecticut we drove it 15 hours straight through how do you explain to yourself why did i get a lamborghini talk first night i took it out on the boston post road caused an accident okay people stopped in the road because i was at a gas station getting gas car got rear-ended right why because he stopped in the middle of the road to see the car two fuel tanks i remember being quite quite funny because we're passing the gas hose through the car to get the other tank you would think is that is that mouse or chipmunk who knows who knows but it's a nut-eating creature that's for sure on the table in front of the lamborghini were bags and bags of original lamborghini spare parts he intended to use those when he was rebuilding it but never got around to it including the super rare and iconic wing as part of the purchase all the spare parts would go along with the car down to curated after the cleanup which is definitely needed as you can see in the trunk as he removed those old towels lots of creatures and critters made their home in this very exotic car i can't grow grass on a lawn but i can grow it in a trunk of a lamborghini to get her moved tony lifted the car and then took out the old wheel skates from underneath the original pirelli p7s next he filled the tires which at the time he said only had 6 000 miles on them to see if they could actually hold some air so that we could roll it out instead of drag it out inside you can actually see the original keys in the ignition from 20 years ago while all that was going on and we were waiting for my guy devin brendell from brendel's towing to show up i started snooping around the garage for interesting automotive and transportation signs and just off the cuff he randomly mentioned oh yeah by the way i actually have another car locked up in the barn in the backyard [Music] it's a 1953 mgt type that i had to see for myself he mentioned this was his father's car and judging by how well organized all the workshop tools were on the wall and they had been left for years i bet this guy was a pretty cool car guy so i'll be restoring the mg later on this year back at the garage we moved the heavy forklift and then cleaned out a bunch of weeds while vinnie carefully packed up all the spare parts and containers for transportation down to miami with the lift bed down and a very confused dog not too sure what's going on and why his car is being moved devon set up the tow ropes to pull her out and to pull her up on the bed while tony hopped inside for his very last ride [Music] i was a lot younger when i used to drive this now with the lambo secure on the truck and all the spare parts stacked in the rental we thanked tony and wished him well and headed back to the studio to tuck her in for the night two hours later as night fell we rolled her off into the studio and under the lights so i can get a better look at the years of grime embedded in every crease and crevice along with a ton of mouse poo in the trunk all over the dashboard which was a new one for me spider webs everywhere and a total disaster in the glove box make sure you check out what i pulled out of there later on in the episode but otherwise the interior was dirty but salvageable just needed a thorough detail before a mechanic can be let loose inside now check this out i use a really small camera to get into the frame so i can see if there's tons of mouse poo or acorns found along what i'd like to refer to as the mouse highway to get into the car aka the frame and sure enough there was same thing in the engine compartment and a ton of remnants of food and urine on top of the manifold so we did need to disinfect this before we hand it off to curate it bright and early the next morning vinnie found the lift points on the car which is easier said than done by the way and we started to foam boost and brute power wash with the foamer just to let the chemicals do their work before we ever touch the car vinnie also suggested we place the engine cover and the wing on just for now to minimize soaking the interior parts more on this later next we broke the wheels loose remove them put them to the side before power washing 20 years of dust and dirt on arguably one of the most sexy cars ever produced in joy [Music] just like any old car when you're power washing be sure to keep an eye on all the seals over this much time it's common for them to dry out and leak this is why sometimes i avoid the pressure and just use frothy instead but the lambo only had one small leak which is probably due to just being inside all these years if it was left outside all these years with drastic temperature fluctuations it's very likely it's just going to leak like a sieve [Music] next i foam the paint and allowed it to soak and boost and foam and is there anything sexier than a soapy red countach it was a complete privilege to work on and even to be in the same room as one has this weird aura around it's just an unbelievably stunning car to see in person it was the first one in the studio and it was super cool [Music] after the paint and emblems were agitated i focused on the wheel wells with ammo plum and my large undercarriage brush to cover larger areas and the exhaust pipes with a smaller brush and a wash mitt before drying with a microfiber towel and compressed air to flush out the trapped water next i typically measure the paint to get a feel for what's left over the metal and what i can work with now in most cases having a consistent read from one panel to the next indicates that the car is original but what's super interesting is on cars like the countach inconsistencies or fluctuations in the paint within reason is what indicates it's actually original most of these were hand painted in barns and garages back then so human inconsistencies are to be expected here that's why we're trying our best to perform a preservation detail to keep it original and to maintain its market value anyhow we first tried a yellow pad and yellow polish and it looked much better but i wanted to see if we could get a little bit better cut with the mcguire's red foam pad and yellow polish which did the trick on this particular panel now much like the huge detail we did on matt ferris countach a few years ago each panel seems to have a mind of its own as the techniques and the results will vary from one to the next again likely a result of hand painting at the time all right guys i'm behind the camera right now this is the section that i just did and it looks pretty good now take a deep look at the light that's up there that big square or rectangle rather i just used a yellow rupes pad with yellow polish obviously it's single stage paint came off looks much better we exfoliated the paint it looks good here's what it looked like before good now on this side dan tried something else we used the red maguire's foam pad the same pad that we used on freedom one you can see right here here's the before here's the after there's much more clarity and more depth look at that rectangle again zoom in as much as i close i can get there look at that much more clarity than this one you see that's a little hazy a little foggy a little fuzzy however you want to describe it versus this one there perfectly clear and the paint is still intact so we're going to use that method on the rest of the car next we repeated the same steps on the rest of the car and adjusted course with more or less pressure liquid or passes to see which tweak might work for that specific panel here you can clearly see the 5050 shows considerable depth and clarity versus the original paint if you're a super nerd and want to get into the nitty-gritty i have a full-length video of detailing matt farah's countach with an in-depth tutorial from kevin brown about the nuances associated with these types of paints and paint correction techniques [Music] the next day with the paint looking much better i removed the wing in the engine cover to start the journey of rodent removal so the boys at curated don't get bit in the restoration process [Music] for the engine i clearly don't want to power wash it so i used frothy to loosen up the grime so i could just scoop it up later with a towel and vinnie told me that they were actually going to pull the engine out either way so my goal is just to make life a little bit less hazardous now check this out i'm pretty excited behind the scenes for the past two years or so i've been working on this patent-pending flow through wheel woolly with the team at braun brush now this basically is a hollowed-out wheel woolly that connects to the aerator when you push the blue trigger frothy travels down the hose and into the woolly and out the end so that you're always working with fresh product and you're flushing out all that dirty or scrubbed grime off the surface when you're working at the same time so it's just carrying away all the junk it's absolutely amazing originally it was designed for cleaning wheels and inner barrels with or without water in the frothy hoseless kit but i'm using it here to sort of just test it out i'll have more info in the description it has been a ridiculously long journey getting from this idea all the way to manufacturing but it is an amazing tool and i'm super proud of it i'll have more info on my website next was the trunk covered in seeds and mouse poo and there was just a lot of both of it so step one is just to remove the carpets and sort of check the sound deadening material but it was actually soaked in urine and falling apart as i was vacuuming so it just wasn't worth it so vinnie asked if i could strip everything down to the fiberglass where possible after unscrewing and lifting the rear cover off behind it was a massive mouse nest it was soaked in urine and poo indicating that the rodents left their home pretty recently my guess is probably when we were doing about 80 miles an hour on the way from his house to the studio but whatever at this point i just started pulling everything out and throwing it away before vacuuming the remaining junk take a look at the rear fiberglass piece after i removed the disgusting fabric this is what makes this car so special at least to me you can clearly see every little part of this was handmade just to fit right in the back side of this car it's really cool next i wanted to clean and sanitize from the bottom side as well because earlier when i was blowing with the air on the top of the engine i could see this little flow of urine being sprayed towards the bottom of the driver's side towards the back of the trunk it was super gross so it was time to use the degreaser and remove as much as i could to help the mechanics avoid a mouthful of pee as they drop the engine be careful what you shoot at in here some things don't react well to mulch [Music] look at look at come here check this out what i've never seen that before it's like a little wheel there it goes i bet you look at that i think that is the parking brake or the e-brake or something have you ever seen any i've never seen anything like that before and these are actually brembo as well if you've ever seen anything or can tell me the history of that please let me know because that is ridiculously cool i've never ever seen that underneath check it out i repeated the same steps on the fiberglass wheel wells the calipers and of course the suspension again all being removed repaired or even just replaced by curated in the next week or so afterwards i cleaned the telephone dial wheels with plumb and a wheel brush now these are the sexiest supercar wheels even still today can you imagine in the 80s it would be crazy to see this thing rolling down the street so i dried them and then put them back on the car okay for the next step i'm getting the steamer ready we're going to work on the interior of the car now there's something interesting that just popped up as if you look at the door over here this one doesn't function the other one works just fine but the hydraulics on this one don't work so you have to really kind of squat and i'm not even exaggerating a little bit this door is incredibly heavy why back here there's a bolt and it holds a steel beam that goes through so there's a piece of steel for dot regulation when it came over to the united states for side impact that sort of thing by default it makes this door incredibly heavy especially when it's not functioning right so if this comes down with this sharp point i don't even need to describe what's going to happen there's going to be major damage going on here now i've worked on a lot of cars that can get you really ill from all the mice poo and that kind of thing but never on ones that could potentially chop your arm off so i came up with a little bit of a plan here of using one of my camera mounts or one of my camera stands there's a piece of rubber so it's super soft i push this down it'll lock into place and i think it will stay so i think we're going to shoot some cameras in here some lights and i'm going to work from the other side because you can see inside here there's a bunch of mold so i'm going to do a little bit of gumby action because i don't feel comfortable laying across this because i want to go home tonight once inside with all my limbs intact you can see the acorns and the mouse poo again all over the dashboard which at this point isn't really a big surprise but what i do find in the glove box later will make you gag oh it's still wet dude with my mask and gloves on i first removed everything that can be removed safely from the interior take a quick look at this floor mat notice the lighter areas on the black carpet this is caused from the sun coming in through the side window of tony's garage and hitting only that area for 20 years likewise this is another reason that contributed to the let's say inconsistency in the paint finish and the techniques that we needed when polishing the paint so sun fade is real this is just a perfect example of why car skin and our skin needs uv protection step one is a preliminary vacuum underneath the seat while i was vacuuming i found a matchbook from a strip club which will only foreshadow what we're going to find in the glove box once all the heavy particulates were vacuumed up i sprayed digest enzyme cleaner to eliminate the organic matter and the smells associated with fecal matter and of course urine yeah i like the smell digest inside i first cleaned the mold with lather in a small brush i did the same thing on the triumph tr6 barn find video a few weeks ago in the trunk then i used steam to speed up the cleaning process and repeated the same steps on the rest of the interior i'm gonna check this out now see this as i'm cleaning here because this is the highway where they all went you see the poop watch when i hit this with the brush can you see that see how it's turning brown that's when you know it's covered and pee and poop so this is where we need to be careful now at this point as well this brush as far as i'm concerned is done i have to go clean it so it's one of the big things that people forget when you're cleaning these things you have to clean the tools that you're cleaning so we're going to put that out there i'm going to scoop this up change towels but you are working with biologicals right now look at all the poo it literally has changed the color can you see that when the job is laden with bacteria like this one here a healthy cleaning of your cleaning tools is smart to avoid spreading germs to new locations that may not be as dirty as the previous spot you just scrubbed on the leather attached to the firewall look at the perfect example of a mouse highway you can really see how they walk along the edge and step in their own fecal matter for years and years you can actually see footprints and the cleaner turning brown after it's agitated this is the silent issue that needs to be addressed first when you locate a barn find that's why i'm so thrilled to do this now before curated works on getting her up and running you first disinfect then safely rebuild it afterwards i cleaned out the ashtray and focused on the remaining leather bits and components with lather and a brush however when i opened the glove box oh my gosh here's what's inside a shot glass cubist jack cd you know everyone's favorite band carb cleaner because who doesn't have carb cleaner in their glove box old-school marlboro cigarette box and the creme de la creme jordas jeans soaked in mouse urine oh it's still wet dude oh that is next level disgusting as i remove the primary nest and put it immediately into a plastic bag i inspected the back of the glove box to find the entrance hole at the top right side which explains the droppings and all the trails along the passenger side door which to someone like me is pretty cool then i vacuumed up all the waste in the glove box and repeated the same steps again on the interior but this time i added a little bit more steam where possible to remove the last of the fecal trails finally i bagged up the horrifying jordash jeans and steam vac the carpets and small remaining areas of the carpet inside the cabin when i was done it looked a thousand times better but more importantly it's much safer for john and the boys to disassemble and to work on the car later as we rounded third dan and i reinstalled the rear covers clean the glass with obey and a squeegee you gotta love those side windows and of course the longest front windshield ever that cost seven thousand dollars to replace if you can source one at all so no pressure there afterwards we added mud to the tires due to the sun damage that we talked about on the inside of the car on the outside of the car the same thing happened all the trim pieces were faded and dried out so i needed a stronger formula that i've been playing with for a while that's applied with a little towelette called frame pro it will restore faded plastic trim for one to two years based on how well it's prepped and of course how it's applied lighter and level strokes are key to this application process but again i'll have a full how-to video on the studio channel but just take a look at the before and after and it's permanent before the car gets picked up i sprayed a quick coat of reflex pro top coat because the paint may get resprayed in some areas so applying a full coating doesn't make a whole lot of sense at this stage in the process i just wanted some protection for its trip down to miami when all was said and done the countach looked absolutely amazing and the before and after was huge later on that night i had my buddy mike from machines with souls photographed the car inside the studio using some of his crazy light gels to get this wild effect it was pretty sick to see how you can do that to your car read his latest article at machines with the next morning the lambo was picked up by devon again and once it was outside in the cold and the ice the reflections of the paint really made me appreciate just how beautiful this car is now that i can't even imagine how this spaceship must have looked back in the 80s and to have this skinny dude like tony hopping out with those jordas jeans and aviators on must have been quite the scene back then anyways to keep up with the future restoration of this lambo be sure to visit we are curated dot com for this and dozens of other vintage supercar rebuilds [Music] as always thanks for watching and be sure to subscribe and click the notification bell to be notified when my next forgotten car is brought back to life like this old fiat left in a dilapidated garage in new jersey that thing was a hot mess more on that soon and remember to sign up for the detailing simulator video game coming out in a few weeks see the description for more info thanks again and see you guys next time [Music] you
Channel: AMMO NYC
Views: 7,233,306
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Car detailing, Detailing, AMMO NYC, car cleaning, how to polish, how to clean, complete disaster, first wash in 44 years, ammo detailing products, first wash in 20 years, first wash, first wash in years, dirtiest car detail, first wash in, dirtiest car ever, interior car cleaning, barn finders, Larry Kosilla, barn find, lamborghini countach, lamborghini countach 2022, most disgusting car ever, most disgusting car detail, car detailing satisfying, biohazard car cleaning
Id: D8V2_hoQcy8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 47sec (1427 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 04 2022
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